Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 854: Careful budgeting (2)


Then let's start a war?

Of course, the female disciples of the Qinglin Sword Palace under the names of the three Qingyou girls cannot be allowed to enter the battle.

Lu Qian hadn't had time to share his experiences with the three Qingyou girls over the years, and he didn't know the origins of the Qinglin Sword Palace, let alone why there were only a group of female disciples in the Qinglin Sword Palace!

Well, these are not important.

Weird cities like Loulan Ancient City can exist. Not to mention a group of lively young girl disciples in Qinglin Sword Palace, Lu Qian can also accept it even if it is a group of baby disciples swaying and crawling all over the floor.

Looking at the military formations composed of all kinds of strange and weird ethnic groups that were constantly coming from all directions, the Hongchentian behind Lu Qian rotated slightly, and the gods and demons of the Hongchentian who were also born with strange and weird people also came out.

Ox, tiger, horse, pig, eagle, vulture, vulture, roc...

Thousands of strange ethnic groups have each cultivated into a human form, with big heads that are very characteristic of the ethnic group, or pairs of huge wings on their backs, and they are arranging in an extremely neat military formation and slowly emerge from the world of mortals. Walk out.

The auspicious light soared into the sky.

The ground is filled with fragrant fragrance that makes people drunk.

The Buddha's light and fragrant mist are entangled in layers.

Lotus flowers bloomed all over the ground.

The clear spring in the sky slowly falls.

The ground shows that the pools are unfolding.

Soon, the scene in the Buddha's country in the world of mortals spread around Lu Yi. Tens of millions of gods and demons of all races followed the divine thoughts from Lu Yi and entered the inner and outer world laid out by Lu Yi with great familiarity. In major formations, everyone takes his place.

The various races of gods and demons released by Lu Qian are not very high in cultivation. They are all at the True Immortal level, and they are all under the 15th level of the True Immortal Realm... This level of cultivation is much better than being surrounded on all sides. As far as the alien race is concerned, it is not worth mentioning at all.

However, tens of millions of low-level true immortals, relying on Lu Qian's great formation, integrated everyone's power into one, and suddenly a bright golden light shot into the sky, and thousands of miles of void around the snapping turtle were forcibly blocked. Condensed into a relic.

Immortal, incorruptible, immovable, immovable.

Under the blessing of Lu Qian's prison-suppressing Buddha's Dharma, in this large array with both internal and external layers, all dharmas are constant, all dharmas are unified, and all great powers are condensed into one, just like the supreme relic cultivated by Buddhist monks. The body cannot suffer any decay.

All around the formation, the formation gates opened.

The eighteen formation gates turned into tall portals surrounded by smoke and clouds, allowing foreign races from all sides to come and go.

In each formation gate, there are two Buddha-level white-bone gods and demons guarding them. Yu Diaihu and other white-bone gods and demons roared in a low voice, bared their teeth, and the evil spirits in their hearts turned into billowing smoke and filled the void, just like a butcher polishing the butcher's knife to kill a pig. Knife, just wait for those plump and cute pigs to come to your door automatically.

Groups of foreign vanguards poured into the formation.

Countless white bone divine lights condensed into countless blades, spinning rapidly and chopping down on the head. The sound of puff was endless. Wherever the blade passed, the bodies of hundreds of millions of aliens were torn apart, their souls were shattered, and large pieces of blood mist were swallowed by the bones of the gods and demons, adding a lot of cultivation to them out of thin air. Endless power.

Lu Qian sat cross-legged in the middle of the formation, sitting cross-legged on the main peak of the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, calmly looking at the three-headed, nine-tailed, twelve-arm white skeleton that was slowly flying towards him.

Senior, now you and I will suffer two harms if we separate, and we will benefit both if we work together. Senior is very wise, and of course he understands this truth. So, senior, please cooperate... Lu Qian's eyes were dim, staring straight at this body. The white-bones skeleton of unknown origin: In a few moments, the junior will combine the formation with the senior... If the senior cooperates wholeheartedly with the junior to deal with the powerful enemy, he will naturally have nothing to worry about.

