Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 866 Yinyuan’s Talent (2)

Howl, muffled sound.

Fagui retreated in embarrassment.

He was completely defeated, completely defeated.

Most of his huge head was destroyed, and his body was full of craters. Zombies are an anomaly in the world, an anomaly in the world of living beings. Their bodies are strong and they have been trained to the extreme, and can even compete with the golden bodies of Buddhism.

With Dharma Ghost's cultivation level, in this dimension, only a very few magical weapons can damage his body at all.

But in the face of Da Feitian's subversive and completely unreasonable attack methods, his body had no defense at all, and he almost allowed Da Feitian to take whatever he wanted, let him hunt and kill.

Because they are anomalies and aliens, the vitality of zombies is extremely tenacious. Even if Da Feitian's finger poked into the eye socket and most of his head exploded, Dharma Ghost still stubbornly held his breath and moved toward Linghu Huang in embarrassment. Calling for help: Master Dong, help!

Linghu Juan snorted in displeasure.

Is there any need for this incompetent slave to survive?

Lu Qian stood by and watched. Although Da Feitian also had ill intentions towards him, Lu Qian, this Dharma ghost had dug holes for him several times before and provoked him in person several times. It would be a good thing to die!

The other three magic witches, magic flowers, and magic turtles are even more impossible to help the magic ghost - they are not relatives, and they have no friendship... Why?

Only the magic sword hesitated for a moment, then let out a long roar, and thirty-six golden daggers surged out from beside him. A loud cracking sound rose into the sky, and thirty-six golden lights turned into a magnificent golden rainbow that was thousands of miles long, tearing open the chaotic void. It illuminated millions of miles of chaos, turned into a ball of golden sword light, and killed Da Feitianjuan.

Fellow Taoist, please forgive me if you have to spare me! Fa Jian took action boldly.

After all, Dharma Ghost and he come from the same heaven, and we are fellow villagers... Although they have fought and fought for countless years and are complete enemies, enemies can also cherish each other, love and kill each other. Now that everyone is working under Linghu Juan, their status as fellow villagers naturally creates a natural bond.

The magic sword was drawn out, and Lu Qian suddenly raised his head: Grandmaster, be careful!

Lu Qian shouted unhurriedly, seemingly with good intentions, but in his voice, he used the Buddhist power of Heavenly Dragon Yin, and the long and powerful chant to suppress demons and exorcise evil spirits was like a hundred thousand thunders exploding at the same time. It hit Da Feitian's soul hard.

Dafeitian's body swayed, stars flashed in front of his eyes, and two streams of blood flowed from his nose.

He glanced at Lu Qian in shock - how could this little thief bald suddenly have such a tyrannical cultivation level? Even this blow made Da Feitian's soul unstable and almost damaged its origin!

Dafeitian was shocked, angry and envious - the world of mortals must have been created by the supreme Buddha treasure that the Buddha left for this little thief!



He is a great non-genius and is the only true disciple recognized by the Buddha in Liangyi Heaven, the only disciple who is truly included in his disciples! All the treasures of the Buddha should belong to him. Why did the Buddha give this treasure to Lu Qian?

An ant from the lower world, who has only ascended to the Liangyi Heaven for more than a hundred years, actually has the cultivation and strength to compete with Da Feitian... This, this, this... God above, Buddha, you are unfair!

Dafeitian roared in his heart, and he was distracted by Lu Yi's voice. The magic sword was the supreme leader of the life and death camp, and it was different from Dafeitian who had lived in seclusion all year round and practiced in seclusion in Liangyitian for countless years. Dharma Sword is a powerful monk who personally leads his camp. He and Dharma Ghost are in constant conflict, fighting and fighting all the year round!

The sword-managing skills of Fa Jian are divine and clear, and have already reached an incredible level.

In terms of experience and combat power in fighting alone, the magic sword whose fundamental skills are not subject to any restraint by Buddhist skills is much stronger than Da Feitian - he is not the unlucky magic ghost, the zombie body of the magic ghost Born to be restrained by Da Feitian, he was completely defeated and defeated in an embarrassing manner. But he practices the Dharma Sword, a serious Taoist sword cultivator with great supernatural powers, and is not afraid of the power of the Dharma at all!

Even if Da Feitian fights head-on with Fa Jian, he may not be able to gain favor!

Not to mention, when the magic sword struck, Lu Qian stabbed him hard in the back with a diagonal thrust!

