Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 926: Going against the Party (5)

The hundreds of warships of the Nanyun family finally stopped charging.

A faint bloody Buddha's light blocked the front of these battleships, eliminating their charging momentum and neutralizing all their strength.

Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei's faces looked better now, and they clasped their hands and saluted the tall monk standing on the bow of their boat.

Lu Qian stood above the garden, looking up and down at the tall monk with a pale complexion and unusually red lips.

The monk's Qi is extremely restrained, without any fluctuations in Taoism.

But looking at his skin color and the color of his lips, Lu Qian judged that this colleague probably did not practice serious Buddhism. Look at the monk's robes and cassocks on his body. The bright red monk's robes and the pitch-black cassocks. The contrast between black and red makes him look evil and demonic... No matter how you look at it, he is all following the path of a 'demon monk'. , there is no trace of the majesty and dignity that a great Buddhist monk should have.

After coughing slightly, Lu Qian said calmly: Senior brother's claws seem to be a bit long!

The tall monk smiled: Senior Brother, are you saying that the young monk's hand stretched too long and reached into the senior monk's territory? But as far as the young monk knows...

Lu Qian interrupted the tall monk: It shows that you are a wild fox Zen monk with no virtue, no cultivation, no foundation, and no inheritance... As far as you know? Do you know how high the sky is? Do you know how thick the earth is? You know Xilan Village, but you really don’t have a backer? Are you really allowed to bully and humiliate me?

It's scary. It's only as far as the little monk knows...you know nothing! This sentence was not said by Lu Qian. Lu Qian wanted to maintain his face of being a 'virtuous monk', so this sentence was made by squatting on the ground. On Lu Qian's head, he was as fat as a big parrot called Long-tailed Silver-throated Tit, and he shouted happily.

Is what you know the truth? What you know, is the truth? You know, there will definitely be no one plotting in secret, digging a hole in the dark, and making you suffer a loss and get your head broken and bloody? Big Parrot He flapped his wings happily and screamed at the top of his lungs: As far as I know, little monk? Hey, hey, hey, do you know that it's those guys behind you who colluded with our brother to deliberately I lured you here and wanted to kill you?

The big parrot talked unscrupulous nonsense and framed the blame in a wanton and frivolous manner.

Lu Qian smiled extremely brightly.

Yinyuan smiled rather sneakily.

Yu Changle and a group of young eunuchs once again showed their unique manager-style smiling but not smiling attitude when they framed the civil and military officials in the capital of Dayinhao, confiscated their homes and exterminated their clans.

Bai Yu held her big belly and laughed extremely cheerfully, wantonly, wildly, and even a little hysterically... As she laughed, she looked proudly at Linghu beside her. Luan and several girls from the Linghu clan gave them cold, eye-catching glances that were as cold as big ice cubes.

Bai Yuan was worried!

Look, look, you coquettish little bitches, this is our brother, our half-brother!

Haha, auntie, I have someone to back me up!

Look at the mouth of our brother, look at the mouth of the big parrot he raised... Tsk, tsk, you know they are not easy to bully, right? So, aunt, how can I be bullied by you little bitches at will?

Well, the white turtle's brain circuit is still a bit strange!

However, the big parrot's mouth is indeed...

The tall monk standing at the bow of the boat obviously didn't have enough knowledge in Buddhist practice. He was scolded by the big parrot at the top of his voice. His face was suddenly covered with a strange lavender color.

It looked as if his face had been severely beaten, and the bruises had risen from deep within the skin. The lavender cheeks looked sinister, very cruel and ferocious.

The tall monk waved his right hand, and a purple-black, fist-sized bell of unknown material emerged from his palm with a ray of light. He laughed in a low voice and said: Senior brother said nothing, so don't blame Xiao Monk for being cruel. This Xilan Village is destined to Xiao Monk, so it should be like Nanyun Village, serving as Xiao Monk's dojo.

With a flick of his right hand, there were several soft sounds of 'ding ding ding'.

