Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 829: Killing Demons (7)

Three hundred Buddhas formed a formation, and the formation was not subtle. Just like Yu Cang Lang's Nine Tribes Extermination Formation outside Desert Wind City, it was an overbearing, rough, and unreasonable forcible superposition. Using the simplest Buddhist Little Diamond Formation as a basis, plus some ingenious changes, the large formation approaching the Yu Tie Army is enough to increase the personal strength of the formation general by more than ten times!

The weakest of these generals in the formation has the cultivation level of the True Buddha of the Three Tribulations, and the most powerful general has the strength of the peak of the Nine Tribulations.

With the blessing of the formation, the strength of this general was suddenly raised to a hundred calamities away!

Put it on this side of the world, with the help of the power of the formation, one blow is enough to destroy everything!

But it’s not enough to destroy the Yu Tie Army!

Yu Tiejun's eyes widened and he smiled strangely. The nine demonic shadows flickered like illusions and crashed directly into the Buddha formation. Amid the sound of 'chichi', the golden light was bright, rapidly colliding with and melting away from the demonic flames erupted by the demonic shadow of the Yu Tie Army.

The formation shook violently, and all three hundred generals vomited blood.

The leading general's expression suddenly changed, and with a loud shout, a golden dragon whip in his hand rippled with dragon shadows all over the sky, and finally turned into a huge golden dragon pillar that towered over the sky, and smashed down on the head of a demonic shadow of the Yu Tie Army!

This blow was full of force for one hundred fifty or sixty calamities.

The force of this blow was so great that it even overwhelmed the general's arm, causing the muscles, bones, and flesh to continuously make harsh tearing sounds. If the power of the formation hadn't been forcibly wrapped around his arm and provided enough support, this blow would have completely destroyed his arm.

Yu Tiejun smiled.

The demonic figure he was attacked raised his right arm, and a blue-green lotus made of demonic flames burned blazingly, spitting out blazing demonic flames and magic light, and faced the golden pillar that fell at the head. There was a loud noise, the magic lotus remained motionless, and the giant pillar had been burned into two pieces.

The leader of the attack shook his body, and green blood spurted out from his seven orifices at the same time.

The plasma is thick, cold, and exudes a faint rotten smell, like the rotten flesh paste flowing out of the body of a thousand-year-old zombie, which is extremely disgusting. He just interacted with Yu Tie's army, and his body was irreversibly damaged!

Yu Tiejun chuckled, and he grabbed the general whose face turned tragic. He didn't allow the other party to dodge, and grabbed the other person's neck. He tilted his head, his eyes blazing with fire, staring at the other person's face. Motivated by magic, he followed the general's aura and began to pursue the aura he wanted.

Got it!

Counting down, this Lord's thirty-second generation grandson will be married to the thirty-first generation granddaughter of a great lord of the Hao Kingdom. And the biological mother of the great lord's thirty-first granddaughter actually happens to be the direct bloodline of Yucanlang!

Found it! Yu Tiejun smiled strangely.

He snapped his fingers, and a human-shaped hole appeared in front of him. The thirty-second-generation grandson of the general and the three children born from the marriage of the thirty-first-generation granddaughter of the great lord of Hao Kingdom simultaneously screamed in surprise. , flying out of the human-shaped hole.

Come here! Yu Tiejun hissed wildly. These three children were obviously arrogant and licentious masters. They were detained by Yu Tiejun with magic in broad daylight. All three of them, male and female, were actually naked. Not a single thread of yarn was worn, which showed that they had been tossing something before.

It's mine! Yu Tiejun snapped his fingers again, and the three of them exploded into a mist of blood, which he swallowed in one gulp.

Lu Qian's eyes flashed with Buddha light. He looked at the imprisoned general, then at the Yu Tie Army, and nodded gently - after the Yu Tie Army devoured the three men and women, he passed through the three men's bodies. The bloodline has some kind of connection with that general!

Originally, there was no causal connection between the Yu Tie Army and this general.