The millstone made of golden sword light rolled Dafeitian into it, and a chaotic sound of cholang was heard. Beside Dafeitian, dozens of fist-sized golden rosary beads boiled, like countless meteors beating all over the sky, with a stream of The powerful and indestructible Taoist rhyme dispersed thousands of sharp sword lights, intertwining around him to form an extremely strong defensive barrier.

Even so, the sword light of the magic sword was unpredictable and unstoppable. As the sword light flickered, the sword light shuttled back and forth erratically. With a few chi chi sounds, Da Feitian was hit by the sword, and eighteen deep-reaching streaks appeared on his body at the same time. Bones, scars deep into the internal organs.

Dafeitian screamed in pain, his body shook, and a golden Buddha light shone around his body.

The injuries suffered by his Buddhist master were directly transferred to his own Buddhist kingdom.

He saw that in a bright light behind him, in the vast vastness of the Buddha's country, which was trillions of miles away, a large Bodhi forest collapsed and shattered for no reason. Eighteen sword marks stretching tens of millions of miles long were cracked on the ground, and dozens of brilliant and towering towers were opened. The Buddhist temple in the Buddhist temple was shattered, and millions of Buddhist gods and demons were directly wiped out.

As for these gods and demons that were turned into ashes, their bodies and souls condensed into golden sap, like molten glass, soaring into the air and blending into Da Feitian's golden body.

Da Feitian's aura suddenly soared.

His strength rose instead of falling. The golden Buddha patterns densely packed like dragon scales on his body slowly undulated. His body suddenly rose to a height of three to six feet. He opened his mouth and let out a loud roar.

The terrifying lion's roar backfired, and Lu Qian's Tianlong Yin was directly broken. His internal organs swelled, and his two lungs almost exploded. His body swayed, staggered back two steps, and a little blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth. .

Lu Qian was backlashed by the magical power, and the five uncles reacted immediately.

Dahuang opened his mouth and raised his huge unicorn head to the sky and howled angrily.

The other four uncles responded one after another, and the innate power of the Five Elements was activated. The five uncles had grown up together since childhood, and they had already reached the point where they had the same soul and a divine machine... The innate power of the Five Elements instantly formed a complete cycle of the Five Elements, and the five colors A strange light flickered, and the chaotic energy within a radius of tens of thousands of miles suddenly collapsed inward, and instantly condensed into a strand of innate five-element divine thunder as thin as a hair.

The five elements are in harmony, resulting in infinite beauty.

Before Dafeitian let out a lion's roar, a ray of lightning fell from the sky and struck him squarely on the head.

Da Feitian, whose cultivation suddenly soared, let out a muffled groan, and this lightning blast exploded countless extremely fine electric rays above his head. Although it did not really hurt him at all, it still caused a numbness all over his body, causing him to move slightly. Stalled for a moment.

Five little beasts! Dafeitian yelled angrily.

What? What are you scolding them for? You old guy who is worse than a beast! Dafeitian just yelled out. His reaction was a moment slower, and the three Qingyou girls, who were a little slower than the five uncles, had already made a move. He picked up the important weapons left by the ancestors of Qinglin Sword Palace.

The character of the three Qingyou girls...tsk tsk, they have always been supportive but not caring!

‘Reason’ or something like that, why do they have to be reasonable?

As three beautiful, innocent, pure and lovely little girls, they have no bad intentions or complicated thoughts. They have sufficient reasons and absolute excuses to rely on their own preferences and instincts. They don't bother to care about your 'principles', 'morality' and the like!

Five uncles, but they have personally taken care of them for a long time!

That's all for the other uncles. How many times had Tu Xiu been fucked by them? How many dried fruits did the big parrot cheat from them? The delicate and cute green snake was wrapped around the wrist by the Lime and Lime sisters and pretended to be a bracelet. How many times had it been carried through the market with swagger?


Although Dafeitian is nominally the ancestor of Lu Qian.

But Lu Qiandu secretly stabbed Dafeitian in the back, and the three Qingyou girls were already separated in their hearts - Dafeitian even cursed the five uncles they were close to... Then, let's do it!

The three women stood beside Linghu Huang. Thirteen extremely brilliant blue sword streams were like the mighty Yangtze River, rising into the sky with a surging sound. The 'crash' set off countless whirlpools and undercurrents, and rolled towards Absolutely outrageous.

As mentioned before, the ascended ancestor of Qinglin Sword Pavilion followed the power of Liang Yitian and went to explore the ancient city of Loulan. Unfortunately, he fell into the ancient city of Loulan. However, by chance, he opened up a small world in the ancient city of Loulan and established the Qinglin Sword Palace. One line of inheritance.

