Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 908 The true meaning of pioneering

This Cyclops is very hard.

He was so hard that he struck so hard that he smashed the Rabbit's concentrated horse-repelling stake into pieces. He continued to charge towards the city wall while spitting and roaring.

As a result, five colors of light and mist shrouded the world, and the world became chaotic.

The Cyclops was in the five-element inverted formation, not knowing up and down, front and back, left and right, blurring the east, west, north and south, and turning left and right like a headless fly. Every time he took two or three steps, there was a bright, silver, and extremely stiff stick. The Juma pile condensed out of the void, quietly waiting for him to bump into it.

The horse piles were thick or thin, long or short, curved or straight, triangular or conical, with blood grooves or barbs... In short, the rabbit would keep him in this life. The various types of swords, guns, swords, halberds and other weapons that Lu Qian had seen around him were all used in these horse-repelling stakes.

The other four uncles also joined in the fun, adding additional damage such as thunder, fire, ice, and wind to these horse-rejecting stakes. Occasionally, the green snake was very considerate, spitting on the tip of the horse-rejecting stake. Some venom with unpredictable properties.

One after another, one after another.

'Bang, bang'... The body of this Cyclops was so strong that it made one's scalp numb. He used the most vulnerable part of a serious male's body to smash hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of roots. A stuffed horse pile...

However, there are still more horse-rejecting stakes emerging in a steady stream, waiting for him to move up.

In the Five Elements Upside Down Formation, the formation gradually changed. Gradually, when the Cyclops hit the Juma Zhuang, sometimes he fell straight from high altitude and hit hard; sometimes the strong wind pushed his body, making him soar dozens of times. They hit each other at high speed; sometimes the Juma Zhuang and the Cyclops ran in both directions, while accelerating and hitting them head-on...

What's more, later on, electric current surged around the Juma piles made of pure metal, turning into an electromagnetic gun-like structure. It fired at almost the speed of light and hit a vital part of the Cyclops hard. .

Lu Qian clasped his hands together, recited Buddhist scriptures silently, and quietly mobilized the law of time to quietly speed up the flow of time in the formation... Then, within a breath of the outside world, there was a crashing and roaring sound from the formation. Thousands of voices blended into one sound, as loud as thunder.

Poor... water drops penetrated the stone, and the rope cut the wood... Even if the Cyclops had secret scales on his body, which can be called the indestructible 'root', after being hit like this hundreds of thousands of times, he finally howled miserably and covered it with his hands. The vital point was bleeding profusely between his fingers, and he fell to his knees heavily. He looked at Lu Qian and others on the wall with one eye, and let out a desperate cry.

The Cyclops, who was so tyrannical that even Lu Qian didn't dare to, let alone collide head-on with him, was forcibly defeated by a five-element inversion formation that was neither complicated nor mysterious, and combined with the thick and shameless methods of the five uncles, He was so tortured that he knelt down and begged for mercy!

Lu Qian coughed slightly. He didn't want people to know that he had raised these five uncles since they were young.

The rabbit crouched on a city wall crenellation in a lively manner, holding its head high and howling like a cat!

Lu Qian looked upset and slapped him on the back of the head: You are now a white tiger, a white tiger... not a cat, not a rabbit... don't embarrass your ancestors, do you understand?

The rabbit was so stressed out by the slap that he turned his head and looked at Lu Qian with an expression of disbelief, and then gave a cautious 'meow' sound.

The unlucky Cyclops was imprisoned, had the meridians of his limbs cut off, and the joints of his limbs removed, and was sent to the hall where Lu Qian studied King Yaksha before.

The Yaksha King, the Rakshasa King, the Joho King, etc. all brought a group of elite tribesmen with them, and followed them carefully, with frightened expressions on their eyes, as they looked at the people who had brought them to them in countless years with trembling eyes. , a terrifying creature whose generations of ancestors had endless nightmares.

Such a powerful, terrifying, almost invincible, and unmatched Cyclops was captured alive so easily?

The Rakshasa King clicked his lips, and murmured in the half-familiar Human Common Language he had just learned: I heard that the essence and blood of giants are very nourishing!

