Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 916 Landa Buddha Fruit (5)

Eight Heavens.

This is the name Lu Qian gave this world.

With Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, and Asuras, Lu Qian himself thought it was reasonable to call this world the ‘Eight Parts of Heaven’.

Luo Xiong and others were dead, their giant ship was destroyed, and Babutian was at peace.

As for whether the people behind Luo Xiong are unwilling to let it go and will continue to send people to silence them... Well, it's going to rain, my mother is getting married, and Lu Qian can't control other people's ideas, so the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. , just use it as you see it!

At least today's Babutian is a good place to recuperate and improve.

The cold wheel covers the sky.

Cold air filled the sky and earth.

Babutian is a new world. Rebirth represents restless and unstable vitality, ignorance and stupidity, and the consciousness of this world, which is still unable to freely control the avenues and inspirations.

The cold wheel manifesting like this... can only mean that the eight parts of heaven are 'out of balance' with yin and yang.

If He is given enough time to perfect the Dao and balance the Spiritual Machinery, then the movement of the heaven and earth, the movement of the sun and the moon, the changes of the four seasons, the blooming and withering of flowers, etc. in the Eight Heavens will include the reproduction of various major ethnic groups and even more life groups. Appearance will develop in an orderly and orderly manner.

With the foundation of Babutian, sooner or later this place will develop into a considerable world.

But the pioneering team came.

The fate of Babutian is probably doomed.

The huge tree transformed from the huge divine seed is hundreds of miles high. The huge tree crown is like a sky curtain, covering thousands of miles around. Golden-green light falls from the branches and leaves, nourishing the earth, making this primitive and wild land incomparably beautiful. It's thick and thick, and if you pinch a handful of soil at random, it's all black and dark, as if it's soaked in grease.

In King Kong City, streets, neighborhoods, and many large and small houses have been built. Near the neighborhoods, a large amount of farmland has been opened up. Under the care of the big trees transformed from divine seeds, all kinds of crops in the farmland grow extremely well. Because of the primitive and powerful vitality of the Eight-part Heaven, ordinary rice in the farmland here grows to more than one foot or eight feet. The ear is so big that it can kill someone.

Moreover, even the slowest-growing crops in the farmland here can mature in nine days!

With such growth, King Kong City's grain, oil, cotton, mulberry, and other various cash crops will not be a problem at all.

A self-sufficient internal circulation small economy has laid a solid foundation.

In addition to the tens of millions of people in the pioneering group, the foundation has been successfully laid down without losing a few... The next thing is to expand the city base of King Kong City outwards and open up more new urban areas. The population of the pioneer group multiplied rapidly.

According to the general development team experience.

When the people of the pioneering group successfully take root in the primitive wasteland and multiply to a population of nearly 10 billion, and when about a hundred general-level masters emerge among them, they can become the 'void anchor'.

Through this anchor point, the Supreme Taichutian can lock this side of the primitive wasteland, and then use its great magical power to forcibly drag this side of the primitive wasteland to the starting point of the pioneering team, and clean and devour this side of the primitive wasteland. 'After that, it was forcibly merged into the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Seven of the eight great plains in Iron Gate Pass were obtained in this way.

The countless frontier towns in the Supreme Taichu Heaven and the countless floating continents under their jurisdiction also have such origins.

With the current population base of tens of millions in King Kong City, the abundant food supply here, and the powerful vitality and physiological functions of the gods, it would only take a dozen generations to multiply to a population of tens of billions. Two to three hundred years is enough.

Son! On the big tree transformed by the divine seed, a very spacious wooden house was built on a thick branch.

Lu Qian and Lu Min were sitting on the edge of a square built with wooden planks in front of a wooden house, which was more than ten acres in size, overlooking the busy and bustling King Kong City below, drinking new tea that had just been picked and roasted from the farmland, and served Enjoyed it very much.

Well, tell me! Lu Yi glanced at Lu Min.

Hey son! Lu Min called Lu Qian again.

Uh, what do you mean? Lu Qian looked at his father in surprise... What's wrong with this slightly dishonest guy?

Good son! Lu Min smiled happily. His mood was obviously very good, so much so that the countless overlapping shadows of Yuan Demon behind him almost rippled, just like the good mood that filled his heart.

