Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 879: Criminal Service

Ma Shangfeng! Zhou Laodao stood calmly in the middle of the city gate, looking coldly at the middle-aged man who was coming straight towards him: I guess it's time for you to come forward.

Lu Qian's spiritual thoughts swept over Ma Shangfeng's body, and he analyzed his strength in an instant.

Taking Zhou Laodao as a specimen, Zhou Laodao's physical strength is ten, while Ma Shangfeng's physical strength is only about six. In Zhou Laodao's body, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is transformed, and the qi and blood are integrated into one body. It is like magic but not force, like Gang Qi but not Gang Qi. If the magical power is ten, then Ma Shangfeng only has a little over four.

Overall, Ma Shangfeng's strength is only about 30% of Zhou Laodao's.

As a true cultivator of Taoism, Zhou Laodao said that he could chop off Ma Shangfeng with two or three swords, and it was indeed true.

Let go of my son! Ma Shangfeng stopped less than a foot away from Zhou Laodao, clenched his fists with both hands, and stared at Zhou Laodao: What kind of people are you doing, Zhou Laodao? How can a big man bully a small man like this?

Zhou Laodao stroked his chin with his left hand, and lightly stroked the handle of the cloak hanging on his waist with his right hand, and said solemnly: I really shouldn't bully the small ones when it comes to the children's deeds. I admit that you are right!

Pi Xiaorou twitched the corner of his mouth without a smile, and Zhou Laodao's tone became extremely cold: It's just that the children's activities, fighting each other, and having their arms and legs broken, it's because I have no ability, and I deserve it. Get beaten... Your baby is so capable, he actually went to hide in the Ximen Biao Camp and mobilized the rangers from the Ximen Biao Camp to besiege our two idiots!

Ma Shangfeng's face changed slightly, his eyes flickered, and he quickly glanced at Madian, who was tied up tightly in the motorcade.

Zhou Laodao said coldly: These two incompetent idiots of my family deserve to be taught a lesson. But luckily, my seed, Zhengqi, the rangers from the Ximen Biao Camp were unable to do anything to them, and were knocked down by them instead. Quite a few.”

It's just that this wind can't last long!

Zhou Laodao took two steps forward, approached Ma Shangfeng, and whispered: This time, your sissy mobilized Youqi to besiege our two idiots. What about next time? Can you mobilize Youqi and take advantage of the situation? When I went out to do business, you slaughtered my entire family?

Ma Shangfeng took two steps back suddenly and hissed: There is absolutely no reason for this...

Before Ma Shangfeng finished speaking, one of the men behind Ma Shangfeng bared his chest and only tied a breast shield with a thin iron chain on his chest. The man who exposed a large area of ​​dark skin and chest hair let out a strange scream and carried a five-foot The long and short swords rushed towards Zhou Laodao.

Brother, Zhou Laodao is used to being domineering... Why are you trying to reason with him? Trick him!

Ma Shangfeng's eyes twitched wildly, and he waved his hands hastily: Wait a minute!

It was too late, but soon enough, the man had already waved his mace and smashed it down on Zhou Laodao's head with great courage. Zhou Laodao laughed strangely in anger, and the cloak knife spurted out with a choking sound. A wisp of cold light was like a whirlwind, and swish sound came towards the four-folded mace.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the mace was chopped off by Zhou Laodao. The blade curled up, and the reckless man screamed strangely, and blood exploded from his chest. The goggles were split into two pieces, and there was almost a big disembowelment, and there was blood. In the midst of the splash, he covered the wound with both hands and stepped backwards with a pale expression.

Many men traveling with Ma Shangfeng shouted in unison: Brother, this is too much bullying, I can't bear it!

Each of these men seemed to have been given a shot of blood. They howled and charged, charging straight towards Zhou Laodao.

Zhou Laodao sneered and faced him head-on without any fear. The cloak knife in his hand brought out a white and cold light. The sword light was more than a foot long, and a large blade light enveloped the whole body. For a while, only the light of the knife was visible, and no one could be seen. Just listen to the howling of ghosts and wolves from the charging men, their weapons were broken, blood splattered, and they immediately fell to the ground with their horses and men.

Seeing that things had come to this, Ma Shangfeng's eyes were bloodshot and he shouted at the top of his lungs: Zhou Laodao, do you really think I'm afraid of you?

With a wave of his right hand, Ma Shangfeng grabbed the hilt of the sword hanging on his waist. Like a cloak knife, the hilt flashed with cold light. A blade of more than four feet long erupted from the originally bare hilt. Green light flowed in the room. Then I heard the sound of wind, and wisps of small breeze wrapped around the blade of the sword. There was a swish sound, and it stabbed towards Zhou Laodao!

