Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 847 Selection (2)

The beautiful woman chuckled.

In the void, an invisible force swept in and poured into the broken body of the Glazed Monk.

The Liuli Monk's body healed rapidly, and in just a short breath, he had returned to his original form... Not only that, this invisible force even invaded his body and tampered with some of the great laws in his body.

Among the twelve brilliant rainbows behind him, some thin black and gold lines, like cloud marks in the sky, quietly emerged. Liuli Monk let out an uneasy and painful roar. There was new power growing in his body. This power was constantly being integrated into his original magic power, the 'self-power' that he had perfect control over.

He was trying his best to fight against this force.

He wanted to use all his strength to dispel this force.

But this power comes from this garden that has imprisoned him for who knows how many years, from this mysterious restriction. He himself has been imprisoned here for countless years without the ability to escape. At this moment, he is also unable to resist this external force that directly invades by helping him heal his physical injuries.

It's all your... fault! Liuli Monk turned his head suddenly, his eyes blazing with anger, staring straight at Lu Qian.

He opened his arms and was about to attack Lu Qian.

The beautiful woman laughed loudly, and the chain around Liuli Monk's neck suddenly erupted with lightning and flames, burning his body with a crackling sound, causing him to twitch all over in pain, and his head fell to the ground.

Be good! The beautiful woman twisted her slender waist, walked to Liuli Monk, and stepped on his head: I know that you were once the master of a heaven... but after so many years, Even if it’s an indestructible King Kong, it’s time to boil it into juice... still can’t you learn how to be a qualified dog?”

The glazed monk gritted his teeth and stared at the beautiful woman with bulging eyes.

An extremely angry voice sounded in his chest: My disciple, one day...

The beautiful woman gently waved her long sleeves: Oh, don't talk about your disciples... If they were really filial, they would have come to rescue you long ago... But after so many years, this little master is still He’s the first bald person to come to our house!”

Hee hee laughed a few times, and the beautiful woman winked at Lu Qian: Dear guest, don't blame me, you are different from this evil dog... Although they are both bald, they have different lives... Dear guest, you are different from this evil dog... , is a guest...

As she spun around, Lu Qian didn't see the beautiful woman's movements clearly. She came to Lu Qian's side and hugged Lu Qian's arm with both hands: Oh, don't let those fierce people disturb the distinguished guests... Please sit down, please sit down, and listen to a little tune, eat some of our secret snacks, and drink some freshly picked fragrant tea?

Those evil people, with this guard dog watching, they can't get in!

A strange force surged from the beautiful woman's arms, dragging Lu Qian's arm tightly and pressing him onto a big chair in front of the stage. She pressed Lu Qian's shoulders with both hands and said with a smile: Besides, if this guard dog is not enough, we don't have just one or two guard dogs at home, there are so many.

On the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, the big eyes squirmed, and the deep cracks on the surface healed bit by bit.

His body shrank and expanded, and gradually reshaped into the form of a middle-aged man in blue shirt. Panting, he stood at the bow of the boat, staring at Lu Qian who was already seated in front of the stage.

After looking at it for a long time, the middle-aged man in green shirt chuckled: Okay, okay, okay... On the Xingshang River, we have been coming and going for so many years, and we actually missed it. I didn't expect that there is such a place here. A dangerous place!”

The middle-aged man in blue shirt was panting, and the only eye on his face emitted a dense red light.

The Lord of the Heaven Realm is actually forcibly imprisoned by you as a guard dog?

It's amazing, it's amazing. How many amazing objects have you hidden here?

The middle-aged man in green shirt hissed: Stop hiding it, take out all the wealth you have accumulated over the years... If you break this place, you will definitely gain a lot!

Blood gushed out, the plasma formed a throne, and a beautiful woman in a red dress sat on the throne.

She glanced at the furious middle-aged man in green shirt, moved his red lips slightly, and muttered softly. The middle-aged man in Qingshan was silent for a while and shook his head gently: Are you kidding? This trivial matter will alarm the boss? Haha, aren't you afraid that the first thing he will do after being alarmed is to tear you and me apart?

