Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 839 Disaster

The sky above the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom.

Lu Qian sat cross-legged under the sky, with more than 10,000 bright lights spreading out behind him, like an extremely gorgeous peacock tail feather blooming behind him. In the clear light there are mountains and rivers, Zen forests and temples, infinite holy places, and immeasurable majesty.

Large groups of strange gods and demons whose auras were above one calamity or below a hundred calamities were moving in and out of the bright light like a school of sardines. They used their great magic power and supernatural powers to directly move mountains and fill the sea. They directly moved the mountains, rivers and mountains of the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom, took them up to the sky, and brought countless people above them directly to the Holy Land Buddha Kingdom in the bright light. middle.

Countless people saw themselves rising into the sky with the ground below, flying towards the glorious and magnificent sacred Buddhist kingdom in the sky. Their piety and enthusiasm for Lu Qian suddenly soared by several orders of magnitude.

The endless power of faith surged forward. The quantity and quality were like a hundred thousand burning suns that had been extremely compressed and filled directly into Lu Qian's body, making him feel a little stuffed.

Lu Qian couldn't help but sigh that this line of Buddhism passed down by the old monk Hongchen was a bit unorthodox, but it was really useful.

Among the 'great wisdom' derived from the 'Liberation Method' taught by the old monk Hongchen, there is the old monk Hongchen who preaches in the heavens. After his teachings are accepted by countless living beings, he directly triggers world-destroying disasters in those heavens. Then when countless creatures were in danger of extinction, he suddenly appeared in the form of a savior.

Slay demons, save the common people, turn the tide, and restore peace and tranquility to the world.

As a result, countless creatures worshiped his faith, soaring directly to an incredible state, offering immeasurable faith power, directly helping the old monk Hongchen to rapidly improve his cultivation, and in a very short time, he had ordinary chaos. Hundreds of creatures and thousands of great tribulations may not be able to possess the unpredictable power!

At this moment, Lu Qian inadvertently embarked on this path.

Of course, Lu Qian can hold his head high and say that he is not as shameless as the old monk Hongchen - that old guy created the world-destroying disaster by himself, and then stepped forward to save the common people... What Lu Qian is facing now is the real world. The catastrophe of collapse had nothing to do with him, but was caused by the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada and the Nine Lotus Alliance.

In that compartment, the thirty-three-year cicada and the Nine Lotus Alliance were already fighting.

Thirty-three-year-old Cicada relied on his huge body, unpredictable power, and extremely strong talent. He was like a heavily armored battle fortress, suspended in the air, allowing hundreds of allies of the Nine Lotus Alliance to bombard him. Indiscriminate bombing.

All kinds of magical powers, all kinds of secret techniques, all kinds of weird spiritual treasures and secret weapons, like a heavy rain, are pouring crazily towards the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada. On the surface of the thirty-three-year-old cicada's body, layers of cicada shells with slightly different shapes and colors overlapped one after another, turning into a light beam with a diameter of a hundred thousand miles, protecting his body at the core.

The twelve long membrane wings turned into countless sharp crescent blade arcs, and they continued to cut down with a sad sound of cracking the air. On every blade arc, there are surging earth, water, fire and wind, there are Buddhist lights and fairy lights lingering, there are demonic and ghost energies rising, and there are all kinds of evil witchcraft and poisonous energies surging...

This thirty-three-year-old cicada has experienced countless catastrophes, reincarnated again and again, and narrowly escaped death. He also has experienced many wonderful life journeys and learned many weird magical powers. He knows many different avenues of inheritance.

His body is so huge and his power is incredible.

Every arc of the sword slashed down, causing those strange creatures of the Nine Lotus Alliance to cry like ghosts and howls like wolves. With a slight touch, either the body was blown back a million miles, or the body protection spell was blown to pieces, or various spiritual treasure secrets were revealed. The weapon was slashed, wounded, and flew out of the sky.

The powerful, strange earth, water, fire, wind and other magical attacks on the arc of the sword are even more powerful.

From time to time, members of the Nine Lotus Alliance roared and rushed back to the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, sitting cross-legged on the bow deck, hurriedly taking various elixirs to heal their wounds and save lives, and even chopped off a large piece of body tissue. , to isolate the constant erosion of certain evil energies and terrible poisonous gases.

At first glance, the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada did have the upper hand. The Nine Lotus Alliance, which had previously been aggressive and grand in appearance, appeared to be extremely mysterious, powerful and domineering, now seemed to be acting a bit too arrogant.

And as the two sides fought, the world was shaken. The sky continued to collapse, the earth continued to tear and dent, and the underground poisonous fire turned into giant volcanoes that roared and spewed out, with black and red fire pillars rushing straight into the sky. Tens of thousands of miles, millions of miles in the sky, mushroom clouds slowly bloomed in the extremely high sky.

The smoke clouds collided violently with the turbulent mana flow in the sky, causing countless dragon-like lightnings to streak through the void, almost tearing open the entire sky. Such a terrifying scene made the people of the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom, who were constantly entering the Red Dust Heaven to hide, become more and more frightened and pious... At the same time, it also caused a lot of trouble to the creatures of the Nine Lotus Alliance.

From time to time, several creatures from the Nine Lotus Alliance were hit by the electric dragon, causing electric sparks to explode all over their bodies. They were slightly twitching and their reaction speed was a little slower, and they were severely struck by hundreds of consecutive knife arcs. It directly broke their bones and tendons, and their bodies exploded, falling like meteors. They vomited blood and struggled back to the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat for temporary shelter.

Lu Qian looked at the chaotic battle group with a smile.