They left behind an extremely superb and profound sword classic - Blue Scale Sword Classic.

They even explored the ruins in the ancient city of Loulan and mined rare resources from the upper world. They spent endless years and worked from generation to generation to forge thirteen magical weapons with a certain rhythm of the heavenly weapons of the upper world - Qinglin Shuangtian. sword!

At this moment, the three Qingyou girls have only scratched the surface of mastering these thirteen sharp weapons, but as soon as the sword light came out, the world suddenly became freezing, and an extreme coldness that made everything desolate and the world be dead surged out. In the Yangtze River, the sword light manifested endless scale-armored aquatic tribes, each one covered with bright green scales, roaring silently, and killed Da Feitian!

Those scale-armored aquatic tribes contain endless thoughts of extreme struggle!

That kind of struggle is the struggle of life and crazy unyielding!

The arrival of frost and the withering of all things represent the strangulation and destruction of all living things by heaven and earth... And this unyielding and resisting power is the supreme sword intention of the Blue Scale Frost Sky Sword - in the endless death and despair, use the sword in your hand to Sword, tear open a glimmer of life, struggle out a glimmer of light!

This is the absolute sword of death and decay.

It is also the supreme sword of hope and life!

God knows what the ancestors of Qinglin Sword Palace encountered in the ancient city of Loulan before they could condense such sword intent and forge such sharp weapons!

In short, as soon as the thirteen rainbows of light came out, the color of the magic sword suddenly changed, and Linghu Huang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and let out a light sigh!

Dafeitian was the first to bear the brunt, and his face suddenly twisted. He ignored the electric light that was still dancing on his scalp, and subconsciously avoided the mighty torrent of sword light on one side of his body - wasn't he avoiding Qingyou San? Female, but to avoid the supreme swordsmanship of the ancestors of the Blue Scale Sword Palace attached to these thirteen sharp weapons!

However, the cyan sword rainbow attracted Da Feitian's attention, and the sword of Fa Jian suddenly invaded Da Feitian's hundreds of Buddhist kingdoms in an inexplicable and strange way - even Linghu Lu didn't notice. Come on, how did the light of the magic sword appear in the Buddhist kingdom of Da Feitian!

Only the Dharma ghost laughed wildly and gloated: There seems to be a sword! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!


‘Seems like something and seems like nothing’?

Is this what you mean?

Lu Qian was savoring the connotation of the word seemingly in the word seemingly you sword when Da Feitian shouted lowly. The void around him was upside down, chaos was rebellious, and all the laws were strangely twisted and twisted. .

In the Buddhist kingdom he built, layers of space were torn apart, and the laws were chaotic. The Buddha's light turned into countless messy light spots flying and intertwining. The sword lights that suddenly appeared in his Buddhist kingdom were like headless flies. Completely lost the target.

In the next moment, the entire golden body was turned upside down, and Da Feitian, who turned into a blurry shadow, jumped across the sky from the green sword light. A few faint shadows were taken away from the hazy shadow on his body, and Dafeitian let out a low cry of pain... And he had suddenly jumped in front of the magic sword in this extremely weird form, and with the same movement Pointed his finger out.

Fa Jian's little face changed suddenly, his face was twisted, and his eyes flashed with an extremely frightened light.

He is a sword cultivator, a pure sword cultivator.

He can break through all kinds of magic with one sword, but when his sword is broken, he has no cultivation, and it is difficult for him to have any magic.

Facing Da Feitian who was so close at hand, the magic sword surged throughout its body. The earth, water, fire, wind, the five elements of heaven and earth, thunder and ice, hurricane and poisonous miasma... all kinds of avenues turned into sharp swords and swept through the void, intertwining around him. A world of swords, an ocean of swords.

Countless swords swept across Da Feitian's body, cutting countless extremely thin streaks of fire on his body, but they failed to cause any substantial damage to him. But Da Feitian's simple finger brought endless shadows of death to the magic sword.

Seeing the blurry light flashing, the fingertips of the upside-down things were about to penetrate the eyes of the magic sword and pierce his head. Linghu Juan waved his hand gently, and the upside-down vision created by Da Feitian suddenly disappeared, and everything was gone. He was forcibly twisted back to his normal form. Da Feitian's figure suddenly froze as he rushed forward, like an insect embedded in amber in the void. He could not move at all, and even his thoughts were almost frozen.

