Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 850: Gathering at Xingshang River (2)

Chaos, like the deep sea.

Shallow water, medium water, deep water, with distinct layers, fertilize all things.

Just when Lu Qian was in the garden, watching the garden being attacked by two armies of saints, and when Qingyou and the three girls were attacked by the giant bees, outside the ancient city of Loulan, in this space-time dimension, transcending this dimensional coordinate, Climbing towards the 'high level' in the conventional sense, that is, the so-called 'ascension' dimension in Liangyitian...

Consumes a huge amount of energy.

Spend endless years.

A hugely expensive concept.

Spend endless resources.

Climb, climb as hard as you can, transcend the layers of dimensional diaphragms. In these dimensional diaphragms, they are either barren or rich, or vast or narrow. Layers of space dimensions that are not suitable for the conception of living beings are transformed into Layers of barriers are like layers of solid rock 'covers' in thick rock formations...

Such breakthroughs were made all the way, and finally, a bright light appeared.

This is an indescribable world.

Just like the plankton at the deepest level, they have survived many disasters such as water pressure, temperature, light, nutrition, etc., and survived the hunting of countless creatures big and small. From the deepest and most barren deep sea, they finally came to the place where the sun is shining and the temperature is mild. , all the environment is just right, the shallow sea that breeds abundant nutrition, and hundreds of millions of people are cheering for joy, comes to the surrounding island where the products are rich and all kinds of frosts are free...

The strange light contains clear fluctuations of the avenue.

It's like a real avenue undulating across the void.

Wave after wave of avenue fluctuations beat gently, like a blood heart, running through the entire world, evolving into the most ordinary light of stars visible to the naked eye at an angle, and evolving into oceans of stardust as rich as mercury.

Dozens of huge rays of light entangled like crazy dragons turned into a magnificent light gate, covering the broken world.

This place has been destroyed into a mess, but it still has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery is extremely beautiful. At first glance, it looks like a unique and exquisite bonsai condensed in the void by a master craftsman. Every part is carefully crafted. It contains incredible Taoist charm.

Such a wonderful world has been torn into pieces, with floating mountain peaks and broken sacred trees everywhere. In the middle of the originally roughly circular sky and earth, a huge black palm print penetrated the entire continent. This huge penetrating palm print occupied about 30% of the original land area, causing devastating trauma to the entire world.

The closer you get to this penetrating palm print, the more barren and desolate the land becomes. The original mountains and rivers have all turned into the vast Gobi Desert, and the sky is filled with yellow sand. Countless terrifying poisonous insects and snakes squirm happily in the wind and sand.

A little further away, among the floating broken mountain peaks and the remains of huge sacred trees, some messy building debris lay crookedly on the ground, floating in the air. Occasionally, you can still see sections of the city wall that are shining with light, exuding strong forbidden fluctuations tenaciously. There are also looming and natural-like avenue talismans on the surface of the city wall, like the body of a dead and unyielding dragon, lingering between heaven and earth. between.

The style of these buildings... If Lu Yi were here, he would have discovered that these dilapidated buildings, damaged city walls, etc. were exactly the same as the architectural style of the ancient city of Loulan, without any difference.

Chaotic winds blew around, wiping away the last bit of vitality in this world, causing the death and barrenness brought about by the piercing palm print in the middle to continue to spread to the surroundings. When the Gobi desert spreads to the entire world, this area of ​​the world will completely become empty and become a real death zone.

A roar sounded, and a low roar came from the light door high in the sky. In the strong light, two purple-gold giant portals appeared. With great force surging, the two giant doors slowly opened, and the majestic, thick and incredible spiritual mist was like The great river surged out, as if a cannonball had hit the landmass below, causing the landmass that was millions of miles in diameter to vibrate violently.

Damn it!

A clear scolding sound came from the light door.

It has three heads with two wings on its back, and its whole body is silvery white. The horse is incredibly strong and powerful. It is more than ten feet long from head to tail. The horse with the appearance of a white dragon gallops out of the light door. They used transparent silver ropes to drag a floating hall with radiant light behind them. The bright golden hall flew out of the light door with a whistling sound. In front of the hall, a young man wearing a three-foot jade crown and a purple and gold striped robe with twinkling stars looked down. The broken land mass, the corners of his eyes twitching violently.

