Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 890: Pioneer Group (3)

Lu Qian opened his warm embrace and welcomed all the lost sheep who were active, passive, willing, or unwilling. However, they all returned to the sea and finally joined the warm family of Buddhism.

Under Master Tiezhen, thousands of elite soldiers from Tiemenguan, with pious and intoxicated smiles, offered all their loyalty, all their filial piety, all their admiration, all... uh, In short, from this moment on, Lu Yi is their heaven, their earth, their reborn parent, and the supreme belief in their hearts.

Mr. Iron Needle and three pretty maids were still killing each other non-stop on the snow-white fur felt. More than two hundred specially-made giant carts had arrived at the south bank of Luoyi and were lined up neatly. A row.

There are more than two hundred large carts. The drivers are responsible for serving these carts, the beasts who pull the carts are responsible for the beasts, the young men and women in the carts are responsible for the food and beverage expenses, and the young men are responsible for all the chores along the way. , the total number is nearly one hundred thousand.

These people were all bathed in the warm Buddha's light, looking at Lu Qian dreamily, and formed a neat square array in front of the cart.

Thousands of soldiers surrounded more than a dozen splendidly decorated chariots, and surrounded Mr. Iron Needle and the handsome men and beauties he brought with him.

Mr. Tiezhen... The Tie family in Tiemenguan is a direct descendant of Tiefang. He is the second son of Tiefang. On weekdays, he is also a domineering master in Tiemenguan. It is normal to bully men and women. What do you eat? It is a common practice to not give you money for a melon, but to give your daughter a free child in her belly.

But this time, Mr. Iron Needle provoked a big shot from a higher level.

As the local leader of Tiemenguan, the Tie family also has backers in the upper echelons. However, even the backers behind the Tie family cannot withstand the trouble caused by Tiezhen this time. They can only form a pioneering team to push Tiezhen far away. Exile from afar as punishment.

Who exactly Iron Needle offended and what he did were unknown to the elite soldiers accompanying him.

The movements of the big shot from the upper echelons were secretive, and all news was covered up extremely well.

In short, the iron needle was sent away, far away, and it was agreed that the iron needle would not return to the iron gate for half a step during his lifetime. If the development is successful, Tiezhen will be able to spend the rest of his life enjoying the extravagance of life. If the development fails... if the development fails, it will naturally be a death sentence. Don't expect the Tie family to spend any more resources on Tiezhen.

This means that Tiezhen led a large-scale pioneering team and scraped the land crazily along the way. However, this did not cause much turmoil in the eight original territories. Even the Qin family and the Lin family, who had never dealt with the Tie family, did not give it. It was because the forces along the way had tipped off the news.

Tiezhen was the unlucky guy who was assigned to the job, and that was how he would be for the rest of his life.

For a loser, there is no need to do anything more, just let him fend for himself, that's it...

Iron Needle, maybe a little self-destructive, right?

Along the way, he frantically levied and expropriated the forces deployed by the Tie family in various cities, searched frantically, and even committed all kinds of crazy behaviors... Even at the north gate of Luoyi and on the riverside, he made a sweeping move. This kind of almost animal behavior is just a kind of hysterical vent.

Panting heavily, Iron Needle once again let out a long gasping sound like a dying beast.

Sweating like rain, he stood up shivering. The slightly cool river breeze blew over his fair body. He shivered nervously. He subconsciously raised his head and looked at the gorgeous sunset in the western sky. He opened his mouth and stretched out his hand towards the maid next to him: Here, here are two more pills of peach red pills to give me another feeling of pleasure. It's not too late to go into the city after nightfall.

The maid remained motionless.

On the maid's fair and slender neck, which is like a swan's neck, she is holding a heavy, bright long knife with a faint line of bloody lines on the blade. Not only her, but all the handsome men and beauties waiting nearby have been controlled by those soldiers.

However, Lu Qian did not say a word, so no one said a word.

Everyone is enjoying the fierce battle between Iron Needle and the three maids...

Tiezhen was stunned, and suddenly looked around. When he saw that these elite soldiers from Tiemenguan, who were originally responsible for protecting him all the way, actually 'hijacked' his personal servants and close relatives. As a maid, his body trembled a few times again, and a stream of slightly yellow urine with a strong fishy smell suddenly spurted out.