Fa Jian was also panting, sweating profusely, and stood stiffly in front of Da Feitian.

At this moment, he could have killed Da Feitian with his sword, but he also did not dare to move - Linghu Lu's voice had already sounded faintly: I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that there is such a wonderful person like you in this lower world.

I know very little about the power of Buddhism, and I have only seen a few Buddhist practitioners in the upper world. Those who can interpret Buddhism to such an extent...interesting, interesting, very interesting...what is your name?

Linghu Huang looked at Da Feitian with great interest.

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and said in a deep voice: He is Da Feitian, the highest-ranking person in the Liangyi Heaven Buddhism.

After a slight pause, Lu Qian said in a deep voice: This world, the Buddhist inheritance, originated from the Buddha...at the beginning of the opening of Liangyi Heaven...

Lu Qian told Linghu Juan some superficial information about the origin of Liangyitian Buddhism and the status of Dafeitian in Liangyitian Buddhism.

As for the true origin of the Buddha's mortal world, the inheritance he received from the Buddha, etc., he naturally did not have too much explanation for these things.

Linghu Huang nodded slowly: I see, after all, they are also the 'primordial creatures' when the world was opened. No wonder there is such a creation... It's interesting, then from now on, you will be Fa Tian. It's not a grievance if you follow me. about you!

Linghu Huang pointed at Da Feitian, who was frozen in the air, and smiled.

The invisible imprisonment was quietly released, and Dafeitian's figure fell down. With a sway of his body, the upside-down changes in the Buddhist kingdom suddenly disappeared, and his figure returned to its normal form. He glanced at the magic sword, his eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled with disdain; he glanced at the three Qingyou girls again, with a slight fear in his eyes, and then shook his head: Relying on the relics of the ancestors is not a big deal. Skill, but I think you are just a little girl, so that’s it.”

Finally, he looked at Lu Qian solemnly: It's amazing, Fahai, your cultivation is almost catching up with my ancestor. It's amazing, it's amazing... You secretly attacked me today, did you think carefully about it? Well, how do you explain it to your master, master, and grandmaster Zeng?

Lu Qian pondered for a moment and said slowly: All effects have their own causes, what do you think?

Da Feitian took a deep look at the thin line of light behind Lu Yan's head, and he sighed softly: Yes, cause and effect, cause and effect, if there is an effect, there will be a cause... Between you and me I'm afraid the cause and effect between us will be endless, unless...that's all, that's all, this matter has nothing to do with them, it's just a dispute between you and me.

He puffed up his chest and said calmly: I am the disciple who is truly recognized by the Buddha. You... haha!

Dafeitian clasped his hands together, looked at Linghuhuang solemnly, and then worshiped her: Little monk Fatian, I have seen the girl!

Linghu Juan chuckled. She looked at Lu Yi, then at Dafeitian, and said leisurely: It's interesting. Your relationship is very interesting. However, no matter how you plan behind your back, in short, don't mislead me. things, everything will be fine.”

Looking at Lu Qian and then at Da Feitian, Linghu Juan was in a very good mood.

Below, Yiyuan Xujing and the four powerful men saw Da Feitian being subdued, and their expressions all changed. With a whistle, the body of Great Immortal Karijing swayed and turned into countless flowing winds and escaped into Liangyi Heaven. The other three also acted normally, but terrifying blows followed one after another.

Linghu Huang raised his eyebrows slightly at Yiyuan Xujing and the four others, showing a hint of 'not very interested'.

Da Feitian laughed wildly and immediately swooped down.

All the resentment he felt when he was defeated and forcibly subdued by Linghu Huang came out.

Fa Gui glanced at Linghu Huang, then shook his head, and with dozens of close followers behind him, he rolled up a torrential wind and attacked the four Yiyuan Xujing. The high-level combat power of the Heaven of Life and Death is much greater than that of the 'Peaceful and Tranquil' Liangyi Heaven. Dozens of Buddha-level powerful men join forces to attack. If one Yuan Xujing is not careful, everyone will be severely injured.

The fight in the Qingming Void was earth-shaking. In just a dozen breaths, Yiyuan Xujing had already lost three of them. Only the Great Immortal Houjing was seriously injured and escaped, and was chased and killed by Dafeitian and a group of powerful people.

Dharma Ghost, on the other hand, has devoured the essence, blood and origin of the other three powerful men. The damage caused by Da Feitian's explosion has been recovered, and with the supplements of the three powerful men, his energy is even more surging, and there is a faint breakthrough. sign.

