Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 885 Veteran (4)

Lu Qian looked at Zhou Changgong with a smile.

Loulan's deputy town seal shone slightly in his mind. Within a hundred feet around him, the heaven and earth were joyful and agile, turning into strands of colorful starlight visible to the naked eye, slowly integrating into Zhou Changgong's body, constantly replenishing his consumption, allowing him to stay at all times. Peak state.

With Lu Qian’s cultivation.

With the authority of the seal.

Controlling the auras of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred feet, turning them from 'a pool of stagnant water' into a 'lively, lively and absorbable aura', this is the limit of what Lu Qian can do now.

This is still the authority blessed by Emperor Taihu's ax.

If it weren't for the Taihu Emperor's ax that gave Loulan Deputy Town Seal a hundredfold blessing, the aura range that Lu Qian could control would be roughly five to six feet around his body.

Through the seal, Lu Qian faintly realized that the Luoyi where he was now was not the territory under his name, so his authority was greatly restricted. If he were in Loulan Pass, then the range of the heaven and earth spiritual machine he could control could reach a radius of ten miles, which is 1,500 feet!

Within this range, Lu Qian can mobilize the wisdom of heaven and earth for his subordinates to absorb and use in battle.

The control of power in this world is extremely strict and thorough, without any loopholes. For example, Lu Qian can only control the wisdom of heaven and earth within a hundred feet to supplement the power of Zhou Changgong and others. Consumption, but the Dao Yun of the Heaven and Earth Avenue still cannot be mobilized at all!

Can restore mana and stamina.

But if you want to improve your Taoism, you can still only rely on ‘Emperor’s Money’!

Lu Qian shook his head gently, and the thirty-six bone relics in his hand flew out silently and disappeared into the darkness. The soldiers killed by Zhou Changgong were swallowed up in an instant, leaving only traces of fly ash.

From all directions, there were constant sounds of armor shattering, shields piercing, flesh exploding, and miserable howls.

Xu Damagang hesitated to move forward, and the heads and leaders of dozens of large families were also trembling, unwilling to risk moving forward in the darkness. They just urged their own private soldiers or the rangers from the Ximen Ranger Battalion to come forward and die.

Facing the narrow streets, the unfamiliar environment, and the rapid and powerful arrows, the only outcome for these unlucky guys who were not even real cultivators was to be shot until their bodies exploded, and they died suddenly on the spot.

More than an hour passed, and more than 3,000 private soldiers were left in the Dadaofang by each family. More than 4,000 soldiers from the Ximen Ranger Camp were killed or injured.

A total of 7,000 people filled the Broadsword Workshop, and surprisingly, not even a member of the Zhou family was seen.

Xu Damagang had a sullen face, carrying the big pole, and rushed back to Luo Kang with long strides, and slammed the big pole in his hand to the ground: Elder Luo, we can't get in... If we continue like this, we will still be able to get in. If we fail to fight Zhou Laodao and the others, the people below will rebel!

Luo Kang remained silent.

The several Luo family deacons behind him also looked at each other in embarrassment.

They had not bothered to count just now, but now the people below counted up the total number of troops that had been lost and reported it. Even they were shocked.

The combined losses of private soldiers and rangers exceed 7,000?

Damn it!

Looking around again, the heads of the big families all had bloodshot eyes. The private soldiers under their command, especially those from the Ximen Ranger Camp, had wandering eyes, with all kinds of evil looks in their eyes.

We can no longer force them to die.

In this dark night, facing the sniper attack of a top archer, rushing into the sword shop at night is indeed a fatal thing!

These dozens of wealthy families are all 'vassals' of the Luo family. If their strength is severely reduced, they will have other thoughts and be forced to get close to the Qin family and the Lin family. , this is not a good thing.

The rangers from the Ximen Ranger Camp... They are all top-notch warriors, and they spent a lot of money and food to support them... They are driven into a hurry. Although these guys do not pose any threat to themselves, if they really It is possible to risk one's life and defect, to run to the wilderness to join those giant bandits!

Luo Kang waved his hand, with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice: How many people have been lost? Statistically, the number of people lost by various private armies, for every person lost, the Luo family will provide ten pieces of emperor's money as a pension... Youqibiao Camp As for the Rangers, every time one of them is lost, ten gold, one hundred silver, or one hundred thousand copper coins will be given as condolences, and their family members will choose one of them to make up for the loss of food in the Ranger Camp!