However, due to the intermarriage between their children and their in-laws, these three men and women had the blood of Yu Cang Lang and were involved with the Yu Tie Army. The Yu Tie Army devoured them, and after gaining the power of their blood, they had an unbreakable bond with the general and the family behind him!

Lu Qian didn't say anything. He looked at Yu Tiejun quietly.

Whether it is this general or the three men and women, under Lu Qian's eyes, there is a thick cloud of blood above their head, and the whole body is full of injustice. They are not good and good people... Therefore, they can die, Lu Qian doesn't care!

The nine demonic figures of the Yu Tie Army turned back at the same time and glanced at Lu Qian.

Seeing Lu Qian's attitude of not having anything to do with him, Yu Tiejun laughed wildly: Okay, okay, okay, he is indeed a good monk who keeps his promise.

He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and saw dozens of large and small human-shaped holes appearing around him. The family behind the general he caught in his hand, hundreds of thousands of people, regardless of age or sex, At the same time, they flew out of the human-shaped hole.

Lu Qian's eyes flickered and he quickly scanned these people.

Basically, there are no good people.

Die, just die?

He simply folded his hands in front of his chest and said calmly: Yucanglang has run away, why don't you hurry up and chase after him?

Yu Tiejun chuckled: Why are you in a hurry? No hurry, no hurry... No matter where he runs... can he still run out of this world?

Lu Qian shrugged his shoulders and remained silent.

Yu Tiejun took another deep look at Lu Qian, then shouted loudly, and hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children simultaneously exploded amidst the pitiful howls of the general. The blood mist burned all over the sky, and Yu Tiejun opened his big mouth and took a hearty breath, sucking all the blood mist into his body.

The aura soared, and the cultivation level skyrocketed.

Yu Tiejun was trembling all over, and he hissed: It's so happy, it's so happy, it's really so happy... Ha, ha, ha!

He crushed the general's body in his hand and smiled at the two hundred and ninety-nine generals who had been attacking him in vain: You guys are so interesting!

In the flickering of the demonic shadow, the Yu Tie army shuttled easily through the formation as if they were strolling around. They waved their hands like magic weapons, easily piercing through the heavy armor and bodies of these generals in the formation, picking off their bodies like picking mushrooms. Life is easy to pick.

Well, you are all married... This is a good habit, what a good habit! Yu Tiejun laughed.

Among the people who had just been devoured, because of their marriages, they were all related by blood and cause and effect to the generals in the formation. The Yu Tie Army happily blasted these generals and swallowed them clean one by one!

The magic flames illuminate thousands of miles, and the magic clouds cover the sky.

Yu Tiejun took a deep breath, glanced at the chaotic military city below, chuckled, and continued to turn into magic light and chase after Yu Canglang, who had already run away.

In this way, chasing and escaping all the way, Yu Canglang led the way, Yu Tie's army followed closely behind, and Lu Qian followed them unhurriedly. It took nearly ten days, and they finally came from the eastern border of the Shenyin Dynasty. Arriving outside Shenghao Capital City.

Along the way, the Yutie Army killed no one knows how many garrison troops and generals of the Shenyin Dynasty. The news that Yu Canglang was being chased by a terrifying monster had long been conveyed to Shenghao Capital through the emergency channel of the Shenyin Dynasty. Therefore, when they arrived, hundreds of millions of elite soldiers had gathered above Sheng Haojing, and more than 100,000 floating giant ships formed a huge military formation.

Wearing heavy armor, Yu Diaihu stood steadily on the east gate wall of Shenghao Capital. Behind him stood a large number of loyal ministers, good generals and dignitaries of the Shenyin Dynasty.

Yu Canglang dodged and rushed to the city wall. He fell heavily with a 'dong' sound. He gasped and clasped his fists solemnly towards Yu Diaihu: Your Majesty, I... I have embarrassed your Majesty.

Lowering his head, with a strange light shining in his eyes, Yu Canglang hissed: This monster has slaughtered all my family members, young and old. Now, in the Tanlang lineage, only I have been spared. All my descendants have been devoured by this monster... …Please ask Your Majesty to make the decision for me!”