If the seniors make the slightest move, if the junior formation is broken, then the seniors will be the first to suffer misfortune.

Lu Qian looked at the skeleton with a smile: We should be villains first, then gentlemen... What do you think, senior?

The white-bone skull stared at Lu Qian with faint eyes, and the three huge white-bone skulls nodded slowly: He is a ruthless, evil and evil boy... Hey, hey, if I was Young Master Lao N, I would have had you back then. How could this boy’s character be reduced to this?”

Shaking his head, the skeleton said in a deep voice: It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... no matter what, live on... I have nothing else to ask for. It doesn't matter if I linger on my last breath or live an ignoble existence, I just want to live on... Hey, hey, I have committed an unforgivable crime. It’s a grave sin, and now all I want is to survive.”

Layers of faint light flickered on the surface of the white-bone skeleton, and the many charms and heavenly secrets entwined on his body spread out layer by layer.

Lu Qian immediately recited a spell, and the power of the formation wrapped around the bones and skeletons layer by layer. The bones and skulls were like a thick foundation, and the power of these formations were like heavy beams, deep and deep. It penetrated deeply into the body of this white-bone skeleton.

The voices of Baoguang Merit Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, and Master Baiyang simultaneously sounded in Lu Qian's mind.

The three deities experienced the sinister power of countless people, and at the same time reminded Lu Qian to be wary of this unpredictable old monster.

Lu Qian nodded slowly and remained silent.

The power of the formation perfectly matched with the bones and skeletons that let go of all their defenses. A large area of ​​strange light suddenly surged inside and outside the formation, and the strength of the entire formation increased more than ten times out of thin air.

Lu Qian became more and more determined.

He shouted softly, and the eighteen opened formation gates widened a lot in all directions. In just one breath, more aliens could be admitted into the formation.

Powerful aliens began to enter the formation.

However, these powerful people in the ancient city of Loulan have no realm, but no corresponding 'wisdom' and 'knowledge'... Their use of power is extremely rough.

For example, some powerful people who control the avenue of fire have clearly mastered the terrifying fire of heaven and earth. Their flame power is terrifying to the extreme... But they actually just use this power to be infinite. The flames condensed into a big fireball and hit people.

Those powerful people who control the road of earth condense into mountains to smash people.

Those powerful people who control the avenue of water will condense into seas to hit people.

Then, Jinshan, glaciers, thunder ponds, electric rivers, etc. were smashed down...

The control of the power of the avenue by these foreign powerful men made Lu Qian feel frightened... I really don't know how they mastered such a high-end avenue of heaven and earth with the power of their bloodline, which is not outstanding.

However, their crude use of the power of heaven and earth made Lu Qian unable to look directly at them.

Crude, too crude.

Really, he took the best gold bricks, jade tiles, and glazed walls and built a pigsty and latrine out of it!

Lu Qian shook his head slightly and let go of the formation, allowing these foreign powers to drive straight into the inner area of ​​the formation. Five colors of strange light soared into the sky. Under Lu Qian's mobilization, the innate power of the five elements turned into a large five-color millstone. The power of the five elements were closely intertwined and mutually reinforcing each other, subverting the world, distorting time and space, and strangling these powerful forces who entered the formation. past.

On the spot, dozens of powerful men in the one-day and two-day realms groaned, and their bodies collapsed.

In the great formation, all the Taoist charms and spiritual abilities are controlled by the great formation. These great powers with broken bodies cannot mobilize any Taoist charms at all. If even a little bit of spiritual power is extracted, the body cannot be repaired at all. Not long after, their bodies were obliterated, and their souls were exposed unobstructed. The five uncles let out a long roar, and the five-color thunder light circled in the air, condensed into a chaotic thunder, and struck down, instantly smashing these souls into dust.

The four matrons supervised the huge ethnic army and watched coldly from a distance.

These aliens... will die if they die...

If they don't die here, they will die in the battle against Liang Yitian.