The sword shadow is so fast that the trajectory of the sword edge can hardly be seen clearly. This Ma Shangfeng's sword is as its name suggests. It is like a shadow in the wind, taking the path of a fast sword.

Zhou Laodao had an absolute advantage in cultivation. The cloak sword in his hand was three points faster than Ma Shangfeng's sword, and the force on the sword was several times stronger.

The green sword shadow slightly touched the white sword light, and the sword shadow immediately shattered.

When the 'real cultivators' in the wasteland fight, it's a head-to-head sword fight with no fancy tricks... Just after hearing a few clang, jingle sounds, Zhou Laodao's long sword drove straight in and forcibly broke through Ma Shangfeng from the courtyard. The long sword struck Ma Shangfeng on the chest.

When the sword in Ma Shangfeng's hand was knocked away, he retreated at full speed.

It's just that no matter how fast he retreats, it's still not as fast as the knife in Zhou Laodao's hand. With a crisp sound of Pfft, Zhou Laodao's cloak knife struck Ma Shangfeng's chest firmly, directly cutting a bone-deep wound and causing a sharp flash of blood.

Ma Shangfeng's feet moved quickly on the ground, with large wind shadows wrapped around his feet, and he retreated tens of feet back in his breath.

He hissed: Lao Dao Zhou, Master Dao, I admit my fault...it was our baby's fault...I accept the beating and the punishment, we admit it!

From now on, wherever your young master goes, our children will stay away and will not dare to cause any trouble...

Zhou Laodao laughed wildly, put away his knife, stopped, and looked around proudly.

Inside and outside Luomen, the passers-by who stopped to watch cheered in unison, praising Zhou Laodao as indeed one of the few true cultivators in the wilderness. The cloaked sword was indeed extremely powerful, with few rivals inside and outside Luoyi.

Zhou Laodao's face glowed red, he hung the cloak knife on his waist, clasped his hands in his fists, and sang a fat song to all around him.

He looked at Ma Shangfeng, who was covered in blood, and nodded slightly: Go back and send ten pieces of emperor's money. Forget about this matter... Do you accept it?

Ma Shangfeng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: Skills are inferior to others, Ma Mou is convinced... Mr. Dao, you are this!

Ma Shangfeng stretched out his right thumb and pointed it hard towards his heart, then gestured towards Zhou Laodao, and slowly raised his thumb to the sky - in the wasteland, this gesture represented sincerity and sincerity from the heart!

Zhou Laodao laughed again. He waved his hand and signaled the caravan guys to let go of the tied up dudes like Madian. With his head held high and his chest held high, amidst the cheers of the onlookers, he stood proud and proud. , led the caravan slowly into Luoyi.

Ma Shangfeng, as well as his companions who had each been stabbed, huddled aside with pale faces, like quails that had been ravaged by the storm, and their whole bodies shrank into a ball.

Lu Qian followed the caravan into Luoyi.

Although the power of the soul only restored a drop in the bucket, Lu Qian's keen perception still made him aware of several malicious glances in the void. Most of these malices were directed at Zhou Laodao, and from time to time, with a hint of surprise, they would quietly glance at Lu Qianyuan's burly body, which was more than twice as tall as an ordinary person.

However, the crisis this bit of malice brought to Lu Qian was extremely slight and did not threaten his safety.

Thinking of Zhou Laodao's behavior, think about how many people Zhou Laodao has offended in the wilderness along the way. Just after returning to Luoyi, he offended General Xu Biao and Ma Shangfeng. all over!

In particular, Zhou Laodao also threatened that he could chop off General Xu Biao and let his second brother take the position of General Biao of Ximen Biaoying!

Tsk tsk.

God knows how many enemies Zhou Laodao has inside and outside Luoyi!

Near Luomen, there were not a thousand but eight hundred people watching Zhou Laodao severely injure Ma Shangfeng. Among them were some of Zhou Laodao's enemies. This was the most natural thing. These people, in particular, failed to pose a substantial threat to Lu Qian, so Lu Qian didn't bother to deal with them.

Playing with Buddhist beads strung from white bone relics, Lu Qian followed the caravan into the city.

Luoyi's urban infrastructure is pretty good.

Especially coming from Luomen, this avenue is a hundred feet wide, and commerce is quite prosperous on both sides of the street. Its buildings are made of boulders mixed with steel bars, iron hoops and other materials. They are strong and tall, even the brothels with pink lanterns hanging on them. , are also of general style.

