Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 848: The Sword Palace of the Ancestors

Xingshang River, tributary, Yuchanze.

As the name suggests, this is a huge swamp that stretches for more than ten thousand miles. It is named because there is a mound at its core, and a white jade toad that has been dead for unknown years and has a radius of more than a hundred feet has been entrenched on it all year round.

This Jade Chan Ze is also a very famous place in the ancient city of Loulan.

Countless powerful masters who came to know this Jade Toad all said that it was an auspicious beast during its lifetime. For countless years, Yuchanze has been the only place in the ancient city of Loulan that is not strange or dangerous. Not only that, if a seriously injured person steps into the Jade Toad, the white jade toad will naturally emit rays of bright light, and no matter how serious the injury is, he will definitely recover within seven days.

With such a magical effect, over the years, many experts who have explored the ancient city of Loulan have thought of moving this jade toad away.

However, even sages and Buddha-level powers, no matter how much thought and effort they expended, they were still unable to move the hundred-foot-sized jade toad. Some people were so tired that they were exhausted, their energy and blood wasted, and they finally returned without success.

As time goes by, Yuchanze is still Yuchanze, with clear springs everywhere and densely covered with strange flowers.

Many weak creatures who could not survive in other realms of Loulan Ancient City gathered in the Jade Toad Pond and quietly breathed in the essence of heaven and earth and the auspicious light emitted by the white jade toad every day. Naturally, they derived magical powers and participated in them. After understanding the wonderful principles, I gained some incredible blessings.

Jade Toad Ze, also because of the miraculous healing, exorcism, detoxification and evacuation effects of white jade toad, has become a unique safe zone and refuge base in the ancient city of Loulan.

This day.

Near the small earthen bun where the white jade toad was entrenched, several brocade-patterned toads with fat heads, big ears, and fat flesh all over their bodies worshiped the white jade toad on the small earthen bun, and then straightened up their two thick legs. The fat hind legs looked towards the main channel of Xingshang River in the distance.

The war drums rumbled, the flags fluttered, and the low shouts were like thunder, causing countless ripples to appear in the clear water like a glass mirror in the Jade Toad Lake.

A big toad murmured: Hey, the fight is about to start again. My ancestors bless me, and more dead fish and shrimps will float over here, so that I can beat my teeth... I have been a vegetarian for more than ten years, and my intestines are full of water... …Hey, the ground is full of delicious food, but I can’t do anything!”

A large group of gorgeous butterflies emitted extremely faint mana fluctuations, and slowly flew in front of these large toads. There were even a few large butterflies that almost transformed into adults, and they deliberately flew to these large toads, which were a hundred times larger than themselves. In front of twice as big a toad, they even slapped their faces with their own wings.

Several large toads with astonishing combat power stared straight at the group of sweet-blooded goblins flying past, drooling from the corners of their mouths, but did not move at all.

Yuchanze has formed a certain unspoken rule.

Here, no killing!

Come on, let's get some dead fish and dead shrimps... Hey, our brothers are kind-hearted and can't kill that killer! The big toad in the leader finally couldn't help it, a big ball of saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he looked straight at The section of the river where Yu Chan Ze and Xing Shang River meet.

Let's fight, let's fight, no matter who fights with whom, as long as we can kill some fish and shrimps, and then float them to the Jade Toad Pond, so that the brothers can take a good tonic, that will be good.

As for going hunting on your own outside Yu Chan Ze...

Uh, I'm sorry, these natives in Yuchanze have forgotten what fighting is like. There has been peace here for many years, and they have become accustomed to the peace and comfort here in their bones.

So the brothers could only watch a large group of beautiful little goblins floating in front of them, swallowing their saliva... After a long, long time, they shook their heads, sighed, and squatted down. Under the hillock, I randomly pulled out a few pieces of fresh and tender grass, stuffed them into my mouth and chewed them.

A group of arrogant crabs, waving their huge pincers, walked past these toad brothers in a majestic manner.

A crab the size of a water tank suddenly stopped and stood in front of a few large toads. It greeted seriously: Good morning, have you eaten today?

Just as the leader of the big toad was about to reply, the entire Jade Toad Ze shook again.

‘Crash, bang, choke’!

Crash, the giant thing pushed away the water waves, trampled on the Jade Toad Pond, and splashed the water column in big waves.

