Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 914 Landa Buddha Fruit (3)

Supreme Taichu Heaven.

The highest heaven.

Above the thick dark clouds, the heavenly palaces and pavilions with the main color of iron are stacked on top of each other, stretching for countless thousands of miles.

Groups of clouds with different specifications and grades, completely unified styles and similar flying speeds follow fixed trajectories at high, medium and low altitudes, carrying varying numbers of heavenly soldiers and generals, cruising around the entire heaven.

These patrolling heavenly soldiers and generals are luckier. The scope of their patrols is only three or five important palaces and pavilions. Their clouds fly at the lowest altitude and can only travel a few hundred miles back and forth.

And those heavenly soldiers and generals who are the most unlucky, their clouds are patrolling at extremely high altitudes. They are responsible for guarding not only the entire periphery of the heaven, but also all the star palaces and stars around the heaven. Palaces, various void gardens, etc... It would take them a full 108 years to complete a standard daily patrol!

Across the core building of the Heavenly Court, located at the very center of the central axis, the Taichu Chengyuan Hall, where Emperor Taichu occasionally met with star officials and gods all over the sky, and dealt with Zhoutian affairs, was far away from the Thunder Pool, the headquarters of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, and there was a large expanse of starlight. , Yunxia fell like a waterfall, and the entire Tianting Wujunfu Yamen was shrouded in a large bright light.

The five huge palace complexes are arranged according to the five elements and are separated by 360,000 miles from each other. They are densely covered with countless barracks and tents of various sizes, and hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals are stationed there.

In the densely packed tents and barracks with uniform standards, no one is seen and no sound is heard. All the heavenly soldiers and generals who are not on duty, regardless of their status, are squatting in their own barracks, silently absorbing the wisdom of heaven and earth, and their insights are accompanied by the starlight and mist. The rare and precious Taoist rhyme.

Become the soldiers and generals who eat the emperor's food in the supreme heaven. In addition to the military salary and emperor's money distributed every twelve years, the greatest benefit for the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven is the starlight that shines on the entire Five Military Mansion.

In the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, only the falling starlight from the Five Military Mansion contains a trace of 'free' Taoist charm that can be absorbed and comprehended. By cultivating here, you can continuously improve your cultivation level without spending emperor's money.

That being said, of course there are differences!

The higher your status, the closer your camp is to the five huge palace complexes, and the greater the concentration and quantity of the free Tao Yun contained in the starlight that falls every day. If you are a low-level soldier who has just been recruited, and you are stationed in a barracks at the edge of the corner, then in the starlight falling on you, there is a trace of the Taoist charm... I can't say there is none, but it is like the desert has gone up and down. The delicate spring rain of apricot blossoms is extremely thin.

Even so, this is the way to go without spending money!

Relying on this benefit, the Five Military Mansion in Heaven never lacks suitable soldiers. Under the command of the five Heavenly Lords of the Fifth Army Mansion, the Heavenly Army commanded by the Heavenly Lords and Star Lords is always full, and the reserve barracks are always filled with cannon fodder recruits that can be replenished at any time.

Three patrol warships, hundreds of miles long and filled with heavenly soldiers, slowly passed over the Fifth Army Mansion.

On the three giant ships, hundreds of heavenly generals sat neatly on the ground, silently practicing mystical skills and swallowing the starry sky. They work so hard and diligently that through their skin that becomes translucent in the starlight, you can see the tens of thousands of bright and dark orifices in their bodies.

These generals practice so hard that the starlight and clouds falling from the sky turn into small whirlpools above their heads, and occasionally they can hear the roar of waves. From time to time, a certain heavenly general would have some insights, and a large ray of light would surge behind him, and all kinds of celestial wonders would appear.

The three giant ships were like three giant silent whales, sailing silently through the deep sea filled with starlight, bringing up a large vortex of starlight and flying far away.