Luo Kang gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

As a result, the heads of the families immediately calmed down - the loss of three thousand private soldiers can be exchanged for a pension of thirty thousand emperor's money. This deal is a good deal!

For a moment, some family heads even regretted a little. Wasn't the manpower they had just sent to the Conflict Broadsword Workshop too few? Ten imperial coins for one life... I really regret it!

And Xu Damabang also became calm.

Of course, it is impossible for the rangers of the Ranger Camp to receive the treatment of soldiers from various private armies. However, if a ranger is killed or injured, he can be exchanged for ten taels of gold, one hundred taels of silver, and a pension of one hundred thousand copper coins, which is quite generous.

The one hundred taels of silver and one hundred thousand copper coins can be given to the families of those unlucky people.

And what about the ten taels of gold?

Four thousand Xu Youqi were killed in battle, which was equivalent to 40,000 taels of gold. Even for Xu Da Ma Bang, this was an extremely generous unexpected income. This is enough to purchase an extremely fertile farm outside the city, which will greatly increase the family's wealth.

So, Xu Damagang picked up the big pole that he had just thrown on the ground, put it on his shoulders with all his strength, and said in a deep voice: We can't charge now... we can only wait for daybreak. After daybreak, Zhou Changgong's archery skills will be better It's awesome, at least he has room to dodge. Moreover, after daybreak, it won't be so easy for him to snipe in the dark, we can suppress him with a hundred times the number of archers!

Luo Kang frowned: Wait until dawn?

Xu Damagang nodded vigorously: Wait until dawn...it won't be long!

The group of people looked toward the east. The sky in the east was pitch black, and there was no trace of fish belly white... It would be at least one and a half days before dawn, if it were changed to Liangyitian's standard time.

Exhaling heavily, Luo Kang nodded slowly: Be more prepared. The heavy equipment for attacking the city should also be well prepared... Well, we will recruit skilled archers from every household and be more prepared. Some.

The large group of people surrounding Dadaofang stopped attacking.

They lit a bonfire, illuminating the area around the sword shop. Heavy-duty vehicles came from all directions, and sentry towers and archery towers were erected on the heavy-duty vehicles. Crossbowmen were secretly arranged on them, and heavy-duty crossbows were mounted on them, completely blocking the entire sword. Square.

The sound of 'Chlang' armor plates rubbing against each other continued to sound from all directions.

Every household that vassalized the Luo family received a pension of ten emperor's coins for a private soldier, so they mobilized more private soldiers and rushed to the Dadaofang.

Among them are smart people who have been using their brains since childhood. They got a lot of low-quality leather armor from the warehouse, gathered a large number of slaves and farmers to wear it, and used these unlucky guys to pretend to be elite private soldiers. Came over.

Anyway, ten emperor coins for a private soldier... As long as he is wearing armor and holding a sword, it doesn't matter!

Time passed like this little by little.

The whole of Luoyi also became restless because of the commotion in Dadaofang. Many mansions and compounds, especially the neighborhoods where the Qin family and the Lin family are located, have become brightly lit, and a large number of elite soldiers are constantly gathering!

Immediately, the deacons of the Luo family led their elite subordinates and ran to the Qin and Lin families without concealment, declaring that the Zhou family of Dadaofang was innocent in killing a man from Ma Shangfeng's family. This was exposed and reported by his own relatives. The Luo family was preparing for Ma Shangfeng's family. The Zhou family upholds justice, while the Zhou family is stubbornly resisting.

The Qin family and the Lin family were very ambiguous about the Luo family's deacon's explanation.

Their own family, as well as the private armies of the big families who are vassalized under their clan, are still gathering.

Lu Qian didn't care at all about this.

Thirty-six white-bone gods and demons devoured seven thousand killed soldiers and elites, and their armors, shields, weapons, etc. were all recovered by the Zhou family members. Lu Qian remelted and refined these weapons with Buddhist flames. When the sky in the east became slightly brighter, more than a thousand private soldiers of the Zhou family, as well as thousands of Zhou family men, all wore the weapons refined by Lu Qian. Wearing sophisticated heavy armor, he holds a sharp knife refined by Lu Qian.

Due to material issues, most of the armor and ordnance collected were made of ordinary alloys, with only a handful of high-quality goods mixed with a little spiritual gold. The armor and weapons refined by Lu Qian are naturally not as good as those fine products forged with spiritual gold in terms of materials.

