Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 910 Luo Xiong’s Luck

In a certain primitive wasteland, the killing had just ended.

The giant ship that is hundreds of miles long lies across the sky. The starry flag representing the supreme heaven hangs high. In the twinkling stars in the sky, the star map representing the death penalty star king is slightly red in color, marking the number of the giant ship. Belong.

A heavenly official wearing a high crown and Xiaguang official robe stood at the bow of the giant ship, holding a compass and nodding his head with a happy face.

The five elements of the day after tomorrow are clear...it is estimated that trillions of standard emperor's money can be minted.

Innate Five Elements Dao, Chaos... It is estimated that tens of billions of high-level emperor coins can be minted.

Yuanci Avenue... Chaos, it is estimated that the standard emperor's money can be minted at 230 billion.

On the compass, circles of dense and complex lines are rotating counterclockwise or clockwise. Twelve extremely thin pointers are rotating fast or slowly on the compass, constantly emitting waves of low sounds. Daoyin.

The Heavenly Official continued to report the data displayed on the compass, while the other two Heavenly Court officials were writing quickly on the side, writing lines of information with golden-red cinnabar ink on the Heavenly Court's special Qingming Jade Book.

On the ground, corpses piled up like mountains.

Tens of thousands of the Heavenly Soldiers of the Fifth Military Prefecture, in groups of five and ten, armed with swords, guns, swords and halberds, were walking on the bloody battlefield, striking at the twitching and squirming enemies on the ground.

The natives of this world have a strange appearance. They are shaped like horse intestines, about a foot thick and two or three feet long. Their entire body is dark red, with countless wrinkles on their skin. They also secrete extremely abundant mucus. Their appearance looks really unpleasant. People rejoice.

These natives have only one mouth from head to tail, one for eating and one for excretion, and have no other external organs.

Its mouthparts are densely covered with sharp teeth, and it can shoot out bloody lightning to kill the enemy.

Its excretion port is densely covered with tiny pustules. If it is in an emergency, it can lift the back half of the body, and countless pustules will burst, spewing shockingly corrosive venom to kill the enemy.

This is an ugly, ferocious, and useless native.

Well, it can't be said that it's useless. A guard from the Heavenly Court who accompanied the army was holding a half-inch-thick piece of dark red leather that had been stripped from these indigenous creatures, and shook it vigorously. Shake: These leathers can reduce our mana by a full 40%, and are extremely smooth. They have excellent traffic performance underground and in water.

In the previous battle, I noticed that when the attacks of Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Scholars, and Heavenly Lieutenants fell on these animals, they often slipped away from their combined efforts and could not be killed without several consecutive heavy blows. Only Heavenly Colonels and Heavenly Generals can deal with them. It will kill with one strike.”

With such characteristics, the skin of these guys is a good material for making high-quality armor below the level of the Heavenly School.

This world is wild and barren, with not much vegetation. These guys, look at their bodies, mostly soil, sand and gravel... They can grow just by eating soil, sand and gravel... Tsk, tut, tut, such a cheap feeding cost, so good The unloading function... If the total amount of standard imperial money that can be minted in this world is more than one trillion, it can be made.

Luo Xiong stroked his big furry beard and looked at the little official in shock.

As the vanguard general of Tianting's Fifth Military Mansion, Luo Xiong basically knew nothing about the painful activities of the pioneering group.

Hearing what the clerk said, he asked bluntly: In other words, although we are sent out on this trip, although it is hard work, it is also possible to... make a lot of money?

The clerk smiled and handed over his hands: General Mingjian. If it were those humble pioneer groups, even if they found some primitive wasteland with huge profits, the amount that could fall into their hands would only be one or two ten thousandths... maybe , they will have no life to enjoy the blessings brought by this primitive wilderness.

But it's different for you, my lord. As long as the comprehensive profit of this wasteland is enough, my lord, you can mark it, discount it, and sell it directly to interested aristocratic families.

Those aristocratic families are not willing to let their pampered children take the risk of pioneering group meals and sleeping in the open. But as long as there is enough profit, wouldn't it be good for them to purchase ready-made wasteland coordinates?

Not only can the clan make a lot of money, but also... it has also completed the quota task of pioneering.