Ahem, cough, you are cultivating magic skills. Is it possible that you have gone crazy? Lu Qian looked at Lu Min with a hint of vigilance: Or you are just being courteous for nothing, committing adultery or stealing... What are you doing? Do you want to rush the marriage? Or do you want to force me to get some fat grandchildren for you in advance?

Pointing to the sky and the ground, Lu Qian said seriously: I can tell you that this situation, this scene, this time, this place, it is not appropriate to talk about these... Right, we still have many things to do. How about dealing with it? Over there at Iron Gate Pass, there is a Death Star Lord waiting to cause trouble for us?

Also, Loulan Pass was blown up. We haven't found out the whole story yet... Grandpa, there are so many old acquaintances who have been tricked, we must put an end to this cause and effect! Lu Yi looked at Lu Min seriously: So, if you want to go crazy or have other weird ideas, please hold it back, okay?

Lu Min coughed and looked at Lu Yi with a hint of resentment: Do you and I seem to be such dishonest people?

Except for the big parrot lying on Lu Qian's shoulder, the other four uncles lined up behind Lu Qian. When they heard what Lu Min said, the five uncles nodded in unison.

Lu Min's smile suddenly froze.

He glanced sideways at the five uncles and muttered the menu names in a jabbering voice.

What about the mushroom stewed turkey, the five-spice dragon and tiger fight, the fairy pour in the wind, the iced turtle paste...

The five men looked at Lu Min calmly and did not take his intentional or unintentional threats seriously - Tsk, if you want to turn the men into dishes, why don't you try it?

Lu Min felt quite shameless. He coughed dryly and looked at Lu Yi solemnly: Serious business, serious business. Well, you have arrived at the Supreme Beginning Heaven? You escaped from the Supreme Beginning Heaven. of?

Strategic shift. Lu Qian's face turned slightly red and he laughed dryly: The word escape is not very accurate.

I understand! Lu Min smiled slightly and nodded: Strategic transfer? Well, this word is a little shameless, but... I can use it often in the future... Well, strategic transfer? Isn't it, you, me? me either!

Lu Qian didn't understand a bit.

‘The same goes for you and me’?

You Lu Min, when did your strategy change? Thoughts came to mind one after another unhurriedly. Lu Qian recalled all the impressions he had on Lu Min from the time he could remember... Well, it seemed that he had never been chased and had to flee in a hurry. ?

What do you mean by this ‘strategic shift’?

Lu Chen looked at Lu Min with shining eyes and said nothing, only to see what his unreliable and slightly crooked father wanted to say.

Lu Min looked Lu Yi up and down, his eyes were very... subtle!

This subtle gaze made Lu Qian feel uncomfortable for a while. It was simply, uh... Lu Min's gaze was filled with a kind of extreme unexpected surprise and a little bit of overjoyed joy.

To use an inappropriate word to describe it, it is like an old prisoner who has been in prison for eighteen years. After being released from prison, he returns home and suddenly sees his wife, who has been waiting for eighteen years, happily. He pulled a twelve-year-old baby up to him - 'Call me daddy, this is your real daddy'!

This is roughly how it feels... right?

Lu Qian blinked, this was a headache.

This feeling was either because there was something wrong with Lu Min's head, or there was something wrong with his own head who had 'analyzed' this kind of gaze.

But no matter which one it is, it is obviously not a good thing!

You haven't seriously started practicing in the Taichu Heaven yet? Lu Min smiled and looked at Lu Qian for a long time before asking him with a smile.

Well, not yet.

Lu Qian began to talk about how he was involved in Mikawahara after the explosion at Loulan Pass, and was picked up by Zhou Laodao. He has been busy recovering his memory and recuperating from his injuries.

Until now, the injuries on Lu Qian's body and soul have not healed, especially his soul and mind, which are extremely seriously injured... Under such circumstances, how can he put down his hands and start serious cultivation in this upper world?

In particular, the Buddhist techniques obtained in Liangyi Heaven are considered advanced and sophisticated compared to the crude techniques used by Zhou Laodao and others before. But after all, it is a technique from the lower realm, and it would be a little acclimated to it in the supreme Taichu Heaven.

