Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 845: The ferocious Lord Buddha (2)


Clear void.

Here, space is void, time does not exist, all the laws of the great road are close to zero, and there is no spiritual mechanism of heaven and earth. Here, even a Buddha-level power cannot divine the secrets of heaven and deduce cause and effect. Its vastness is even more unfathomable. Even Buddha-level powers often get lost in it, and it takes them tens of thousands of years to struggle out.

A speck of dust drifts with the waves in the clear sky, spinning lightly.

Strange clear light filled the void, and in all directions, many identical dust particles were either suspended quietly or floating randomly. A lot of fine dust was sprayed from the destroyed mountains and rivers in the chaotic battle between Liang Yi Tian in the past few years. It floated to this height with the wind.

Looking down from the height where this speck of dust is located, the huge Liangyi Sky is only the size of a bathtub.

Liangyitian, which was once green and prosperous, is now covered in devastation, with mottled spots like hemp seeds that have just recovered from smallpox. Huge round pits are densely covered in Lianyitian, and ferocious cracks are tearing apart in a mess. In many places, there are 'ancient poisonous craters' created by great magic power, just like the abscesses on the human body have burst. The mouth was spitting out red magma and black smoke crazily, just like the poisonous blood and pus flowing out of the wound.

The sun weakly passed over Liangyi Tian.

In the place where the sun shines, you can see that there is a little bit of subtle light shining on the land of Liangyitian.

These places where light shines are important cities, and they are also important formations everywhere.

Taking Shiziling, the former Eastern Gate of Buddhism, as the boundary, there is Buddhism in the west and Taoist Gate in the east. Buddhism is headed by Kulian Bodhisattva...oh, now it is Lord Kulian Buddha, and Taoist Gate in the east is headed by the cunning girl of the Jiang clan of Suihuoyuan. For the sake of honor, both sides have united their forces and are engaged in an earth-shattering battle around Shizi Ridge.

Frontal battles, guerrilla attacks from the side, harassment and sneak attacks from behind...

Both sides had highly intelligent people making suggestions, and there were many Buddha and Taoist-level powerful commanders fighting against each other. All kinds of magical powers, secret techniques, formations and secret treasures emerged one after another. In just seven or eight years, the entire Liangyi Heaven was reduced to a mess.

The creatures in Liangyi Heaven suffered countless casualties.

In the end, the Buddhist and Taoist sects could only build huge cities one after another and turn the cities into formation eyes. They used these huge cities as tools to set up formations and set up a large formation that almost encompassed the entire Liangyi Heaven to conquer and fight against each other.

All the people in Liangyi Heaven are soldiers!

Those with great supernatural powers fight in the clear sky.

Ordinary true immortals fight thousands of miles in the sky.

Ordinary monks would strangle them in the low air.

Even ordinary mortals, ordinary warriors, etc., organized by those high-level monks, formed a large army, like a nest of crazy ants, fighting each other on the ground.

While alive, they kill.

After they died, their blood essence, bones, corpses, and souls were sacrificed by those evil monks and refined into various vicious curses, vicious magic weapons, and even one-time suicidal thunder beads, etc., and were quickly thrown into the battlefield. .

It has only been seven or eight years since Lu Qian and others left Liangyi Heaven. There is no one left in Liangyi Heaven!

Nowadays, it is only possible to see from a high altitude that there are still enough living beings lingering and struggling to survive in the giant city that shines a little bit.

The low sound of war drums resounded throughout the world.

Around Shiziling, within a radius of 100,000 miles, an earth-shattering battle broke out without warning.

Lord Kulian Buddha sat cross-legged on a plain white lotus platform, looking coldly at the cunning girl standing on the upper floor of a huge ship in the distance.

The whole body of the Buddha statue is bathed in golden light, the sound of Sanskrit chants is endless, and the immeasurable Buddha light is swayed. It is like a big mountain, crushing towards the large and small warships and armored monks coming like dark clouds in front.

The sky was filled with thunder and fire.

The sky is filled with sword light.

Countless spells collided with each other.

Countless magical powers suddenly exploded.

The bones and flesh of large groups of Buddhist cultivators were turned into mud, and large areas of soldiers were wiped out in ashes.