The clerk smiled slightly and said: It depends on the total amount of the avenue in this world, how much emperor's money can be collected. If it is less than one trillion, no matter how good the quality of the leather of these indigenous holy spirits is, it will not be worth developing. If it is more than one million, Billion... The general sold it at half of the price, and the general got 500 billion, and the family who bought it also made a huge profit.

After a pause, the clerk whispered: That family still owes the general a favor.

Luo Xiong suddenly raised his head and shouted to Tianguan who was standing on the bow of the ship surveying: How much emperor's money can be minted in this wasteland?

That official hurriedly bowed his hand and said: General, I just calculated that for the Daoyun of the Dao currently surveyed, there is no problem at all in casting 10 trillion standard emperor's coins... Moreover, there are some extremely rare Dao in this world. The cultivation of Taoist charm... It seems that in this world, there are some strange Taoist charms such as 'naturally charming'...

Is there any value in this...

Luo Xiong blinked his eyes desperately.

The little official next to him had already brightened his eyes: Oh, my general, this is a big deal. 'Born to be charming'? How could the avenue of heaven and earth in this wasteland breed such a strange charm? This 'natural charm' is made into emperor's money, and after being absorbed and refined by those female cultivators, it can breed...hehe!

The value of this kind of strange avenue in the black market of Heaven is more than three times more expensive than those of chess, calligraphy and painting.

Luo Xiong was shocked: How much?

The clerk held out three fingers: A 'naturally charming' emperor's coin can be sold for at least 300 million ordinary emperor's coins... This primitive wasteland is really full of fat!

Luo Xiong nodded thoughtfully.

Although he is rude and reckless, Di Qian is a good thing. No one has any grudge against Di Qian, right?

He grinned and said: Hey, I didn't expect that Xingjun is not punishing us, he is clearly giving benefits to the brothers!

A group of generals around him were also grinning.

Only the little official laughed heartily - he was familiar with the tedious chores such as these pioneering missions. That is to say, Luo Xiong was lucky. In just one month, he only experienced seven or eight primitive wastelands before he found such a fat and oily primitive wasteland.

If it were those unlucky ones who were to open up a hundred primitive wastelands, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to find a few that were worth developing.

If you are more unlucky, you may run into an extremely dangerous primitive wasteland and fall directly into it before you can figure out the situation of the wasteland. This is also a common thing.

Luo Xiong, this is great luck!

The primitive wastelands they had experienced before, haha, it made me cry just to mention them.

The basic Five Elements Avenue, Earth, Water, Fire and Wind are all together, but there is not a drop of the other avenues of some value, and it is as barren as the Gobi desert.

Luo Xiong, have you forgotten what happened before?

Forget about being barren, the primitive wasteland just ahead was actually filled with poisonous miasma. The battleship everyone was riding in crashed into it. Before they could figure out the geography of the primitive wasteland, thousands of heavenly soldiers vomited on it. I had diarrhea, and now I'm still groaning while paralyzed in the cabin.

Of course, you can't say that.

If you dare to tell the truth in front of Shangguan, then you are not expecting your life to be long.

The clerk stamped his feet and praised loudly: How about our general's great luck and boundless good fortune? This hunting and hunting trip has been a hard work for our brothers, but we can get so many benefits thanks to the general. Your blessing!

Luo Xiong smiled from ear to ear, patted the young official on the shoulder repeatedly, and praised his sweet mouth. He used too much force and almost hit the young official until seven or eight of his bones were broken.

Not long after, a flagpole with a faint twinkle of starlight was planted on the ground. A large flag shimmering with starlight fluttered in the wind, and wisps of faint space fluctuations spread towards the surroundings.

This is a landmark in space and a mark of ownership.

This tells everyone that this primitive wasteland belongs to Luo Xiong.

In the future, after others spend a lot of money to buy the ownership of this primitive wasteland, they can directly send a development team to settle here according to the space landmark given by Luo Xiong, and harvest the huge profits here without any risk!

The heavenly soldiers were busy.

The greasy and ugly leather was peeled off from the corpses of the indigenous creatures, and the useless flesh and blood was piled together. A heavenly general who practiced fire-attribute skills spit out his energy, and a green flame spurted out. , igniting the mountains of flesh and blood, turning them into ashes bit by bit.

On the bow, Tianguan has completed a preliminary survey.