He flipped his left hand and actually took out a strange instrument that was made of countless rays of light, jumping and flickering. Its shape resembled an abacus, and its functions were the same as an abacus.

His right hand flicked the rectangular instrument for a while, and along with the crisp 'ding-dong' sound, the young man's face completely drooped: It's a heavy loss... How can I repay this loss? Hey, hey, Is it possible that we have to pay for this shortfall out of our own pocket? It is simply unreasonable...this, this...

Afterwards, the young man started grumbling.

The concubine in the third room has just given birth to a child. It is a critical time to replenish the body and lay the foundation for the child to take the magical elixir... The concubine in the second room has taken a fancy to the palace in the wonderful realm, thinking with tears. There has been a lot of fuss over the purchase for several years... I am living in an outhouse, fighting for wealth with a certain best friend, and I just burned a lot of money...

What kind of family members can't live up to their expectations? Several of their own sons and nephews spend a lot of money eating, drinking, whoring and gambling...

The ancestor of any other family has recently fallen into the God's Obstacle and is trying his best to break out of it. In the process, the old man is the Number One Foolish King in Heaven, a man of wine and meat, cruelty and stupidity...

Really... I want to give up my career! The young man looked at the broken land mass below with a sad face, and said quietly: We have reached the end of the field, let's get to work... Hurry up and survey clearly, what exactly is Loulan Pass? Destroyed? Who did it? When did it happen? Find it for me, find it...

The young man stamped his feet fiercely, and said with a wry smile on his face: Loulanguan Pass is an important border town, and there is absolutely no vacancy. It must be rebuilt... But this reconstruction, this city defense infrastructure... this population replenishment... this deployment of troops and horses... …This…it’s all money!”

If I didn't count on the salary allocated from above, I would be serving as a guard in Loulan. It would be a waste to eat and it would be a pity to abandon it... Hey, hey, why bother?

Following the young man's complaints, the central door of the hall opened, and a large group of men and women wearing high crowns and uniform starlight robes strode out. With faint starlight lingering around them, they rose into the air one by one and quickly arrived at the periphery of the destroyed landmass.

Lines of magical restrictions continued to scatter in all directions, and blurred light and shadows continued to emerge from the broken mountain peaks, broken sacred trees, and collapsed building debris. As those powerful and miraculous restrictions continued to work together, these lights and shadows became gradually clearer and more complete, eventually covering the entire continent.

Then, the young man's exclamations echoed throughout the world.

It's over!

What a huge scapegoat!

My family is going to lose a lot of money!

How could Morenzhitian Guarding God King, who killed Shangguan and defected brazenly, escape here?

How could Emperor Taihu and his accompanying bodyguards be here? How could they be... here?

Emperor Taihu died here?

Are you kidding? Emperor Taihu is actually the drinking buddy of Morenzhitian Guarding God King? He is here to help Morenzhitian Guarding God King escape?

But, but, the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard actually, actually...here, together with Emperor Taihu and the God King Moren Zhitian Guard, were, were, were...

The young man, as well as the men and women around him, all had pale faces, and cold sweat oozed out from their foreheads like pearls, turning into a brilliant rainstorm, falling on the broken land mass. .

Loulang Pass, according to the law, the garrison should have 129,600 people, forming a divine formation, which should be able to protect Emperor Taigu and the deputy commander of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, but...but...

My dear third uncle, it's just an empty salary. You eat seven achievements, which is enough... There are 129,600 Loulan Guards, but you actually eat the empty wages of 127,000 people. You are so tall in Languan, There are only 2,600 standing Loulan guards...

This, this, this...

Hehe, hehe...

The young man and the men and women around him were all stiff and pale, like frozen zombies, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

Eating empty wages is not shabby.

All the forces in the world, who wouldn’t take advantage of them? As long as nothing happens, the years will be peaceful. It is nothing more than a matter of how much you eat. But this man who is stationed at Loulan Pass is too wild for his ability to earn free money!

When was the last time we checked Loulan Guards?

The last time I counted the Loulan Guards, there were more than 60,000 Loulan Guards in the entire Loulan Pass, and there were more than 60,000 serious Loulan Guards, and they were receiving less than 50% of their free wages. They can be called a 'model of incorruptibility'... But this dear uncle, He has only been in charge of Loulan Pass for a few years, how dare he do this?