Lu Qian had the ‘Liberation Method’ taught by the old monk Hongchen.

Lu Qian's original intention was to wait until his mind and soul were completely restored, and he could once again master the 'Liberation Method', and then dig out one or two Buddhist Dharma that were profound and profound enough, and then start practicing seriously.

However, physical injuries are hard to say, but spiritual injuries are not so easy to recover as before.

Lu Yi told Lu Min about the troubles he was facing now and some of his plans.

Lu Min still looked at Lu Qian up and down with that subtle look of 'surprise' and 'joy'.

While listening, he drank tea, nodding and shaking his head from time to time. He didn't know what he was thinking or planning.

Wait until Lu Qian finishes telling what happened along the way.

In fact, not much happened. How long has it been since Zhou Laodao picked up Lu Yi in the wasteland? In Liangyitian, it would only last a little more than a year.

Buddhism is a good thing. After Lu Yi finished speaking, Lu Min finally spoke.

He put down the tea cup and looked at Lu Qian seriously: Especially the Buddhism of Taichu Heaven, it is a truly good thing. If it were not a good thing, the Buddhism of Taichu Heaven would not be suppressed like this. Those powerful Buddhists, They will not be destroyed by those great emperors joining forces.

Eradicate? Lu Qian looked at Lu Min in astonishment: How did dad know the cause and effect?

Lu Min exhaled heavily, raised his head, and said quietly: Your father, I, and I were involved in the chaos after the explosion at Loulan Pass. In it, we received some Buddhist inheritance... Do you believe it or not?

Lu Qian's eyes widened, and he subconsciously let go of the pressure on his body, allowing his body to return to its full height of three feet and six feet amid a roar of muscles and bones. His eyes widened, and with such a huge figure, his two eyeballs were like two door openings, staring straight at Lu Min.

Lu Min leaned back subconsciously and laughed and cursed in a low voice.

Then, he stretched out his hand towards Lu Yi, and with the wave of his hand, accompanied by a low roar, in Lu Yi's body, the mortal world of the first level of the Buddha Kingdom was only re-opened. Without Lu Yi's complete consciousness, Lu Yi was Min grabbed it with one hand.

Lu Chen was shocked and looked at Lu Min with a blank expression.

This world of mortals is the supreme Buddha treasure refined by the old monk Hongchen...

His mind, which was already in chaos, was now in a state of chaos. The few thoughts that Lu Qian had easily had were torn to pieces by the turmoil of his mind. He didn't even have a clear idea, he just looked at Lu like an idiot. Min.

When Lu Min grabbed him, no strong aura leaked out.

In other words, his grasp was not to 'convince people with force'...but, in terms of 'the essence of Buddhism', Lu Min's grasp unexpectedly surpassed that of the old monk Hongchen. I don't know why. A hundred times or a thousand times, he forcibly suppressed the Buddhist secrets contained in Hongchentian, and then Hongchentian obediently allowed Lu Min to catch him in his hands.

A halo of light slowly bloomed in Lu Min's palm, like a thousand-petaled lotus in full bloom.

The world of mortals? Lu Min smiled as he looked at this stacked mass, which contained more than 12,000 Buddhist treasures from the Buddhist kingdom.

The power is strong enough, but... the style is a bit low. Lu Min looked at Lu Yi seriously: This treasure, you see, it has great power and seems to have infinite mystery, but in the final analysis, this treasure is just a treasure... …Foreign objects are still foreign objects!”

Lu Yi quickly caught up with Lu Min's thoughts. In his mind, a small ball of spiritual light shone brightly, forcibly smoothing out a small area of ​​turbulent waves in his mind. He asked deeply: Then, how do you attribute the power of external objects to yourself?

Lu Min gently kneaded the world of mortals with his hands.

Along with the low roar, Ahu and others who were previously included in the world of mortals by Lu Qian, that is, the eighteen mountain gate guards reserved in each level of the Buddha Kingdom, turned into a stream of light and flew out.

The world of mortals was closed, and Ahu and others fainted in it.

At this moment, they were thrown out of the mortal world by Lu Min. They were still sleeping soundly. Their bodies were covered with a faint golden light, but their auras were very stable, and they were obviously not harmed.