Dharma Ghost let out a hearty hiss, got on his white-bones dragon chariot, whipped up a torrential wind, and chased the Great Immortal Hunting Jing.

The snapping turtle stepped on the thick water clouds with its four legs and landed steadily towards Liangyi Sky.

The fight between many great powers in the void has alarmed the people below.

In the northern border of Liangyitian, in a wild mountain range, Yinyuan is leading his men to resist the siege of Kulian and the army commanded by the cunning girl. Kulian, who was originally like a life-and-death enemy, killed Liangyi in darkness. and the cunning girl suddenly emerged in Yinyuan and declared that they would reorganize the two queens, but it was as if Yinyuan had become their father-killing enemy, and they turned their guns and aimed at Yinyuan.

In these days, Liangyitian Buddhist sect and Taoist cultivators joined forces to surround Yinyuan from all directions.

Fortunately, the northern territory of Liangyitian is vast.

Fortunately, among the monks under Kulian and Cunning Girl, whether they were Buddhist or Taoist cultivators, there were countless monks who were doing their jobs but doing nothing. They were shouting, What the hell! They seemed to have nothing to do with Yinyuan. But when they really started to take action, these people all raised their guns three inches, and they never really fought against Yinyuan!

After several years of catastrophe, the monks in Liangyi Heaven have also noticed that Kulian and Cunning Girl seem to want to drag everyone to 'finish' together!

Only fools play with them like this!

Therefore, despite the trickery of countless monks, a small group of monks gathered by Yinyuan and Bai Yu were able to support themselves under the encirclement of both sides.

Moreover, these days, Yinyuan and Bai Yu's cultivation levels have also been rapidly improving, driven by inexplicable power. Even if the couple stumbles while walking, they can break out an ancient divine elixir that has been buried in the soil for hundreds of millions of years. If they accidentally fall into a pit, they can find a treasure left behind by an ancient power!

Relying on the continuous improvement of their strength and their continuous adventures, the comprehensive strength and power of Yinyuan and Bai Yu have soared rapidly. Kulian and Cunning Girl are having a lot of headaches these days!

Snapping turtles descended from the sky on thick clouds.

Kulian, who was wearing the Vairocana cap, a relic of the Buddha, was surrounded by Buddhist cultivators. He soared into the air from a floating Zen forest temple and came towards us solemnly. Across the long distance, Kulian Already shouted sternly: Fellow Taoist, why are you so rude and trespassing on my Liangyi Heaven?

In that compartment, wearing heavy armor, the blazing fire behind her condensed into huge fire wings. Surrounded by many Jiang family masters, the cunning girl also soared into the sky on the fire cloud. Her attitude was even more extreme and violent than that of Ku Lian: Get out of Liang Yi Tian, ​​otherwise I will make it difficult for you to wait for the moon to be rounded today!

Previously, there was a fight between Da Feitian and Fa Gui, Fa Jian and others in the sky. The auras leaked by Fa Gui and Fa Jian were extremely unfamiliar.

It is a kind of 'strangeness' that is significantly different from the great road of heaven and earth in Liangyi Heaven. Anyone who has reached the level of Buddha can clearly distinguish - this is an 'foreigner' from the world outside the sky.

And this kind of 'outsiders' are often called 'demons' in some heavenly realms where inheritance is orderly.

Either killing, plundering, beguiling people's hearts, or simply meaningless destruction. In short, this kind of outsider often symbolizes turmoil and disaster. No native of the heaven will welcome such an uninvited visitor. 'Out-of-towners!

In particular, they also had a conflict in Qingming Void.

In particular, it was obvious that the ‘indigenous powers’ of Liangyitian who intercepted them had failed!

The Vairocana hat on Kulian's head emits smart and changeable Buddha light. With the blessing of the Vairocana hat, the power of her soul has increased nearly ten thousand times. Wisps of soul fluctuations were like substance, like a tsunami, sweeping towards Lu Qian and others on the back of the snapping turtle.

Lu Qian coughed lightly: This junior sister!

A large area of ​​prison-suppressing Buddha's light fell, and Lu Qian wanted to intercept the power of Kulian's soul. Lu Qian didn't know the origin of Kulian, but she was clearly a Buddhist monk, and there were so many Liangyitian Buddhist cultivators behind her. Surrounded by people, they are clearly members of the Buddhist family.

Since he is a member of his own family, he naturally cannot sit back and watch Kulian be so provocative.