But Lu Qian’s skills are here.

The metal he refined was purer, his smelting techniques were more sophisticated, and the various restrictions he engraved were a hundred times more sophisticated than the most powerful weapon training master in Luoyi.

Therefore, although the ordnance and armor made of ordinary alloys are used, their defensive power and armor-breaking ability are infinitely close to what Luoyi conventionally considers to be the army of heaven.

Lu Qian even hastily refined hundreds of ordinary crossbows.

The materials used and the refining methods of these crossbows are naturally not as good as the 'excellent' one in Zhou Chang's bow. Even so, their power and additional attributes are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Hundreds of carefully selected men, the most powerful among the Zhou family members, carrying these 'strong bows', happily climbed up to the secret fortress near the ancestral hall that had been reserved at the beginning of the construction. The high point formed a shooting net without any gaps.

From all sides of the broadsword workshop, horns sounded and war drums roared.

A large amount of wine, meat and food were transported over like water, and groups of soldiers began to shout and eat and drink. On several high-rise archery towers, senior officials of the Luo family and other big families appeared, pointing at the Dadaofang. People were gesticulating in various streets and alleys, discussing the route of attack.

A large number of civilians appeared.

Carrying iron picks, hoes and other various tools, they shouted slogans and began to pull down the walls around the knife workshop.

Accompanied by the low roar of collapse, the walls around the Great Sword Workshop were constantly being torn to the ground, and the entire Great Sword Workshop was gradually exposed to the surrounding enemies. Last night, the foreign enemy only had three blasted gaps in the city wall for attack. Now, with the disappearance of the surrounding walls, the foreign enemy can launch an attack on Dadaofang from any angle at will.

After a hearty meal, a group of Luo family's deacons, as well as Xu Da Ma Bang and other leading figures in the big family, began to make loud noises to cheer up the private army soldiers and elite rangers who had gathered.

Boxes of gold, boxes of silver, and stacks of stacks of copper coins were piled directly on the streets around the Dadaofang. A deacon of the Luo family loudly offered a reward. If he could kill an ordinary member of the Zhou family, how much reward would he receive? If he killed the three Zhou Laodao brothers, how much reward would he get?

Zhou Laodao stood on the top of a sentry tower, looking coldly at the movement in the distance.

He suddenly sneered: With such a big scene, aren't the Luo family afraid of losing money this time?

Zhou Laodao and his two brothers couldn't figure it out, why did things become like this? According to Luo Kang's huge battle, even if they captured the Dadaofang, the gains would outweigh the losses in the end!

With the level of knowledge of Zhou Laodao brothers, they really don’t understand why!

Lu Qian smiled and shook his head.

In the beginning, no matter what the reason for the Luo family's attack on the Zhou family, in the opinion of the top brass of the Luo family, there was a traitor who cooperated with others to break the Dadaofang and reduce the entire Zhou family to criminals. Much cost.

But with Lu Qian disrupting the situation, a strong bow, and a skilled archer with endless physical strength, they caused too many casualties to the Luo family. Things started to get a little out of control from this point on.

In Luoyi, the Luo family is not the only one.

There are two other wealthy families who have the Emperor's Money Deed.

If the Luo family can't destroy the Zhou family with thunderous force, if the Luo family can't break through the Dadaofang with the minimum cost, if the Luo family and the vassal families under the Luo family have lost too much vitality here...


What happens next is interesting!

Lu Qian had already heard that some small frictions had occurred around the Dadaofang.

There are spies who are not affiliated with the Luo family and want to get close to the Dadao Fang to inquire about the situation... And the scouts stationed outside by the Luo family have already had several small battles with each other. Both sides exercised restraint, and no one was killed, but there were already some seriously injured people.

If today, the powerful Luo family cannot use the strongest attitude and the strongest style to destroy the Zhou family... then the subsequent events will obviously be uncontrollable.


Lu Qian looked at the three brothers Zhou Laodao, Zhou Changgong, and Zhou Tiejiao, who had their brows furrowed. After thinking about it, he felt that these were all trivial matters, so there was no need to explain them too clearly, right?

The sound of the wall collapsing outside kept coming.