We can handle some small things ourselves.

However, it is indeed not so easy to break through here...so...

The middle-aged man in green shirt chuckled: We have all seen the plots of those little insects over the years... Hehe, send them a message and say that the person they wanted to hunt has escaped. Here...let them fill this hole!

Lu Qian turned around, wanting to see what the 'insect' this middle-aged man in green shirt was.

The beautiful woman was smiling, holding his head with both hands, preventing him from turning around: Dear guest, don't panic, just enjoy our music... If there is any trouble, I can take care of it.

What's going on with those little insects? Lu Qian felt as if his neck was being tightly clamped by a giant vise. No matter how hard he tried, his neck could not move at all. There was also a terrifying cold air that penetrated his neck, so cold that his cervical vertebrae almost turned into a piece of ice.

He endured the terrifying chill coming from the beautiful woman's hands and asked his question.

The beautiful woman smiled brightly.

Oh, the slave family knows a little bit about this matter. Although the slave family does not have access to the front door or the second door, they are well-informed. This matter must start from the past... this year... How many years ago this was is a bit blurry.”

The beautiful woman stood behind Lu Qian, with her tall breasts pressing directly on Lu Qian's head. Just like two icebergs, a terrifying chill came over, making Lu Qian's head so cold that he couldn't think at all. If Lu Qian's body bones were not strong enough and he had not fully mobilized the Buddha's light to protect his body, his brain would have been frozen into solid lumps of ice.

The beautiful woman smiled playfully.

I don’t know where she got the news from.

Accompanied by the musicians playing and singing on the stage, watching the beautiful female actor and the four martial arts students fighting in a decent manner, accompanied by the painful whine and angry roar of the Liuli monk, she unhurriedly told Lu Qian what she meant. What is the origin of 'little insect'?

It sounds simple.

Not only Liangyi Heaven, but also in this chaotic void, there are several heavens, large and small, with powerful beings at the level of Buddhas and sages. In short, they are the supreme powerful beings in this dimension. They may be in groups of three or five. Or travel alone and come to the ancient city of Loulan to explore the secrets.

Most of the time, they get along fine.

After all, the ancient city of Loulan is mysterious and unpredictable. Every grain of sand and soil can transform a whole world. The truth is unpredictable and the reality is unpredictable. Even for Buddhas and sages, entering the ancient city of Loulan is like a grain of sand thrown into the boundless ocean. It is not easy to encounter other 'gravels' in it.

However, the more people come and explore more often, there will always be times when you encounter ghosts.

Some powerful people, perhaps because they were defeated and fled in their own heaven, or because they wanted to set up a golden nest to hide their beauties in the ancient city of Loulan, or for some other reasons, they made various arrangements here to create Some 'cave houses' and 'small realms' that think they are safe.

If these 'cave mansions' and 'small world heavens' are arranged in large numbers, and if they are arranged for a long time, they will inevitably be discovered by others. Some layouts were regarded as ancient ruins by the powerful people who came and went, and they were directly mined and explored violently.

So a fight broke out.

Then, resentment arose.

Some people who lost the fight did some bad things out of all kinds of resentment and anger.

Combining the strange speed of time in the ancient city of Loulan and the strange environment of the world, they randomly scattered some of the insects they carried with them, or other creatures large and small, in the ancient city of Loulan - the point is, they spread them on themselves, Or around other people's 'Dongfu' and 'Xiaojietian'.

One or two litters were fine.

Hundreds of nests are no big deal.

However, the huge ancient city of Loulan could not handle the comings and goings of people. Groups of powerful people intentionally or unintentionally dropped clusters of insects or other creatures, large and small, intelligent and non-intelligent creatures, into the ancient city of Loulan.

Some insects and creatures were destroyed as soon as they were left behind.

But there are always lucky people who have adapted to the environment here, and even obtained some incredible fortunes. Just three to five years have passed in the outside world, and they have obtained tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years, or even more in the ancient city of Loulan. The evolution and creation of time!