On the ground, in the former military mansion of the Fifth Army Mansion, located due south, he was wearing a dark blue official robe, a two-foot-four-inch high sapphire crown on his head, and a waistband inlaid with hundreds of small gems, exuding brilliance. Sima Yaoyi (yaomu), the former military commander of the Imperial Palace led by the Light Wandering Dragon, was standing on the verandah of a large hall, with his hands in his sleeves and squinting at the three giant ships going away.

There was complete silence in the huge former military government office.

The Great Heavenly Lord of the former army, Jin Kang, personally took charge of the army a hundred years ago and went to patrol around the world to attack Buchen.

In fact, everyone knows very well that even the powerful Heavenly Lord Jin Kang is tired of the overly strict and harsh rules and regulations of Heaven... Here, to put it more harshly, you will be patrolled even if you fart. The censor pinned you down on the spot. Regardless of your status, he would just be beaten with a stick!

Instead of holding back and abiding by the rules here, why not sign an official document for yourself, find a high-sounding excuse, and lead a large group of people to go patrolling around the world for fun!

With Ji Kang's power and strength, no matter where he goes in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, he will be drinking top-notch wine, eating top-notch delicacies, and being hugged by top-notch fairies... What a joy it is. ?

Therefore, the Great Heavenly Lord Gui Kang and his people left for a hundred years and never returned, and now they are still enjoying themselves and forgetting about Shu.

The Great Heavenly Lord ran away, and naturally the twelve Heavenly Lords in the former military mansion each found an excuse and ran away without a trace.

Under the twelve Heavenly Lords, the standard thirty-six Star Lords...well, except for the two unlucky guys who had heavy responsibilities and had to stay at the former Military Mansion, they had to stay at the former Military Mansion Yamen, and the other thirty-four Star Lords, such as Mangxing Star Lord, etc., also ran away so fast that no one could be found.

These top bosses have all run away, and many middle- and lower-level officials and generals in the former military government, even if they are bound by strict heavenly rules and regulations, will inevitably...

At least for Yaoyi, it was a good thing that those guys ran away.

It's so relaxing and joyful! Yao Yi smiled. As a former military commander of the former military mansion, he didn't have to worry about many things, that is, some daily official documents and some ordinary inspections.

Nothing major happens in heaven these days, so Yaoyi has a lot of free time to do what he wants to do, likes to do, and must do.

For example... in the past few months, a new group of unqualified newcomers have arrived at the Xuantian Forbidden God Guard, including several pretty and cute little ladies. Thinking of their slim figures, tender faces, their current and future identities, and the important responsibilities they will bear in the future, Yaoyi felt an inexplicable evil fire rush up in his lower abdomen, and almost spurted out two streaks of blood from his nose.

He groaned, activated his magic power, and suppressed the evil fire surging in his heart. Yaoyi muttered in a low voice: No, no, the consequences of this technique are a little bigger... Heh, we have to hurry up. Find a new way to spread out. Haha!

A strange scarlet color flashed across his face, and Yaoyi exhaled a breath of hot breath, turned around, put his hands in his sleeves, and walked step by step towards the military plane behind the main hall of the former military government office with steady steps. Secret Palace.

Judging from appearance, Yaoyi is a young man in his early twenties, tall, delicate, and even a little green and shy.

It's just that he has a sullen air about him that young people shouldn't have.

Perhaps it is a problem common to people who have stayed in this heaven for a long time. When Yaoyi walks, his steps are extremely steady, step by step, giving people a cautious feeling of not daring to cross the thunder pond even half a step.

Judging from his expressions and movements, Yaoyi is a cautious person who is afraid of breaking his head even if a leaf falls!

Silently, a group of patrolling heavenly soldiers holding long swords and wearing heavy armor slowly floated over along the corridor.

The eyes of these heavenly soldiers flashed with blurry stars. It was obvious that although they were patrolling, their attention had long gone. They were just rigid, using magic to follow fixed patrol routes and standard patrols. Speed ​​travel, that's all.

This is the Supreme Heavenly Court, and this is the headquarters of the Fifth Military Mansion of the Heavenly Court’s garrison.