The Luo family is indeed very wealthy and powerful, and can almost cover the sky with one hand in Luoyi... The number of civilians they have recruited is astonishing. In a neighborhood as big as Dadaofang, in just two or three hours, such a tall city wall was torn apart Clean and tidy.

The days and nights are long in this part of the world. When the walls of Dadaofang were pulled clean, the sun in the east rose a pole high. The soldiers and rangers around them were well fed and well rested. They had prepared all kinds of offensive equipment and were ready to attack.

‘Dong, dong dong’!

Amidst the sound of intensive war drums, more than a hundred Taoist true cultivators, armed with special thickened shields and wearing heavy armor, slowly advanced into the Broadsword Workshop with large groups of soldiers from all directions.

The sky is bright now and the visibility is excellent.

On the surrounding heavy carts, archers on a sentry tower looked down from a high position, overlooking the entire broadsword workshop.

A member of the Zhou family who was sentrying from a high place accidentally revealed his whereabouts, and immediately a skilled archer shot an arrow.

Amidst the muffled groans, the Zhou family members who were sent out on guard were hit by arrows and fled back to the ancestral hall along the secret passage in embarrassment.

Amidst the sound of wheels, these specially-made heavy-duty vehicles, driven by animal power, drove into the knife workshop little by little. There was a deacon of the Luo family holding a strong bow, standing on the arrow tower and shouting: Be smarter with your moves. If you see a sinner from the Zhou family, just shoot him... Hey, there is still a way to survive if you become a criminal. Now, ...They are dead, dead!

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Changgong climbed onto the arrow tower outside the ancestral hall, opened his long bow, and shot out an arrow.

The arrow shot through the air, making a sharp and harsh sound.

The deacon of the Luo family, who was shouting loudly, was not on guard. The arrow penetrated his open mouth with great accuracy, passed directly behind his head, and even penetrated the two archers standing behind him. His head shattered one of the guardrails of the archery tower.

Three corpses fell crookedly from the arrow tower.

From all directions, countless archers shouted in unison, the sound of bowstrings vibrating continuously, and the roar of heavy crossbows firing continued.

Countless arrows pierced the void from all directions and shot towards Zhou Changbow.

Although Dadaofang covers a vast area, it is only less than two miles long and wide. With the surrounding archery towers entering Dadaofang, an archer with a little arm strength can easily cross the entire city with his arrows.

The arrows screamed and hit Zhou Changgong. Several Zhou family members suddenly appeared around him and quickly raised their heavy shields.

These heavy shields were all made by Lu Qian using the spiritual gold materials in the Zhou family's inventory. They were at the level of heavenly weapons. Although they were only as thick as a palm, their defensive power was truly astonishing.

The warm rays of the morning sun shone on the shield, which was polished as brightly as a mirror. Countless arrows pierced the shield fiercely. There was a constant loud bang, and arrows exploded into pieces, sparks flying everywhere. The mirror surface of the medium and heavy shield didn’t even show any scratches!

Including the armor-piercing arrows shot by several deacons of the Luo family who were good at bows and arrows, and also made of spiritual gold, they also failed to cause any damage to these heavy shields made by Lu Qian!

These archers were unable to break through the defense, and Zhou Chang's bow suddenly became powerful.

He laughed wildly, not worrying at all about the bows and arrows being fired from all directions. He opened the long bow with all his heart and content, and threw out the armor-piercing arrows fiercely.

At dawn, the sight of enemies from all directions became extremely good, but for Zhou Changgong, these enemies encircling them from all directions with great fanfare became the best targets.

Inspirations from heaven and earth flow into the body continuously, and the consumed mana and physical strength are replenished at any time, and one's own mana and physical strength are always maintained at their peak state. Dense arrows swept out like a torrential rain. On the hundreds of moving arrow towers visible to the naked eye, one after another archers screamed and fell down after being struck by arrows.

In just a dozen breaths, Zhou Chang's bow fired hundreds of arrows, sweeping away the hundreds of archers on the heavy-duty vehicles that entered the broadsword workshop. The fierce arrows blasted out, even smashing many of the important mechanisms of dozens of heavy-duty crossbows that were expensive to build and were hard-won even for the Luo family.

The mechanisms of these heavy-duty crossbows were shattered, and the broken bow strings were flicked randomly, causing wood chips to fly across the top of the archery tower. The archers were even beaten to pieces, with broken bones and blood flowing across them. The scene was tragic.