There is no harm in provoking Lu Qian, but behind Lu Qian, there is a deadly Linghu Juan.

However, in the face of the prison-suppressing Buddha light scattered by Lu Qian, Kulian sneered. On Vairocana's hat, a golden Buddha statue sitting cross-legged shone with Buddha light. The prison-suppressing Buddha light emitted by Lu Qian was extinguished like a dream bubble. Lu Qian could only feel his internal organs. There was a burst of emptiness, and an inexplicable virtual fire rose up in his body, and all his magic power disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if he had never cultivated any magic power!

The body is empty and withered, like a desert that has been dry for thousands of years.

Lu Qian looked at the shimmering Vairocana hat on Kulian's head in astonishment... This Buddhist treasure was recorded in detail in the message left by the old monk Hongchen to Lu Qian. This is a Buddhist treasure with many magical uses that was made from the head of the old monk Hongchen after he overthrew a certain great heaven and beheaded its 'king of the world'.

However, the old monk Hongchen felt that there was a slight flaw in the refining process, and the refined grade did not reach his ideal level. Therefore, he threw the Vairocana hat in Liangyi Heaven and treated it as a two-legged hat. The 'Jade Seal of the Nation', the orthodox symbol of Yitian Buddhism!

This Vairocana hat was not even obtained by Da Feitian, but it was actually worn by this little nun with a pure and elegant face?

Lu Qian couldn't help but sigh in his heart - Dafeitian shouldn't have targeted himself, he should have caused trouble for Kulian. This Vairocana hat is the real 'legacy' left by the old monk Hongchen to Dafeitian, and it is the real inheritance of Liangyitian Buddhism!

Wisps of light red flames penetrated Lu Qian's skin and slowly rose and floated on his body.

It was this red flame that instantly emptied all the magic power in Lu Qian's body. Lu Qian felt the meaning of emptiness in the flame, and said in a deep voice: Phaseless Buddha Flame?

Ku Lian looked at Lu Yi proudly. She ignored Lu Yi - a Buddhist cultivator whose mana had been emptied. What else could he do?

Her spirit was like a world-destroying tsunami, rushing towards the people on the snapping turtle.

Such a surging wave of soul.

With her Buddha-level cultivation, the Vairocana Cap increased her soul ten thousand times... Even though her own realm was only the weaker three-level realm among the Buddha realms... The ten-thousand-fold increase, placed in this dimension, It is enough to sweep away peers and crush the heavens.

The cunning girl, who was wearing heavy armor and carrying countless Jiang clan members, could not help but show a strange expression.

Kulian's Vairocana hat can only be competed by a cunning girl who has inherited the true lifeline of the Jiang Dynasty and has control of the 'Fire Fire Seed'.

Suihuo is the fire of Liangyi, Heaven and Humanity.

The fire type represents the faith and orthodoxy of the Liangyi Heavenly people, and represents an unyielding will to fight against heaven and earth. No matter how strong the power of your Kulian soul is, you Kulian was born in Liangyi Heaven. With the help of the power of your soul activated by external objects, you cannot extinguish the fire filled with unyielding will or overwhelm it!

As for Fa Sword, Fa Wu, Fa Hua, Fa Gui, the three girls Qingyou, and Ahu and others, all of them changed their expressions.

They haven't encountered the fluctuations of Kulian's soul, but just feeling the overwhelming pressure from her soul has already made them breathless. They don't have the help of magical objects such as 'Fire Fire Seed'. With their own cultivation, how can they withstand the impact of a Buddha's soul that has been increased ten thousand times?

Seeing that everyone on Snapping Turtle's back was about to be instantly annihilated by the impact of Kulian's spirit, Linghu Juan sneered: You dare to be so presumptuous in front of me?

What is the most complex living thing in the world?


What is the most terrifying life form in the world?

She is a woman who has met a person of the same sex who is beautiful enough and good enough, and she is also beautiful enough, good enough, noble enough, and extraordinary enough!

Kulian... is very pure, very elegant, very beautiful, and very spiritual. She is really like a white lotus soaked in Buddha dew, and she has an aura of transcendence that is completely different from other women.

If we were to simply compare her beauty and that kind of meaningful and elegant charm that is unique to women, none of the ten Linghu Juans could compare with her!

Linghu Huang has the unique arrogance and arrogance of an elite child who comes from a wealthy family, but she is from the Linghu family, and the Linghu family is the 'subject' of Emperor Taichu. Moreover, the supreme Taichu Heaven has strict hierarchies and disciplines. Harsh, Linghu Huang also has a bit more of the 'low-key' and 'cautious' that are unique to 'being a minister'!