No one dares to come here to cause trouble.

No one is stupid enough to cause trouble here.

Things like daily patrols...if it wasn't constrained by heavenly rules, it wouldn't be necessary!

A sarcastic sneer flashed across Yao Yi's face, and he dodged to avoid this group of mechanically floating heavenly soldiers - the sky's rules were strict, and the heavenly soldiers on duty had extremely high priority, even if Yao Yi was higher than them in official rank. Even if they have reached more than ten or twenty floors, they cannot interfere with their diligence.

However, the young officer leading the team still had some thoughts on his mind.

He noticed Yaoyi, raised his right hand, and gently placed it on his chest. A group of hundreds of heavenly soldiers behind him, like puppets, followed their captain, raised their right hands uniformly, and gently touched his chest.

As for who Yao Yi is... I'm afraid even the young officer who took the initiative to salute didn't pay attention.

Yaoyi stopped and watched this group of heavenly soldiers float past quietly, like ghosts. He shook his head slightly and curled his lips slightly.

Such heaven!

Such heaven...so wonderful!

Slowly and steadily, he walked to the door of the Military Secret Palace, made a seal with his hands, and a ray of starlight fell on the door made of gold and bronze with a relief of a red bird's bright claws.

The golden-red, ferocious and ferocious Suzaku relief lit up with starlight. On the huge palace door that was twelve feet wide and nearly a hundred feet high, stars lit up one after another in the thick cloud patterns. A large star map flashed uncertainly, and in Suzaku's embossed eyes, two scarlet orbs the size of a human head emitted a bright light, and slowly and heavily swept towards Yaoyi's body.

Yaoyi's waist was hung with a jade medal and a gold seal on the dragon belt. At the same time, a ray of rays of light flashed across the sky. The precious light emitted from Suzaku's eyes slightly touched the rays of light. The precious light went out, and the three-foot-thick palace door silently opened its door. Sliding left and right, large rays of light burst out from the hall.

Yao Yi rose into the sky with an expressionless expression, and floated into the secret hall of military aircraft on a cloud.

The former military secret hall of the military mansion is an independent space cut out from one side. It is empty and has a radius of tens of millions of miles. In the middle, a jade tablet with a height of 108 feet stands. The vermilion jade tablet is blazing brightly, like a large The sun shines on the entire starry sky.

This jade tablet represents the former military mansion, Mahatma Maharaja.

The jade tablet is intact, dazzling, and exuding immeasurable pressure, which means that the old man is happily wandering outside, has no illness or disaster, and is in very good health.

Around the jade stele, twelve thirty-six-foot-high jade stele were suspended, with the same glow and mist rising.

This represents the twelve heavenly kings who held great power and controlled the army in the former military mansion.

Judging from the smooth, clear and radiant appearance of this jade monument, it was obvious that they were living a happy life outside.

Near the thirty-six jade tablets, next to each jade tablet, there are three six-foot-high jade tablets floating on the waves. These thirty-six jade tablets are also dazzling. These are thirty-six former military officials. The natal monument of the star king of each party.

Two unlucky guys who stayed behind in the former military mansion, and thirty-four lucky guys who led the army to live happily outside.

It can be seen that their physical condition is also very good.

Near these large and small jade tablets, jade tablets and jade charms, large or small, with different specifications and patterns, were flying in circles. The brilliant jade tablets and jade charms rose in the glow, driving countless nearby people from the size of a thumb. Palm-sized jade pieces and talismans danced in unison.

Hundreds of billions of jade pieces emit faint starlight. With the jade tablet in the center as the core, they rotate slowly or rapidly to form a majestic star formation.

The five military offices of Heavenly Court have a huge establishment. Not to mention the many independent elite military camps directly under the Great Heavenly Lord and Heavenly Lord, there are ten guards under the unified army star king, including the front, rear, left, right, southeast, northwest, and upper and lower armies.

Each guard army is divided into five military camps: the forward army, the middle army, the rear army, and the left and right wing armies.