It's not exquisite enough, but it's sturdy and heavy enough. It has a unique wild aesthetic, giving people an inexplicable sense of solidity and reliability. Moreover, around some large-scale restaurants, inns, brothels, and even shops, clear water channels with a width of five feet have been dug. In and out of these places, there is only a suspension bridge hung with iron chains that can be hoisted at any time.

In particular, at the four corners of these buildings, there are sentry towers and archery towers that are about 20 feet high. In broad daylight, there are archers on them wearing soft armor and fully armed, waiting!

Lu Qian couldn't help but grind his teeth.

This Luoyi is worthy of the name of Desolate City. The defensive power and precautionary psychology inside the city are much stronger than those outside the city.

Lu Qian took two steps to reach Zhou Laodao and asked in a low voice: Is the public security in Luoyi so bad? Look at the door of the brothel, there are more than a dozen soldiers beating them... You have money but nothing to spend it on?

He put his left hand on his belt, caressed the handle of the knife, and put his right hand on his chest, showing a thumb, proudly tapping his heart from time to time, and loudly greeting Mr. Zhou who was acquainted with the bosses who were doing business on both sides of the road. Dao put down his hand, looked around, lowered his voice, and whispered to Lu Qian.

The public security in Luoyi is certainly not bad.

But the places with the best security are the ancient city and the old city. Wealthy families and truly powerful groups all live in these two urban areas. Each household has enough strength to isolate itself from the prying eyes of outsiders.

Not to mention other things, each family has one, two, or even more Taoist cultivators in charge. Unless the enemy is confident enough to eradicate a certain family and the nine tribes, no one will risk provoking a single one. A true cultivator who has entered Taoism has been risking revenge for many years, and hastily set off a big conflict.

But this new city is different.

This place is prosperous in commerce and industry, and it is a place where gold and silver flow. Many wealthy families are extremely rich, but they lack the foundation and the confidence to suppress this family fortune.

Over the years, New Town has formed a unique philosophy and rules of survival.

If there is a fierce dragon crossing the river, it can replace a certain family at night - then this family's belongings, all the goods, beauties, shops on the floor, etc., will be yours!

As long as you don't alert the 'official power' in the city and replace it in a short enough time, then everything is possible!

A night in this world is more than five times as long as in Liangyi Heaven.

One night here lasts about three days in Liangyi Heaven - three days is enough to do many, many things.

Therefore, some good shops on the street, good storefronts, and some luxury houses with multiple entrances and exits. When they closed down last night, the shopkeeper and the owner of the mansion might still be a fat man who was seven feet tall and weighed three hundred pounds. , his surname was Ma... Early the next morning, when he reopened for business, the shopkeeper, or the owner of the mansion, turned into a skinny monkey surnamed Niu, who was six feet tall and weighed just over a hundred kilograms... Everything It's possible!

People in Luoyi, or in other words, people in many deserted cities in the wilderness, are not surprised.

Therefore, every deserted city in the wilderness is rich in martial virtue. Anyone with some wealth will habitually raise dead soldiers and soldiers, and build their houses and shops like small fortresses!

Therefore, the ordnance processing industry in every deserted city is quite developed. The supply of armor, swords, spears, bows and crossbows is extremely abundant, the craftsmanship level is very high, and the natural lethality is also quite abundant. As a result, the more sensible children in the deserted city all carry swords with them. It often happens that children as young as seven or eight years old have a disagreement, draw swords at each other, and even bleed for five steps.

The caravan entered the city from the west gate, traveled dozens of miles along the wide road, and then turned north.

After walking for a while, we entered the Old City Wall that separates the old city and the new city. We entered smoothly and smoothly. The strength and foundation were much stronger than the new city. The environment was quieter, the residence was larger, and the defense was stronger. Strong, every mansion is comparable to the old town of a small castle.

Compared with the bustling and lively new city, the streets in the old city are obviously much narrower, but they are also seven or eight feet wide. There are fewer pedestrians on the road, and most of them are riding tall horses or mounts of war beasts with special bloodlines.

Occasionally, there will be some large animal-drawn vehicles, surrounded by horses, driving quickly through the streets.

The windows and doors of these animal-drawn carriages were open, and many gorgeously dressed women were sitting in the carriages, laughing loudly, and even waving hello to acquaintances they met on the street. They were elegant and bold, and they were not at all the 'rich family' in Lu Qian's impression. The young lady is so 'delicate and shy'.