Especially the good deeds done by several Buddha Lords in Liangyi Heaven. They used Buddhist teachings to refine, bless, and enlighten the wisdom of the insects. They were like a fish in water in the ancient city of Loulan. In a very short period of time, an extremely large group of people was born. It has accumulated extremely terrifying power...

And these insects, as well as other little creatures, under the influence of some unpredictable force, have no attachment to the ancient city of Loulan. Their biggest dream, the highest pursuit of the entire group, is-'returning to their homeland'!

This has even formed a bloodline brand and turned into the 'destiny' of the entire ethnic group, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

Among them, the swarm of ants, scorpions, mosquitoes, and bees left behind by the Buddha-lords of Liangyi Tian have evolved to the highest level, with the largest group, more developed wisdom, and the deepest obsession.

The four major groups of ants, scorpions, mosquitoes, and bees have even gained a lot of fame in the huge ancient city of Loulan. With their terrifying number of groups and huge base of experts, they are domineering in the ancient city of Loulan, which is quite a bit... Unscrupulous.

Many of the 'natives' of the ancient city of Loulan, as well as the foreign-derived ethnic groups, were severely punished by them, and were even slaughtered. There were a large number of insects and other living groups who were 'helpless vassals', and they were respected as the 'Four Saint Tribes'!

The beautiful woman pressed Lu Qian's temples with both hands and kneaded them gently. Wisps of terrifying cold air flowed down the temples and eroded into Lu Qian's mind.

In Lu Qian's mind, the Taichu Mixed Pearl emitted a faint light, covering his entire mind and blocking out all prying eyes from the outside world. The Taihu Emperor's ax danced like a windmill, easily cutting the terrifying cold air from the outside into nothingness.

The skin near the temples was so cold that it almost cracked.

Apart from this, Lu Qian did not have any other adverse reactions.

The beautiful woman continued to speak with a chuckle.

A few days ago...

Of course, the time quantifier 'some days ago' is not allowed in the ancient city of Loulan.

In the case of the beautiful woman, it may have happened three or five days ago, but in some places in the ancient city of Loulan, hundreds of thousands of years may have passed, or even hundreds of millions of years may have passed by leaps and bounds.

In short, 'a few days ago', the beautiful woman heard from some channel that the four major saint clans and several strong men from Liangyi Heaven had concluded a blood oath covenant. Those strong men seemed to want to use the power of the four holy clans to ambush some people...

As for those powerful men from Liangyi Heaven, they seem to be somewhat involved with the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat.

Then, I don’t know who released the news.

Perhaps it is because the four saints do not have a strong sense of confidentiality. They colluded with some powerful people in Liangyi Tian and prepared to ambush the leaders of the Buddhist and Taoist sects in Liangyi. After killing them, the four saints will rule the country. Among all the vassal tribes, the plan to 'return to their homeland' is basically already known to everyone!

At least, some people with names in the ancient city of Loulan, some powerful enough ethnic groups, all know the news.

When the beautiful woman spoke softly, the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat had already retreated to the middle of the Xingshang River. On the mast in the middle, a lantern with blurred flames rose, and the little flames flickered, easily penetrating the thick mist on the river.

In the far distance, there was the sound of sharp wings rubbing together.

Amidst the clattering sound of joints and limbs rubbing together, hundreds of strong men with scorpion tails shook their heads, spewing heat waves from their mouths, and galloped across the river. Above the waist, they have the body of a strong human race, but below the waist, they have the form of a scorpion.

These strong men were several feet tall, with skin as fair as death, and their skin was covered with black iron-colored and bronze-colored patterns. Behind them, a scorpion tail that was more than ten feet long was swaying. The huge tail hook was a little scarlet, and the sharp tail hook thorns contained a little bit of viscous and transparent venom with a pungent smell like the venom on the petals. Hanging like dewdrops, ready to drip.

Hundreds of strong Scorpion men rushed over and arrived in front of the bow of the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat in an instant.