They are all cannon fodder and will die sooner or later... Why don't the four saints keep them and feed them well in the future, so that they can share Liangyi Tian with the four saints? This is simply unreasonable!

So, dying here is considered a worthy death, right?

Queen Mosquito twisted her slender waist, squinted her eyes, and looked at Lu Qian, who was sitting at the core of the formation and controlling the operation of the formation, and smiled softly: This young man is born to be powerful and strong... The slave family is a little cautious. !”

The other three matrons laughed in unison.

The Scorpion Lady said calmly: Everyone depends on their own methods... Ha! By the way, have those old ghosts from Yiyuan Xujing contacted you in the past few days? Don't you want us to spend a lot of effort here to eradicate Liangyitian? There are so many obstacles, but they regret it again, which is not beautiful.”

The queen ant crossed her legs and laughed so hard that the branches trembled: How about lending them some courage? If these old antiques are intact, it would be a bit difficult for us to capture Liang Yi Tian. But these native old antiques, Now most of them have fallen... Haha, just a few of them?

The four mistresses all laughed.

They nodded one after another, extremely certain that the four Yiyuan Xujing would never dare to violate the agreement. They control such huge strength that even if they use their lives to fill it up, they can destroy Liang Yitian.

It's nothing more than that conquering Liang Yitian head-on will cause huge losses to the origin of the world of Liang Yitian. This is the 'homeland' that they dream about, and they are a bit reluctant to leave it... If the four Yiyuan Xujing really dare to violate Contract, then just attack hard...

The Chongzhi clan is cruel and cruel by nature. How can there be so many people who are so foresight and hesitation?

There are endless ethnic groups, an astonishing number of powerful masters, and the mistress has absolute soul control over the ethnic groups. This is their confidence!

More and more foreign powers broke into the formation.

Lu Qian also felt the pressure.

It's really...the quantity is too large.

The ancient city of Loulan, this weird place, God knows how it has given birth to so many alien races... And under the summons of the four matrons, there are a steady stream of strange alien powers coming from all directions. Continuously join in the siege of the formation.

The formation set up by Lu Qian was like a huge meat grinder. The aliens who finally poured into the formation were strangled to pieces.

However, as more and more foreigners rushed into the formation without fear of death, the power of this meat grinder gradually became insufficient, and the pressure on the formation became heavier and heavier. The efficiency of strangulation gradually decreased, and the strength of strangulation gradually changed. Small……

The backlash is getting heavier and heavier.

In the large formation, Lu Qian dispatched his troops in advance. The red dust gods and demons who were arranged were already covered with wounds. At first, they could use the power of the large formation to quickly repair themselves, but as the number of aliens entering the large formation increased, more and more people entered the formation. More and more, their strength is getting stronger, they are gradually unable to make ends meet, and their injuries are getting more and more serious.

The three-headed, nine-tailed, twelve-armed white bone skeleton suddenly raised its head. With a wave of his arm, a bowl of white bone marrow appeared out of thin air and was handed to Lu Qian: Boy, if you don't have a backup plan, you're probably going to survive. But this calamity is over... However, I have a way here. If you take this bowl of white bone marrow of all eons, if you can conform to the fundamental method of Lao Mon, and follow the inheritance of Lao Mon... maybe...

Lu Qian glanced at him.

Come again?

Shaking his head, Lu Qian said nothing.

The white-bone skeleton chuckled, placed the bowl of white bone marrow in front of Lu Yi, and said softly: You haven't felt the pressure yet, haven't despair yet? Then I'm not in a hurry... Haha, in short, remember Staying here will be your last resort!

The three bones and skulls shook their heads slightly and sighed softly: These insects, these alien races, I watched them multiply and grow little by little in Loulan Pass. Heh... you said, these insects , these foreign races have limited blood, where did they get this kind of understanding of the way of heaven?

Lu Qian raised his head and looked at him in surprise: Is it possible that the senior knows what's going on?

The skeleton smiled and nodded, and pointed his arms in all directions at the same time: There are some words here... Well, do you know the origin of Loulan Pass?