After clearing the threats on the archery tower of these vehicles, Zhou Changgong smiled and fired arrows at the clearly visible enemies in the streets and alleys around him.

Without the threat of the archers on the archery tower, the clan members of the Zhou family who were ambushing at high places stood up one after another. Under the protection of the heavy shield men around them, they opened their bows and arrows to their heart's content and threw arrows in all directions.

The lethality of these arrows from the Zhou family is far inferior to that of the Zhou Changbow.

Even so, dense arrows fell from high places, still causing huge casualties to the surrounding enemies advancing into the Dadaofang.

The arrows easily tore through the armor of the soldiers and rangers, smashed the shields in their hands, and penetrated into their bodies - the strength of these Zhou family members was limited, and their arrows could not match the weight of Zhou Changbow. It explodes human limbs like arrows, but it is also enough to leave transparent wounds that penetrate the enemy's body.

In less than a cup of tea, the foreign enemies who advanced into Dadaofang suffered heavy casualties.

A rough estimate is that the number of soldiers and rangers killed was at least over two thousand, and the number of wounded was several times that number. In the streets and alleys, wounded people covered in blood were lying everywhere, howling and struggling, and those lucky ones who were lucky enough not to be hit by arrows were hiding behind the corners, not daring to poke their heads out.

In fact, when the Broadsword Workshop was first built, it was designed according to the specifications of the battle fortress.

The Zhou family members near the ancestral hall can shoot at the surrounding enemies as much as they want. Among the external enemies, there are of course many crossbowmen, but how can it be so easy for them to shoot the Zhou family members in the high fortress from the ground?

When those heavy vehicles arrived, the archers in the archers were wiped out by the perimeter bows. The enemies on the ground were unable to do anything except being beaten.

Amidst the angry roars, the leader of the big family, who was grumpy and not cunning enough, jumped up with a heavy shield, relying on the speed of a true cultivator, forced his way into the street leading to Dadaofang Ancestral Hall, trying to rush to the front and The Zhou family was in conflict.

But as soon as they jumped up, Zhou Changgong, whose cultivation level had increased a lot, had already responded. He opened the strong bow in his hand and dropped the heavy arrow. Several Dao practitioners who were flying around screamed pitifully, and several of them overlapped in their hands. The heavy spiritual gold shield on the upper layer was severely broken open, and heavy arrows pierced their bodies. Immediately, five or six people were shot to death with their vital organs exploded. There were also several people whose limbs were left with blood, and their blood was like a fountain. They fell to the ground and kept twitching. Howl.

Zhou Changgong didn't bother to replenish his arrows. He let the unlucky ones fall to the ground, twitching and wailing, and shouted outside at the top of his lungs: My dear friends, why don't you come here to die?

Everyone knows very well who I am, Zhou Changgong... What kind of person is my eldest brother Zhou Laodao? Don't you, a fellow villager in my hometown, know what kind of person I am?

The crime the Luo family accused our family of was that we killed Ma Shangfeng and his family!

Is this thing done by the Zhou family? I, the Zhou family, are clumsy and can't tell you one thing, two, three or four. I can't tell. Anyway, the truth is in their hands, isn't it?

It's just that I, Zhou Changgong, know one truth - wrongs have their owners, and debts have their owners. If the Luo family wants my Zhou family to die, then let the Luo family come up on their own... How many people have you killed or injured from yesterday to today? Is it worth it for you to fight so hard for the Luo family?

Look, look, look at those people lying on the ground.

Hey, the one whose thigh was shot off is the boss of the Qiu family, right? You say you, you say you, you are the only true cultivator in the Qiu family, what are you trying to do for your life? If you die here, Those beautiful wives and concubines of yours... tsk tsk!

Boss Qiu, if you die here, your property will become other people's property; your wives and concubines will be other people's wives and concubines; your women will also be other people's wives and concubines... your son... do you think, you Can your son survive?

Also, the one whose shoulders were shot off is the second son of the Hou family, right?

Hou Laoer, I heard that your boss has been coveting your wife for a long time... If you were, haha... your boss would climb into your bed tonight and take care of your wife for you. You Believe it or not?

We are all from the countryside, so who doesn’t know about the dirty things going on at home?