This primitive wilderness is of astonishing value and has great development value.

The accompanying minor officials also conducted tests on the indigenous creatures. These indigenous creatures, which are shaped like horse intestines, do not have the so-called 'acupoints' structure in their bodies. Their physical structures are integrated. Therefore, they have no 'aperture' structure in their bodies. It doesn't violate the prohibition, and you can raise it with confidence.

In this way, in addition to the emperor's money that can be cast from the heavenly charm of this primitive wasteland, the breeding industry of these indigenous creatures will also be a lucrative way to make money.

Derived from the divine seed, the tree hundreds of miles high was shaking violently.

A heavenly official stood on the bow of the ship, reciting secret incantations and performing secret techniques to revive the tree transformed from the divine seed. The tree, which was hundreds of miles high, frantically swallowed up the surrounding world's inspirations. Its branches, leaves, and trunks quickly withered and decayed, collapsing, and then re-condensed into a divine seed.

This divine seed has been used seven or eight times. Compared with when Luo Xiong took it from his colleague at the edge of Mikawahara, it is already smaller and its luster is much duller.

The heavenly official grabbed the divine seed with an expressionless face, gave it a soft drink, threw it heavily into the earth, and recited the secret mantra to let it grow again.

This time, instead of turning into a big tree, it sucked up the nutrients from the earth and the inspiration of heaven and earth, and turned into a few fragile branches, meandering and extending rapidly towards a group of stars in the distance.

Children, cheer up and continue searching for those damn guys. Luo Xiong hissed: Hey, look at the big flag I just put up. When this wasteland is sold, I will discipline all of you. There are benefits!”

The heavenly soldiers, who had just experienced a massacre and had been busy peeling off the animal skins for a long time, and were covered in sweat and the smell of blood, raised their weapons and shouted and cheered in unison.

Emperor Qian, this is a good thing!

Once a piece of primitive wasteland is successfully developed, the emperor's money in exchange will be hundreds of billions or trillions.

The heavenly soldiers on their ship, leaving aside the 100,000 colleagues who were killed by the sword seven-seven self-destruction in Mikawara, the total number of soldiers on the ship now is less than 200,000.

As long as Luo Xiong is not too greedy, for example, he is handed over 18 billion in imperial money... For the lowest level of heavenly soldiers, this is equivalent to several years of their military pay!

The rainbow bridge transformed by the divine seed meanders towards the cluster of stars.

The void is twisting.

The void is shaking.

Everywhere the void diaphragm was pierced, and everywhere the void trap was cleared.

An hour after the god seed was derived, accompanied by a loud sound of war drums, the giant ship slowly took off into the sky, followed the Hong Bridge, and under the protection of the starlight emitted by the Hong Bridge, flew towards the starlight at full speed.

I don’t know how long it took.

Maybe it's three to five days, maybe it's three to five hours, or maybe it's just three to five breaths.

The huge battleship was wrapped in a starlight, severely piercing the barrier between heaven and earth on the periphery of this primitive wasteland, and invaded this world rudely and violently.

The giant ship was suspended in the air a few miles above the ground.

High in the sky, most of the sky was occupied by a white cold wheel.

Wisps of cold air visible to the naked eye spurted out from the cold wheel, covering the entire heaven and earth, turning the earth into a crystal world. Everything as far as the eye could see was frozen, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

A sharp whistling sound came from a distance.

A group of Rakshasa, composed of more than a dozen Rakshasa groups, with a total of nearly 400, fluttered their huge flesh wings, soared into the sky from behind a large mountain in the distance, and headed straight towards the giant ship with a chichi sound in the air. Come.

On the bow of the giant ship, a bright mirror suddenly flashed, and where the dim mirror light shone, the figures of several Rakshasa were reflected in the mirror light.

A heavenly official who was on duty under the mirror held a jade talisman. Wisps of starlight rose from the jade talisman, measuring the height, weight, flying speed, and even the density of their skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs. Wait, all the details are marked.

In this world, whether it is Yaksha or Rakshasa, they have strong bodies and brute strength, but they have no innate magical powers or secret methods. They really have no clue about the detection secret treasures of the supreme heaven. The power of prevention.