The sudden battle lasted for about an hour. After nine out of ten True Immortal-level monks from both sides were killed or wounded, Bodhisattva-level and True-Jun-level masters from both sides began to enter the battlefield.

Ten hours later, three or four out of ten of the Bodhisattva-level and True-King-level masters were killed or injured, and powerful Taoist and Buddha-level experts joined the battle.

After another three days and three nights, when dozens of Buddhas and Taoist masters were seriously injured and defeated, three sages and Buddha masters from both sides took action boldly.

The aura of terror filled the void.

Just from the qi machine, we can know that the total number of sages and Buddhas on both sides is nearly a hundred who are engaged in the battle or watching the battle from a distance. The total number of Buddhas and Taoists is more than 20,000, and the ordinary Bodhisattvas and true king-level masters are , the total number is at least millions!

In just seven or eight years, this inexplicable war between Buddhism and Taoism crazily consumed the source of heaven and earth in Liangyi Heaven, and consumed the destiny of this world.

But just like a flashback, Liangyitian's origins were damaged and his luck was damaged, and he also gave birth to a large number of masters!

Sages and Buddhas are everywhere.

Buddhas and Taoists are not as good as dogs.

As for Bodhisattvas and True Monarchs, the mighty ones who were once able to rule one side in Liangyi Heaven and call themselves the ancestors of Taoism are now like ants, becoming the main fighting force that can be seen everywhere. Sometimes, in order to compete for Even a slightly more beautiful famous mountain or river can have hundreds of great Bodhisattvas and true kings taking action.

Heaven and earth gave birth to powerful masters, and powerful masters continued to join the battle, which further depleted the origin and destiny of heaven and earth, so heaven and earth instinctively gave birth to more powerful masters again...

If this vicious cycle continues, God knows what will happen to Liangyitian!

Seeing that the sages and Buddhas from both sides were already fighting, one sage was accidentally hit in the face by a bloody relic spat out by the Buddha. His head was dented and his teeth were shattered. The cunning man who was watching the battle from behind The girl sneered, opened her mouth, and a fire containing the merits of the two gods and humans spurted out.

The faintly lustrous fire flickered in the wind and turned into a sea of ​​fire that filled the sky and rolled towards the Buddhist army.

On the Vairocana hat on the head of Lord Kulian Buddha sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, the statues of Buddha suddenly lit up with bright lights. The Lion Ridge behind her shook, and in all directions, the clear water of 29 large lakes with three rivers and seven rivers suddenly dried up.

In the void, a vast blue ocean emerged out of thin air, and the water light roared down from the sky, facing the overwhelming fire.

The loud sound of 'chichi' was heard endlessly, and the void tens of millions of miles around was enveloped in high-temperature water vapor.

The screams and screams could be heard endlessly.

The temperature of the water vapor evaporated from the flint fire is so terrifying. Even the Great Bodhisattva and the True Lord-level existence cannot withstand such high temperatures. If the white water vapor touches the body slightly, large areas of skin and flesh will fall off instantly, revealing the crystal bones. Even the internal organs were severely burned.

Both the Great Bodhisattva and the True Monarch are in such miserable condition. Naturally, there will be no remnants left of the ordinary creatures within tens of millions of miles.

When the two of them put away their magical powers, called for gold and retreated their troops, and stopped the sudden war, the originally beautiful mountains and rivers around Shiziling had turned into a barren desert. Viewed from a high altitude, the tens of millions of miles around are filled with blue-gray rocks or withered yellow gravel, and not even a hint of green can be seen.

There was a loud 'click'.

A dry Great Rift Valley appeared out of thin air on the southwest side of Shiziling. It was thousands of miles wide and millions of miles long. The Great Rift Valley slowly extended into the distance. The place it passed was shaken, and many big mountains were affected by this huge rift valley. Rift swallowed it in one gulp.

The Lord Kulian Buddha mobilized the power of the water veins to fight with the cunning girl. The water power of many water veins was drained out, and the water veins dried up, which directly caused the restlessness of the earth veins... Natural disasters such as ground cracking and subsidence are naturally endless.

In the clear sky, among the specks of dust drifting with the waves, Yinyuan frowned and stood in a large hall.

The warm Buddha light envelopes the entire world. This is a Buddhist kingdom refined by Dafeitian. It is his stronghold in the clear sky... For many years, Dafeitian has been cultivating here. When he led his disciples When they went to the ancient city of Loulan to explore opportunities, Yinyuan, Bai Yu and others were placed here.