The standing Loulan Guards of 129,600 people were suddenly depleted and only 2,600 people were left!

That's it, the people won't take action, the officials won't investigate, as long as nothing happens, then it'll be fine!

But something happened!

Loulan Pass was breached...

That's all. Although Loulan Pass was breached, it did not affect the direct jurisdiction of our family, and it did not have a too bad impact - as long as we take care of it, this small matter can be easily covered up.

The issue is……

Emperor Taigu, this scourge of killing a thousand swords!

Why is he here?

No sound!

I haven’t received any news at all!

As for the hunted Moren Zhitian Guardian God King... and the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard who came after him, but was brutally stopped by Emperor Taihu at Loulan Pass... it was also a fatal matter, but... Compared with the fallen Emperor Taihu, what is this?

Why did Emperor Taihu appear here?

The information shown in the light and shadow screen just now is very clear and understandable. Although the incoming enemy is powerful, if the Loulan Guards are fully established, the 129,600 Loulan Guards, with the help of the city defense restrictions of Loulan Pass, are enough to protect Taihu. The emperor was thoughtful enough to send out a distress signal and wait for enough reinforcements!

It was precisely because Loulan Pass was starving and eating so much that they were crazy and too imaginative... This led to the lack of defense power at Loulan Pass and the death of Emperor Taihu here.

This guilt!

I can't bear it... The young man wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and murmured: I can't bear it... Emperor Taigu, he, he, he...

Before he finished speaking, the light door above suddenly flashed.

A huge silver mirror shaped like an eye replaced the light door. Light flowed in the mirror, and a terrifying power like the power of heaven came out, imprisoning the Pegasus, the main hall, and the young man below.

A translucent human figure, whose entire body was composed of faint crystal light, shuttled out of the treasure mirror, like a weightless shadow, slowly falling from the sky. The figure gradually descended, and the pressure of the terrifying divine power became heavier and heavier. The young man and the accompanying men and women were suppressed little by little, making click sounds in the bodies of the young man and the accompanying men and women, and their bones and internal organs were almost completely broken.

Rao...rao... The young man's eyes protruded, and very thin bloodshot threads bulged in the eyeballs, almost bursting into pieces. He looked pitifully at the translucent figure and tried his best to squeeze out a cry for mercy from his throat.

My son! The transparent figure sighed softly.

Naughty. The figure muttered in a low voice: After being naughty for so many years, I finally lost my life... Fortunately, I was quite naughty when I was young, and I had many children, so I , the death of a son, even the son I loved the most before... I can still bear the death of only one!

If it were the other old guys, they would have only a handful of sons and daughters. If one of their emperors, sons and daughters died in Loulan Pass... Haha! Even if you annihilate the clan, it will be difficult to eliminate their anger. .”

It's just that, although I have many children, this is my favorite son after all. No matter what the reason for his death here, no matter whether he was at fault or not, even if everything is his fault, in the final analysis, it is also your fault. It's your fault... Since it's your fault, you must bear the price...

Colorful feathers condensed from large rays of light fell from the mirror like snowflakes.

In the heavy snow that fluttered and fluttered like illusory feathers, large groups of girls with beautiful figures, beautiful faces, and perfect bodies, with no flaws at all, emerged gracefully.

These girls are extremely beautiful, with a pair of colorful wings behind their backs that are several times larger than their bodies slowly fluttering.

Colorful rainbows surround these girls.

They were smiling, with extremely standard compassionate smiles that were unique to the heavy metal statues of the Virgin in the temple. They looked down at the young people and others below with compassion.

After a moment, these girls had some flower baskets in their hands out of thin air.

They reached into the flower basket, took out handfuls of colorful petals and scattered them, and suddenly the petals fell like rain all over the sky. These petals fell on the land mass below, and immediately turned into wisps of colorful Taoist rhyme, slowly blooming, and the collapsed land mass immediately became full of life. A large sea of ​​flowers rolled up, and the whole world was bright and turned into a sea of ​​light. , sea of ​​flowers, and even more fragrant fragrance rolling, turning into a 'sea of ​​fragrance'.

A clear whistle came from afar.

Right next to the young man who was stunned and unable to move, a soft voice sounded: Emperor Taiyu has come a long way, and he is welcome at a distance... Ahem, even if I am not polite, the emperor's own guard of honor is too exaggerated. A little bit...