You who have killed a thousand swords...haven't even left the territory of Tiemenguan, are you going to rebel against the Devourer?

How dare you? How dare you?

Is there still heavenly law? Is there still kingly law?


Tiezhen simply knelt on the ground. He raised his hands high and hissed: I know that I offended those adults. It's my fault. It's my fault... But you can't blame me entirely. Ah, they didn’t reveal their identities, they were dressed just like the most ordinary merchants, who knew they were the Heaven Patrol Forbidden God Guards?”

How do I know that there is such a pretty young lady among the Forbidden God Guards?

God knows, the little lady in the Xuntian Forbidden God Guard can actually sit in such a high position with a woman's body?

I just saw that she was extremely well-born and wanted to test her strength... She had already beaten her in public and had her legs broken eighteen times. She still refused to let her go. I was even sent to a female partner. Come out, go to the primitive wasteland to open up wasteland, and you will never be able to return to Iron Gate Pass for the rest of your life!

It's miserable enough... It's miserable enough... It's not that we must kill them all, right?

Iron Needle hissed and wailed: I just took advantage verbally, I didn't even touch a finger on her... Do we have to kill them all? Do we have to die in this wasteland? What kind of hatred, what exactly? Hate it? Ugh!

Thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, as well as the forcibly convicts in the giant vehicles in the distance, all stared dumbly at Iron Needle, who was kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly.

Along the way from Tiemenguan, Tiezhen relied on his power. He spent a lot of time drinking and doing evil. On the way alone, there were thousands of innocent girls who were harmed by him and ravaged to death by him.

This is a huge disaster caused by a man with a great reputation!

How could he show such an ugly face in front of a death threat?

Surveying the Sky... Forbidden God Guard? Lu Qian looked at Iron Needle, who was crying in pain, and some broken memories about this term suddenly came up in his mind. His heart beat violently for a few times, and a huge aura of danger surged in. Lu Qian suddenly predicted that if he really rushed to Tiemen Pass, if he met the patrolling forbidden gods in Tiemen Pass, …

With his current cultivation and strength, and his current damaged memory, there will be unforeseen dangers waiting for him.

Maybe his body would be broken into pieces and his soul would be scattered.

There was a large area of ​​blood filling Lu Qian's eyes, and the terrifying prediction of the crisis hit him, stimulating his blood vessels to bulge, and all he could hear in his ears was the loud thumping sound caused by the violent heartbeat and soaring blood pressure.

In fact, the skin all over his body was tight, countless hairs stood up, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

Big danger!

Extremely dangerous.

Stay away from the iron gate!

Stay away from iron gates as much as possible.

Moreover, it is far away from the influence of Tiemenguan... Then, the pioneering group under the name of Tiezhen seems to be the most reasonable and safest channel.

The sins on your body are overwhelming. Lu Qian looked at Iron Needle with a deep look: There is no such thing as putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately... You are a wicked person. If a wicked person only needs to say 'change his mind', he will be able to If you become a Buddha or a Bodhisattva, then those people who have been harmed by you, aren't they too unjust?

So, you are destined to die a miserable death here, Xiao Monk. You are destined to die an extremely miserable death.

It's just that the monk needs you now. You still have some value that can be used.

With the blurry Buddha light flashing in his right hand, Lu Qian poked Tiezhen's forehead with a finger: Then, from today on, you will be a watchdog for the young monk. Just use it for now. When it is no longer useful in the future, you Just go die!”

Iron Needle roared and jumped up suddenly, trying to struggle.

But Lu Qian stabbed him with his finger, and Tiezhen's body suddenly stiffened. His eyes widened and he looked at Lu Qian with a distorted face. He only felt that his will, his memory, and all his original thoughts were beginning to be destroyed. Forced distortion, forced tampering. His fear and jealousy towards Lu Qian, and all his vigilance and precautions, were wiped away in an instant...

He suddenly felt infinite admiration and respect for Lu Qian.

He knelt down heavily on the ground, rubbing Lu Qian's boots affectionately with his forehead, and respectfully piled together the most gorgeous words he could think of to sing and praise Lu Qian.