At first glance, Linghu Huang is also a pretty lady.

But only women can feel each other's unique aura - Kulian is perfect, and Linghu Juan has a bit of the aura of a little girl who is at the mercy of a wealthy family!

When Ku Lian released her soul wave, her eyes swept over Linghu Juan. She also saw the trace of 'cautiousness' in Linghu Juan's bones, the 'servile and servile' aura that was almost engraved in her soul.

And Linghu Juan also saw at a glance the temperament in Ku Lian that was far superior to his own, and he could see clearly that Ku Lian had already looked down on him with a trace of disdain in his heart, which was a sign of a noble family background. 'The young lady from a scholar's family' proudly overlooks the contempt of 'the little girl from the feudal official's family'!

Linghu Huang's mood suddenly became extremely bad.

Facing Kulian's mighty and sweeping soul wave, she smiled coldly, pulled out an ordinary hairpin with a faint starlight from her bun, and gently swept it forward. .

They are just ants in the lower realm, these loose and floating souls that have not been refined by heaven, no matter how large the total soul power is, what is the use?

The hairpin emits a ray of light, and with a slight sweep, a sharp and ear-piercing sound of cracking the silk is heard. The soul wave released by the bitter lotus suddenly shatters, leaving not even a trace of residue.

Kulian groaned, and the beauty who was originally as pure and elegant as a white lotus in the water suddenly turned into a bloody and ferocious human form with blood spurting from the pores all over her body. Her body was shaking violently uncontrollably, and she knelt down on the clouds with a 'gudong' sound, barely able to faint.

The light of the Vairocana hat on her head suddenly dimmed, as if she had been severely injured.

Linghuhuang pointed his hand, and the Vairocana hat flew into the air and landed directly on Lu Ren's bald head: Fa Hai, this Buddha treasure is a reward from the master... Although it is not the best, but in this lower realm , which is also extremely rare.”

After a slight pause, Linghu Huang said softly: Strange, this Buddha treasure was obviously refined the day after tomorrow... I think it was the work of the remnants of Buddhist cultivators who were lost to the lower realms when the Buddhist realm was destroyed?

Lu Qian's ears twitched, and the expressions of many Buddhist cultivators who were shocked and stunned also changed slightly at the same time.

‘Destruction of the Buddhist Realm’?

‘The remnants of Buddha’s cultivation’?

It's okay for those Liangyitian Buddhist cultivators who don't know the origin of Linghu Juan. They don't know what these two simple sentences mean. And in Lu Qian's heart, there was a huge wave - tsk, feelings, the little life of Buddha cultivating in the Supreme Taichu Heaven was not easy?

Did the old monk Hongchen come to the lower world to travel around the world and gain experience?

Or were they forced to become homeless and flee in all directions?

Uh... Judging from what Old Monk Hongchen did, it seems that the latter one is more likely, right?

My Buddha is so merciful. My disciples are really guilty of slandering the Buddha... guilty!

The Vairocana hat gently landed on Lu Qian's head. In the flickering light, wisps of pure and mellow Buddhist power poured into Lu Qian's body. Lu Qian's great wisdom of 'Liberation' immediately resonated subtly with this Vairocana hat. As soon as the sound of Sanskrit singing was heard, large spiritual clouds rose up from Vairocana's hat. The thick clouds danced like flying clouds, wrapping Lu Qian's whole body.

The empty mana in Lu Qian's body was quickly reborn. He only felt that his soul was growing rapidly. As the connection between the Vairocana Hat and him became closer and closer, Lu Qian's soul was slightly released, and suddenly enveloped the entire Liangyi. sky!

All the mountains and rivers, all the changing winds and clouds, all the wind and grass, all the separation and separation of life and death... all the scenes are in my mind.

With Lu Qian's soul cultivation, he could not have withstood such a complex and majestic influx of information. But with the support of the Vairocana hat, Lu Qian only felt that the extremely majestic information turned into a gurgling clear stream, which had no impact on him. All the information was under his control. He had everything about Liang Yitian as if it were in the palm of his hand. Reading the article, everything is in your heart.


Lu Qian clasped his hands together and saluted Linghu Juan: Little monk, thank you, Master Jun.

Linghu Juan smiled slightly: That's right. Since you are mine, then, if I have the opportunity, I will try my best to enhance your strength, which is to strengthen my own power. In short, if Haosheng works hard for me, I will never treat you badly. .”