Yu Dianhu squinted his eyes and looked at the Yu Tie army outside the city that suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The nine demonic shadows of the Yu Tie Army were suspended in the air, and their bodies were still twisting and twitching strangely. His nine faces changed into strange expressions, and he looked at Yu Tie Hu with a half-smiling, half-crying look: This is Your Majesty. Right? Oh, that throne under your butt, is it comfortable to sit on?

Yu Diaihu ignored Yu Canglang.

He looked at Yu Tiejun and smiled with interest: You want to sit in my seat?

Yu Tiejun waved his hands hurriedly: No, no, no, I have no interest in the so-called imperial power and wealth... I just want to kill you and everyone related to you, that's all!

Yu Diaihu asked with a smile: Why? Do we have a grudge?

A confused look flashed in Yu Tiejun's eyes, and then, an evil, sinister and inexplicable light lit up, and he said faintly: Have any grudges? No, how could it be? We have no grudges or grudges... But, You just deserve to die...God has destined you to die, it's that simple...Hehe, it's that simple!

Yu Tiejun seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, twitching violently like a madman and laughing hysterically. His nine-striped demonic shadow laughed forward and backward, and even its body twisted and bounced like a twist. Its weird shape and terrifying scene were beyond the imagination and description of ordinary people.

Yu Diaihu snorted coldly and glanced at Lu Qian who was following closely behind Yu Tiejun.

Lu Qian used the Buddha's light to block his facial features again, and a faint golden glow dazzled him. No matter how hard Yu Diaihu tried, he could not see through his masked golden light, and couldn't clearly see what he looked like.

Especially as his cultivation has soared, Lu Qian's height has returned to his 'normal figure'. Today, he is 'only about one foot' tall, which is completely different from the three-foot tall figure he used to have back then. Therefore, Yu Diaihu never dreamed that the person covered by this golden cloud was actually the one he had been most worried about in these years.

It was this masked golden cloud that made Yu Dihu frown: There are some tricks... But he hides his head and shrinks his tail, which shows that he is not a serious person... I have always used to clear the place before doing serious things. !”

Yu Diaihu looked at Lu Qian and said calmly: I am a cautious person, and I will never give anyone the opportunity to 'take advantage of the fisherman'. Especially, you are still a damn monk...

He pointed at Lu Qian casually.

Behind him, a handsome young man nearly three feet tall, wearing a suit of platinum, dazzling white tiger heavy armor, and holding a tiger-head golden gun, immediately grabbed out and laughed wildly: Father, just a moment Later, I will clean up this damn bald guy first.

The young man rushed out and walked a hundred miles in one step. When he arrived in front of Lu Qian, he couldn't help but shoot out a low and high-pitched whistling sound. The cold light was so sharp and unbearable that it pierced Lu Qian's Adam's apple.

Lu Qian clasped his hands together and stood motionless in mid-air.

The rabbit that had been huddled behind Lu Qian suddenly jumped out. His hair suddenly sprouted all over his body. He roared with an evil look, and brought out a silver light from his right paw to shoot the steel gun.

There was a loud choking sound, and the point steel gun stabbed hard on the rabbit's paw.

The tiger-headed steel spear, which had been tempered for thousands of times and placed in the Liangyi Heaven, and was enough to be called a top-grade Buddha's treasure, exploded like tofu dregs. The densely packed prohibitions and formations in the spear exploded, and countless balls of fire splashed out. , as if a huge firework had been set off, its flames and smoke exploding as far as hundreds of miles away.

The rabbit's unparalleled claw struck hard on the young man's thick tiger-head breast shield.

The young man's extremely thick, heavy, and extremely defensive white tiger heavy armor was like water tofu cut by countless blades. It cracked silently. The rabbit's claws lightly pressed on his chest, and blood and flesh suddenly flew everywhere. , like a knife wheel spinning rapidly, all the flesh on the young man's chest was shaved clean, revealing the pale golden and translucent bones that looked like glass crystal.

The young man howled in pain, turned around and fled in embarrassment.

Rabbit, hold on!

This young man is very similar to Yu Dianhu, and his name just now is enough to prove that he is Yu Dianhu's biological son!