Boom is the sound of huge forces colliding with each other, like the sound of meteors hitting the ground.

'Choke'... high-pitched, sharp, harsh, full of unstoppable edge. It was the sound of swords emitted by top-notch sharp weapons tearing through the void and shaking the avenue. This sound directly resounded in the souls of all the creatures in Yuchanze, including these big toads with the highest cultivation level. Countless creatures, large and small, within a radius of more than 10,000 miles in Yuchanze seemed to have seen several sharp swords at the same time. Sweeping in front of you.

The intense sword intent caused goose bumps all over the body, and a large group of lively crabs hurriedly scurried into the mud to hide in the deep water. Several big toads jumped up at the same time, hissing and cursing: How dare you dare to fight on the territory of the Jade Toad Ancestor?

The angry big toad's body suddenly froze, and each of them stared into the distance with stiff faces.

In that direction, a large aquatic red willow forest collapsed and was destroyed. One end was three thousand miles long from beginning to end. It was as majestic as a mountain, and its entire body was wrapped with dark water. It continuously emitted a silver-blue forest and cold divine light to all around. Xuanwu, carrying a large area of ​​mountains, rivers and palaces on his back, was running towards him with four legs as long as the pillars of heaven.

This Xuanwu strides thousands of miles in one step. Wherever the huge soles of its feet hit the ground, huge deep footprints were smashed into the ground, and huge blue ice marks were frozen out.

In the middle of the mountains behind the basalt beast, on the top of the tallest mountain, a Qilin auspicious beast with an earth-yellow body and entwined with earth-yellow thunder light stuck out its tongue and let out an earth-shattering 'barking' roar towards the rear.

‘Woof woof’?

‘Woof woof’?

Uh, Qilin auspicious beast, is this the cry?

It looks like a dog! A big toad murmured to himself: Brother, it's coming fiercely. It seems that our brothers' small bodies can't stop it!

The basalt giant beast was three thousand miles long and carried vast mountains, rivers, palaces and pavilions on its back, yet it could run thousands of miles at a rapid pace. His body is even more entangled with chains of magnetic energy and divine light. These magnetic energy and divine light are tightly attached to the Xuanwu beast, trying to delay his actions.

As the Xuanwu Divine Beast ran, the cold light of water vapor on its body flickered violently, constantly shattering strips of magnetic energy that were several miles thick. Accompanied by an earth-shaking loud noise, the shattered Yuanci divine light fell on the ground, and forcefully opened ditches that were hundreds of miles deep!

What a momentum!

Although they couldn't tell how strong this basalt beast was, it was obvious that the big toads thought to themselves that they were definitely no match for this big guy.

Maybe with just a light kick, they will be trampled into meat pies!

But here are the rules of Yu Chan Ze... The leader of the big toad opened his mouth and howled at the top of his lungs: The ancestor of Yu Chan returned to the place of silence, please seniors...

A sharp and weird roar came from afar: Ignorant people, it's inexplicable!

A sharp crunch sound broke through the air, and a palm-sized triangular flywheel was completely black, so thin that it had almost no thickness at all. It was like a ray of phantom light, and it flew straight at a speed that several large toads could not sense or defend against. He reached in front of the big toad, and with a piercing killing intent, he slashed towards the vital part of the big toad's neck.

The big toads had no defense at all. From the mountains and pavilions on Xuanwu's back, a bright starlight rose into the sky. It made a 'buzz' sound and came first before the triangular flywheel tore the big toad's neck apart. It hit the triangular flywheel with a loud bang.

A few big toads looked at it intently, and the silver starlight that followed was actually a silver pill the size of a thumb.

Its color is pure silver, crystal clear like crystal, with endless rays of light and immeasurable sword radiance inside. It jumps and shoots in the air, like billions of meteors flying across the sky, bringing up countless tiny starlights. It is so magical and beautiful that it is incredible.

The sword pill was extremely sharp and extremely hard. It was a small sword pill, but it was immeasurably heavy. With a hard impact, sparks flew everywhere, and the extremely sharp triangular flywheel was hit with a huge gap, almost It was smashed into two pieces, let out a scream, and flew hundreds of miles away.

The sword pill was suspended in front of several large toads, seemingly frozen, but in fact it was spinning at an extremely terrifying speed.