Under the leadership of Zhou Laodao, the caravan arrived at the southwest corner of the old city.

There is a trading house here that covers a huge area and is patrolled by men wearing armor and carrying knives. Facing the street is the front facade of a row of eighteen storefronts, with three small buildings inside, all of which are places for business discussions and various transactions.

Behind the third small building is a warehouse and goods yard that occupies a very large area.

When Lu Qian and others arrived, they saw caravans of varying sizes constantly coming in and out. Various specialty items from the wasteland were continuously delivered to this trading house, and then caravans transported out various armors, weapons, salt, candies, various daily sundries and other items, and set off in a mighty manner.

Many times, I have wanted to rob this old Luo family store. Zhou Laodao looked at the bustling and bustling big business and murmured in a low voice: The name of this old Luo family store is a bit rustic, tsk... But it is the largest big merchant in Luoyi who collects goods on the ground and absorbs the hard work of us.

Shaking his head, Zhou Laodao sighed: Luo family, hey, I heard that many years ago, when there was only the 'ancient city' of Luoyi, the Luo family took root in Luoyi... This Luoyi, up and down. , there are people from the Luo family inside and outside, and the land of the Luo family... no one knows how much wealth they have.

However, there are only three 'Emperor Money Deeds' in the entire Luoyi. The Luo family has one, and it accounts for the largest share. Sixty percent of the emperor's money distributed in Luoyi every year comes from the Luo family.

Lu Qian was curious, so Zhou Laodao explained in detail.

The so-called emperor's money deed is a special permission to 'issue emperor's money'. It is a status and a privilege.

There are only three emperor money deeds in the entire Luoyi, and they are controlled by the three wealthy families of Luo family, Qin family and Lin family. The emperor's money consumed in Luoyi every year flows out from their three trading houses, and all the consumed emperor's money embryos are also recycled through them.

Where does the emperor's money come from?

How to mint imperial money?

Even Zhou Laodao, one of the few masters in the wasteland who can rank among the top three thousand masters in the entire wasteland, doesn't know.

Everyone speculated that Emperor Qian should come from a higher-level force, but those forces were giants that even Zhou Laodao could not touch and could not fathom. They would not condescend to the nobles and deal with upstarts like Zhou Laodao who had only risen in just a few hundred years and had little background or heritage.

In short, only three major families issued imperial money in Luoyi.

Without the imperial money issued by the three major families, it would be impossible for a Taoist cultivator like Zhou Laodao to practice. As a Taoist cultivator in Luoyi, they would never be able to carry rare goods to other deserted cities. It is difficult to exchange the emperor's money from other deserted cities, but it may attract the covetousness of local snakes in other deserted cities, directly leading to the disaster of death and the destruction of the family!

Having controlled the issuance and circulation of imperial money, the Chenglaohui composed of the three major families of Luo, Qin, and Lin, naturally became the highest authority in Luoyi.

The heads of the three major families are the three major city elders of Luoyi. All major and minor matters in Luoyi, as well as the surrounding tens of thousands of miles of territory, are decided by the three of them through discussion. The deacons of the City Elders Association stationed by the three major families naturally have all the authority in Luoyi, both inside and outside.

Similar to the nouveau riche like Zhou Laodao, Zhou Laodao led his caravan through life and death in the wilderness to build up foundation for his family. As for Zhou Laodao's second and third brothers, who were also two great masters of Taoism and true cultivation, they directly responded to the signs from the Chenglaohui and joined the Chenglaohui to serve.

If the Chenglaohui is the official government office of Luoyi, then Zhou Laodao's second and third brothers are the mid-level officials in the government office.

Among them, the second eldest son of the Zhou family is the Nanguan guard of the four major gates in the east, south, west and north of the old city of Luoyi. He has three thousand soldiers under his command and is responsible for the daily security of the southern part of the old city of Luoyi.

The third son of the Zhou family is the tax collector of the Dongcheng Tax Card in Xincheng District, Luoyi, and is responsible for all tax collection and detective matters in the east district of Xincheng.

Speaking of which, the three brothers Zhou Laodao can be regarded as powerful figures in Luoyi. Otherwise, how could Zhou Dalong and Zhou Dahu dare to gather manpower to besiege the Youqi Biao camp outside the west gate of Luoyi?

This kind of thing is not easy to do even if you don't have a brain. You have to be a fool with a lack of brains and enough backing and backing to do it!