In the main hall, an ancient bronze mirror wrapped with nine dragons shines brightly.

The huge Liangyi Heaven is spread out in all directions, from the extreme north to the extreme south, from the extreme east to the extreme west. There are battlefields, big and small, and fighting places everywhere. All movements, no matter how big or small, can be heard by Yinyuan with just a thought. You can see clearly here.

Seeing that Liang Yi Tian suddenly turned from a paradise of gods and immortals into a bloody slaughterhouse, full of ghosts and monsters... Yinyuan had been standing in this hall for three whole years.

For three whole years, he didn't eat or drink, and he didn't speak or move. He just stood here, staring at the tragic scene in the ancient mirror in a daze.

When Bai Yu first started, he just had fun traveling around the Buddhist country and playing games.

But in the past year, she has been squatting next to Yinyuan, accompanying him worriedly.

On this day, when he saw the Great Rift Valley that suddenly appeared next to Lion Ridge and continued to extend into the distance, and recalled the countless creatures that had vanished into nothing in the high-temperature water vapor in the sky, Yinyuan suddenly sighed.

Is this all caused by us? Yinyuan asked Bai Yu slightly sadly.

What does it have to do with us? Bai Yuan immediately replied: Did we let them fight and kill? Did we let them be so unscrupulous? Did we hand the knife handles into their hands and make them so crazy?

Spreading his hands, Bai Yu sighed: Although I don't understand what exactly happened... But the current scene in Liangyi Tian obviously has nothing to do with us... Does it have anything to do with us? It has nothing to do with it!

Yinyuan said in a low voice: However, if our children had not been used as the hub of the Tribulation of Luck Dafa, if it were not for the influence of the Tribulation of Luck Dafa, the leaders of the Buddhist and Taoist sects would not have left Liangyi Tian...

Bai Yu hurriedly shouted: But, can we control this? We are also victims, okay?

Yinyuan pursed his lips and shook his head.

He whispered in a low voice the history of the Dayin Dynasty of the Supreme Holy Heaven. Starting from the great achievements of the founder of Dayin, he slowly recounted the deeds of the saint kings and kings of Dayin in the past dynasties. .

Bai Yu looked at Yinyuan worriedly: What do you want to say?

Yinyuan muttered for a long time, and for a long time, his frightened eyes gradually became firm and firm, and he laughed softly: I just... Back then in Jishengtian, I was trapped in the royal garden, hiding it from the Queen Mother and the General. I did those things... just because I felt that I could govern Dayin well.

I think I can become a good emperor, and I can lead Dayin's people to live a good life...or in other words, a better life.

It has nothing to do with power.

Yinyuan said in a deep voice: In my heart, I want to be a good emperor. In other words, since I was born, I have been destined to be a good emperor... I must, in a suitable place, At some suitable opportunity, do what a good emperor should do.

Xiao Bai, I can't really just eat, drink, and have fun like this all my life?

Bai Yu said subconsciously: But it's not bad to eat, drink, have fun, and be able to eat, drink, and have fun until you die...cough cough, cough cough...

Seeing Yinyuan's calm gaze, Bai Yu hurriedly laughed: Ms. sir, you must be destined to be a good emperor... Whatever you want to do, I will help you... Hee!

Yinyuan held Bai Shao's hands and looked at Bai Shao affectionately: Xiao Bai, if I have a wife like you, what more can a husband ask for?

Bai Yu held Yinyuan's hands tightly and looked at Yinyuan affectionately: Mr.


Ms. sir!


After repeating this over and over for hundreds and thousands of times, the young couple became emotional. When they were about to find a secluded corner to do something, a little eunuch beside him suddenly couldn't help it and yawned... The little eunuch turned pale with fright. , and Yinyuan and Bai Yu coughed at the same time, and quickly put away the little ripples in their hearts.

After a moment, Yinyuan and Bai Yu left the Buddhist kingdom in the dust and came to the clear sky.

Behind them, followed the brigade that Lu Qian had brought with him on the ship were the eunuchs, maids, guards, secret spies from Liang Yitian, as well as some disciples from the Yuanlingtian Sword Sect.

These people are the family background of Yinyuan and Bai Yu.