Are you willing to give it up? Lu Minxiao asked Lu Qian: This treasure is not bad at all. Although it is just a pile of materials and repeated superposition, it is a little inferior in terms of quality, but it is actually the same thing. Focus on windfall.

Lu Qian understood what Lu Min meant.

In order to refine the Red Dust Sky, the old monk Hongchen destroyed countless heavens in the lower world before he collected all the materials and refined the Red Dust Sky. Not to mention how high the rank of Hongchentian is, the materials he consumes are indeed an astronomical windfall.

However, the more Lu Min asked, the more curious Lu Qian became.

Lu Yan looked at Lu Min with a smile: I'm willing to give it up, I'm willing to give it up...but I won't cheat my son. Are you going to exchange it for me for something good?

Lu Min smiled and nodded: I have something...ah, bah, bah...it's not that I have it, but that I know there is a treasure that is stored somewhere...that place. I can't get close to get it now. We can only sacrifice this treasure and use His power to make a clever move.

Lu Min looked at Lu Yan with a smile. In his palm, a twisted, transparent and invisible flame rose up, quickly igniting the world of mortals.

Ever since, the world of mortals quickly turned into two completely different things in Lu Qian's field of vision.

One is the extremely pure Buddhist mind power.

As Lu Min recited a secret mantra that Lu Qian had never heard of in a low voice, wisps of dark golden pure thought power surged towards Lu Qian's eyebrows. This is the strong belief power that the old monk has accumulated in the world of mortals for countless years. He has accumulated countless believers and recited Buddhist scriptures for countless years.

Under the burning of the invisible flame, this power of faith was finally purified, turning into the dark golden light that Lu Qian saw, and kept coming.

With the influx of this pure, timeless, majestic and grand thought power, the flickering light of the soul in Lu Qian's mind suddenly became blazing. The originally weak and shaky soul quickly grew stronger and recovered rapidly. The small light group began to expand rapidly, and a dim and erratic figure gradually appeared in the light group.

With the influx of these thoughts, Lu Qian's chaotic mind suddenly calmed down.

Lu Min's chanting sound echoed in Lu Yi's mind, one after another, like the bells at dusk and drums in the morning, washing away Lu Yi's mind, removing all impurities, and restoring tranquility to his chaotic ocean of soul.

The second is the ‘material’ structure of the world of mortals.

It was the tyrannical substance formed by the old monk Hong Chen who shattered countless heavens and searched for the origin of the world.

Once these substances were burned by the invisible flame, they turned into extremely majestic energy that made Lu Qian feel frightened when he was close at hand, like a world-destroying natural disaster.

This energy, which was enough to destroy and annihilate the eight heavenly capitals in an instant, was extremely docile and well-behaved, and penetrated into Lu Min's palm bit by bit.

Lu Min's left hand gradually became transparent, emitting a faint light little by little.

He raised his head and fixed his eyes on an unfathomable point in the void, as if he had seen through the past, history, and countless annihilated causal dimensions... While the world of mortals was burning rapidly, his left hand slowly stretched out. , reaching towards what he called 'somewhere'.

Lu Qian suddenly had a realization in his heart.

This 'somewhere' is not in this world or in the future, but in the eternal and extremely long past.

Even that trace of the 'past' has been completely obliterated and completely annihilated by people using great supernatural powers, and all cause and effect have been wiped out... Logically speaking, that 'somewhere' should not appear in this world.

Even the concept of ‘somewhere’ should not appear.

But the existence of Lu Min himself went against the cause and effect, subverting the results of some great supernatural powers. Lu Min has become a paradox, and this paradox exists in today's world, directly provoking the rebirth of certain causal lines that were obliterated in the past.

Most of the world of mortals has burned in just one breath.

Lu Min was very relaxed and reached out his hand lightly. His palm reached into the twisted void in front of him. When he stretched it out again, he already held a green Bodhi seed the size of an egg in his palm.

So simple, so effortless, like a naughty child reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of candy!

However, the result of reaching out is that in the vast world of mortals, only thirty-six layers of such a Buddhist treasure are left!