Taizhi (xiu, meaning bad smell), do you think I'm exaggerated? Emperor Taiqu looked coldly at the thin wisp of green smoke flickering around the young man, swaying rapidly like algae in the rapids.

Green smoke rises, and the air is filled with countless scents.

Sweet, bitter, spicy, sour and numb... all the aromas, stinks, and weird smells that are neither fragrant nor smelly that you can imagine in the world are all mixed together... These smells are mixed together and pass through a strange way. After the rhyme is purified, it becomes the kind that no matter where you are, what level of cultivation you have, or whether your perception is blocked, it will still invade your body, penetrate your soul, infiltrate every corner of your body, and even erode your past and past. A whimsical flavor to the concept of everything present and future!

This smell is full of terrifying aggression.

Wherever he passed, even the solid rock formations below, the floating clouds, the bright light in the sky, the rich fragrance... everything was eroded by this rich, mixed, changeable and unpredictable atmosphere.

Emperor Taihu snorted, and there was endless light rising around him.

The silver mirror above the head blinked like eyes, and clear and bright light shone on the world. High-pitched chants came from the mouths of the girls with wings on their backs. Along with the chants, the sound of Clang Clang armors clashed constantly. Team after team, their figures were as blazing as the rapidly burning sun, and the majestic warriors full of domineering fluttering the huge wings behind their backs rushed out of the treasure mirror.

Compared with those girls, these soldiers were taller and stronger, and the three pairs of wings behind them were even larger, filled with more domineering and powerful power.

In just a short breath, more than ten billion soldiers poured out of the treasure mirror, forming a giant military formation above the small Loulan Pass land mass, covering an area ten times larger than Loulan Pass.

The wisp of green smoke sighed faintly: Hey, Tai Qu, I'm just teasing you, why do you put on such a big show?

Isn't it just a son who died?

You said it yourself, you have many sons and daughters, but if one of you dies, it won't hurt you!

Furthermore, it has been spread that your son is hooking up with the guy from Morenzhitian... Haha, if it weren't for your son who was stirring up trouble, how could the guy from Morenzhitian escape here? He almost did it. Just escape from the territory under our control and successfully defect... This is a big event!

If this matter is really pursued, you won't be in a good position.

Die my son and have nothing to do with this shitty thing. I'll tell you you've taken advantage of me!

Okay, okay, don't scare people here...Although the Linghu family has a group of inexplicable silverfish, their family has been working hard for me for many years, and they can be considered loyal. You are scared. Where can I find such loyal and available people?

When the young man and the accompanying men and women heard what Emperor Taiyi said like a wisp of blue smoke, they all burst into tears of gratitude. They knelt down in mid-air and kowtowed towards the wisp of blue smoke.

Emperor Taihu snorted coldly: You all know?

A wisp of green smoke circled around, outlining a hazy and illusive silhouette of a young man. He sat down on the top of a floating mountain full of colorful flowers in a very inelegant manner, crossed his legs and smiled: What do you think? Who can you hide this matter from? If you want to deal with it, You know exactly who the one in the Moren branch is, just like me.

Unless you want to fall out with that person... Otherwise, it was your son who took the initiative to intervene and seriously disturbed his affairs. This is a frontal provocation... This is not your original intention, is it? Therefore, the death of a son will cut off the cause and effect. , you won’t suffer!”

We value peace?

Emperor Taiyi smiled and said, Stop pretending to pursue your son's death...unless you have ulterior motives?

Emperor Taigu narrowed his eyes: How much, you have to give me a compensation. In the end, one code equals one code. My son died on the territory of your subordinates, I don't want to lose face?

Emperor Taiyi also smiled brightly: One code equals one code, this is true... Then, what compensation do you want?

The light is lingering and the smoke is blowing.

The two great emperors disappeared out of thin air together with the countless soldiers arrayed in the sky, and the silver eye-shaped mirror also disappeared.

The young man from the Linghu family who was kneeling stood up slowly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He looked up at the sky and the giant light door that had returned to normal. He smiled bitterly and shook his head gently. .

A handsome man who resembled the young man came over and asked softly: Uncle, is this matter over?