Their cultivation was not enough, so when Da Feitian took people to the ancient city of Loulan, these people all stayed in this safe enough Buddhist country.

Yinyuan stood in the clear sky and looked at the Liangyi Heaven below. He cupped his hands towards the Liangyi Heaven and said solemnly: Heaven and earth have spirits. My boy, Yinyuan, is here to declare to the heaven and the earth that he has witnessed the catastrophe of the common people. Restless, Yinyuan dare not belittle himself...

Following Yinyuan's chanting, traces of strange spiritual light emerged in the clear sky, condensing around Yinyuan bit by bit. It was as if someone opened his eyes in the clear sky and looked at Yinyuan quietly.

This is the will of heaven and earth.

The will of heaven and earth in Liangyitian was awakened.

If it were an ordinary person or an ordinary moment, it would be impossible to have such an effect. The will of heaven and earth is such a sublime existence. Even if ordinary people shout at the top of their lungs, they cannot disturb the will of heaven and earth in the slightest.

But at this moment, Liang Yitian is in a great crisis.

Moreover, Yinyuan and Bai Yu, whether they admit it or not, they are the most direct triggers of this catastrophe - even if they do not mean it, it is not their intention to cause this catastrophe, but the catastrophe method , after all, it was launched with them as the trigger.

Therefore, the heaven and earth moved.

Yinyuan felt the cohesion of heaven and earth consciousness, and felt the attention of heaven and earth consciousness.

He nodded slowly: That's right, Yinyuan, is willing to rebuild the country!

He raised his right hand: Whether it's a Buddha or an immortal, everyone should abide by the rules of heaven, and you must not act recklessly!

Wisps of spiritual light became extremely bright...

Tianxin is happy.

Yinyuan bowed three times to Liangyi Heaven: Yinyuan, I would like to set certain rules for Liangyi Heaven!

Nine consecutive purple thunder lights streaked across the sky of Liang Yi Tian. The rolling thunder light was dazzling, but there was no sound... However, those who were making trouble in Liang Yi Tian, ​​whether they were Buddhist cultivators or Taoist immortals, including the aloof Kulian Buddha Both the master and the cunning girl felt that their hair stood on end, and their hearts were throbbing inexplicably.

Liangyitian, Jinan, among the wild mountains in the southern region of Zhenmo Ridge, Yiyuanxujing and the four sages and powerful men, no matter what they were busy with, they raised their heads at the same time, with shocked expressions on their faces, and looked towards Jigaojigao of the sky.

Heaven has changed. Daojun Yiqi hissed: But how is it possible? Those Buddha Lords and sages are far away from Liangyi Heaven. This world should be under our single-handed control now.

Heaven has changed. Great Immortal Karijing said calmly: No matter how it changes, no matter what the will of heaven and earth is, just do our thing well as soon as possible... don't worry too much about other things.

The jade-veined maternal fetus left by Empress Qionghua was suspended in front of the Great Immortal Hunting Jing. From all directions, the blood essences and souls of countless Buddhist cultivators and true immortals who died in the battle of Liangyitian turned into billowing waves of blood and poured into the maternal fetus. middle.

Empress Qionghua's mother's womb has incredible power of creation. After the boundless essence and blood are injected into it, the mother's womb shines with a faint light. It is brewed and purified, transforming acquired nature into innateness, and turning it into an extremely pure and inconceivable kind of treasure. The strange energy of strange creation and vitality.

Its shape is like jade paste, its color is bright red, with a hint of colorful rays, and it is quietly stored in the mother's womb.

In the past few years, countless mortals and ordinary creatures in Liangyi Heaven have been killed and injured, and a large number of powerful monks have died. Infinite lives and immeasurable souls have all been reduced to nothing in the flames of war. They have absorbed the essence, blood and soul of so many creatures. This strange thing in the mother's womb The energy is only about 70% stored, and there is still 30% left to fill it up.

Yiyuanxujing and the four sages shook their heads gently and guarded the wilderness with determination.

No matter how much the world changes, they will take the initiative.

As long as they fill up the strange energy in this mother's womb, they will get the greatest opportunity and greatest fortune in their lives... No matter how severe the damage to Liangyitian will be...

Who will care about the flood after I die?

Someone once thought so, and so do these four!

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