However, Jianwan is completely round, a kind of 'perfect circle in the extreme sense', and its rotation frequency and speed are extremely constant. Because it is suspended in the air and rotates rapidly, it feels as if it has not moved at all. .

The big toad, who was almost killed by Fei Lun, looked at the sword pill curiously, and even more cutely stretched out his hand to touch it.

'Buzz', Jianwan suddenly jumped up and flew out from the gap between the big toad's claws, bringing with it a wisp of cold light that flashed in the air and smashed the comeback flywheel away again.

I don’t know what material the flywheel is made of. After being slashed away by Jianwan, it was seriously injured and repaired itself in just one breath, regaining its integrity and moving towards several large toads again at a very high speed. Cut it over.

The sword ball surged in the air, whirled and struck, causing the flywheel to clang and splash large sparks.

After being chopped down hundreds of times in the air, this extremely tenacious flywheel finally let out a cry, dragging a wisp of black smoke, and flew back in an extremely awkward and staggering direction in the direction it came from.

The sharp roar screamed angrily: You bitch, you really deserve to die... However, relying on the power of the treasure, let's see how long you can last... Hehe, you are soft-hearted and like to save people, right? Then... …”

Behind the basalt beast, a black figure suddenly whistled, and a black rainbow rose into the sky. Then, with a spin, it turned into billions of black cold lights, with a shrill and harsh sound of breaking through the air, and fell in all directions. .

Those little bits of black cold light were all incredibly thin, palm-sized flywheels of the Three Teachings.

Its speed was extremely fast, and it carried a bone-chilling murderous intent. Almost in an instant, every living being in the huge Yu Chan Ze, no matter how big or small, no matter how strong or weak their cultivation level was, was all divided into a piece of flywheel!

From 'strong men' like giant toads to small fish and shrimps that have not yet developed spiritual intelligence, countless flywheels fell from the sky, giving each of them a piece of it in an extremely fair manner.

Boundless death shrouded the entire Jade Chan Ze.

Several big toads screamed at the same time: Ancestor, help!

A soft jade-colored brilliance surged out from the body of the Jade Toad entrenched on the small earthen bag, turning into countless rays of light and shining on countless creatures in the Jade Toad Ze.

It's just that this brilliance only has the effect of healing and detoxifying, and has no defensive or offensive capabilities.

Countless flywheels fall from the sky and are about to kill all the living creatures in the Jade Toad. If they are killed in one blow, the brilliance emitted by the Jade Toad will not be able to forcibly resurrect the dead!

You guys are so cruel!

The fleeing giant basalt beast let out a low roar. He suddenly stopped running and slapped the ground hard with his two front paws.

With a loud noise, immeasurable water waves rose into the sky in Jade Chan Ze. In the flash of cold light, they turned into a huge ice crystal light tower and enveloped the entire Jade Chan Ze. Countless pieces of flywheels descended from the sky with piercing screams and slashed hard on the ice crystal light tower formed by the Xuanwu monster. Only the harsh impact sound was heard. Amidst the sound of 'Puff', the body of the Xuanwu monster continued to violently trembling.

The next moment, the big sword ball was like a meteor rising into the sky, flashing and stirring rapidly in the void.

The sword pill cut through the void and hit those flywheels with incomparable precision.

The high-pitched impact sound shook people's souls, countless sparks flickered, and the flywheels were smashed into pieces, and black smoke sprayed from the sky.

More flywheels let out a long roar, and suddenly closed inward, turning into a giant flywheel with a side of a thousand miles, and struck hard at the stagnant Xuanwu beast. Hearing an earth-shaking loud noise, the giant Xuanwu beast grunted. Dozens of mountains on his back were split open by a single blow. The sharp edge invaded his carapace. The giant Xuanwu beast suddenly spat out a stream of cold and bone-chilling blood. arrow.

The blood arrows circled in the air, combined with the countless surging water vapor and cold light around the basalt beast, and condensed into cold divine thunders the size of water tanks, which silently sprayed towards the giant flywheel that fell into the sky.

The low vibrations continued, and the innate Renshui Yin thunder exploded one after another. The huge flywheel light and shadow collapsed and shattered layer by layer, but countless black light points gathered from all directions, and the shattered flywheel was reorganized again and again. , re-condensed into its complete form, rose into the air with a sharp whistle, and fell heavily towards the back of the basalt beast again.