The Heavenly Official was slightly surprised and hissed: Generals, be careful. These natives do not have any magical powers, but their bodies are extremely powerful. Their average killing power is around 150,000 teeth, and their defensive power is slightly weaker, at 110,000 scales. Left and right...the leaders among them have a lethality of more than 500,000 teeth, and a defense power of 300,000 scales!

‘Teeth’ and ‘scales’, these are the standards of strength set by the Supreme Taichu Heaven and the Supreme Heaven.

A high-ranking general at the level of a heavenly general has a cultivation acupoint ranging from 10,000 to more than 99,000 acupoints, and his overall strength ranges from 90,000 teeth and scales to a million teeth and scales!

The attack of 150,000 teeth has just stepped into the Heavenly General level, and the defense of 110,000 scales has just climbed over the threshold of Heavenly General level.

But the killing power of the several Rakshasa leaders at the head exceeds 500,000 teeth, which is astonishing - the entire battleship has nearly 200,000 heavenly soldiers and generals. Among them, the only ones whose combat power exceeds this number are Luo Xiong and Just his four lieutenants!

As for the other hundreds of heavenly generals, their cultivation levels are much better than these ordinary Rakshasa.

The problem is, the number of these Rakshasa is nearly four hundred, which is several times more than the number of these generals who are in their early 100s!

Luo Xiong grasped the ax tightly and roared in a low voice: Activate the defensive formation, form a formation to meet the enemy... Please be careful, these guys are much more difficult to deal with than the indigenous animals in the previous places!

Luo Xiong gritted his teeth tightly and muttered in a low voice: Luckily, these guys, hey, there aren't many of them!

The entire giant ship, from bow to stern, was lit up by fist-sized lights. These light clusters shone with blurry starlight, and then wisps of extremely thin light quickly extended from the light points in all directions. , instantly transformed into a star array that enveloped the entire ship.

The blurry starlight, which was several feet thick, rose up, and light shields the size of door panels slowly condensed in the starlight. The circular light shields rotated lightly in the light mist, exuding an indestructible and strong charm.

There were also wisps of starlight blessing the two hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals. Their armors lit up, and all the soldiers shouted in unison, forming a killing formation above the ship.

Facing these incoming Rakshasa, ordinary heavenly soldiers and lower-level officers were completely powerless to resist.

Nearly two hundred thousand heavenly soldiers formed an formation, and the vast mana gathered on a group of generals headed by Luo Xiong, forcibly pushing Luo Xiong's strength to the perfection of the heavenly generals with nearly a million teeth and millions of scales; four The actual combat power of Lieutenant General Zun was also forced back to the level of 900,000 teeth and scales by the formation; the cultivation levels of the other hundreds of heavenly generals were also forced to the level of 300,000 to 400,000 teeth and scales.

There are also more than three hundred Tianxiao-level officers. With the power of the large formation, some of the acupoints in their bodies that were sealed by the authority of heaven and earth temporarily flickered with blurred starlight. Their actual combat power was abruptly improved to a level comparable to that of the elementary level. The level of a general.

One hundred thousand teeth and one hundred thousand scales, such combat power is enough to barely cope with the incoming Rakshasa.

The Tianguan who was on duty under the treasure mirror suddenly exclaimed in a hiss: These natives are so lucky, they actually have acupoints naturally condensed in their bodies... and, one, two...

The heavenly official activated the jade talisman, and wisps of starlight rose up. The treasure mirror shook slightly. In the mirror, the body of the Rakshasa leader turned translucent. In his body, there were orifices as small as dust particles. The acupuncture points light up one after another.

One makes ten, ten makes one hundred, one hundred makes one thousand, one thousand makes ten thousand...

As he breathed, more than a million points of light shone brightly in the Rakshasa leader's body, turning his entire body into a hazy light and shadow.

The heavenly official exclaimed in hiss: The natives here actually have millions of apertures in their bodies! This, this...

Luo Xiong and other generals were all horrified.

Millions of orifices?

In their Heavenly General class, they only have 99,999 acupoints in their bodies... If they exceed one hundred thousand acupoints, they are the Star Lords... If they exceed one million apertures, they are in the category of the Heavenly Lords...

These Rakshasa actually have millions of acupoints condensed in their bodies innately?