Zhou Changgong looked at the unlucky ones lying on the ground thrashing, and casually mentioned the biggest hidden worry in their family... For a moment, the howling sounds of the unlucky ones were much quieter, and there were attacks from all directions behind the corners. The team suddenly became confused, and then they saw the Taoist cultivators carrying heavy shields retreating backwards quietly one after another.

What Zhou Changgong said was rough, but it made sense!

In my own small family, there are only two or three people in the clan who have entered Taoism, or simply a single seedling. If you die here and the family's strength suddenly declines, do you still expect the Luo family to help you take care of your family business?

In the early morning, the cool breeze blows coolly all over the body.

With the breeze, Zhou Changgong's laughter and curses also reached Luo Kang's ears... Luo Kang and the senior officials of the Luo family behind him were heartbroken at the death of those archers of their own family, and at the same time, they were also angry at Zhou Changgong's words, which made the Three Corpse Gods jump violently. !

A deacon from the Luo family once again brought up the issue that had puzzled them since last night.

Something's wrong, something's wrong. In that period just now, that bastard Zhou Changgong shot at least hundreds of arrows... Even if he had an iron body, even if he had enough imperial money to spend as he pleased, he wouldn't be able to shoot so many arrows continuously. Come!

There are weird things, and there are big weird things!

Luo Kang had a gloomy face and whispered in a hoarse voice: No matter what the weirdness is, today, the Great Swordsman's Workshop must be captured, and the heads of everyone in the Zhou family must be hung at the city gate... Otherwise, what kind of face does our Luo family have? ?”

Several senior members of the Luo family exhaled at the same time, feeling the smell of blood rising in their throats.

Luo Kang murmured in a low voice: I didn't expect that the Zhou family would be so difficult to defeat... It's really...

Shaking his head, Luo Kang gave some instructions to the senior officials of the Luo family behind him.

The sun rises slowly.

In Luoyi City, the temperature slowly rose. Countless flies flew from all directions and landed on the corpses on the ground and the large blood stains.

Those who had been shot by Perimeter's bow lay on the ground in despair.

The blood was flowing continuously, mosquito bites were biting their wounds, and they could feel the life slowly passing away.

The clever private soldiers threw a rope with an iron hook from a distance and put it on their master, dragging them farther away like a bundle of firewood.

Zhou Changgong originally wanted to kill them all, but after Lu Qian gave a few instructions, he put down the long bow in his hand and allowed the wounded to be pulled out of the sword shop little by little with the help of those clever little guys.

After these seriously injured soldiers were rescued, the enemies gathered from all sides saw the miserable condition of these people, and their morale dropped sharply. Many people began to inquire about the causes and consequences of the siege of Dadaofang. Some people began to talk about the Luo family's rhetoric to the outside world, but many people wanted to believe it or not after hearing it... The Luo family's authority in the hearts of these people was weakening little by little.

The sound of rapid horse hooves sounded.

A large group of fast riders galloped from the direction of the ancient city. They were all carefully selected tall horses, each wearing a vest. The horseshoes made of fine steel struck crazily on the stone street, splashing countless dazzling sparks. .

More than a mile away from the sword workshop, the knight on horseback reined in the reins, then jumped off the horse and silently cleaned the armor.

This group of knights carries a faint, cold will of death.

Following their movements, the noises of private soldiers and slaves from various households around them inexplicably became lower. Gradually, the surroundings became silent. Many people tensed their faces and narrowed their pupils as they looked at this group. But there are hundreds of knights.

They put on their armor and picked up their swords.

The armor on their bodies has smooth and graceful lines. There are exquisite reliefs of animal heads on the chest and back of the armor. Each piece of armor has a faint runic halo on the edge. When they move, it seems like there is a very fine starlight. Particles fall in the wind.

These armors have exactly the same shape. Putting any two sets of armor together, with the eyesight of Luo Yi, a true cultivator, there is no difference at all.

There is no doubt that this is some kind of standard armor.

And the starlight flowing on these armors is so abnormal, which also means that the power of these armors is definitely not comparable to the ordinary armors of the heavenly soldiers.

The long knives in the hands of these hundreds of knights are also the same as the armor on their bodies, with exactly the same shape.

It has a black three-foot long handle and a six-foot blade shaped like a seedling. The back of the blade is as thick as a finger, and the blade has a hint of blood-colored starlight. Two knights waved their long swords gently. The long swords pierced the air and made an extremely sharp and long crunch sound, as if a goshawk flew rapidly overhead and made a high-pitched cry. .