Back then, whether in the Holy Sky Capital, Yuan Ling Tian, ​​or Liang Yi Tian, ​​the divine generals like Yu Diaihu had a good relationship with the five uncles like Tu Su.

In other words, Yu Diaihu and the others perfectly fulfilled the duties of a 'shit shovel officer' towards Tu Xi.

Feeding, combing, and taking care of various daily chores...

The rabbit is smart. It can even be said that among the five uncles, he has the highest IQ and the shrewdest one... Therefore, he just taught this eager young man a lesson and did not tear him apart with a claw. .

The young man was running away in panic, and drops of golden blood continued to fall along the way. Every drop of blood was as heavy as a mountain, causing the ground to shake violently. Every drop of blood opened a large pit on the ground that was a hundred feet in diameter and more than ten miles deep.

When the blood fell to the ground, it turned into a thick spiritual aura and spread.

As a result, a large number of vegetation grew wildly near these big pits, and even many medicinal materials such as Ganoderma lucidum and Polygonum multiflorum sprouted out of thin air. Like an illusion, they grew into the size of a small house!

But Yu Dihu, who was smiling relaxedly on the city wall, suddenly saw a rabbit with its long hair exploding and a figure like a ball. He shuddered, took a few steps back in fear, and pushed several loyal ministers behind him. The good general was hit with broken bones and tendons, and he vomited blood.

Just to show that you can do it? Lu Qian reached out and tapped the rabbit's head lightly.

He had just blocked his face, but as soon as the rabbit took action, the fish recognized him. No matter how secretive it is, there is no point in it. He dissipated the golden light that covered his face, revealed his true face, and smiled lightly at Yu Dianhu on the city wall: Some days have disappeared, Yu Dianhu... Well, where I am, only a few years have passed... I just don’t know, how many years have passed here?”

Yu Diaihu's eyes widened, and the expression on his face was extremely strange.

Shocking, frightening, inexplicable regret, and at the same time a deep sense of confusion.

How many years have passed?

Uh...how should I answer this question?

How many years have passed since the thirty-six Shenwu generals and the Tiger Master of Baihu Hall parted ways in this world due to different ideas and established their own foundations?

It’s been a long, long time, so long that I have no idea of ​​‘time’ at all.

He couldn't even remember Lu Qian's appearance.

In fact, Lu Qian's impression in his heart was not as profound as that of Tu Xi.

He recognized the uncle Tu Xi at a glance. On the contrary, after Lu Qian's masked golden light dissipated, he looked at Lu Qian several times and finally recognized the 'master' of that year!

Ha! Yu Diaihu pursed his lips vigorously.

His lips twitched slightly, and after about three or five breaths, he regained his composure. Then, the aura in his body surged, and a sense of self-confidence, arrogance and complacency that dominated me in the world and in the world emerged spontaneously.

He looked at Lu Qian reservedly and firmly, and smiled calmly: It's been many years, I don't know how many years exactly... I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are still the same... It's just that no matter how good we were back then, Isn’t it a bit unreasonable that you would seriously injure my son during our friendship?”

Lu Chen blinked his eyes and looked at Yu Diaihu with a smile: He is the one who wants to kill me!

Yu Diaihu said calmly: Then, why can't you be obedient and let him kill you? You are an elder, an elder... You are as familiar as a junior, it's really...

Lu Qian scratched the back of his head subconsciously: Although he wants to kill me, he is just a child. Is this the truth?

Yu Diaihu put his hand on the shoulder of the young man who fled back to him, and sighed heavily: Yes, he is just a child. He just turned a thousand years old this year. I just passed the funeral for him a few days ago. A thousand-year-old birthday...how could you do such a heavy hand to a child?

Thick Buddha's light surged, and the wisp of innate Gengjin sharp energy that the rabbit struck into the young man's chest was crushed and dispersed by the Buddha's light. A large amount of flesh and blood in the young man's chest was quickly regenerated, and it returned to its original state in an instant, without any trace left.