The young man's cheeks twitched fiercely. He was silent for a long time and shook his head gently: Oh, this matter has passed? Hehe, hehe, hehe... If you can attract the two clones to come, do you think this matter can pass?

I'm really itching. What kind of big event is it that can actually, actually, alarm the two great emperors?


The young man shivered with excitement: If you think about it, you must not get involved. Fortunately, there is Emperor Taiyi behind our family. Otherwise, today will be the day when all nine Linghu clans will be destroyed... I can't think of it. , I dare not think about it. In short, if we do our job well... Loulan Pass must be rebuilt. But the funds for the reconstruction, and the manpower for the reconstruction... Hmm!

The abacus-like instrument in the young man's left hand made a loud noise. He gritted his teeth and calculated carefully for a long time. Finally, he shook his head with a sad face: This, this, this... this hole, how can it be repaired in a short while? This can only be... Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh!

The young man nodded, bowed and saluted to the sky, listened respectfully for a while, and then straightened up solemnly.

The body of Loulan Pass was actually exiled to the lower realm.

Since the main body is still intact, let's salvage it back.

Such a border formation, brick by brick, costs a lot of money... If you can save something, just save it... By the way, tsk tsk...

This Loulan Guard needs to be completed.

But the Loulan Guards have to replenish 129,600 men. The gap in salary...the gap in equipment...this, this...this...the cost is huge, huge!

Then, follow the practice of one Loulan Guard and twelve retinues. The retinue's cultivation level is just ordinary... But if it is a formal establishment, this retinue will also require a salary expense. Only This slave soldier, uh, haha!

Slave soldiers... slave soldiers are not so easy to catch!

Well, Loulan Pass fell into the lower realm? Tsk tsk, this cost, this benefit, this risk... we still have to work it out with the old guys at home. This matter must be done beautifully, otherwise... …”

In the sky, there are colorful feathers falling again.

A beautiful girl with two wings and twelve six-winged warriors quietly walked out of the light door.

The girl slowly fell in front of the young man and said calmly: Please help me locate the ruins of Loulan Pass. We are ordered by the emperor to recover the remains of the emperor's son, as well as the many treasures that the emperor rewarded from the emperor's body.

The young man was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to answer, a faint light flickered in the light door, and dozens of men wearing black armor, with blood-colored cloaks tied behind their backs, and their auras as cold and solemn as butchers and executioners filed out.

The leading man's cheeks were filled with dark light, like a mask, covering his face, making it difficult to see what he looked like. He descended in front of the young man and said calmly: Don't we need to go into details? We are ordered to recover the corpses of our fallen colleagues, equipment, identity seals and other items. These items must not be left in the lower world... At the same time, the rebel Moren was confirmed Zhi Tian guards the life and death of the God King...

This is an important matter. Please quickly locate the wreckage of Loulan Pass for the convenience of our group in the lower realm.

The young man pursed his lips and was about to speak when the door of light flickered again. A kind-hearted old man with white beard and white hair and a white robe, no more than three feet tall, waved a small whisk and led more than a hundred people in clothes. The men and women in feathers floated out.

The white-robed old man fell from the light door with a smile, his eyes swept over the winged girl and the black-armored man, and nodded with a smile: The little old man has been ordered by heaven to come to the lower realm. It's convenient for you!

The white-robed old man's robes shimmered with stars, and two rays of starlight swayed on the jade belt around his waist, condensing into a palm-sized seal and a jade plaque with gorgeous patterns.

When everyone saw the seal and jade plaque on the old man's waist, they all saluted him one after another and respectfully addressed him as 'Laojun'.

Among the many people, only the leader of the black-armored man had a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes. After saluting, he sneered at the old man: I traveled in person, could it be that I don't believe in the actions of the patrolling forbidden gods?

The old man had a bright smile and a kind face, as kind as the grandpa next door.

But in the next moment, his two bright and kind eyes suddenly turned into a dark green with a demonic aura. He stared straight at the man in black armor and chuckled: You... say... Woolen cloth?

The old man's figure floated up and came close to the man in black armor. He gently poked the man's chest with his right index finger. Each blow made a loud choking sound, splashing countless sparks, and forcefully hit the man. The beast head on the chest has deep and dazzling indentations.

If you are useful, if you are capable, can you allow the rebellious and rebellious man named Moren Zhitian to escape here?