A moment later, thousands of elite soldiers from Tiemenguan, brought by Tiezhen, whistled and rode wildly into Luoyi City. With the cooperation of Zhou Laodao and other members of the Zhou family, the top brass of the Qin and Lin families were captured and no one escaped.

After a while, the entire Luoyi was twisted into a rope and condensed into a force in a real sense.

Subsequently, the Zhou family, the Lin family, and the Qin family joined forces and began to mobilize all resources in Luoyi.

Grain, medicinal materials, minerals, salt, sugar, sauce, vinegar, tea, etc...

The Zhou family, the Lin family, and the Qin family even jointly issued an announcement, saying that there was Tie Zhen, a direct descendant of the Tie family, at Tiemen Pass. In order to open up the territory, they led the pioneering group to pass through Luoyi City, preparing to go to the primitive wasteland. They specially called for people with lofty ideals to accompany them. So much.

Up and down Luoyi City, some concubines from wealthy families heard the news and took action. With the support of their elders, they wore armor and swords, and brought more or less private soldiers, as well as large groups of slaves and strong men, and gathered here.

After struggling for several days, Tiezhen's pioneering group left Luoyi City and continued to march south.

Before leaving, Tiezhen sent a family letter to Tiemenguan, saying that the Luo family in Luoyi City had offended him and was completely annihilated by his order, while he had supported the Zhou family in Luoyi to replace him. He hereby expressed his gratitude to Tiemenguan. Tie family records and so on.

Tiezhen cried bitterly in his letters home, telling his elders about the wind, frost, snow, rain, hardships and hardships he had experienced along the way. He also begged his elders - he went to the primitive wasteland to open up territory, which was a narrow escape, and he had to Leave a strong support base on Mikagahara!

Therefore, he begged his elders to strongly support Luoyi City and provide more resources to the Zhou family in Luoyi City...

He even begged Tie Fang in the book - for the sake of the love between father and son, even if Tie Fang was not willing to give Zhou an extra three melons and two dates, at least he should not stir up trouble behind his back and attack Zhou secretly!

He told with tears that the Zhou family in Luoyi City was the last way out for him. He also asked the elders of the clan, for the sake of his helplessness, not to attack Luoyi City or the Zhou family!

After Tiezhen's pioneering team left Luoyi City, Lu Qian quietly returned to Luoyi City the next night. With the cooperation of thirty-six white-bone gods and demons, he quietly washed away the dream with the Liangyitian Buddhist Sect. Throughout Luoyi City, the memory of him in the hearts of countless men, women, and children.

The reason why Zhou Laodao's Zhou family was able to kill the Luo family and replace them was because Tiezhen had laid a secret hand in Luoyi City many years ago, and it just broke out this time - it was clearly an intervention war by external forces. Under Lu Qian's skillful weaving, it turned into an internal strife between several noble sons vying for power and profit within the Tie family.

And everyone in Luoyi City 'remembers' that Zhou Laodao, the contemporary head of the Zhou family, had a 'like-minded' relationship with Tiezhen many years ago and became a good friend. This time when Iron Needle was in trouble, Zhou Laodao, out of loyalty, led a large number of Zhou family elites and tens of thousands of Zhou family's private soldiers to resolutely follow Iron Needle, working hard from the front and back of the horse!

At dawn the next day, the people of Luoyi City woke up from their dreams, and everyone in the city praised Zhou Laodao's loyalty and Tiezhen's shitty luck!

Seven days after Tiezhen's pioneering team left Luoyi, several men dressed as merchants quietly entered Luoyi City along with a caravan from Brown Peak City. They walked around the city, inquiring, and sometimes even showed some real figures, asking about majestic soldiers, white-bearded old men, and winged girls.

It's just that the people in Luoyi City have never seen these majestic men wearing heavy armor, the old man with a white beard more than three feet tall, and the beautiful girl with shining wings on her back... They've never seen the big man with a bare head. Monk, therefore, everyone responded blankly to the inquiries of these men.

By this time, Lu Qian had already left Luoyi far away with Tiezhen's pioneering group.

After leaving Luoyi, the pioneering group headed south, while Lu Qian turned to the west and went to Hujiaweizi, where he collected all the caravans who had stayed in Hujiawei and their memories a little bit. tampered with it.