Lu Min stretched out his left hand, and the entire flesh was completely turned into ashes. From the elbow down, bones were revealed that were as bright and clear as blood, as clear and translucent as glass, but also flickering and flickering like the bubbles of a dream!

So skeletal.

The Buddha nature is profound and the demonic nature is strong at the same time.

Practicing both Buddha and demon is a miracle.

Lu Qian looked at Lu Min in shock: Dad, when did you practice Buddhism? And, isn't this Gonghou a bit ridiculously rich?

Lu Min exhaled heavily, and a strong smell of blood spread in all directions. He waved his right sleeve, and the smell of blood immediately dissipated. He handed the bodhi seed to Lu Qian with his left hand, and with a flick of his right hand, the nearly completely burned world of mortals turned into a stream of light, which disappeared into the Tianlong Zen staff entrenched in Lu Qian's chest and turned into a dragon-shaped tattoo.

In this world of mortals, the essence has gone, and the remaining stone-like objects are worth the price of this Zen staff. Lu Min smiled and looked at the Tianlong Zen staff, which was shining brightly on Lu Chen's chest and kept making dragon roars. , murmured: Monk, of course you must have a good Zen staff so that you can break the heads of those bastards!

The skin and flesh on Lu Qian's chest were hot, and even green smoke came out from the burning Zen staff.

He endured the high temperature in his chest and firmly held onto this green bodhi seed, which seemed light but actually fell in his palm, becoming so heavy one day and another.

What is this? Lu Qian didn't bother to ask Lu Min about the origin of the Bodhi seed. Looking at Lu Min's appearance, he would definitely not be able to tell the truth... Why not just ask him directly what it is?

I was sucked into the chaos... Lu Min's eyes rolled around.

I don't ask how you got it, how you know it, or what your relationship is with it... I just ask, what is it! Lu Yi interrupted Lu Min's random thoughts.

Ah, that's easy. Lu Min smiled easily. Behind him, 3,600 Yuan Demons silently turned into a wisp of blood, and lightly pounced on him. Suddenly, his left hand was layered with blood. The layer of flesh and blood regenerated rapidly, and returned to its original state of full flesh and blood in an instant.

Once upon a time, in Taichu Heaven, there was a Buddhist holy land called Landa Heaven.

In Landa Heaven, there is an ancient temple, called Landa Ancient Temple. In the backyard of the temple, there is a garden paved with gold, and there is a Bodhi tree... The Bodhi tree is rumored to be an unfathomable, unknowable, and unheard of age. It is a Buddhist gate. When the great power dies, its body falls to the ground and emerges.

This Bodhi seed is the... Landa Buddha fruit that grows on the Bodhi tree in the golden garden of Nalanda Ancient Temple!

Lu Min looked at Lu Yi with a smile, pointed at his brows and raised his eyebrows: Try it, this Landa Buddha Fruit is the highest crystallization of Buddhism in the Landa Ancient Temple, the supreme inheritance of the Taichu Heavenly Buddhism Sect.

The little novice monk who gave you the world of mortals just realized a 'liberation method' from it. Hey, 'liberation', 'liberation', just seeks a 'self-happiness'... And this Landa Buddha fruition Among them, the highest is recorded...well, the highest is recorded, the 'transcendence method'!

Transcend the Dharma, transcend yourself, transcend this world, transcend all demonic obstacles, and possess the supreme power to save the world.

It's a method, it's a technique, it's a technique... It contains the supreme Buddha Dharma, and there are also powerful enough magical powers to protect the Dharma.

Lu Min smiled brightly and winked at Lu Yi in a coquettish manner: Come on, give it a try... Since you are already a monk, why not just walk all the way to the darkest place and go straight to the biggest and most powerful person in the world? Are you going to continue on the path of the great monk?

Lu Qian looked at Lu Min with a sly smile on his face, and coughed lightly: Then, the question comes back, are you my father? Why don't you try this...'transcendence method'?

Of course I am your father! Lu Min raised his head proudly.

Then, he looked up at the sky. The canopy of the trees was dense, and all he could see were golden-green branches and leaves, as well as wisps of golden-green light that continued to fall. He thought for a long time, his face moved, and he said quietly: Is this transcendence method, I failed... So, try someone else, maybe you can get through it?