Luo Xiong turned his head sharply, ignoring the crackling sound in his neck, and asked in a surprised voice: Old Ma, I remember, remember, it seems that there is a heavenly law offering a reward, what does that mean?

The heavenly official on duty looked at the flying Rakshasa with his eyes flickering, and said in a deep voice: This side of the world is of high value... It can breed a group of people who are born with millions of apertures. Haha, the value of this side of the world, It’s immeasurable...especially these indigenous animals, if they are handled well!

The Tianguan on duty, as well as a group of civilian colleagues around him, all congratulated Luo Xiong: General, congratulations, general, for your promotion and fortune!

If Luo Xiong was timid and handed over the Rakshasa clan to the official disposal of the Supreme Heavenly Court according to the official methods of the Eight Classics, he would definitely get a lot of merit, which would be enough for him to be promoted and make a fortune, break through the rank of heavenly general, and achieve stardom. You succeed.

If Luo Xiong is fat...

This aboriginal group, who were born with millions of orifices, 'smuggled and sold' them to the Supreme Taichu Heaven. I don't know how many wealthy families are willing to spend a sky-high price to buy these aborigines... or train them into dead soldiers, or refine them into puppets, or even... Some daring wealthy families can allow their bastards to directly mix blood with these indigenous Rakshasa to produce offspring...

A small group of Rakshasa that is capable of self-reproduction, as long as Luo Xiong can successfully kill it without being killed...it will be worth at least one million billion emperor's money!

If it is verified that these Rakshasa can adapt to the environment of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and can successfully reproduce their bloodline in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, or even 'mixed blood reproduction'... A small group of Rakshasa with enough numbers to reproduce on its own can sell tens of thousands of Rakshasa's. Trillions of emperor's money is also an ordinary thing.

It's just that the risks involved...

Luo Xiong and others couldn't care less about the risks inside at this moment. They just stared straight at these Rakshasa, with only the shadows of countless Emperor Qian flickering in their heads - Rakshasa who were born with millions of acupoints, but only had the level of a heavenly general, this is not pie in the sky, it is completely A golden pig fell from the sky!

What a blessing for me! It is indeed true, it is true... Luo Xiong danced with excitement and hissed: Brothers, be more careful when you start. Try to catch them alive, but don't dare to beat them to death.

Scare, I don't know how many of these precious indigenous animals there are in their tribe. Maybe there are only a few hundred of them in this primitive wilderness? If you kill one, how much will it cost!

The hands of all the generals were trembling.

They all nodded and admitted that it was indeed Luo Xiong's good luck!

They were originally punished by Lord Sangxing Xing and forced to come to this primitive wasteland to hunt down Lu Yi and his entourage to kill and silence them. What they didn't expect was that, not to mention that they had made a huge fortune in that primitive wasteland, in this primitive wasteland, they actually I also met such a rare ethnic group!

Is this Luo Xiong not the emperor's illegitimate son?

Otherwise, how could you have such good luck? How could there be such a great blessing?

On the ground, in the shadow of the mountains, several small figures, no more than a foot tall, quietly emerged. The bodies of these little people before were completely melted into the shadows and moved forward. The hundreds of Rakshasa were patrolling in the sky, looking for objects to rob and hunt, but they could not find these little people at all. .

Even Luo Xiong and others, their attention was attracted by the attacking Rakshasa clan. How could they pay attention to a few small things over a foot tall in the shadows dozens of miles away?

Even the treasured mirror that monitors all directions, its light was locked on the bodies of several Rakshasa leaders, and they didn't even notice these little people who had activated their bloodline magical powers and controlled the power of 'shadow'. .

These little people are from the 'King Kong City'.

They were patrolling around on Lu Qian's orders and had just discovered this group of Rakshasa people emerging from the ground. They were preparing to find a way to lure them to Vajra City so that they could also take refuge in my Buddha... but a stream of light fell to the ground. , when the huge ship suddenly appeared, these Rakshasa killed Luo Xiong and others with murderous intent.

Although these little people were 'transformed' by Lu Qian and opened up their wisdom, after all, the innate foundation is there, and their knowledge is limited. Seeing such a huge ship suspended in the air is completely beyond them. cognition and understanding.

Seeing the Rakshasa's killing them fiercely, a few little people didn't care about being cautious and appeared directly from the shadows, staring blankly at the starry ship.