The young man knelt down in front of Yu Diaihu aggrievedly, and two lines of hot tears flowed down: Father, this child is incompetent!

Yu Diaihu gently stroked the young man's head and said in a deep voice: It's not that you are incompetent, but that someone is disrespectful and bullies a little kid like you... In other words, you are relying on your old age to bully a child. Is this really good? ?”

Lu Qian's face twitched.

Rabbit looked at Yu Dihu with a dull expression.

The green snakes slipped out of Lu Qian's sleeves and flew to the top of Lu Qian's head. They were coiled up like a ball of cow dung and stared blankly at the fish.

‘A thousand-year-old child’!

What a hell this is!

Lu Qian counted on his fingers for a long time. Well, even in the ancient city of Loulan, where the flow of time is extremely weird and weird, Lu Qian has walked through several places, has experienced some years, and has seen some weird things, but he is sure that he has so far The total number of years experienced is less than a thousand years!

A kid who is 'several times older' than he might be!

With countless beautiful and lovely alpacas running past in his heart, Lu Qian clasped his hands together and sighed softly: Well, although I am also very capable of sophistry and making up some nonsense, since we are all old acquaintances, this kind of talk I’m too lazy to use my skills.”

Well, you can solve the current trouble first and worry about our matters later! How about that?

Lu Qian smiled and said: After you know the origin of Mr. Yu Tiejun, you will definitely not be in the mood to take care of my business here.

Yu Diaihu frowned.

He looked at Lu Qian, and then at Yu Tiaojun, whose body was twisting and twitching, his whole body shimmering with magic light, and his whole body looking like a piece of moldy and rotten green moldy steamed buns, and he suddenly smiled.

He nodded and gave Lu Qian a deep and confident look: Okay, okay, very good... You're back, you're really back... Ah Hu and the others have a backbone, right? Okay. , good, good, very good... Just a burst of energy, and I will clean it up with you, this world, only Haiyanheqing, there will be no more wars and disputes.

He pointed at Lu Qian and said with a smile: Then... Jun... no... Lu... no... Monk Fahai, just stand aside and don't make trouble. Wait until I kill this daring monster Ling Chi Now that it’s broken into pieces, let’s settle our scores again.”

Lu Qian sighed: I don't want to call you Your Majesty... Master Lu doesn't want to call me either... Well, Monk Fahai, just Monk Fahai. After all, this is the name I gave myself.

Shaking his head, Lu Qian said a little dejectedly: People's hearts have changed, hey... In view of the friendship back then, let me tell you about this guy's origin. This guy is Yu Canglang's biological grandson, but , Yu Canglang was so ruthless that he used his descendants to sacrifice and practice the secret skills of demons, but in the end he created such a big demon but he couldn't defeat it.

Lu Qian shook his head and told everything he saw and heard in Desert Wind City. Then, he grabbed the rabbit and put it on his shoulders. He took three steps back, exiting every step. After traveling hundreds of miles, the battlefield was left open to Yu Diaihu and others.

In the process of taking three steps back, there are more than ten cities of various sizes and countless villages and towns within a radius of more than a thousand miles.

A large area of ​​warm Buddha's light fell, and the people in these towns, including the pigs, cattle, dogs, horses, chickens, ducks, geese, cats, etc. they raised, and even the big fish, shrimps, turtles and turtles in the fish ponds, were all put away by Lu Qian with the Buddha's light. , there is a small Buddha kingdom temporarily opened in the palm of your hand.

The eyes of Yu Diaihu and a group of dignitaries from the Shenyin Dynasty twitched at the same time. Many dignitaries in royal attire sneered: False benevolence and righteousness are indeed the actions of those bald thieves!

Yu Diaihu felt a little depressed for no reason. He turned around and slapped the Prime Minister who was the most powerful person beside him.

With a crisp sound, the unlucky Prime Minister was slapped until his face was sunken, and his big teeth were shattered.

Yu Diaihu turned around and said calmly: Is he someone you can criticize? Shut up, otherwise, all nine tribes will be killed!