The eyes of King Yaksha and King Zho suddenly became bright, and some kind of instinct in their nature quietly broke out. They and a group of tribesmen, their bodies were trembling slightly, holding back the boundless fear, staring straight at the helpless people lying on the ground. The Cyclops resisted and could only twitch.

Lu Qian looked at these guys and took a drop of Cyclops' blood essence. In the flash of Buddha's light, a wisp of Buddhist flames burned gently, purifying and dispersing some of the turbid poison mixed in the drop of essence and blood. He casually put his fist A small drop of dark red blood essence was thrown to King Xuanhui, the smallest among the three kings present.

If the essence and blood of the Cyclops really has a great tonic effect on these three races, then the same drop of blood will obviously be the most effective in the smallest King Xuanhui.

King Juhui happily thanked Lu Qian, holding the trembling jelly-like essence and blood in his hands like mercury, he swallowed it in one gulp - in the past, in front of King Yaksha and Rakshasa In front of the king, how could he have the courage to do this?

But after receiving the enlightenment of wisdom from Lu Qian, he entered Buddhism, and even after being given the name by Lu Qian, and having a status equivalent to that of the other two clans... King Ruohui said that all the timidity, timidity and fear in the past, etc., Already gone with the wind.

As long as you follow the will of my Buddha, serve my Buddha wholeheartedly with a hundred times the caution and flattery in the past... Haha, why are you afraid of King Yaksha and King Rakshasa, and their tribesmen?

King Nonghui even rolled his eyes at the two 'colleagues' who were a hundred times larger than himself. He then assumed a cultivation posture, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with lotus Buddha seals on his hands, and silently circulated the energy in his body. A trace of Buddhist power that is not too strong.

The power of Buddha moves within the body.

The blood and essence of the Cyclops exploded in the body.

King Xuanhui's body was suddenly stretched out in a circle, his body swelled, blood spurted all over his body, and a hot stream as thick as magma spewed out from his seven orifices at the same time. He groaned, painstakingly absorbing the essence and blood that erupted in his body, and forced it according to the Buddhist golden body skills taught by Lu Qian, and penetrated it into every minute part of his body bit by bit to refine his body and polish his bones and blood.

The sound of ‘clicking’ is endless.

The natural bottleneck and limit of the Xohui clan was broken. King Xohui, who was about one foot and one inch tall, actually grew about an inch taller. His body swelled, and fine scales grew layer by layer on his skin. On the new scales, a looming shadow of the Buddhist Heavenly King sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform could be seen.

Fiery breath surged.

The body of King Ruohui is like a piece of cooked coal, with blazing black Buddhist flames erupting from the inside out!

The techniques taught by Lu Qian to the three kings and their clansmen are all the true teachings of Liangyitian Buddhism. They are the true teachings of Buddhism, not some heretic teachings of evil spirits... But the true teachings of subduing demons and eliminating demons, the Buddhist flames produced should also be golden. , red bloodline, but because of the bloodline of King Xuanhui and the contamination of the Cyclops essence and blood, it suddenly turned black.

Thick, clear, and translucent, without any evil in sight, the black Buddha flame has a hint of ethereal and quiet meaning, just like a piece of flawless glass, quietly wrapping the body of King Xuanhui.

The next moment, a shadow flashed in the Buddha's flame, and King Ruohui disappeared into the shadow at his feet. His shadow was like running water, invading the black shadow at King Yaksha's feet next to him.

King Yasha was stunned, jumped up suddenly, jumped on his feet and screamed as if his butt was on fire.

Things like this... There are no supernatural powers or spells in this world, only pure physical talent. It is so evil and unbelievable that it has completely overturned all the impressions King Yaksha had on the people. It really makes his three views collapse. Bad shock.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

Interestingly, King Ruohui actually realized a magical power of shadow, which allowed him to transform into a shadow and walk in the shadows.

Even when Lu Qian’s spiritual thoughts swept across the void, he was unable to detect where King Xuanluo was hiding. If he hadn’t really seen the whole process of King Xuanluo turning into a black shadow, Lu Qian would really have doubts. , whether King Xuanhui really exists in this hall.

The next moment, King Ruohui jumped out of the shadows. He shouted loudly and punched King Yaksha in the chest.