Sword pellets flew into the air and continuously hit the giant flywheel.

The sword pills kept bouncing away with harsh clanging sounds, and large pieces of the flywheel collapsed and shattered, exploding countless sparks and black smoke. Even so, the giant Xuanwu beast still received another heavy blow, and another bloody arrow spurted out of its mouth.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the roaring Qilin gritted his teeth and roared, raised his head suddenly, and spurted out a steaming arrow of blood from his throat. The earthy yellow lightning surrounding him suddenly surged towards the blood arrow, and instantly turned into a thunder bead the size of a water tank. With the dazzling lightning, it flashed silently towards the black figure chasing behind him. before.

The lightning and the figure collided.


The thunder exploded, its power was extremely restrained, and it only affected the void within a radius of about a hundred feet.

Within this 100-foot range, the gravity is abnormally increased by a million times, and the terrifying earth elemental gravity is like countless crazy dragon pythons, entangling and twisting to kill everything.

However, the black figure was slightly hit by the lightning and disappeared like a dream bubble. When the thunder exploded, he had already appeared directly above the Xuanwu beast, just avoiding the explosion of thunder.

Tugou, your thunder method is powerful enough... It's just that you compress the power of your thunder method again and again, for fear of hurting innocent people... There's nothing you can do against me. The black figure showed his true form, clearly... A six-foot-tall, skinny old man with a goatee and slightly dark skin.

He lowered his head and looked down at the giant Xuanwu beast, and said with a sneer: In the past few times, if you had attacked with all your strength, I would have been severely injured by you, and I would not be able to hunt you down! No, no, you are such a useless woman. ……hehe!

The old man smiled softly and contentedly.

On the mountainside where the unicorn auspicious beast was, in a blue hall, a clear and bright girl's voice suddenly sounded: How is the kindness of women? Your mother is not a woman? Ah, you are not born and raised by others, So, maybe your mother is just a pile of cow dung?

The girl giggled happily.

Judging from the voice, there was more than one person.

A mouthful of old blood spurted out from the top of the mountain, and its original shape suddenly appeared. It was no longer able to stand. The Qilin auspicious beast lying on the top of the mountain panting widened its eyes, spit out its long tongue and laughed, hahahaha, almost rolling on the ground with laughter - at this moment He doesn't look like the legendary unicorn, he is clearly a fat and muscular big yellow dog!

Even the giant basalt beast stretched its neck, turned around and looked at the old man with the goatee standing directly above his back, smiling arrogantly and not too happily.

The old man with the goatee's expression changed slightly.

He snorted coldly, and there was a squirming movement under his pale skin. His cheeks, neck, the back of his hands, and all the exposed skin on his body cracked. The pieces were big or small, no bigger than a sesame seed, and only as big as a mung bean. Dark eyes popped out from under the cracked skin.

Countless eyes were locked on the basalt giant beast below. In each eye, there was a handle that was long or short, wide or narrow, large or small, light or heavy, with various shapes and blurred colors. The ever-changing weapon is flashing.

The next moment, the clothes on the old man's body turned into wisps of extremely sharp cold air and scattered away. His pale skin squirmed, and countless large and small eyes appeared.

In these eyes, there are also sharp weapons flashing.

Accompanied by a high-pitched and piercing cry, a mung bean-sized eye between the old man's eyebrows flashed with light, and soon expanded to the size of a thumb. In this eye were exactly the countless triangular flywheel-shaped sharp blades that he flew out just now.

There was a loud roar of 呛lang, the cold air reached the sky, and the spirit rose.

The triangular flywheel body flew out from the eye. It was a palm-sized, extremely thin, and strange-shaped flywheel with its entire body pitch black and its edges blending into the void. At this flywheel, the Renshui Yin Lei that were still flying around were cut into two pieces silently, and the silver sword pills that were flying all over the sky were suddenly cut intensively countless times, and the 'Clang Clang Clang' splashed out. Countless sparks.

Countless silver sword pills were like meteor showers hitting the sky, soaring into the sky from the blue hall on the mountainside and rushing straight towards the goatee old man.

The triangular flywheel was suspended in the air motionless, and invisible sharp edges naturally shot out all over the sky, colliding intensively with the rapidly rotating sword pills.