After sneering a few times, Yu Diaihu looked at Yu Canglang, and then at the Yu Tiejun who was pretentious outside the city, and said coldly: Canglang, we have been brothers for many years... Can I Let me ask, why do you want to take risks and practice such dangerous... magic skills?

Yu Canglang coughed slightly and was about to answer.

Yu Tiejun had already laughed and shouted: Your Majesty, Yu Canglang has evil intentions. He wants to sacrifice the Nine Sons Ghost Father Xiaodu Lu Yuan Demon Secret. Once he succeeds, he will rely on this supreme Yuan Mo is planning to usurp the throne!

Yu Tiejun was so excited that his whole body was trembling: He has a disobedient heart. He wants to kill you, seize your throne, seize your women, seize everything from you... I have evidence, I have conclusive evidence. Ah... Concubine Yan, who was the most favored in your harem in the past few years, was the spy sent to the palace by Yu Cang Lang, hee hee!

Yu Canglang's expression suddenly changed, and he turned back sharply.

Yu Tiejun chuckled and said: Have you forgotten? I devoured all your descendants... all their experiences, all their memories, everything they know, I know... some of your shameful things There are many things, and your precious sons help you take care of them. Hehe!

The atmosphere on the city wall was a bit strange.

Yu Diaihu turned his head slightly and asked Yu Canglang softly: Canglang, is this monster telling the truth?

Yucanglang sighed softly and knelt down on the city wall with a 'thud': Your Majesty, we have been old brothers for many years. How can a monster separate you and my relationship for many years? The loyalty of my ministers can be revealed to the sun and the moon. !”

Yu Tiejun's face twisted, his mouth opened wide, and he laughed hoarsely: Ouch, what do you say? Why do I sow discord? What do I do to sow discord? I am a demon, the supreme demon, and I am here. , just to kill all of you and swallow everything you have...

Tao behavior, cultivation, magic power, essence and blood, fate, Qi... Everything about all of you, including your relatives, your ethnic group, your relatives and friends, your enemies and old friends... I will kill you, I will completely destroy you!”

I'm here for destruction and destruction!

I'm just here to kill you!

Let me put it bluntly here. I confess that I just want to kill all of you...so, why should I sow discord?

Yu Tiejun said such a long string of words.

Yu Diaihu frowned and looked at Yu Canglang... He sighed heavily: That makes sense, Canglang, he is a devil, he clearly wants us to die and sow discord. Nothing means anything to him!

Yucanglang raised his head: But, Your Majesty, stirring up dissension can weaken our strength!

Yu Diaihu laughed, and he smiled sarcastically: The problem is, you are alone, even if I kill you now, will it weaken your strength?

He flew up and kicked Yu Canglang on the shoulder, kicking him and rolling him backwards several times, making him very embarrassed.

Shaking his head, Yu Dianhu raised his fingers towards Yu Tiejun: Forget it, stop talking nonsense. Cang Lang is indeed thoughtful. He has some thoughts about my throne. I understand... It's not just him, Thirty Among the five old brothers, there are only two or three who really have no idea about the position under my butt.

However, come to think of it, they can't do it! Yu Diaihu shook his head and sighed: Even if Cang Lang succeeds in practicing the magic technique, you can't do anything to me!

Yu Diaihu glanced at Lu Qian and said with a pointed smile: My throne is very stable. No one in this world can threaten me in the slightest... not even Ahu!

Lu Qian smiled and said nothing.

Is this a demonstration?

Yu Canglang stood up, and just as he was about to say something, he suddenly let out a shrill scream.

His sleeves suddenly tore open, and wisps of dark green demonic flames spurted out from them. In an instant, the small Buddhist kingdom opened in his sleeves was burned clean, and countless pills, fairy crystals, and various Buddhist weapons were piled inside. etc., were all turned into a wisp of flying ashes in the demonic flames.

A crystal clear heart slowly flew out, and on the surface of the heart, a human face was faintly visible.

Yucanglang hissed and screamed, and the magic flames wrapped his arms, making a chichi sound and even dripping grease. That heart is the source of the magic flame. wisps of magic flame continue to spurt out from several apertures in the heart, just like roasting pig's trotters at a roadside barbecue stall, burning Yu Canglang's arms thinly and evenly. .