Before Lu Qian could speak, the Skull and Bones introduced him: This Loulan Pass is a very important border town with important responsibilities. Therefore, it has an extremely complete early warning mechanism.

When Loulan Pass is severely damaged and threatens the foundation of Loulan Pass, this early warning mechanism will be triggered.

On that day, when Loulan Pass was drawn into this chaotic void, all the creatures in Loulan Pass died, which triggered the first warning... The 'human race' stored in the 'human race bank' of Loulan Pass was hatched, and in In a very short period of time, a new generation of city residents was born, and according to their pre-set identities, classes, responsibilities, bloodline, magical talents, etc., each settled in its own place, formed its own country, and maintained the daily operation of Loulan Pass.

This first level of early warning mechanism implants the most important responsibility into all hatched human races, which is to let Loulan Pass return to where it came from...

It's just that in the process of falling into this world, the human race bank in Loulan Pass was also severely damaged. When the human race was incubated, there was a little problem... Therefore, the newly hatched human race, they forgot about themselves Responsibility, treat your family as the natives of this world, thrive and enjoy themselves...

Lu Qian interrupted him: You just sit back and watch them, 'there is a little problem'?

The eyes of the white-bone skull flickered, staring straight at Lu Qian: At that time, I almost couldn't catch my breath, and I couldn't interfere with anything... Moreover, why did I interfere with this?

Lu Qian looked at the other party and suddenly smiled: Your young master has died. You don't dare to let Loulan City return to where it came from, right?

The skeleton was silent for a while, then laughed dryly: Why bother if you don't tell the truth after seeing through it?

Shaking his head, the skeleton continued: The human races in Loulan Pass have been operating on their own for a period of time, and finally attracted the attention of external evil spirits... The Loulan City rebuilt by these races has died... These insects have taken advantage of the situation. And born.”

Loulan Pass has activated the second level of early warning. These insects have received the favor and support of this world, which has greatly accelerated their reproduction, evolution, cultivation and growth.

These insects have limited wisdom and insufficient blood, but with the infusion and support of Loulan Pass, one day, there will be lucky ones among them who will attain the Great Way and ascend to the upper world.

And they will have the brand and aura of Loulan Pass on their bodies. After they ascend, their energy will be quickly captured by the upper world... and then the location of Loulan Pass will be locked.

Lu Qian nodded slowly: No wonder they have such a huge number.

The skeleton smiled bitterly: If you don't have enough talent, you just have to make up the numbers... Therefore, the current environment of Loulan Pass is the most suitable for these insects to thrive, and they don't need to be very intelligent. The avenues of heaven and earth will merge into theirs on their own. The bloodline will promote the emergence of masters among them.

Everything is for one or two of them to be lucky enough to ascend to the upper world.

However, what I didn't expect was that this group of idiots actually wanted to counterattack the so-called 'homeland'... They are really... hopeless idiots. The skeleton grinned brightly: But , it is precisely because they are such idiots...otherwise...

Lu Qian looked at the skeleton: So, what do you want to say when you say so much?

The dim light in the eye hole of the white-bone skull suddenly lit up: I want to increase your trust in me...

Lu Qian stared at him.

He also stared directly at Lu Qian.

One person and one skeleton stared at each other for a long time. The formation was shaken by more and more powerful aliens from all directions. Thick smoke and fire erupted from many of the hubs of the formation, and a large number of gods and demons from the world of mortals were seriously injured. Falling to the ground, struggling to get up...

Lu Qian smiled and shook his head: Trust this thing...

The skeleton said solemnly: Well, if you don't trust me, then at least remember one thing - my origin is beyond your imagination...I can give you endless benefits and great fortune. …Protecting me well will bring you endless benefits!”

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes.

The skeleton pondered for a moment and said softly: As you just said, the young master has fallen, and I will never be able to atone for his sins...but I am not willing to die like this...maybe...

The formation shook violently, and two formation doors were broken open. The four white-bone gods and demons groaned and were knocked upside down by the powerful aliens of the same level who were a hundred times their number. They hit the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain with their heads. .