The Nine Lotus Alliance has not really exerted its strength yet, Lu Qian could tell - the thirty-six white-bone gods and demons of Monk Pudu have not moved yet. Around the thirty-six white-bone gods and demons, there are also some strange shapes gathered around them. Basically, There is no strange existence in human form. They gather together and don't know what they are doing.

This Bone Demon is the 'Yao Yinzi' that Monk Pudu used to lock the body of the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada through causal involvement. It is also the biggest pusher for Monk Pudu to attract the Nine Lotus Alliance to hunt the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada.

Lu Qian didn't believe that these bones of gods and demons could not move. They really took action seriously.

As for the Thirty-Three-Year-Old Cicada, so far, it has only relied on its huge body and tyrannical power to 'play'... Lu Qian could sense that the Thirty-Three-Year-Old Cicada was also brewing something, and he was not really desperate. the meaning of.

Therefore, Lu Qian was just watching.

As he had thought before, he wished that both groups would suffer losses.

The body of the thirty-three-year-old cicada was also recorded in the 'Liberation Method'. It was indeed a superb spiritual material for forging various defensive equipment. In the chaos, there were not many better materials than it.

And these strange creatures from the Nine Lotus Alliance...

Not to mention how valuable they are, it is said that the fortune-taking method of Our Lady of Yaohua comes from the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat. Lu Qian is very interested in knowing what the Nine Lotus Alliance is planning and what they want to do. .

Time passed little by little.

All the people of the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom, even the chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, etc. they raised, as well as the willows, bayberries, loquats, peaches, apricots, etc. in front and behind the house, all moved into the world of mortals and were protected by Lu Qian under.

Hongchentian was refined by the old monk Hongchen who spent countless great tribulation meetings. It has extremely strong defense and uses countless gods and demons that are a bit 'super-class' to Lu Qian as the hub of the formation. , and set up an extremely tyrannical prohibition formation.

Even if Lu Qian dies, the world of mortals will not be damaged at all.

After all these people, including Ahu and the others who were inexplicably excited, were stuffed into the mortal world, and the rabbits and green snakes were also stuffed in, Lu Qian breathed a sigh of relief and quietly occupied the void. Enjoying the battle between the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada and the Nine Lotus Alliance.

As many creatures from the Nine Lotus Alliance continued to attack, the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada had obviously expended a lot of energy.

His layers of light shields protecting his body were broken through layer by layer, and various attacks gradually fell on his body. Although his body is extremely large and extremely powerful, the principle that a drop of water can penetrate a stone is still useful at this moment. As countless attacks continued to fall, the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada gradually let out a cry of pain. Compared with its huge abdomen, its slightly delicate mouthparts kept spewing out chaotic-colored plasma like spring water.

Then, the thirty-six bones of gods and demons finally moved.

Monk Pudu's strange chanting sound resounded through the sky, and the strange creatures surrounding these bones of gods and demons used secret techniques to bless them. The size of these white-bone gods and demons began to expand rapidly. Under the urging of the secret spell and the blessing of the secret method, the white-bone gods and demons suddenly expanded to a height of thousands of miles, which was about the same size as the body of the thirty-three-year cicada at this moment.

In the hands of the White Bone God Demon, a strange-shaped white bone weapon condensed out, carrying the monstrous karma fire, and struck the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada fiercely.

There were loud noises one after another, and wisps of pale white bone Buddha flames filled with the air of death and emptiness followed the gaps in the thirty-three-year-old cicada's body and continued to drill into the depths of his body. On the body of the thirty-three-year-old cicada, patches of pale white spots kept appearing, with dark purple lines inside that beat rapidly and flashed, exuding a chill and evil energy that made people feel heart-stopping.

Thirty-three years ago, the cicada made a shrill howl, and the white-bone god demon obviously restrained him.

I don’t know what kind of fortune and fortune this monk Pudu has, but these bones of gods and demons of his have forced the thirty-three-year-old cicada into a miserable state. Where he was burned by the White Bone Buddha Flame, his physical defense was rapidly declining. With a light blow from the besieged Nine Lotus Alliance members, the carapace suddenly cracked open, revealing a large area of ​​crystal clear flesh and blood inside.

This continued for a long time, and the thirty-three-year-old cicada had been beaten all over, with large and small cracks everywhere, and the flesh and blood in the body kept spraying out like a fountain.

Monk Pudu's proud laughter could not be heard without stopping: Fellow Taoists, can this body of my junior brother still be able to enter your Dharma eyes? It has not been refined yet, and it can withstand our joint attack for such a long time... If it is integrated into One can imagine how much the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat can improve its defense power.

All members of the Nine Lotus Alliance praised him for his kindness, and their attacks became more fanatical and ruthless.

Thirty-three years ago, Cicada finally couldn't bear it anymore. He let out a mournful cry and hissed: In this case, what will happen to you? But it's not so easy... Fellow Taoist Fahai, this useless body of mine can still be All these cicada sloughs I left behind during my previous tribulations will be given to you!

Following his roar, there was a loud noise, and the thirty-three-year-old cicada's head exploded. A wisp of spirit flew into the sky and disappeared in a flash.

His huge body, as well as the cicada sloughs that were on the 23rd floor, shrank to a radius of thousands of miles, shining with a mysterious and strange light, flashing in front of Lu Qian, and fell straight into the world of mortals unfolding layer by layer behind him. .

These cicada sloughs and the body of the thirty-three-year-old cicada, as soon as they touch the world of mortals, melt themselves like mercury pouring down the earth, and merge with the heaven of mortals very smoothly.

Lu Qian could clearly feel that the main structure of Hongchentian had indeed strengthened.

His face suddenly darkened.

From all directions, those belonging to the Nine Lotus Alliance have quietly surrounded them.

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