The left hand of the leader of the strong man was naturally condensed into a large pliers, and his right hand was condensed into a three-foot-long sword with a cold light. He waved his two alienated arms and grinned strangely at the middle-aged man in green shirt on the bow: Isn't this the second leader? What? Looks like someone has broken his spine?

The scorpion man grinned, revealing his jet-black fangs, and laughed loudly: Wrong, wrong, I made a mistake. Second leader, your body is just a naked eyeball. Where did you get your backbone? Hehe!

The middle-aged man in green shirt gave a sly smile and pointed towards the garden where the glazed monk was stationed.

We are all neighbors. Because of our close friendship in the past, we also know what your four saint clans have been planning over the years... I want to let you know here that there is a powerful monk from Liangyi Heaven. !”

The eyes of hundreds of scorpion men suddenly lit up, and structures like fish gills were cracked on their cheeks. In the scarlet cracks, tiny eyeglasses shone with blurred blood, and they were nailed to death. Sitting in front of the stage, Lu Qian stared straight at the actors and actresses on the stage.


Damn bald man!

This monk is called...

The leading scorpion man waved his arms, and the two alienated arms turned into normal human arms. He took out a light yellow scroll from somewhere. Looking at the material of the scroll, it was clearly made of human skin. There was a strange light shining on the smooth scroll.

After spitting out his breath on the scroll, the scorpion man frowned: Well, he is just a worthless little monk. Fahai is a young disciple of the Liangyitian Buddhist Sect's Prison Lineage. Although he is the true successor of the Buddha Lineage, his cultivation is Weak... Tsk, according to the news from Liangyi Heaven, this little thief is bald and is not even a Buddha.

The strong scorpion man shook his head and slapped the scroll on his chest, and the scroll blended into the skin of his chest.

He shook his head and sighed: I thought it was a lot of credit, but it's just that, just that... Hey. However, although the strength is a little weaker, after all, it is the true inheritance of the Buddha's veins of the prison-suppressing lineage... and it deserves some merit!

The strong man of the scorpion man let out a strange roar, shook his arms, and transformed into alienated pliers and a long sword again. The lower body of the scorpion moved, and large afterimages swayed from its jointed limbs. The wind and sand around him rolled up out of thin air, and a black tornado roared up. Sky. Hundreds of strong Scorpion men all around waved their arms, and their arms collided with each other, making a high-pitched collision sound of gold and iron, and even splashing large amounts of sparks.

Their jointed limbs are even more rhythmic, beating like drums on the starry surface of the Xingshang River.

‘Dong, dong dong, dong dong dong’, the stomping sound of the strong Scorpion men accompanied the leader’s charging steps, like a high-pitched war song, echoing on the river.

The middle-aged man in green shirt chuckled.

The beautiful woman on the bloody throne also smiled so hard that her face turned red - these poor insects, although they have opened up their wisdom, their brain capacity is still not enough.

There is obviously something wrong with their information.

Lu Qian, not even the Buddha? How old is this information?

Moreover, even if Lu Qian is not even a Buddha, the scorpion leader just bumped into him like this? Tsk tsk, I really don’t know whether to live or die...

Liuli Monk was lying on the ground. He had just been stepped on the head by the beautiful woman, and he had been lying on the ground without getting up. His lips moved slightly, and he chanted strange mantras over and over again.

Seeing the scorpion leader charging towards him almost unscrupulously, a black flame flickered between his brows. The Glazed Monk released his spiritual thoughts and swept past the scorpion leader, only to find that the opponent only had the cultivation level of the Five Tribulations True Buddha!

Chongzhi, it's Chongzhi! The Glazed Monk chuckled, with his deep roar, the prismatic ancient mirror above his head that had collapsed to the size of a bowl flashed, and a black flame enveloped the scorpion man leader. Silently and without any movement, the scorpion leader turned into ashes, leaving only a bloody relic the size of a fist on the river!

Liuli Monk stood up slowly, opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

The blood-colored relic let out a shrill cry, and brought out a streak of blood that was sucked into the mouth of the glass monk. The Glazed Monk exhaled a hearty breath and laughed in a low voice: The drops form a sea, and the accumulation of sand forms a mountain... Although it is small, it is not without some small benefits. Hey, wait, want to come in?