All in all, Zhou Laodao's net worth is quite rich, and the entire Zhou family can be considered powerful in Luoyi. Even so, when he saw the Luo family's old shop with the bustling crowds and busy traffic, Zhou Laodao was drooling with envy, instinctively If you want to rob someone, it would be better to make a windfall!

Just think about it.

Not to mention the connections behind the Luo family, not to mention the horror of the Emperor's Money Deed, the Luo family's apparent strength alone is not something the Zhou family can afford to offend!

The Luo family controls 60% of the annual issuance and circulation of emperor's money in Luoyi, so they have no shortage of training materials.

As far as Zhou Laodao knows, there are more than thirty true cultivators in the Luo family who have exposed their swords and guns, starting from Rama, the current head of the Luo family. Among them, there are those who rank among the top three thousand in the wasteland. As many as eight.

As for Zhou Laodao's whole family, there are only three brothers who have become true cultivators... The next generation has not grown up yet - it depends on the virtues of Zhou Dalong and Zhou Dahu... Zhou Laodao sometimes feels that maybe he I and my two brothers need to work harder, find more concubines, and have more babies!

After all, Zhou Laodao is a well-known Taoist cultivator in Luoyi. Although his caravan is not large in size, with about a hundred people, but with Zhou Laodao's own strength, the caravan dares to go deep into the wilderness and enter Where other teams dare not go deep, so they often get a lot of good stuff.

When Lu Qian met Zhou Laodao, it was actually Zhou Laodao who was already on his way back with the caravan.

Therefore, the Luo family's old shop specially sent an old shopkeeper to receive Zhou Laodao.

After counting, grading, and bargaining that Lu Qian didn't care about, Zhou Laodao got a bag of emperor's money, twelve boxes of gold ingots, and some silver bullion and copper coins.

Emperor's money is very precious and is a must for cultivators.

Those that can be exchanged for the emperor's money are naturally extraordinary.

There are only rare spiritual gold ores mined in the wasteland, the essence and blood, bones, and furs of various ferocious beasts, and even various medicinal materials that can be used to refine elixirs and prepare potions.

Among the goods brought back by Zhou Laodao, these rare goods, which can be regarded as 'cultivation resources', only account for 'half'.

Other metal ores, skins, fur, armor, bones, blood, etc., various medicinal materials, etc., although they are also considered precious, are all 'mundane things' and can only be exchanged for gold, silver, and copper coins.

Gold, silver, and copper coins are the real common currency in Luoyi.

When Zhou Laodao was handing over to Luo's old store, Lu Qian was wandering in the shop in front of Luo's old store. The Luo family's old store purchases all kinds of materials, medicinal materials, and all kinds of strange and weird goods. The goods they sell to the outside world are also of various types, covering basically all aspects of life and cultivation.

Bulk food.

Lots of salt.

Large quantities of cloth, canteens, wine, vinegar, and tea.

A large number of armors, swords, bows and arrows.

Even in a cross-yard, Lu Qian saw the slave auction house of the Luo family's old shop.

Young and strong slaves who can work hard to extract oil; young and beautiful women who can be used for various daily tasks and even reproduce offspring; combat slaves who have almost lost human emotions and only know how to fight with blood...

Those who are good at mining, those who are proficient in farming, and even those who raise chickens and ducks, gelding cattle and dogs, weaving silkworms, building houses and building roads, there are all kinds of craftsmen. Some were kidnapped from the wilderness, while others were bred and trained generation by generation in the Luo family's farm outside the city.

Lu Qian looked over one by one.

He found that the materials needed for cultivation were extremely rare here.

Ordinary weapons and armor are very common.

However, armor weapons similar to those made of spiritual gold mixed with ordinary alloys are extremely rare and expensive.

For example, the heavy armor and horse-cutting swords of the Hujiaweizi's 'Half-step Heavenly Soldier' ​​level were all marked with extremely high prices, and they could only be purchased with emperor's money. Don't even think about gold, silver, and copper coins.

Is it similar to the cloak knife used by Zhou Laodao... It's not in stock!

After having sufficient strength, sufficient identity and background, and paying a high deposit in advance, the people from the Luo Family Store will use special channels to 'customize on demand' and according to your demands, forge a 'Heavenly Weapon' level magic weapon for you. .

And this customization process... maybe seven or eight months, maybe three to five years... If you don't have a good relationship with the old Luo family store, you may have to wait for ten or eight years.

But in the end, as long as you are willing to spend money and you have enough imperial money, you can purchase these things needed for cultivation!