The sword pills flashed and flickered, and ejected with terrifying force.

Sparks flew everywhere and there was a clanging sound.

The invisible sharp edge caused sword pellets to flash all over the sky, sometimes retreating for several miles, dozens of miles, hundreds of miles... Countless sword pellets splashed, falling like heavy rain, and many sword pellets were shaken and flew back rapidly, and the huge sword pellets flew back. Under the shock of the force, the sword pill dragged the long sharp edge and passed between the mountains, rivers and palaces on the back of the black basalt beast, cutting extremely thin and long cracks in the mountains and rivers, and smashing the palaces and pavilions thousands of times. Full of holes.

In many pavilions, the exclamations of girls kept coming. The girl who was accidentally injured by the edge of the sword pill screamed in pain, and escaped from the collapsed pavilion into a sword rainbow with stains of blood, dodging in embarrassment among the mountains surrounded by spiritual inspiration and spiritual mist.

Layers of water vapor rise, and the basalt monster controls the surrounding water vapor and controls the immeasurable freezing air, turning it into layers of thick defensive restrictions like crystal palaces above its head. Not only were the innate Renshui and acquired Guishui restricted, but the innate Taiyin energy traced back from them turned into a sparkling silver spring flying all over the sky, resisting the invisible attack from the triangular flywheel.

The Qi of Taiyin, you can say that it can be extremely cold or cold, but it can also be extremely yin or soft... The soft Qi between heaven and earth, the extreme sharpness shed by the triangular flywheel, is just a cloud of clear springs. There were a few ripples on the general Taiyin energy, but it failed to cause any substantial damage to it!

However, the Xuanwu giant beast obviously lacked cultivation and realm. He tried his best to induce the lunar energy, but it could only cover less than one-tenth of the area of ​​​​the mountains, rivers and palaces on its huge body.

Therefore, invisible sharp edges scattered, countless silver sword pills fell, mountain peaks were still being torn apart, and a large number of beautiful palaces and pavilions were still being continuously destroyed.

In the middle of the mountain, on the mountainside, in the green hall, the three sisters Qingyou, Qing Ning, and Qing Meng sat cross-legged, with eighteen silver coffins lined up beside them.

These coffins are huge in size, and the materials used are all rare spiritual objects that can only be produced in the chaotic void. Each coffin is densely covered with restrictions, and its surface is carved with countless complex and beautiful patterns. Either a sword splits the air, or a sword cuts off the current, or a sword breaks the sun, or a sword slashes out, directly tearing a heaven into two pieces...

Among the eighteen coffins, forty-seven intact monks' corpses lay quietly.

One of them was enjoying a coffin alone...and in one of the coffins, there lay a handsome young man and eight beautiful, beautiful, thin and plump beauties!

This is...


However, if you look carefully, you will see that the owner of these eighteen coffins is the monk who occupies the center and core position of the coffin. Regardless of male or female, if you look carefully, you can see the details of their facial features on the faces of the three Qingyou girls. A trace of the same characteristics!

For example, their earlobes, the corners of their eyes...

Surrounding the three girls of Qingyou, there are swords with clanging swords. There are also golden, silver, purple, red, cyan...all different colors, but all of them are shining like the sun, crystal clear. Just like glass, the sword ball vibrates and rotates at a terrifying high speed.

Whether it is these sharp swords or these sword pills, they all exude a terrifying aura that is more powerful than Lu Qian's robes for fighting evil and cassocks for liberation.

Sharp, decisive, full of unparalleled edge that would rather break than bend, and cut through everything.

These are top-notch swords, rarely seen in the world. At this moment, they are all surrounded by the three girls of Qingyou, quietly accepting the refinement of their souls, and at the same time, they use their own kendo insights and kendo essence to express themselves. Little by little, it merged with their condensed sword hearts.

Over the basalt giant beast, the old man with the goatee sneered in a low voice: Ignorant young man, I have planned this Sword Palace ruins for at least a period of time... You young men, just passing by unintentionally, actually took away everything The benefits...are simply unreasonable!

Dedicate all the treasures in this Sword Palace, and I may be able to spare a small life for you, the juniors!

If not, hey!

Hearing the old man's strange laughter, Qing Ning suddenly glared and said angrily: This is obviously a treasure left by my ancestor of Qinglin Sword Pavilion. This sword palace is also a relic of my bloodline ancestor... What does it have to do with you? relation?