Standing up, small ripples rippled in the air around Lu Min, and his figure gradually became transparent and insubstantial in the ripples.

Try it, maybe you can get through this path.

But it doesn't matter if it doesn't work.

Because this matter itself has nothing to do with you... It's just a slightly more subtle and mysterious cultivation method... The cause and effect on it has been cut off long ago. Just practice as you please, Just be casual and go with the flow, that’s all.”

I have some old matters to take care of. So I won't make any noise here.

Don't look for me, don't ask about me, and don't worry about me. In short, just like in Haojing, just treat me as dead outside, right? That's very good.

But, you still have to rush to get married... If you have time, you can marry a dozen or twenty more wives. Whether you have a status or not, it's really just the same thing. Spread more seeds... Tsk, get more for me. Big fat grandson comes out!

You kid, you are a fake monk, don't think of yourself as a bald donkey!

Lu Min looked up to the sky and smiled. In the midst of his laughter, the countless Yuan Demon shadows behind him rolled inward, and his figure completely disappeared from the air.

The huge Babutian could no longer feel any of his breath.

He actually, just like this, crossed the void directly and left Taichu Heaven without the help of the divine seed refined by Heaven!

Lu Qian stood up in shock.

His father...his biological father!

He actually hides such a big thing?

The reincarnation of an eminent Buddhist monk? Moreover, he is still an ancient eminent monk who is so old that there is dirt all over his body? Lu Qian touched the dragon-shaped tattoo on his chest that was still emitting high heat and emitting streaks of bright light. He pondered for a long time and put the Bodhi tree in his hands. Zi pressed his eyebrows hard and raised his eyebrows.

There is a saying that makes sense...

No matter what happened in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, what role Buddhism played in it, and what disasters it experienced... that is all in the past.

I, Lu Qian, am a fake monk. Ahem, these causes and effects have nothing to do with me.

This Landa Buddha is just a Dharma that is profound and subtle enough, and a cultivation method, nothing more!

Lu Qian smiled, and the Landa Buddha fruit merged into his eyebrows. His eyebrows suddenly opened, and his entire eyes turned into a dark golden void that seemed like nothingness.

Lu Qian's body trembled, and then trembled again.

He murmured: I see, I am a merciful Buddha... If I were the emperor who formulated the supreme rules and regulations of the Supreme Beginning, I would have to find ways to kill you bastards.

Haha, haha, it's a crime to have a jade!

Landa Heaven, Landa Ancient Temple, the Buddhist holy land of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, actually have such a Buddhist inheritance, but there is no suitable disciple who can inherit this Buddhism... If you don't die, who will die?

Well, the presentation is good, it is indeed exquisite, it is truly amazing!

Every pore on Lu Qian's body emits a faint light.

The 480 million orifices in his body were ablaze with Buddhist flames.

He sat cross-legged in the square and took a deep breath, sucking all the spiritual energy of the world and the world away in the entire Babutian.

There are countless living beings in King Kong City.

There are tens of millions of people who belong to the pioneering group, those subdued Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, Asuras, and the little people of Joho, the small herds of animals herded and raised by the little people of Joho, and the large camels brought by the pioneering team. Beasts, mounted animals, poultry and livestock, etc., all felt dizzy and fell to the ground in a daze.

Babutian let out a low whine.

Behind Lu Qian, strands, wisps, and drops of the Taoist rhyme, like running water, were forcibly extracted from the laws of heaven and earth in the Eight Parts of Heaven, and merged into his mind bit by bit, injecting into his soul.

The soul is growing.

My mind is calming down.

Babutian's consciousness of heaven and earth was carefully refined, just like a hibernating giant bear. Suddenly, a blood-drawing tube was inserted into his blood vessel, and plasma began to be continuously extracted from his body... Even a pig would be woke up with a start.

Purple air and black clouds filled the sky, the cold wheel was strong, the cold air surged, and a huge eye made of purple air and black clouds appeared out of thin air, staring directly at Lu Qian.

Lu Qian raised his head, opened the golden eyes between his brows, and looked deeply into the huge heavenly eye.

Are you willing to be a human being?

I'll ferry you over!

Lu Qian smiled brightly.