However, in Lu Qian's impression, the 'spiritual pill', 'talisman', 'formation disk', 'flying boat'... powerful one-time magic weapons such as 'thunder beads' and 'magic cannons', There are no signs here of the old Luo family store.

That’s it, the huge old Luo family store...

Well, it’s not just Luo’s old store. Lu Qian came in from the west gate of Luoyi New Town. He also walked through so many neighborhoods and saw so many shops and merchants, but there was no bookstore!

There is no bookstore!

There is no civilization!

There is no history and no inheritance!

Lu Qiansuo patrolled for a while, looking around the inside and outside of the Luo family's old store. He found two brothers, Zhou Dalong and Zhou Dahu, who had been slapped by Zhou Laodao, who had been bruised and swollen, and asked them what they usually read. Book'!

The two brothers looked at Lu Qian blankly.


What book to read?

Astronomy, geography, history and humanities, etc., that is absolutely impossible.

Not to mention the words, poems and songs of saints, they have no concept at all.

Zhou Laodao hired a special teacher to teach the two brothers the most basic writing, and learned the most basic knowledge of internal organs, meridians, acupoints and other basic cultivation knowledge... The teacher only taught them this much, but The fees are extremely high, and the wealth that ordinary people cannot earn in three to five hundred years is paid as tuition.

Basically, in addition to the common sense required for cultivation, in addition to being able to recognize the most basic daily letters, being able to write one's own name, and being able to write some of the most basic letters...the two brothers are illiterate!

The two of them know no more than 1,500 characters combined!

That's it, it's enough!

Lu Qian was silent for a long time, left the two living brothers, and walked to the old accountant of the Luo family's old shop who was holding a ledger and accounting. He looked a bit old and had gray hair and beard, and he seemed to be quite senior.

The accountant, who kept accounts, did not shy away from Lu Qian.

What he was recording was just a batch of medicinal materials that had just been received by the Luo family's old medicinal material warehouse. They were probably thirteen types of 'ordinary' medicinal materials used daily, each ranging from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand catties.

Lu Qian felt his teeth hurt when he saw the old accountant keeping accounts.

He was a very old accountant, and his calligraphy skills were simply... Lu Qian could only be described as 'ugly'. He was not even as good as the great sage Yinhao Jing, an ordinary citizen who had just enlightened himself when he was studying in the official office of the capital. In half a year, the handwriting of children who have just started to read and learn calligraphy has become more regular.

And this old accountant's accounting method... he actually uses the simplest and most primitive running account!

This is where things get interesting.

According to Zhou Laodao, this Luoyi, the ancient city area alone, as far as Zhou Laodao knows, has at least tens of thousands of years of history... tens of thousands of years of history, even if the people of Luoyi are born with genetic defects, they are born with Even if there is something wrong with my IQ, after generations of development, it won’t end up... like this!

Very problematic!

Lu Qian opened his mouth and wanted to ask the old accountant some questions about reading and practicing calligraphy, but when the words came to his lips, Lu Qian felt a strong crisis coming into his heart. The energy and blood in his whole body was shaking, and his heart was beating violently. It seemed that as long as Lu Qian asked about the concept of 'civilization', an unpredictable crisis would hit...

Moreover, it is a big crisis that is enough to make the current Lu Qian disappear into ashes and disappear completely.

A thin layer of cold sweat quietly oozed out from his body.

Lu Qian exhaled and walked out of Luo's old store with a smile. Together with brothers Zhou Dalong and Zhou Dahu, he squatted under a horse post in front of Luo's old store and quietly watched the people going on the street in front of the door. flow of people.

Zhou Laodao didn't let Lu Qian wait for too long. He took the guys and walked out happily carrying boxes of gold, silver and copper coins.

Let's go, brother Fahai, let's go back... let's have a good time with lots of wine and meat for a few days! Zhou Laodao greeted Lu Qian happily, and then he glared fiercely at his two precious sons: You two beasts, go back and find a large millstone to hold on your head, and kneel down in the yard for me until I am satisfied before you get up!

He gritted his teeth and looked at his son, hissing: I don't blame you for causing trouble, but you caused trouble and blocked the gate of Ximen Youqibiao Camp, and you were beaten out!

Zhou Laodao, who became more and more angry as he spoke, kicked the brothers to the ground with a flying kick: I am resting at home these days, and I will take care of you personally... In a while, before I go to the dealer, you go find that person The boy named Ma, in front of your gang of brothers, you personally break his legs!

Zhou Laodao sneered and said: If you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firmly... You two losers don't even understand this principle and can't do it. How will you settle down in Luoyi in the future?

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