If you are trustworthy, if you are loyal, will the higher authorities launch an investigation against you and the Forbidden Gods?

The green in the old man's eyes became deeper and richer, and finally his pupils turned into two extremely fine points of dark green light, and two points of green magic thunder blasted out silently, striking directly at the face of the black-armored man.

The black-armored man gritted his teeth and remained motionless as two extremely thin magic thunder struck his cheek.

There was a muffled sound, and the black light on the black-armored man's face was shattered, revealing a slightly dark face, but with extremely regular features. The magic thunder fell and opened two very fine wounds on his cheek. The lightning penetrated his face and exploded with a bang. Two thumb-sized holes were blasted out on the man's face. Bits of blood as thick as jade paste oozed out, and a fragrant blood fragrance containing the majestic life essence rolled out. diffusion.

During the breath, the flesh and blood of the wound squirmed, and the face repaired as before.

The man in black armor had a stiff face and hugged his fists towards the old man: Have you calmed down?

The old man in white robe stared straight at the man in black armor for a long time, then laughed. The green in his eyes dimmed little by little, and his two eyes returned to their original clear, translucent, kind and gentle nature.

now it's right.

now it's right.

You children, you must know how to be obedient, you must know how to be respectful, you must know the timing of heaven, and you must understand the destiny of heaven... Whose heaven is this sky... Whose land is this land... You, really don't Understand?

Be good, otherwise, your chief commander of the Heavenly Forbidden God Division, haha! He will be overthrown!

The man in black armor lowered his head, and the black light on his cheeks reappeared, completely blocking his face and his eyes that became stiff and cold, but also contained some kind of blazing emotion, like a giant crater shrouded in icebergs.

The young man from the Linghu family coughed.

In this case, haha, all of you are going to the lower realm? Then, I wish you all a safe and smooth trip. Hey, are you targeting the wreckage of Loulan Pass? I still need a little arrangement. Please take a rest. .”

Loulan ancient city.

At the intersection of several tributaries of the Xingshang River, the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat floated quietly on the river, with wisps of gray-white mist covering the entire hull. There was not a single human figure on the huge hull, and the entire Nine Lotus Treasure Boat was like a ghost ship, with a chilling chill that made people feel heartbroken.

The deepest cabin in the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat.

At the end of the long, millions-mile-long corridor, on a dark metal door, tiny bits of blurry starlight loomed. Passing through this metal door that is thousands of miles thick, there is a vast and boundless void inside the door.

Ban Lazi's bloody head was suspended in the void.

In all directions, surging heaven and earth inspirations and chaotic tides emerged out of thin air, and were forcibly torn from the outside world into this deep void by invisible forces. A dilapidated starlight banner hung over the broken head. The flag was like a monster, swallowing up the endless energy coming from all directions.

After the transformation of the big flag, the infinite power turned into dots of light rain, falling drop by drop on the broken head.

If the head is completely repaired and the blood stains on its surface are wiped clean, it can be seen that this is a handsome man, who can even be said to be as handsome as a peach and plum!

However, most of the head was missing, and it was quite mutilated by the inexplicable attack. There was sticky blood constantly flowing out of the wound. This half of the head looked extremely ferocious and embarrassed, and there was also a raging wave of resentment. , constantly pouring out of this head.

Suddenly, the only remaining eye in this head opened suddenly.

The divine light in his eyes flickered, illuminating the entire void in an instant... Low thunder sounded from all directions, and the small half of the head's lips squirmed, making a terrifying loud noise.

No, something, something...is wrong!

This feeling, this feeling...

This breath, this breath...

It's my family's blood aura... It's the original power of my Linghu clan... It's my family's power that opened the retrograde gate...

A bunch of bastards, they only remember me now. It's been so many years, it's been so many years...

Uuuu, didn't I just get some free money?

Isn't it just that you raised some handsome men in Loulan Pass?

I, didn't I, didn't I just...have a little bit of fun...

Why did you cause so much trouble for me? Why did you let me suffer this kind of trouble?

Ugh, you bastards, you finally remembered me... I want to go back, I want to go back... I want a drunk and handsome man, I want... I want...

Someone is coming, someone is coming... You bastards, hurry up and set up a great formation for ushering in, set up a great formation for ushering in and ushering us in... We are so powerful that we can come here and save me!


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