There were many heads and leaders of big families around. When they saw these knights, they subconsciously gasped.

Some people couldn't help but began to show off their knowledge, telling the people around them in a low voice the origins of this group of people!

The Luo family, which can almost cover the sky with one hand in Luoyi City, and which can be called the top power in the entire wasteland, is nothing more than a small ant that can be easily wiped out in the face of higher-level existences.

Every few years, the Luo family will select the true cultivators in the family and send them to higher-level superior forces to 'serve'.

Many members of the Luo family have gone there and never come back.

And some lucky ones will return to the Luo family with cultivation levels that far exceed the average level of Luoyi City, as well as various magical weapons, sophisticated armors, and even various panaceas and all kinds of treasures that the bumpkins in Luoyi City can't imagine. .

These guys who have just returned from the outside world are the real heritage of the Luo family.

However, for many years, the Luo family did not need to use these people at all.

These guys usually just enjoy themselves in the Luo family, and there is nothing worth doing for them.

But today, it was obvious that Dadaofang's unusually fierce counterattack made Luo Kang and the senior officials of the Luo family behind Luo Kang feel a little uneasy and some kind of threat, so they actually brought out these real family backgrounds.

The hundred-year-old knight tidied his armor, waved his long sword gently, and put down his heavy face armor with a few clang clang sounds.

The onlookers all around exclaimed again.

The armor on these knights, the face armor, and the eyes are actually embedded with two blood-colored chips.

The completely black armor, the ferocious animal head reliefs on the front and back, and the ferocious faces of ghosts and gods on the face armor, coupled with these two chips that shine with a faint blood light in the sun, these are inherently evil. The knight exudes an intimidating aura that makes people dare not look directly at him.

Luo Bang and other senior officials of the Luo family bowed to these knights.

One of the knights leading the team looked sideways at Luo Kang and said solemnly: Let's go in first...and collect their bodies in a quarter of an hour!

Luo Kang smiled and cupped his hands towards the leading knight: Thank you, seventh uncle!

The knight snorted coldly and strode towards the sword shop.

Behind him, hundreds of Luo family knights spread out slowly, with an average distance of one foot apart. They just lined up in a straight line. They approached the Dadaofang step by step, unhurriedly and casually, without making any dodges. Yes, he broke in directly.

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes. He stood on the wall of the Luo family ancestral hall, looking at these knights who had casually barged in, and said in a deep voice: These guys are interesting! You should be careful!

Zhou Changgong let out a long roar. He used all his strength to pull the strong bow in his hand as far as he could now. With a loud bang, an armor-piercing arrow shattered the air and brought up several white streaks. Almost as soon as the air blast ring left the bowstring, it shot directly in front of the seventh uncle mentioned in Luo Kang's mouth.

The seventh uncle swung the long knife in his hand.

A flash of light blood-colored sword light flashed by, and with a 'chang' sound, sparks exploded, and the arrow shot by Zhou Chang's bow was actually split into two pieces by the long sword in the seventh uncle's hand.

The broken arrow shaft hit the seventh uncle's shoulder armor crookedly. With sparks and impact sounds, the two arrow shafts rotated rapidly and were bounced dozens of feet high.

The seventh uncle's upper body swayed slightly. He turned his head and looked at the two deep scratches on the shoulder armor, and hissed: What a powerful bow... Damn it, where did you get such a good thing?

Swinging the long knife forward fiercely in his hand, the Seventh Uncle said sternly: Come in, capture those alive, and torture them to find out where they got such a weapon from heaven!

More than a hundred members of the Luo family roared in unison, and suddenly accelerated, like more than a hundred black arrows, breaking into the broadsword workshop at extremely fast speeds.

The next moment, dozens of young men from the Zhou family who had blocked their direction opened their bows and fired randomly. Dozens of arrows fell with ear-piercing whistling sounds, hitting the dozen knights rushing at the front.

Amidst the harsh sound of metal friction, some arrows were refracted by the armor, only spattering wisps of sparks.

Some arrows penetrated the armor of these knights and stabbed hard on their arms and thighs.

With a muffled groan, five or six knights with arrows in their thighs immediately tilted their bodies, staggered and fell to the ground, and their bodies rolled forward and rolled far away.

The faces of Luo Kang and others who were watching the battle with smiles changed suddenly.

How is that possible?

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