In each of the three military camps, a number of front-line pioneers, a number of deputy-print vanguards, a number of primary-print generals, a number of deputy-print generals, and a number of chief-print and deputy-print feather generals and wing generals were distributed.

This is an extremely large establishment.

In this military secret hall, all the soldiers under the former military government, even a young pawn who has just joined the army, have a life talisman preserved here. The core senior officials of the former military government can keep track of the status of these soldiers at any time. ...even, through some of the restrictions in these talismans, to control their life and death.

Yaoyi's left hand gently pinched his fingers in his sleeve to do calculations, and stars twinkled on his fingertips.

He whispered to himself: Under the rule of King Fei Ling, the Fengtian Territory, the Yingying Star Territory, the Iron Gate Pass... Where are the people of Mangxing Xingjun? Ha, this guy Mangxing is a bit embarrassing. shameless……

Yao Yi muttered in a low voice: Ten years ago, I invited him to a banquet with good intentions, but he ignored me... Ha, just because I am the concubine of Mahatma? Hey!

Concubine... so what?


Yao Yi's eyes suddenly lit up and his pupils shrank suddenly. He saw that near the six-foot jade tablet that represented the death of Xingjun, a jade tablet with occasional flashes of light and shadow from a giant ax suddenly erupted into a dazzling light. There was a bloody light, and near this jade talisman, there were more than 300,000 thin jade pieces. There were originally more than 100,000 jade pieces. The light was dim, and now they all exploded into a ball. The tiny light dust dissipates.

Yaoyi's eyes widened, he grabbed the blurred light dust, caught a handful of breath, put it to his nose and took a breath.

Eh hee? Interesting, interesting. It turns out that a month ago, one hundred thousand Xutian soldiers were lost, but someone used forbidden methods to delay the military aircraft... But this Luo Xiong is incompetent. He has thirty soldiers under his command. All 60,000 regular soldiers died!

Losing troops and generals, delaying the military plane with takeaways... Heh, let's see how you die!

Yao Yi waved his sleeves, the clouds moved under his feet, and he rushed out of the hall with a ray of starlight.

At the entrance of the main hall, a cloud of smoke blurred, and a middle-aged man wearing a robe exactly like Yao Yi quietly emerged from the smoke. He waved his right hand and blasted out a ban. The light dust formed by the 360,000 jade pieces suddenly merged inward and re-condensed into jade pieces. However, the light flame was dimmed by 90%, looking sick. A sleepy look.

Although the light is dim, under the strong light emitted by countless jade tablets, jade tablets, and jade talismans around them, if these 360,000 dim jade pieces and talismans are not carefully and carefully screened, where will they come from? Will anyone notice?

This forbidden method is what Yaoyi calls 'delaying military aircraft'!

It was obviously that Lord Sangxing Xing had lost his troops outside, but someone helped him delay the news, giving Lord Sangxing Xing enough time to make a turn.

This...is undoubtedly a felony.

In the Supreme Heavenly Court, once such behavior is reported, it will definitely be a serious crime to wipe out the nine tribes!

Yaoyi stopped the cloud light and looked at the middle-aged man with a half-smile: Zhao Sima, you are so brave!

The middle-aged man Zhao Sima coughed slightly, and the light behind him flickered, and a forbidden law was activated, isolating the inside and outside of the hall. He cupped his hands towards Yao Yi and said calmly: Master Yao Yi, just pretend that you don't know about this matter?

Yao Yi raised his eyebrows: Oh?

Zhao Sima said calmly: The rules of heaven are strict. Delaying military aircraft is a capital crime. I have been working in the heaven for half a great tribulation, so of course I understand the reason. However, since I dare to do it, Master Yaoyi should know it. It’s clear.”

Yao Yi laughed hey: Is Mang Xing one of my eldest brother's?

Zhao Sima narrowed his eyes: So, Lord Yaoyi knows what to do?