Yucanglang hissed and screamed, cursing angrily. Golden lights on his arms lit up to resist the erosion of the demonic flames.

But in that heart, there was a faint sound of Sanskrit singing, and the demonic flames became more and more intense, burning the golden light he emitted into a wisp of blue smoke. Soon, the demonic flames penetrated Yu Canglang's body along his arms, With a snap of his fingers, it spread throughout his internal organs, bone marrow and mind.

Yucanglang suddenly raised his head, and with all his seven orifices spraying out demonic flames, he murmured: I have been shrewd and careful all my life... until I die, I was still calculated!

Before Yu Diaihu could ask anything, he turned around suddenly and glanced at Lu Qian: Ha, I, that's right... a real man, that's what you should do, that's what you should do...

Gritting his teeth, Yu Canglang roared hysterically: I have done enough in this life!

The power is in my hands, the beauty of the country...I...enough...


Yu Canglang's body suddenly exploded, and his flesh was burned into nothingness. Only a thin piece of skin swayed a little in the dark green sticky and filthy magic flames, and exploded into thin green sparks all over the sky. Like countless fireflies, they were floating toward the powerful ministers of the Shenyin Dynasty in all directions.

These powerful ministers don't care about these tiny sparks.

What they practiced were all Buddhist techniques inherited from Yu Diaihu and others... Seeing these tiny sparks floating towards them, their bodies simultaneously lit up with dazzling Buddha light, turning into a thick beam of light to protect their whole bodies.

But these tiny sparks have extremely terrifying corrosive power.

The sparks fall on the Buddha's light. The Buddha's light, which is supposed to have a powerful effect in killing evil and subduing demons, has no resistance to these sparks with extremely strong evil and filthy aura. The sound of chichi was heard endlessly, and the sparks quickly corroded the Buddha's light, burning a huge hole at the fingertips.

There were hundreds of powerful ministers who were not careful, and the sparks burned through the Buddha's light that protected them and fell on their skin.

Their bodies were like delicate soap bubbles that exploded when lit by sparks. Large chunks of the body exploded into countless sparks. Each of these powerful ministers looked at the huge wounds that suddenly appeared on their bodies, and they all let out pitiful howls like slaughtering pigs.

Yu Diianhu's pupils suddenly narrowed.

Just then, a wisp of green figures floated out from among the countless sparks.

The crystal clear heart was embedded in the heart of this erratic figure. The figure, whose face was exactly the same as that of Yu Cang Lang, smiled extremely evilly at Yu Diai Hu: Hey, Jiuzigui My father, Xiaodu, has discovered the secret of Yuan Mo, and now he has reached the final step!

Chichi! The erratic and dim figure took a deep breath at the countless splashing sparks, and large sparks flew into his mouth. His body quickly became thicker and clearer, as if the burned bodies of those powerful ministers were all piled on top of him and turned into his flesh.

As the figure quickly became clear, nine demonic shadows from the Yu Tie Army behind them flew towards this side simultaneously.

One, two, three...

Nine demonic shadows merged into this figure one after another, and the billowing demonic energy rose into the sky. This figure became as thick and solid as a real body, but it was green in color, as if it were carved from the finest jade, and the whole body showed a gorgeous look. translucent state.

Inside his body, all the internal organs were filled with a mass of demonic flames. Only in his heart, that strange heart was beating violently at a terrifying frequency of thousands or tens of thousands of times at the snap of a finger.

As this strange heart beats at a high frequency, the space around this figure also vibrates.

The figure, who looked just like Yu Cang Lang, looked at Yu Diaihu with a smile: Do you know why I came here? It will be at this time before I can complete this supreme magic?

Yu Diaihu felt the terrifying and majestic demonic energy on this figure that made him feel suffocated, and said in a deep voice: Why?

The figure's smile became brighter and brighter, and the corners of his mouth were really pulled to the back of his head.

Because, only here can I call out other parts of my body!

The expressions of Yu Diaihu and the many powerful ministers present all changed.

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