The old man with the goatee narrowed his countless eyes and said coldly: You said it was a relic of your ancestor? Who will testify? Who will prove it? I have spent countless thoughts and efforts...

A deep voice came from a distance: What you said is too ridiculous, fellow Taoist. If you have spent all your time and energy on it, it must be yours... Haha, how can there be such a truth in the world?

Buddha's light surges and Sanskrit chants sound.

There were more than a dozen holes in the cassock on his body, and he looked a little embarrassed. There was a ball of blue bruises on his bald head. It was obvious that he had not been able to recover after being hit hard. There were also three wounds on his chest and abdomen that were as deep as his internal organs. They were obviously injured. The claws of some kind of ferocious bird tore at the Buddha, and his breath was a little restless. He held a wooden fish hammer upside down, panted slightly, and walked towards this side step by step from the other direction.

Even though he was so embarrassed, Baoguang Merit Buddha still spoke in an unhurried and unhurried manner, full of the majestic demeanor that a Buddhist leader should have.

He stared at the old man with the goatee and chuckled: I have always been kind to others in my life. I don't want to act without reason, let alone kill indiscriminately... I also ask fellow Taoists...

The old man with the goatee stared solemnly at the Baoguang Merit Buddha, and suddenly sneered. A mung bean-sized eye on his chest suddenly expanded to a foot square. In the dark eye, there was a crescent-shaped, three-foot-long, thick Up to three inches, a blue wheel with dense teeth and unparalleled sharpness flew out silently. In a flash, it arrived in front of the Buddha of Baoguang Merit and slashed hard on his neck.

The knife wheel flew out, and an extremely long and thin crack was opened in the void.

In the huge Jade Toad Ze, countless creatures, including several large toads, couldn't help but widen their eyes and looked at the sharp edge brought by the spatula wheel.

Just looking at it, an invisible edge flashed, and the big toad and the creatures howled in unison. Their eyes suddenly suffered severe pain, and their eyeballs were torn into two pieces. Blood and the contents of the eyeballs spurted out. The situation is truly appalling.

The Buddha of Baoguang Merit turned a blind eye to the sword wheel that struck in front of him. He rubbed his hands together, and the Buddha's light overflowed. The little rays of light surged, and instantly turned into large warm rains of light, spreading to the creatures with injured eyes.

On the hill, bright light also surged in the body of the white jade toad, merging with the light rain and turning into strands of light falling into each injured eye. The creatures who cried out in pain all laughed and jumped for joy. Their cut eyes instantly returned to their original state, and their eyes were agile and their eyesight was even better than before.

There was a loud choking sound.

The knife wheel struck the neck of Baoguang Merit Buddha, sparks flew everywhere, and the extremely sharp knife wheel rotated rapidly, just like a worldly jade cutter splitting a beautiful jade stone with a flywheel, countless sparks stirred, and there was a harsh cutting sound. The shock made people feel restless, but there was no wound on the neck of Baoguang Merit Buddha, only the skin was slightly red!

The pupils of the old man with the goatee suddenly shrank.

Only he himself knows how terrifying the power of the knife wheel he flew out is. It is an exterminating edge that he does not dare to touch easily. Basically, he has never touched this knife wheel in his life. Objects that cannot be split.

But Baoguang Merit Buddha actually used his own body to catch the flying slash.

Buddhist golden body... damn bald man! The old man with the goatee looked up to the sky and roared, his body swayed, countless eyes blinked all over his body, countless sharp weapons, various knives, swords, wheels, blades, etc. flew together. came out, bringing all kinds of sharp edges and flying down towards the Buddha of Precious Light Merit.

The Buddha of Precious Light Merit puts his hands together and chants the name of the Buddha.

Layers of Buddha's light bloomed tenderly around him like lotus flowers. Countless sharp weapons chopped pieces of Buddha's light into pieces and kept approaching him. However, the closer they got to his body, the slower and slower the sharp weapons flew. Gradually, countless sharp weapons were still seven or eight feet away from the Baoguang Merit Buddha, and they were all imprisoned in the Buddha's light like a solidified glacier. No matter how they vibrated, whirled, and how wildly they tore apart, they could no longer get even an inch closer. .