They completely forgot about Lu Qian, and only remembered that Zhou Laodao led them to capture Hujiaweizi!

Next, Lu Qian stayed in Tiezhen's pioneering group with peace of mind.

Along the way, we also passed dozens of cities that were much smaller than Luoyi City, but had extremely high population density, and the living environment in their cities was comparable to refugee dens and savage huts.

In these cities, Tiezhen was not able to collect many resources, and the replenishment of food, grass and other supplies was limited, but he recruited a large number of people. A large number of criminals were incorporated into the pioneering group, and many people at the bottom who had almost no way out under oppression gritted their teeth, received the leather armor and ordnance issued by the city's high-level officials, and 'voluntarily' joined the pioneering group.

Along the way, there were some unlucky gangs of bandits and horse thieves who were accidentally bumped into by the pioneering group. The elite soldiers and cavalry were surrounded by one another, and they killed all these bandits and horse thieves, as well as their families, and reduced them all to criminal labor and sent them to prison. He was imprisoned in a giant vehicle.

In this way, the scale of the pioneering group continues to expand.

In addition to more than two hundred giant carts used to carry criminals, the pioneering group also had a large number of vehicles, a large number of camels, and followers with their own mounts.

The further away from Luoyi and away from Tiemenguan's sphere of influence, the sense of crisis in Lu Qian's heart quickly dissipated.

After traveling on the road for more than a month in local time and far away from Luoyi City, with a straight-line distance of more than 60,000 miles, Lu Qian's sense of crisis finally dissipated.

And another kind of throbbing is gradually increasing in my heart.

It seemed that the further he walked towards the south, there was someone familiar, someone more important, someone who was closely involved with him, waiting for him in the south.

When he was in Luoyi before, Lu Qian was too far away from the other party, so he failed to notice his presence.

But as the pioneering team headed south at full speed, and as the distance between the two gradually got closer, Lu Qian gradually developed a vague feeling of being hungry!

Endless wasteland.

Weeds that are as tall as anyone.

Circles of waist-high, colorful poisonous and non-toxic mushrooms happily formed a mushroom circle among the green weeds.

At a glance, the lake is embedded in the boundless green grassland. There are a huge number of wild animals beside the lake, whether they are herbivorous or carnivorous, they all enjoy the cool lake water peacefully.

Countless waterfowl, large and small, with colorful colors are either soaring in the sky, swimming on the water, or simply limping with their feet up in the shallow water, hunting fish and shrimps with their long beaks.

The sky is a clear blue, without any trace of smoke from fireworks.

Here, it is already more than 200,000 miles away from Luoyi City and the southernmost wall of Mikawahara. This is a pure wild wilderness with basically no traces of humans, let alone the breath of humanity.

At dusk, the large-scale development team's convoy stopped by a huge lake. Groups of soldiers shouted, and under the command of a group of Zhou family members who acted as captains, swarmed towards the herds of animals on the lake shore. past. Bows and crossbows roared, swords and spears stabbed, and large groups of wild beasts howled and were hunted. Blood poured into the lake like streams, quickly dyeing a large area of ​​the lake red.

Lu Qian stood on the top of a giant cart, watching Zhou Laodao and a group of Zhou family members busy back and forth.

Iron Needle...is a pure waste.

He brought out thousands of soldiers from the Iron Gate Gate. These guys basically knew nothing but fighting and killing.

Tiezhen also brought a group of dandy men and women out from Tiemen Pass. These people were all the children of small families who usually gathered around him in Tiemen Pass to fawn over him. Tiezhen was unlucky enough to be sent to open up the primitive wilderness, adhering to the principle of With the purpose of sharing blessings and sharing hardships, he pulled these good brothers and sisters out anyway regardless of whether they were willing or not.

This group of naughty children are even more trash among trash. Apart from eating, drinking, having sex, playing with others or being played by others, they basically have no ability to survive... Lu Qian also couldn't understand why Iron Needle brought out such a group of nudity. What's the use?

I'm afraid that's not the case. Iron Needle just wants to drag them to death together?

In addition to these 'direct descendants', Tiezhen set out from Tiemenguan and passed through hundreds of large and small cities along the way, collecting a large number of criminals from them.