King Yaksha laughed loudly.

King Ruohui transformed into a black shadow, which frightened King Yaksha. But if he punched him in front of him, how could he possibly be his opponent when he was a low-class ethnic group who was raised as a slave by them and used as food rations when food was in short supply?

King Yasha punched him disapprovingly.

Two fists with a hundred times difference in size hit each other hard, and there was a crisp sound, and an explosion of energy surged. King Zuohui was knocked backwards by one punch, and King Yaksha also let out a muffled groan, and staggered backwards. Take seven or eight steps back.

The fist of King Xuanhui was not damaged at all, but the fine scales on King Yaksha's fist were actually broken into several cracks. The skin under the scales was injured, and there was faint blood seeping out!

After taking a drop of the Cyclops's essence and blood, the small, weak little person not only realized the magical power of shadow through Buddhist interpretation, but also improved the essence of life so much?

Lu Chen clapped his hands and praised him. He took two more drops of blood essence and threw them to King Yaksha and King Rakshasa.

The two kings looked at each other, and then glared fiercely at King Yoho, who was standing on the ground and showing off his power in front of a group of tribesmen. He couldn't wait to stuff the Cyclops's essence and blood into his mouth.

On the surface of King Yaksha's body, a thick red mass of high-temperature Buddhist flames rose up. This was the pure power of 'fire'.

On the surface of the Rakshasa King's body, a ball of cyan, flickering Buddha flames lingered. This was the pure power of 'wind'.

Wind, fire, shadow...

This is the strange power inspired in the blood of the kings of the three indigenous tribes that Lu Qian conquered after taking the essence and blood of the Cyclops through Buddhist teachings.

The fire of Yaksha is enough to melt metal into iron, and its frontal attack power is extremely powerful.

The wind of Rakshasa has no flight and is extremely fast. It can also turn into wind knives and condense on its claws. It is a powerful weapon in both melee and long-range attacks.

As for the shadow of Zuohun...it goes without saying.

Lu Qian has already begun to think about equipping these little people with a long armor-piercing needle as standard, smearing it with the poison that the green snake has worked hard to conceive, and combining it with some other messy toxins to stab the enemy in the shadow. Wonderful scene of people’s heels!

The little people who are one foot tall, or even less than a foot tall, are a bit too squeezed to let them poke people in the back...but poke people in the heels, the scene is so beautiful!

Ignoring King Yasha, who was yelling in excitement and spitting out fireballs, causing large craters to fill the ground outside. He also ignored King Yasha, who roared loudly and turned into a wisp of afterimage flying across the sky, hitting the ground from time to time. The Rakshasa King wielding dozens of sharp wind knives.

Lu Qian came close to the Cyclops and sprinkled a ray of Buddha's light to protect his vitality. He began to analyze the Cyclops seriously just like he analyzed and studied King Yaksha that day.

Tyrannical, extremely tyrannical.

This guy's bone tissue is extremely dense, almost like a built-in armor. It is so thick and dense that ordinary weapons can hardly find any gaps and damage the internal organs and tissues in his body.

Ordinary creatures, essence, blood, and mana are injected into such core pivot organs. The essence, blood is the heart, and the mana is the inner elixir. Or, like dragons and pythons, there are natural poison sacs that reserve part of the life essence, acquired mana, etc. .

As for this Cyclops, there are seven essence and blood hubs similar to the heart, and energy hubs similar to the inner elixir are densely distributed throughout the body, with as many as thirteen. Lu Qian tried to pierce several hearts and inner elixirs, but found that as long as the Cyclops was alive and the blood energy in his body had not been exhausted, these hearts and inner elixirs would be able to re-condensate continuously. It is called the 'weaker version' of the 'immortal body'.

What's amazing is that this cyclops' natural attributes tend to be of the 'gold and iron' lineage.

The energy contained in his inner elixir has strong metallic properties.

He doesn't have any magical powers or spells, but once he gets angry and activates the inner elixir in his body, there will be a thick metallic energy all over his body, making his body heavier, denser, stronger, and more powerful!