With a loud shout, Luo Xiong dropped his big ax and rushed out of the ship's defense formation with his bare hands.

He faced the strongest Rakshasa leader who was at the front, punched him head-on, and carefully hit the opponent's head - Luo Xiong remembered the words of the heavenly official on duty, these indigenous Rakshasa leaders were very valuable... This leader The leader's defense only has 300,000 scales!

At this moment, Luo Xiong's combat power has been pushed to the ultimate level. The attack power of nearly a million teeth is enough to crush the Rakshasa leader's body with one blow.

Therefore, Luo Xiong carefully restrained most of his strength and punched out very gently.

Only capture alive, not kill... these guys are valuable!

However, Luo Xiong and the heavenly official on duty all misjudged the abilities of these Rakshasa.

The huge fleshy wings on the back of the Rakshasa leader swung fiercely. His body was extremely nimble, like catkins in the wind. He almost rotated against Luo Xiong's fist, following an extremely weird trajectory, and arrived gently and softly. Next to Luo Xiong, several harsh sounds of 'chi la' came, and the Rakshasa leader's claws fiercely scratched Luo Xiong's face, pulling out a large amount of sparks!

Luo Xiong snorted, and his dark face suddenly took on a trace of blood.

This is not painful, but embarrassing!

The Heavenly General's ultimate combat power has also increased his own defense to a million scales, and the Rakshasa leader's claws cannot break through the defense at all!

Not only that, the armor of the Heavenly General on Luo Xiong can also provide him with a defense power of more than 500,000 scales... and the blessing of the ship's defense array also gives Luo Xiong a defense of nearly a million scales. .

With a combined defense power of two and a half million scales, the Rakshasa leader's claws tore with all their strength, and Luo Xiong didn't even feel a bit.

But in front of more than 200,000 subordinates, he was severely scratched in the face by an indigenous beast...his fist could not touch the opponent's hair. What a shame!

Luo Xiong was furious, and his arms moved like the wind, causing a dull sound to break through the air, like the roar of a giant cannon, and the shadow of his fists filled the sky towards the Rakshasa leader. While he was moving his fists to attack fiercely, he shouted sternly: Brothers, be careful, these guys have no ability to fly, and their natural flying ability is not so easy to deal with!

Luo Xiong's words were just a fig leaf for himself.

But the Rakshasa leader was as light as a butterfly and as nimble as the wind. His body shape changed gracefully, and he could move forward and retreat freely in the shadow of Luo Xiong's fists. Even though Luo Xiong fired hundreds of thousands of punches, he actually failed to touch him. One punch!

Instead, the Rakshasa leader brought up countless afterimages with his arms, and scratched Luo Xiong's face dozens of times with chila, chila sounds. Although he failed to break through the defense, Luo Xiong's old face was so embarrassed. All turned black and red.

This world suppresses us too much... Brothers, be careful, hey, hey, be careful! Luo Xiong gritted his teeth, punched and cursed, and finally squeezed it out from between his teeth. Just a few words.

The accompanying generals rushed out one after another, and got entangled with the Rakshasa amidst shouts.

Something that shocked these generals happened - their cultivation and combat power were much higher than these Rakshasas, but they really couldn't keep up with the speed and speed of these Rakshasas. The changing figure completely fell into the embarrassing situation of being passively beaten.

Several little people stood on the ground, staring blankly at the strange battle here.

Their little minds couldn't understand why the Rakshasa were so easily picked off in the hands of their 'Buddha Lord'. These big guys looked so mighty and powerful, and their auras were so powerful that they give people nightmares. , actually... so embarrassed?

The little people watched for a while, and finally came to their senses and remembered Lu Qian's order.

They left two of their companions squatting on the spot, while the remaining few figures swayed and turned into shadows, quickly disappearing into the shadows on the ground and disappearing without a trace.

In the sky, Luo Xiong finally roared angrily: The price of these guys must be increased by one plus. Hey, they are so difficult to deal with, old horse. How much do you think these guys are worth?

The heavenly official on duty was dumbfounded.

Such a natural race with no flight, such an unpredictable flying ability, if they practice the exercises, comprehend the supernatural powers, and learn the spells, to what level can their flying talents be improved?