It is conceivable that those in power in the cities passed along the way would not be able to give their capable manpower to Iron Needle.

As for those criminals... many of them are like Zhou Laodao, they are truly capable people who have worked hard from the bottom... But they are living well in their own territory, and suddenly the whole family is inexplicably devalued as criminals. He was forced to join Tiezhen's pioneering group...

These people didn't stab Tie Zhen in the back and killed Tie Zhen in the middle of the road. It can be considered that the thousands of soldiers around Tie Zhen took effective precautions.

It is impossible to count on them!

It cannot be said that the people around Tiezhen are all trash. After all, he is the noble son of the Tie family. Although he provoked big shots and was forced to be exiled, opening up the wasteland was after all a very glorious act that benefited the people. Therefore, the Tie family was still removed from Tiemenguan. Several capable officials accompanied him.

But these few talented people were working as officials... Lu Qian saw that they were like dead people, squatting in the car every day, eating and waiting to die, without saying a word, so he knew that they could not be counted on.

Since they are capable people and officials, it can be seen that they have lived a good life in Tiemenguan.

I was living a happy and fulfilling life, but suddenly I was assigned by the boss to follow a dandy who had made a mistake, and traveled thousands of miles to the extremely dangerous primitive wasteland to open up territory and use my brain. Fight for a future!

If it were you, would you?

Even if Lu Qian used Buddhism to transform them...perhaps due to the suppression of this world, Lu Qian's Buddhism transformation ability has also been weakened a lot. There is nothing to worry about these guys' loyalty to Lu Qian, but they His 'subjective initiative' is really worrying!

After setting off from Luoyi for so many days, these guys haven't shown much publicity and haven't taken the initiative to work. They still look lifeless, eating and waiting to die. At most, when Lu Yi appeared in front of them, they would smile and pat him, but as soon as Lu Yi left, they immediately returned to their salty status!

Tsk, this is hopeless.

Fortunately, because of Lu Qian's relationship, Zhou Laodao led a large number of elite tribesmen and followed Lu Qian in.

Zhou Laodao, as well as these Zhou family members, are the most elite backbone of a rising new family. There is absolutely no dandy, and everyone has the ability to eat with two hands.

There are not many of these people, but as middle and high-level managers, they are enough to keep the entire huge development team in order.

Under the setting sun, the huge team was either hunting, setting up camp, or setting up sentries, or organizing the accompanying young and strong women to light bonfires and cook various fresh beasts, catches, etc.

Lines of smoke rose straight into the sky.

There was a sharp sound of birdsong in the distance, and there were ferocious birds like the Wind-Splitting Eagle looking maliciously towards this side.

Lu Qian raised his head, glanced at the looming giant bird shadows on the horizon in the distance, mobilized his magic power, and roared like a lion - Get out!

There was a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and a dozen big birds fell crookedly from high in the sky. They flapped their wings in panic, scattering large pieces of messy feathers. After falling directly from the high altitude for thousands of feet, they finally regained their feet. It flapped its wings and flew away in a panic.

As these giant ferocious birds moved away, some large ferocious beasts roared in the long grass in the distance and turned away unwillingly.

A large group of soldiers wearing leather armor walked over. They came to a giant vehicle where criminals were imprisoned. They knocked on the fence of the vehicle and threw bags of marching pills in casually.

During those crimes, those prestigious elders and those who were strong enough to enter the Dao came up with gloomy expressions, took the marching pills, and distributed them one by one.

Xingjun Pill is similar to the ‘Bigu Pill’ in Lu Qian’s impression.

However, the effect of the Marching Pill is even more bizarre. One Marching Pill is enough to make these criminals in the car not eat or drink for a whole month, and their body functions are compressed to the extreme, entering a state of almost hibernation.

Their strength, reaction ability, etc. will be compressed to the extreme, and each of them will become like a living dead. Even communication becomes hesitant, and their thinking becomes stiff and sluggish.

In this case, except for a very small number of Taoist cultivators who have the strength to withstand the power of the marching pill, the others are just like logs being transported, without any worry that they will rise up to resist or escape midway.

Taking marching pills allows the pioneering team to save more effort and worry on the road, and the transportation cost is lower.