Linghu Huang looked at the cunning girl.

The cunning girl looked at Linghu Juan in shock, who had severely wounded Kulian with one blow, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead. Her eyes could not help but reveal a bit of fear and fear.

After all, she was just a tool trained by Yiyuan Xujing, a puppet they used to implement their own plans.

Jiang's bloodline is second to none in terms of brute force in fighting and killing.

But when it comes to cultivating the state of mind and controlling the soul, Cunning Girl is far inferior to Kulian.

Therefore, Linghu Huang saw through the cunning girl's guilty conscience at a glance, and she nodded and smiled with satisfaction - this was a crude, uneducated wild girl, not as good as herself in terms of beauty or anything else... She had no competitiveness, so naturally she was not as good as herself. It's not threatening.

However, the bones in this body are quite strong, and the bloodline is extremely extraordinary.

Are you willing to be my personal bodyguard? Linghu Huang squinted his eyes and looked up and down at the bewildered cunning girl: Your bloodline is extraordinary. Although it comes from the lower world, it is also the result of the beauty of heaven and earth. . If you cultivate a good life, maybe you can have some good fortune?

The cunning girl pondered for a moment, looked at the many Jiang clan members behind her, and knelt down on the fire cloud with a 'dong' sound: My little girl is willing to surrender!

Kulian has been knocked down.

Linghu Huang stayed here for such a long time.

Yiyuan Xujing didn't make any reaction.

Contacting the auras emitted by Yiyuan Xujing and the others at high altitude, the cunning girl boldly guessed that these four old guys might have been in the hands of Linghu Juan.

In this case... He who knows the current affairs is a hero!

There is no shame in taking refuge with stronger backers.

Linghu Huang chuckled, laughing extremely wildly and proudly.

In the upper world, in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, in the Linghu clan under the command of Emperor Taiyi, she, Linghu Juan, is just a slightly outstanding member of the many descendants - the Linghu clan is a giant clan of heaven, the elite of the clan There are tens of thousands of talented people in the car, and there are tens of thousands of talented people in the direct descendants. She, Ling Hujun, wants to get ahead... How difficult is it?

But the ancestors bless you!

She, Linghu Huang, unexpectedly overtook a car at a curve and got a chance in this lower realm!

Looking across Lu Qian and others, Linghu Juan couldn't help but nod his head.

Starting from Lu Qian, Fagui, Fajian, Fawu, Fahua, Fagui and others are all placed in the upper realm and can all be matched with the word Junyan. Of course, the Linghu clan has no shortage of talented people. The number of talented people that the Linghu clan can drive are like the stars in the night sky, and it is impossible to count them.

But that is Linghu's power.

For juniors like Linghu Juan, the power of the family is definitely not their own power.

Lu Qian and the others truly belong to Linghu Juan's power!

Indescribably wonderful.

So beautiful!

Linghu Huang looked at the cunning girl whose body was boiling with the power of blood as fierce and vast as an ocean of magma, and he clapped his hands repeatedly with satisfaction.

Very good, very good. Well, Fa Hai, find a place to hold a banquet... um!

Linghu Juan was about to ask Lu Qian to find a place to prepare a grand banquet to celebrate her achievements along the way, when she suddenly felt a fierce and wanton gaze.

She was sullen in her heart and followed that gaze.

I saw Yinyuan in white clothes, with a slight beard, a slightly forlorn expression, and the look of a 'charlatan uncle with a lot of stories', with his hands behind his back, and his eyes as deep as an autumn pool, quietly speaking. Look at yourself quietly.

Linghuhuang scolded Yinyuan as if he had seen a ghost: What do you think?

Yinyuan sighed softly and said quietly: What a peerless beauty. Could it be that she was banished to the mortal world?

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched.

The corners of Ahu's mouth twitched.

Qingyou and the other three girls gave Yinyuan a blank look at the same time.

Fa Jian, Fa Wu and others looked at Yinyuan with gloating at the same time. They cheered loudly in their hearts - Master Jun, kill this bastard who dares to look at you lewdly and even dare to tease you. !

However, Linghu Huang's face turned slightly red and he avoided Yinyuan's gaze.

Lu Qian raised his head slightly and looked at the sky.

My Majesty, my sworn brother, you... you... you... are so terrible!

Tsk, aren't you afraid of Bai Yu squatting on the bedside in the middle of the night sharpening scissors?

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