Fellow Taoist, put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately! Baoguang Merit Buddha smiled and looked at the old man with the goatee. The shadow under his feet had long since disappeared under the light of Buddha in the sky. In the next moment, behind the stunned old man with goatee, the old man's shadow squirmed and stood up, transforming into a black Buddha with precious light and merit.

The magical avatar of the Baoguang Merit Buddha carried the heavy wooden fish hammer and struck the old man with the goatee on the back of his head from behind with a heavy blow without any technical content.

The old man with the goatee had eyes all over his body. It stands to reason that he should have clearly seen the appearance of this magical clone and the attack of this shadow clone on him. But here's the weird thing. When the clone struck down, the countless eyes behind the goatee old man blinked desperately, but seemed to turn a blind eye. He didn't react at all.

With a muffled sound, the goatee old man's head exploded, his body and countless eyes were shattered, and his soul was completely annihilated with the rapid sound of wooden fish.

I am Buddha, compassionate! Baoguang Merit Buddha clasped his hands together and looked straight at the place where the goatee old man disappeared for a while. With a 'dong' sound, he fell straight into the Jade Toad Lake, splashing a large amount of muddy water.

Within the body of the white jade toad, large expanses of brilliant light swirled, bit by bit integrated into the body of Baoguang Merit Buddha, rapidly repairing the visible and invisible damage inside and outside his body. Baoguang Merit Buddha was lying on the ground upright like a zombie, and murmured in a low voice: I am ashamed that my old face has been completely lost in front of the younger generation... It's scary. Fortunately, I was seriously injured several times in the past. With the magical power of Senior Bai Yuchan, he came to life...

Three girls, why don't you help me up quickly? Hey, hey, we can't let the old monk just soak in the muddy water!

Although monks don't pay attention to walking, sitting, and lying down, and don't pay attention to gorgeous clothing and so on, it's not a problem to be soaked in muddy water!

Following the hum of the Buddha of Merit and Virtue, many beautiful girls flew out with their swords from the back of the giant Xuanwu beast. With a subtle whistling sound, they landed beside the Buddha of Merit and Destiny. They tried to lift the treasure with their hands and feet. The merit Buddha helped me up.

‘One, two, three’… The cultivation of these girls also reaches the realm of true immortals, ranging from the first to the tenth heaven.

They tried their best to lift the Buddha of Precious Light, but no matter how hard they tried, the body of the Buddha of Precious Light remained motionless... The girls were stunned, and then they shouted slogans and used their magical powers to lift him. The great monk helped him up...

Embarrassing things are still embarrassing, and Baoguang Merit Buddha is still motionless!

The old monk's face turned slightly red and he muttered softly.

The bright light emitted by the white jade toad also fell on the Qilin auspicious beast lying on the top of the mountain. This big dog-like unicorn auspicious beast panted for a while, stood up with a slightly trembling body, stepped on the large yellow clouds, and strode to the side of Baoguang Merit Buddha.

He gently touched the old monk's body with the dragon horn on his head. The heavenly patterns symbolizing auspiciousness and fortune lit up one after another on the dragon horn, and a trace of good fortune continued to blend into the old monk's body. , in the old monk's body, some of the dark aura that was almost imprinted in his bone marrow, and which could not be dispelled no matter how much the old monk used his magical powers, was constantly melting and disintegrating.

There are specialties in the art! Baoguang Merit Buddha nodded happily: Rhubarb, your merits and virtues are quite beneficial to me... Hey, hey, if you have been with me all these years, I will also You won’t have to endure these hardships!”

The unicorn auspicious beast...well, Rhubarb stuck out its long tongue and shook its tail. The dragon's horns gently lifted up the old monk's body, placed it on a yellow cloud, and dragged him towards Xuanwu. The mountains, rivers and palaces on the back of the giant beast flew away.

A group of girls stood up with swords and followed Dahuang, making noises. It was just because the old monk was so heavy and Dahuang was so powerful. Although these girls were in a vicious and evil place like Loulan Ancient City, they Each one of them is so innocent that they are almost heartless, and they have no idea how they grew to be so big.

The giant Xuanwu beast took a breath, swallowed a few rays of bright light scattered by the white jade toad, raised its huge head, and nodded to the precious light merit Buddha on the yellow cloud.