The consciousness of heaven and earth in Babu Tian roared, and the sky was filled with thunder and lightning. The core and most original consciousness of heaven and earth was extracted little by little, and finally turned into a speck of light smaller than a sesame seed, falling quietly. It fell into the body of Ahu, who was lying next to Lu Qian and was sleeping soundly.

When Ahu attains enlightenment in the future, you can be reincarnated as a human being and become completely transcendent.

Lu Qian said calmly: Before Ah Hu attains enlightenment, you will transform into a light of wisdom, add to his wisdom, and open up his understanding. You and he will join hands and move forward side by side!

With a 'click' sound, Lu Qian's eyebrows were raised, and a shattering sound was heard.

The extremely powerful Buddhist power contained in the fruit of Landa Buddha was completely consumed after Lu Qian forcibly liberated the ignorant and chaotic consciousness of heaven and earth in the eight heavens. Integrated into Lu Qian's soul.

Babutian was completely controlled by Lu Qian.

The traces of the origin of the great avenue of heaven and earth, along with the strong spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth, began to be continuously integrated into Lu Qian's body.

The five uncles roared in unison.

They could feel that the small five-element world in Lu Qian's body was rapidly expanding and growing. As this small world grows, majestic power continues to feed back, causing the cultivation of the five uncles to rise.

In the huge eight-part heaven, countless Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, and Yokoi villains raised their heads one after another and glanced in the direction of Vajra City.

Then, these creatures set off together and headed straight for King Kong City.

All over the Babutian, huge Asuras were awakened. They mumbled a few words vaguely, chanted I am the Buddha in unison, and then took long strides and ran towards the Vajra City. Come.

Wisps of wind wrapped around the feet of these creatures, causing their speed to soar. Even those little people who are less than a foot tall can breathe at a terrifying speed of a hundred miles.

The total number of creatures from all races in the huge Eight Heavens is only around one billion.

Just one day later, nearly a billion creatures of all races gathered outside King Kong City, and then fell down one by one and fell into a deep sleep.

In Lu Qian's mind, the light of the soul suddenly exploded.

A cross-legged golden Buddha about ten feet tall rose slowly. 480 million rays of extremely fine golden light stretched out from the body of the golden Buddha and directly connected with the 480 million acupoints in Lu Qian's body.

I am Buddha.

Buddha is for me.

I am God.

God is for me.

I am the earth.

The earth is mine.

I am the Tao.

The Word is for me.

All things are mine, and I am all things.

God cannot, cannot blind my heart.

The earth is unjust and cannot bury my body.

Celestial Rules?


I said, this is all clouds and nonsense!

Lu Qian opened three of his eyes, and the light in his eyes flickered. He said sincerely: Okay... Dao Yungen, who is seeking death, tell me, if those emperors don't kill you, who will they kill?

But, it is really a terrifying Dharma!

A very thin ray of lightning flashed at Lu Qian's fingertips. Silently, the lightning spanned three thousand miles and landed on a large mountain ten miles high in the distance.

The material of the Eight Heavens is extremely strong, so it gave birth to Asuras, Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas and other tribes with strong and strong bodies... Even the little people here, the strong ones among them, have abilities worthy of comparison. Compared with the physical strength of Tianxiao and Tianwei.

Every plant, every tree, every sand and every stone here is extremely solid.

This is a newly opened 'primitive wasteland', and all the structures are extremely tough... Lu Qian blasted out a ray of lightning, and the ten-mile mountain suddenly exploded silently, and the sand and gravel splashed, all melted by the high temperature contained in the lightning. magma.

Lu Qian had a thought in his mind.

In the hot and blazing magma, a wisp of terrifying cold air rose up. It immediately cooled and shaped the magma, and forcibly condensed it into a lifelike statue of a large parrot that was ten miles high!

Every feather of this giant parrot made of lava is meticulously crafted and is an ingenious workmanship that cannot be made by man.

Then, what else can we develop next?

Go directly back to Tiemenguan?

Lu Qian looked at Yingque, who was also lying on the ground sleeping, and murmured: Sister, it depends on whether the big man behind you can cover you up... At least, he should be able to overpower Mr. Xing Xing. ?”

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