Otherwise, along the way, Iron Needle had plundered so many criminal men and women. Not to mention other things, the daily excretion problems of these nearly tens of millions of men and women would drive people crazy.

A soldier who handed out marching pills knocked on the fence and shouted loudly: Okay, this is the last marching pill on the road. If you endure it for another half month, you won't have to take this unlucky thing... By then, good wine Good meat, hot soup, good days are waiting for you!

Be good and don't cause trouble for me at the last moment, and don't cause trouble for yourselves and your relatives!

Remember, you are all criminals now... You have committed a crime. Look at the knife in my hand. Is your neck harder than my knife?

The criminals in the car looked at these soldiers with numb expressions and dull eyes.

They took the marching pills that were distributed one by one, swallowed them casually, and then quietly, crowded together, sat cross-legged in the car, like a group of walking zombies, without making any sound.

Lu Qian looked down at these crimes and shook his head gently.

Regardless of whether they are guilty or innocent, their names have been registered on the Tiemen Pass criminal list. Their only way out is to follow Iron Needle to open up the wasteland and fight for a way out with their own lives. If they dare to escape, or if they are lucky enough to escape, they will be captured by Tiemenguan with all their strength. Once captured, their entire clan will be wiped out.

When you reach the so-called primitive wasteland, you may try to believe in me, the Buddha. Lu Qian smiled and looked at these numb, stiff, zombie-like criminals: Little monk Fa Hai, maybe he can turn into a small boat. Puduer and others will get through this endless sea of ​​suffering.

Those ordinary strong men who had taken the marching pills and had been controlled by the drug had no reaction at all to Lu Qian's words.

The few Taoist cultivators nearby slowly raised their heads and glanced at Lu Yi with flickering eyes, without any response to his words. Lu Qian even heard the whispers of several Taoist cultivators - Monk, you can't believe it!

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows, why can't the monk be trusted?

Maybe you know that local monks are not trustworthy, but I, Fahai, am a foreign monk... Foreign monks are good at chanting sutras. Don't you even know this?

Zhou Laodao has already finished a lot of work, and the entire camp has been successfully settled.

Carrying a jar of wine and a roasted buffalo leg, he jumped a few times and came to Lu Qian's side, handing the wine and meat over: Brother Fahai, the buffalo here are huge and the beef is particularly chewy and chewy. , try it?”

Lu Qian smiled and took the wine and meat, and took a bite. It was indeed very strong and fragrant in the mouth.

While he was eating and drinking, he said casually: Old Dao, I heard that we are almost at the end of the field... I don't know what the so-called primitive wasteland is, and the iron needle doesn't know anything about it. The team is going up and down. No one knows what this so-called primitive wasteland is...

Are you sure you want to follow me with so many tribesmen? Lu Qian glanced at Zhou Laodao: Go back to Luoyi and be your city elder in peace, okay? There is a letter from Tie Zhen, the Tie family Even if you have a backstage supporter, spending time with your wife and children on the hot bed is more refreshing than following me through wind and rain!

Zhou Laodao hesitated and smiled.

Follow you and I'll have meat to eat! Zhou Laodao said to Lu Qian sincerely: Brother Fahai, what do you think?

Lu Qian was stunned, smiled relieved, and pointed at Zhou Laodao: You, cunning and cunning... well, you have meat to eat, this is enough... However, you may be chopped down if you follow me. oh!

Zhou Laodao shrugged his shoulders and flicked the long knife hanging on his waist in his hand: I, Lao Zhou, have been stabbed by too many knives. As long as there is meat to eat, eat better meat and get stabbed more often. What’s a knife?”

The sun sets.

The twilight is rich.

At night, the wilderness was filled with the roars of wild beasts. Carnivorous nocturnal beasts began to appear. There were sounds of fighting and the smell of blood everywhere.

There are also bold beasts roaming around the huge camp of the pioneering group.

The patrolling soldiers shouted in a low voice, the sound of crossbows and swords continued. During the long night, a total of 147 large and small killings broke out around the camp, and more than 8,000 large and small beasts and ferocious beasts were killed.

It was an uneventful night, and all the wild beasts and ferocious beasts killed last night became a side dish for breakfast.