Baoguang Merit Buddha smiled and nodded, and was taken into the blue hall on the mountainside by Dahuang.

In the main hall, Qingyou and the three girls were sitting cross-legged on the ground. They were a little sad at first and laughed when they saw Baoguang Merit Buddha, but they couldn't get up. Qingyou nodded to the old monk and said, Lord Buddha, please forgive me. The disciples are imprisoned by this sword palace. Unless they refine the swords left by their ancestors, they will never be able to move at all.

Baoguang Merit Buddha's eyes swept across the decorations in the hall, and he couldn't help but nod: It is indeed a legacy left by your direct blood ancestors... Well, that's it!

How accomplished is Baoguang Merit Buddha? In terms of magical powers, he is definitely much better than Lu Qian today. He is a real old Buddha master with many years of experience, not a fresh-faced rookie like Lu Qian. Than.

The moment he entered the hall, he caught the many causal auras remaining in the hall.

Through the traceability of these causal auras, based on the residual essence, blood, and qi machines of the men and women in the coffin and the induction of blood vessels in the bodies of the three Qingyou women, combined with his understanding of the three Qingyou women, he did not even need to spend much mana to get it. After clearing this palace... no, it is the origin of the three thousand miles of rivers and mountains in the outside world, so many palaces and pavilions, and those sword-wielding girls!

The third daughter of Qingyou was born in Dayin Qinglin Sword Pavilion of the Supreme Saint Heaven.

Qinglin Sword Pavilion was once the top sword cultivating sect in the Supreme Holy Heaven. When the cultivation world in the Supreme Holy Heaven was extremely prosperous, the Qinglin Sword Pavilion was a splendid place with an endless stream of masters and powerful men. Even in the Supreme Holy Heaven and Yuan Lingtian at that time, Joining forces to destroy Wan Miao Tian, ​​the sword cultivators of Qinglin Sword Pavilion completely acted as the vanguard.

Later, Wanmiaotian was completely destroyed, and the cultivation world of Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian turned against each other. During the battle when Jishengtian attacked Yuanlingtian and almost wiped out the whole world of Yuanlingtian, Qinglin Sword Pavilion also appeared. Great strength, the record is brilliant!

Therefore, in the history of Qinglin Sword Pavilion, there were many powerful ancestors who ascended.

The destination for these powerful ancestors to ascend is naturally the Liangyi Heaven.

Like other ascended great masters, these ascended ancestors of Qinglin Sword Pavilion established sects after taking root in Liangyi Heaven. Some even got married and had children, creating new families in Liangyi Heaven.

Of course, when the ancestors of Qinglin Sword Pavilion began to multiply and grow in Liangyi Heaven, according to the number of their sword cultivation paths, they worshiped the Taoist sect and became one of the few sword cultivating sects under the Qingyang Authentic Sect.

Qinglin Sword Pavilion had been famous for a period of time in the history of Liangyitian.

However, their luck was not very good.

Not a few days after their good days in Liangyi Heaven, the Taoist sage they had taken refuge with at the beginning brought the main force of Qinglin Sword Pavilion as his attendant during a survey of the ancient city of Loulan - or in other words, Act as cannon fodder to explore the path!

Cannon fodder must have the consciousness of cannon fodder.

Several times later, the masters of Qinglin Sword Pavilion fell, disappeared, and fell in the ancient city of Loulan. Then, Taoism and Buddhism joined forces to fight against demons and evil barbarians in a series of conspiracy wars. The foundation of Qinglin Sword Pavilion in Liangyi Heaven was also completely annihilated in those series of battles.

No one expected that many powerful ancestors of Qinglin Sword Pavilion would actually cause quite a big situation in Loulan Ancient City.

They opened up a small world, collected some unlucky people who were wandering in the ancient city of Loulan, and re-established the foundation of the sect.

However, who would have thought that all the achievements of these powerful ancestors of Qinglin Sword Pavilion would eventually help the three Qingyou girls who were separated from Lu Qian.

In a word, the ancestors of Qinglin Sword Pavilion died one after another in the dojo opened by their family in the ancient city of Loulan. After entering the ancient city of Loulan, the three Qingyou girls did not experience many twists and turns and risks, and found the Qingyou left by the ancestors. Scale Sword Palace', relying on its purest bloodline, inherited everything from Sword Palace!

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