Yao Yi coughed slightly and was about to speak when Zhao Sima clapped his hands. Behind him in the smoke, four people were wearing heavy armor. Not a trace of flesh was exposed on their bodies. The generals who were two feet tall were silently He emerged, stretched out his arm, and grabbed Yaoyi.

Master Yaoyi, please find a place to rest for a while. Zhao Sima said calmly: Master Yaoyi, this is for your own good...there are some things that, with your status, you...can't afford to get involved...just pay back Please, Lord Yaoyi, please do your duty honestly as always, so that everyone will benefit, right?

Yao Yi looked at Zhao Sima with utter horror: You dare to put me under house arrest? Even if you have a big brother to support you, how dare you?

Zhao Sima looked at Yaoyi with a smile, waved his hand gently, and then his figure disappeared into the smoke behind him and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The four heavenly generals grabbed Yao Yi's shoulders, and starlight chains densely covered with countless patterns and forbidden spells stretched out from the void, like spiritual snakes, silently entangled around Yao Yi's body.

The extremely thin thread of light, like a long needle, came out of the chain and lightly penetrated into Yao Yi's acupuncture points, blocking his magic power and the strength of his whole body.

A heavenly general grabbed Yaoyi, and the four of them used escape techniques to turn into large swaths of starlight and spread out on the ground, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

The son of the great Heavenly Lord of the former Military Palace of the Five Military Palaces in the Heavenly Court, Jin Kang, although he is a concubine, is still the son of Zhong Kang after all... unexpectedly, in the headquarters of the former Military Palace under the control of Zhong Kang, he was killed by a Palace Army Sima who had the same official rank as himself. Directly ordered to be tied up and placed under house arrest.

And the reason was actually that Zhao Sima was covering up the military planes that destroyed his troops and generals and led to a huge defeat for Xing Xingjun...

One by one, one by one...

Across from Taichu Chengyuan Hall is the headquarters of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard surrounded by thunder pools.

In a palace and pavilion that is wrapped in thick thunderclouds, with overlapping thunder laws blocking all directions, making it impossible for outsiders to invade, there are countless people wearing black clothes, black belts around their waists, black boots, and pointed black hats. A girl with no make-up and a rather plain and elegant face is sitting neatly cross-legged in the huge square, silently practicing the unique skills of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard.

Wisps of thunder mixed with the strange rhythm of the Dao, fell silently from the sky, and went straight into the eyes of these girls. The Dao, the secret method, and the clever use of all kinds of thunder were directly introduced into their bodies, opening their innate abilities. The Eye of Heaven and Man's Dharma, while passing on the skills to them, also 'enlightens their spirits'.

These girls are all ‘suitable seeds’ collected by the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard from countless heavenly realms and star realms in the Supreme Beginning Heaven.

Their past and present affairs, their family members, and other involvements have all been dealt with completely. There is no trace of concern or cause and effect on them. They are absolutely 'clean' and 'good material' that can be 'used with confidence'.

They will receive special training in the recruit camp of the Xuantian Forbidden God Guards. Under the secret training of the Xuantian Forbidden God Guards, they will become the weakest Celestial Warrior and the strongest Celestial Warrior with a hundred times or a thousand times the efficiency of ordinary people. The state of general.

They can also practice various acrobatics.

Such as spying on intelligence, poisoning and assassination.

Like yin and yang making peace, flirting and being cute.

Such as intrigues and secrecy in the back house.

They will learn all kinds of weird ways of survival here, and then according to the special skills they have shown in the special training, they will be sent to the Blood Clothes Department, Iron Clothes Department or Black Clothes Department in different categories to serve as the supreme The supreme authority of the Great Heavenly Court worked hard and broke into pieces for the supreme authority of the Taichu Emperor.

In the huge square, more than three million people were arranged neatly in a phalanx.

Wisps of thunder fell, and wisps of smoke rose.