What surprised Lu Qian even more, and even thought it was miraculous, was that once the energy in these inner elixirs was mobilized, the plasma in the Cyclops' body changed from normal blood to molten high-temperature metal slurry!

Such a strange life form!

What's more, he is an excellent candidate for the 'Buddhist Dharma Protector'!

Lu Qian held a sharp blade, and with the blessing of Buddha's power, he asked the rabbit to inject the golden forbidden method, and even used his own divine power to forcefully cut it... only to make the flesh of the Cyclops creak.

With such a sharp weapon, coupled with the blessing of the rabbit's metal element, and Lu Qian's divine power, he had to spend a lot of strength and a long time to slowly open an inconspicuous wound on the Cyclops.

It took Lu Qian three days and three nights of Liangyitian standard time to open the entire body of the Cyclops, revealing the entire internal organs in his body!

Such a powerful body.

Moreover, according to King Yaksha and King Rakshasa, this Cyclops is only about eight feet tall, and is far from the most powerful type of Cyclops... Anyone who is stronger and more powerful than him will be stronger than him. I don’t know how much stronger it is.

What's even better is that this Cyclops only has instinct!

This side of the world seems to have chosen the Cyclops family to become the protagonists of this world... But in this side of the world, their own consciousness of the world is still vague, and the laws of the great ways between heaven and earth have not yet been straightened out and clarified, let alone Don't talk about subtle micro-operations such as 'creating a strong group of people'.

This Cyclops is very powerful.

His physical body and talent are all overpowering.

Yingque, who had watched Lu Qian analyze the Cyclops throughout the whole process, said seriously that the physical strength of this Cyclops alone had exceeded the level of 'Heavenly General', and had vaguely entered the category of 'Heavenly King's Mighty'.

If this guy wasn't so stupid, with the comprehensive strength of Lu Qian's pioneering team, there would be no way he could withstand the impact of such a Cyclops.


This is the biggest flaw of this Cyclops.

For such a huge giant, it took Lu Qian a lot of effort and seven days and seven nights to barely open his head and reveal his brain - this guy, such a huge body and huge head. , the entire skull is almost solid!

Hard scales, tough skin, thick and strong, a thick skull that almost exhausted Lu Qian!

This huge giant, about eight feet tall, has a brain the size of a walnut!

When Lu Qian finally cut open the man's head, revealing the giant brain with an almost smooth surface, no brain circuits, and a trembling shape like cooked tofu brain, even in the Supreme Taichu Tianjian The well-informed Yingque, who had experienced so many demons and monsters, couldn't help but gasp!

With such a small brain...how does this guy, this tribe, control such a huge body?

He is truly a born fighter! Yingque murmured: In the secret files of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards, various pioneering groups, and all kinds of weird indigenous groups that have been experienced for countless years, there are hundreds of millions... so weird , this is just one example!”

They are truly born thugs. As long as they are given heavenly weapons and spiritual treasures to guard against attacks and control by divine souls, as well as a set of superb body-training techniques... Haha, it is not difficult to kill ten thousand with one person on the battlefield. Yingque admired: Perhaps, we can fight across the ranks, it's unknown!

Lu Qian looked at Yingque.

Yingque also looked at Lu Qian.

Come on...Buddhist transformation techniques can refine and purify the souls and beliefs of believers in the Buddhist kingdom. Moreover, any creature that integrates into the Buddhist Kingdom can connect everyone's souls together and jointly bear all kinds of soul attacks and soul invasions!

No matter how simple their brains and fragile their souls are, these Cyclops’ souls are connected to the hundreds of millions of believers in the Buddhist Kingdom, and their biggest shortcomings are made up for!

These guys have such terrifying innate bodies, such powerful innate abilities... coupled with the golden body skills and golden body magical powers specially developed by Buddhism for those 'protectors'... just thinking about it makes people's hair stand on end, and makes people feel inexplicably frightened. ah!

Yingque frowned slightly and recited a short secret spell of no more than a thousand words.

Lu Qian listened to the secret spell, and after a moment of circling it in his mind, he realized that it was a secret method of surveying and exploration, and its use was extremely narrow. He looked at Yingqiao in surprise, waiting for Yingqiao's explanation.