The huge team broke out of camp and continued to move south.

After advancing like this for many days, the road ahead suddenly cut off.

The vast wasteland suddenly reaches the edge here. The road ahead is cut off and it is an endless abyss of darkness with occasional twinkling stars. The long wind is like the roar of the undead from ancient times, blowing slowly from the top of the abyss.

Through the twinkling starlight, you can see that there are large groups of light surging above the dark abyss far and far ahead.

These lights vary in color, size, and distance.

The few capable officials who had been fishing all the way finally got out of their cars and walked crookedly to Lu Qian's side. They took out a compass and drew together for a while. I don't know what the fuss was about, and they all saluted Lu Qian: My god, Master Iron Needle's destination is just ahead.

Lu Qian looked at the huge development team around him, then looked at the bottomless abyss in front of him, and nodded slowly: Then just act according to the law! Ha, the little monk is just right, he has learned a lot!

Lu Qian looked at several capable officials with interest.

From where Lu Qian stood to the nearest light groups, it was probably not even thousands of miles away. And this distance of thousands of miles is a dark and bottomless abyss. The invisible wind blows endlessly above the abyss with the terrifying power of annihilating everything.

Just when Lu Qian stopped, he saw several giant birds being chased by powerful enemies. They flew into the abyss from the airspace of the wasteland in a panic... The invisible wind just blew, and these giant birds suddenly flew away. In a flash, the whole thing collapsed into countless tiny particles, flashing with blurry light, and was blown away by the wind in an instant.

Lu Qian looked at the giant vehicles carrying criminals. Along the way, these vehicles were floating in the air, but their flying height was limited. Obviously, it is impossible for these chariot drivers, especially those giant beasts pulling the chariots, to fly across this endless abyss.

Don't talk about them, just talk about Lu Qian now. Because of the suppression of the laws of heaven and earth, he can't fly!

An official with a goatee and a somewhat shrewd look named Zhao Ding coughed lightly: My Buddha's decree, we shall serve it... Please wait for a moment, and See what we do.

When Lu Qian and others were finally about to arrive at their destination.

Iron gate closed.

Looking down from a very high altitude, the entire Eight Great Plains is a floating continent roughly shaped like a mulberry leaf, with a radius of tens of millions of miles, quietly suspended in the boundless void. Sanheyuan, where Luoyi is located, is located in the most remote corner of the southwest of Badayuan.

A small piece of land, less than three thousand miles long and wide, floats quietly above the Eight Great Plains.

The clouds are lingering and the glow is rising.

Between the sacred mountains and beautiful waters, the Iron Gate Pass with a radius of hundreds of miles stands majestically in the core area of ​​the small continent. Flags and flags can be seen swaying in the sky, the archway looms, and a huge formation wraps up the entire Iron Gate Pass and the entire continent. The block, and what drives it, slowly floats above the huge Eight Great Plains, following the shadow of the sun from west to east, and from east to west.

Dozens of large and small battleships were neatly suspended in the sky above the north gate of Tiemenguan. Below the battleships was where the Tiemenguan garrison was located.

Tie Wuxin, the highest official of Tiemenguan and the governor of Tiemenguan, is now like a wronged child bride. He smiles lightly, lowers his head, and stands in the lobby of the iron-gray, majestic and murderous town hall. He quietly looked at the tips of his boots that were exposed under the front hem of his robe.

Qin Zhen, the deputy town official of Tiemenguan, lowered his head with a stiff look on his face, and cautiously reported to the man sitting behind the public case in the lobby: Nothing has been found in the major cities in the eight original jurisdictions... Sir ,whether……

A flash of lightning followed by a deafening roar. Qin Zhen's chest armor was shattered. His whole body was vomited blood by the lightning. He flew backwards for dozens of feet and flew out of the lobby of the governor's mansion. He fell to the ground and could not move for a long time.

No discovery...no discovery...no discovery...

Sitting in the seat that originally belonged to Tie Wuxin, the slender girl with a stern face scolded harshly: Then, I should say, are you incompetent? Or are you just perfunctory and fooling me?

Anyway, the person must be on your territory. If he can't find it, it's because you're not paying attention!

You dare to perfunctory and fool even the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard... why don't you just live?

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