Liuli Monk turned his body sideways and made a gesture like a hotel waiter welcoming guests. He bowed slightly and said with a chuckle: Everyone, please come in!

Hundreds of strong scorpion men stared wide-eyed, focusing on the Glazed Monk.

A strong scorpion man suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared. The sharp roar tore through the mist on the river, sweeping away in waves in all directions. As a result, long whistling sounds, sharp wing friction, joint collisions, shrill roars, vicious curses, and various strange sounds spread out in waves, like a relay. Extremely far away.

Standing on the tall ship building of Jiulian Treasure Boat and looking towards both sides of the Xingshang River, you can even see the mist rising on both sides of the river bank. Under the thick fog, in the jungle and in the wilderness, there are ruins of collapsed garden pavilions. In the middle, dots of green and scarlet eyes gradually lit up.

Those were the countless alarmed ethnic groups belonging to the four major holy tribes, or their vassal ethnic groups.

All kinds of strange creatures roared in unison. Following the warning of the strong scorpion man, these ethnic groups used their magical powers and gathered here.

The middle-aged man in green shirt smiled Hehe: Then, I wish you can kill the enemy with your own hands... My Nine Lotus Treasure Boat is beyond the world and will not get involved in your bloody battles... Hehe, hehe, hehe!

The middle-aged man in green shirt smiled extremely hypocritically.

The beautiful woman in blood on the throne laughed extremely sharply and harshly.

The huge Nine Lotus Treasure Boat suddenly shrank inward, changing from a three-dimensional form to a two-dimensional silhouette of light. Along with the slight laughter, the shadow of the boat also merged into the fog on the river. A whirlpool appeared out of thin air on the river. The silhouette and wisps of fog got into the whirlpool and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The next moment, on the river far away from the garden where Lu Qian was, where nine tributaries converged, the river was unfathomable but crystal clear, as moist as egg white, with countless stars twinkling, as if countless stars were embedded in it. On the river of stars, wisps of mist emerged, and silhouettes quietly emerged.

This is a place of extreme chaos in time and space in the ancient city of Loulan.

Past, present, Future.

Real, false, unpredictable.

Light, dark, obscure.

Life, death, reincarnation...

Many strange Tao and Dharma meet here, merge here, brew and ferment here into a hodgepodge that is extremely difficult for creatures in this dimension to understand, almost impossible to touch, and unable to use.

Another small whirlpool appeared, and another wisp of mist flew out, with the silhouette of a Nine Lotus Treasure Boat rolled in the mist.

The silhouettes of the two Nine Lotus Treasure Boats entangled each other for a while, and then suddenly merged inwards.

The three-dimensional Nine Lotus Treasure Boat quietly emerged.

On the bow of the boat, the energy of the middle-aged man in blue and the beautiful woman in blood suddenly doubled in strength - each silhouette was a conceptual clone... Previously, the two silhouettes were in different places in the ancient city of Loulan. Different things are going on in the time dimension. At this moment, the two silhouettes returned to the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat's lair on the Xingshang River at the same time. The two silhouettes reunited, and their strength was restored a little.

On the throne, the beautiful woman in blood-clothed clothes smiled softly: I'm afraid, it's not enough.

The middle-aged man in green clothes narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly: In three days, the sub-deity who is hunting the Golden Bone Dragon Whale Buddha will also return... By then, we will have 30% of the power of this deity... plus those insects It will not be a problem to break into that garden and retrieve the slough of the thirty-three-year-old cicada.

The beautiful woman in blood-clothed licked the corner of her mouth, her eyes flashing with blood, and she glanced in the direction of a certain tributary.

Huh? There is an interesting prey... Hee, my little sister's branch actually captured Fahai's biological father, and is combining dual cultivation to plunder the innate yin and yang elemental demon energy in his body... Hee!

Give him a breath. Later, it would be interesting to take his body to see the little Fahai thief Bald!

The beautiful woman in blood-clothed clothes smiled brightly.

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