These days, you are only focused on recruiting minions. You still know nothing about the cultivation system of the Supreme Taichu Heaven and the power hierarchy of the Supreme Heaven. Yingque said in a deep voice: You try it first and measure it. This guy What is your physical talent?

Gently brushing his fingers over the thick and strong inner bone armor of the Cyclops, Yingque said solemnly: If they don't have that kind of talent, it doesn't matter. You can use it with confidence... If they have that kind of talent, and the talent If you are strong enough...tsk!

Yingque looked straight at Lu Qian.

Lu Qian frowned and immediately activated his magic power to use the secret technique that Yingque had just taught.

The Buddha's power in the body extracted a trace of Lu Qian's essence and blood, and it swirled around an acupoint in the body, turning into a thin line of blood and injecting it into the body of the Cyclops in front of him.

A little red light lit up inside the Cyclops.

Yingque frowned: Scare, they do have acupoints in their bodies... This is a bit bad.

That little bit of red light was just the beginning. Three extremely thin rays of light flowed out from that red light, instantly lighting up three nearby small acupuncture points, causing these three acupuncture points to also light up with a faint red light. .

Then, from the three lit acupoints, thin blood-colored light of varying amounts flowed out again, quickly flowing towards the nearest acupoint and lighting it up.

In this way, it spreads to ten, and then spreads to hundreds, and gradually it spreads to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands...

In the end, more than 130 million orifices in the Cyclops' body lit up with a faint blood light. As the blood light rose, the Cyclops' body seemed to have turned into a large piece of red glass, with a hazy layer. The blood inflammation enveloped him entirely.

More than 130 million orifices. Lu Qian said in a deep voice: Far inferior to the 480 million orifices in the young monk's body. Is this a natural talent gap due to different ethnic groups?

Yingque stared straight at the Cyclops in front of him, and suddenly pursed his lips in an extremely weird smile.

She gently stroked the Cyclops' arm, as if stroking some rare treasure. She rubbed it for a long time, and then said quietly: If those great emperors knew that among the primitive ethnic groups born in this world, there are actually indigenous people who were born with more than 100 million orifices... Where would it be your turn to open up? Where is this primitive wasteland?”

Shaking his head, Yingque said softly: This world has been completely destroyed by the great emperor himself, and the consciousness of the world in this world has been directly crushed and obliterated.

Lu Qian's whole body was filled with chills, and he said in a deep voice: One hundred million acupoints? What does it mean?

In his mind, there are fragments of knowledge taught by the old monk Hongchen, but those memory fragments were blessed by the old monk Hongchen with some weird seals... With Lu Qian's current strength and current state, there is no way to stimulate these memories. From the information in the fragments, it was impossible to know what the answers to the questions he cared about were.

Yingque looked at Lu Qian with a smile: So, these days you are only focused on recruiting these minions, but you forgot to ask me for advice in a lively, serious, careful and humble manner on issues that are related to your wealth and life.

You know, there are 480 million acupoints in your body, what does it mean? Yingque stared directly at Lu Qian, deliberately showing off and keeping silent.

Lu Qian frowned, looked Yingque up and down for a while, and suddenly laughed: Come to think of it, it's nothing more than a fight for power. The young monk has extraordinary talents and evil qualifications, so he poses a threat to those great emperors, right?

Well, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just don't let them know.

Looking away from Yingque, Lu Qian looked at the Cyclops, whose whole body was shining with light blood, and said softly: This guy has more than 100 million innately opened orifices in his body. And you say that... is it possible? One hundred million acupoints, is it the appearance of a great emperor? Haha, those great emperors do not allow new people with the appearance of great emperors to appear?

In other words, a person with such evil qualifications can appear, but it must be someone they recognize?

Then things get interesting.

Lu Qian rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Yingque finally couldn't hold it any longer, and she said in a deep voice: How about making a deal?

Lu Qian looked her up and down again and suddenly laughed: Okay, if it is of sufficient benefit to the young monk, what kind of deal can't be done? However, the ugly words are ahead. The young monk has always been a chaste person with a chaste temperament. Don't do it to me. What kind of evil thoughts does this clean body of the young monk have?

Yingque was stunned, and his whole face was distorted with anger.

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