The mighty aliens roared, and as these powerful aliens poured into the formation like a tide, they quickly spread towards the four key places.

The Bone Gods and Demons were retreating steadily.

Many gods and demons in Hongchentian were also in chaos. They could not control their position and continued to retreat back to the inner formation as the formation collapsed.

The white-bone skeleton said softly: If you don't feel comfortable taking this bowl of white bone marrow...

Sighing, the skeleton said softly: I think you have a great chance of fitting in with this supreme method... But since you are worried, then... when there is no way out, this is yours A way out!

Lu Qian remained silent.

No matter what this old monster says, in short, as long as he is not moved, others will not take advantage of him.

The bones in the skeleton's eyes flickered with light, and he shook his head. His nine long tails swayed, and he sprayed out streaks of brilliant thunder and fire, blasting towards the mighty alien army that was attacking in the distance.

Lu Qian smiled. Under his micro-control, many gods and demons in the outer formation fled back one after another. An astonishing number of alien armies gradually occupied the airspace originally covered by the outer formation. Countless foreign races gathered together in dense crowds, roaring and roaring as they headed straight for the inner formation.

The dim light flickers in the world of mortals.

The huge body of the white jade toad, under the control of Lu Qian's will, sank little by little into the Buddha's kingdom in the center of the world. The core was decorated with seven treasures and filled with colorful Buddha lotus.

The white jade toad's body sank little by little into the pool water, which was surrounded by colorful lights and was as thick as jade paste. The bright light emitted from the white jade toad merged with the colorful Buddha light, and the pool water immediately underwent strange changes.

The water in the pool became viscous, began to collapse, and gradually underwent qualitative changes.

One hundred parts of the pool water melt into one part, and then turn into fragrant rays of light rising into the sky. The sky is filled with slightly sticky clear liquid, and the endless breath of life ripples from this Buddhist kingdom and spreads towards the various Buddhist kingdoms in the world of mortals.

Following Lu Qian's movements, the thick life energy turned into a drizzle and sprayed out of the world of mortals, sprinkling on the seriously injured gods and demons of the Buddhist kingdom. These gods and demons with broken bodies, even missing arms and legs, cheered in unison. Their wounds were being repaired rapidly, their broken arms and legs, and even their damaged souls were healing rapidly.

In just a few breaths, these gods and demons regained their full combat power.

They shouted war cries in their own languages ​​and reorganized their formations energetically. In the inner five-element formation composed of five uncles, they reorganized their military formations and looked at the surrounding foreigners with fighting spirit. .

The next moment, the forty-three unfortunates who were forcibly imprisoned by the skeletons roared and rushed out like crazy demons.

With these forty-three unlucky powerful beings as the forerunners, the forty-three military formations followed closely behind. With the cooperation of the innate five-element divine thunder in the sky, the thunder and light struck randomly and the formations were chaotic. The forty-three military formations seemed to be powerful. The sword swept across and immediately killed hundreds of unprepared powerful aliens whose heads rolled and limbs flew around. A large number of aliens were shattered into pieces, and the encircling military formation was forcefully forced back thousands of miles.

In just a few breaths, tens of millions more aliens were wiped out.

at the same time.

Xingshang River, where the tributaries meet.

In the deepest cabin of the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, the broken head suddenly spurted out a stream of sticky blood. He chanted a spell in a hissing voice, and wisps of starlight spurted out from his mouth, turning into three-dimensional crystal light patterns suspended in the air.

Eighty-four thousand palm-sized three-dimensional Dao patterns carved out of crystal are suspended in the air. The Dao patterns rotate rapidly, and a large area of ​​dim light condenses into a galaxy.

Come on, come on, help, help...

An irresistible burst of starlight burst out in the galaxy, and each Dao pattern shattered into pieces.

A handsome young man wearing a high crown, a three-foot old man with a kind-hearted look, and a man in black armor as majestic as a mountain appeared at the same time in the shattered Dao pattern starlight.

As soon as the three people appeared, they groaned at the same time, covered their mouths, and their faces were twisted, as if they were about to vomit.

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