Suddenly, in a phalanx of ten thousand people, a pretty girl with a tall stature, eyebrows like swords, and a heroic spirit swayed. A wisp of breeze picked her up and dragged her directly to a building next to the square. It is a small pavilion that is completely dark and surrounded by numerous restrictions.

The sounds of broken clothes, women's cries and struggles, the sound of skin and flesh hitting each other, and the sounds of tables and chairs overturning kept coming...

The strange sounds and shrill cries lasted for several hours.

For a long time, after all the strange sounds disappeared, a faint light flickered in the pavilion. The girl who had just been swept into the pavilion was naked, lying on the floor of the pavilion with her arms and legs spread out. She was covered in bruises and bruises, with teeth marks and scratches everywhere. There were even two black and green claw marks on her neck. She was almost dying. Die.

A man with a beard who was eight feet tall, as muscular as an iron stake, squatted beside the girl with a strange smile, staring straight at her distorted cheeks.

Young lady is a lucky one... Hehe, because of your kindness in serving me so well just now, I will give you a great blessing... an immortal body. Are you happy? Are you happy or not?

Hehe, even those high-ranking Star Lords, Heavenly Lords, and Great Heavenly Lords will also fall, and they will also have the five declines of gods and humans... And you, hey, you just use this humble body to make me happy. Well, there is such a great blessing... Tsk tsk, to use those bald words, you have accumulated good deeds in your previous life!

The big man smiled strangely and grabbed the void with his right hand.

Wisps of purple-black glow appeared out of thin air, with countless fine ant-like patterns inside that squirmed rapidly, making piercing chirping sounds like living creatures. The big man gently pressed this twisted and squirming ray of light like an octopus on the girl's eyebrows. The rays of light instantly invaded the girl's eyebrows and eyes, and flowed through her body as fast as lightning as her blood flowed.

A faint layer of light grew on the girl's skin.

The wounds and bruises on the girl's body disappeared in the blink of an eye. A strange power slowly flowed out of her body. In her pores, electric light flickered silently, and occasionally a fist-sized electric explosion splashed out. .

Hey, okay, I'll give you the benefit... From now on, work hard for me, young master.


In a few days, I will choose a good position for you and help you make some achievements. You can also...

The big man's face suddenly twitched, a hazy light and shadow flickered under his face, and the shadow of Yaoyi's pretty face flashed like lightning on his dark, bearded face.

Hum hum!

Zhao Sima, you are so brave... Hey!

The big man scratched the girl's body several times, stood up, and shouted sternly: Who is outside? Want to breathe?

Two girls dressed in black, with long blood-colored belts tied around their waists, wearing blood-colored boots, and with blood jade masks on their faces walked into the pavilion quietly. They didn't even look at the girl lying on the ground - this was something they had experienced before, exactly the same, no different.

They bowed to the tall man with beard, and then stared at him.

You two, go out and pick out thirty good ones, and send them to Deputy Chief Qian of the Blood Clothes Division... Well, tell him that former Military Palace Army Sima Zhao Xinglei has committed a serious crime. Let Deputy Chief Qian be good and careful. , Check carefully... I want him to kill the whole family!

Also, go and tell Yinghuang that her sister Yingque is at the Iron Gate Pass of the Miao Feng Tian Territory and the Mi Ying Star Territory... There may be something wrong there. Let her bring a group of experts to investigate.

The bearded man touched his face vigorously and murmured in a low voice: Let her be careful. I vaguely feel that something interesting is happening... maybe this time, I can get a big advantage from it.

At the same time, in that place, trillions of demons formed a formation and surrounded Luo Xiong, whose body was almost burning.

Countless Yuan Demons were like bubbles in a dream, constantly shuttling in and out of Luo Xiong's body. Luo Xiong sacrificed many of his subordinates, and the majestic power accumulated was swallowed up by these Yuan Demons before 30% of it could be unleashed.

Luo Xiong roared and cursed, and rushed towards Lu Qian with all his strength, but his steps faltered. When he was still several miles away from Lu Qian, he was swallowed up by countless Yuan Demons and turned into a wisp of flying ash.

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