Such a group cannot be dealt with at ordinary prices.

General's good fortune, we are all blessed by you! The heavenly official on duty shouted sternly: Start the formation and suppress it!

On the huge ship, clusters of stars suddenly lit up. A star map hangs high in the sky, and a majestic force is vigorously generated. The brilliant power of the sky is like a sea and a prison, sweeping away in all directions.

The aura of power from the foreign heaven immediately shocked the chaotic and ignorant consciousness of this world.

In all directions, wisps of cold light flickered, and countless ice crystals rushed toward the ship. Invisible and traceless waves of great power surged and shook, crushing the ship in an instant.

The face of the heavenly official on duty suddenly changed: General, hurry up!

After all, they are not a professional pioneering group. In this foreign primitive wasteland, they unscrupulously opened the grand formation and released the foreign power from the supreme heaven, which truly shocked this world and triggered a backlash from heaven and earth.

The sound of 'clicking' was endless, and the stars that lit up one after another on the surface of the ship shook violently, and then continued to shatter and extinguish with the sound of 'clicking'.

Hundreds of Rakshasa were frozen in the air and could not move for a while. Luo Xiong and others shouted in unison and punched hard, hitting one Rakshasa after another until their eyes turned white and they fainted on the spot.

However, even though they fought fast, dozens of Rakshasa out of hundreds were not knocked unconscious.

The ship was swallowed up by the sky and the earth, and after the suppression array flashed for a while, the starlight suddenly dimmed. The force of suppression dissipated, and dozens of Rakshasa regained their freedom. They suddenly rose into the sky, quickly left the battlefield, and then let out a sharp scream high in the sky.

If Luo Xiong and others could understand the words of these Rakshasas, they would know that they were calling for more Rakshasas of their own race.

Come on, come on, meat, meat!

So much, so much, meat, meat!

Sharp screams were heard in all directions.

It is really a long night in the cold season, and countless Rakshasa hidden underground are coming to the surface in groups to hunt and store food and grass.

Upon hearing the shouts of these Rakshasas, whether they were recognized or unrecognized, from far or near, screams rose into the sky, like beacon towers igniting beacon smoke, quickly flowing in all directions.

Far and near, small groups of Rakshasas, ranging from a dozen to twenty or thirty, rose into the sky.

They were shouting chirping, like a group of flies that smelled the smell of blood, flying towards this side like crazy.

In all directions, far and near, at first glance, at least thousands of Rakshasa can rush to the battlefield in a dozen breaths.

Further away, more Rakshasa were shouting and gathering towards this side.

The gathering of a large group of Rakshasa caused a commotion among several large Yaksha groups on the ground.

Groups of Yashas rushed out of their lairs and looked at the chaotic sky in horror. With the Rakshasas dispatched on such a large scale, the Yakshas immediately followed their instincts and made the most direct response.

In King Kong City, Lu Qian was standing on the city wall, looking at the Cyclops that rushed out of the earth's fire magma in the distance.

This Cyclops ran very fast, but judging from the situation, it was clear that he was running away in panic after being beaten violently!

Sure enough, when this guy ran to a place only dozens of miles away from King Kong City, an even more terrifying loud noise came from the magma pit he had just rushed out of, and a giant arm with a length of fifteen or sixty feet was heard. It suddenly popped out from the magma and hit the ground with a 'boom'. The ground was torn apart immediately, and the ice crystals everywhere melted in the surging heat wave.

A low roar came, and an extremely large Cyclops head slowly poked out from the magma pit. It grinned and glanced at the fleeing Cyclops with an extremely ferocious look.

The shadow under Lu Qian's feet suddenly moved, and several little people rushed out in a hurry.

Lu Qian looked down at these little people.

Huh? A ship from the Supreme Heaven?

A thick, rough man with black hair on his face?

Lu Qian and Yingque looked at each other, hehe, Lord Sangxingxing really refused to give up and sent people to chase him!

Perhaps it was me who got you into trouble? Yingque chuckled: No matter what, if you force the secret agent leader of the Black-clothed Division to death, even if he is Lord Mangxingxing, you will still have to kill him and silence him. It’s better.”

Lu Qian said Hey, and from where he waved his right hand, a faint Sanskrit sound sounded, shrouding the two Cyclops outside the city.

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