The bell in the hand of the tall monk vibrated, and its ringing sound was extremely sharp. There was also a trace of a breathtaking tail hook in the ringing sound. It was pointed and thin. As long as it was heard, it would make people have to pay attention carefully and carefully. I tried my best and couldn't help but use all my soul to listen to the ringtone.

After listening to it for too long, my soul began to wander vaguely, wanting to break away from the body, following the sound of the sharp and thin hooked bell, drifting towards the purple-black bell.

When did I, a Buddhist monk, start using such sneaky and evil methods? A group of white clouds gathered at Lu Qian's feet. The white clouds rolled inwards and collapsed and shrank. Gradually, the invisible and qualityless clouds, under the blessing of Lu Qian's Buddhist teachings, , forcibly condensed into a white jade lotus platform with one thousand and eighty petals, as white as jade, crystal clear and flawless.

Wisps of golden light were accompanied by the graceful sounds of heaven, and the deep chants of heavenly dragons slowly came from the lotus platform.

Lu Qian stood in the middle of the lotus platform, with a wisp of breeze blowing from behind. The lotus platform held Lu Qian, like a wisp of smoke rising slowly into the sky.

This appearance, this demeanor, shows the solemnity, sacredness and solemnity of the treasure.

In particular, wherever the lotus platform emits heavenly sounds and dragon chants, in the huge Xilan City, the sound of the bells in the hands of the tall monks is instantly neutralized, and there is no longer any evil sound that can affect the people in Xilan City.

Madam Sister-in-law, Xiong Bao, Yan Xiang and others, when they just heard the ringtone, they felt that all the energy in their bodies was about to fly up from the center of their eyebrows. In shock, they felt that their whole bodies were limp, their eyes turned black, and they wanted to Struggling and resisting, but not even knowing how to struggle or resist.

The method they practice is too... too simple.

He knows nothing about magical powers to suppress the soul, secret methods to fight back external demons, and all kinds of magical powers and secret techniques. The only secret technique I learned from the Ding Jia War Technique I majored in was to use the magic power in my body to condense a set of flame armor... How could such a simple technique resist the Buddhist secret technique of this tall monk?

Just when everyone was feeling despair and seeing their souls about to fly out of their bodies, Lu Qian gathered on the lotus platform, and the sound of the Buddha vibrated, completely wiping out the sound of the bell.

The floating energy, blood, and souls of the people suddenly sank and returned to their bodies.

My eyes are clear, my mind is peaceful, and my whole body is peaceful.

Mrs. Sister-in-law stamped her feet fiercely and said sternly: Nanyun Shuang, Nan Yunlei, are you colluding with such monsters and harming the men in our family?

Xiong Bao, Yan Xiang and others looked at Mrs. Sister-in-law at the same time.

Their pupils suddenly condensed!

This is true - well, Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei, they colluded with the tall monk and killed Lin Sheng, the head of Xilan Village... Well, this matter is real and the evidence is conclusive... But, Madam Sister-in-law Ah, the boss was killed two years ago. Why are you pregnant now?

Cough, cough.

Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang looked at Lu Qian who was standing on the lotus platform and slowly flying into the sky.

They gritted their teeth, closed their mouths, and looked away - there is no need to say, the child in the wife's belly must be the master's posthumous son, must be the master's own flesh and blood... As for why this posthumous son is After staying in my mother's belly for more than two years...ahem!

There are countless strange people and strange things in the world. Is there any problem if I stay in my mother's belly for a little longer? Any questions? What could be wrong?

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and gradually flew to the same height as the tall monk. The two were facing each other at a distance of less than a mile. The auspicious light around Lu Qian was endless, and there were sounds of heaven and dragons chanting constantly. The auspicious light condensed into translucent fist-sized pale golden flowers, like snow falling all over the sky, slowly falling towards Xilan City.

There was even a trace of strange fragrance lingering in the sky, and golden light spread out from Lu Qian's body in circles.

This kind of appearance is like Buddha descending to earth, which is so magical that it is indescribable.

As for the tall monk... not to mention his weird attire, his weird complexion, and bright lips... when he shook the bell, circles of faint Buddha light rippled around him.

But the color of his Buddha's light was purple-red, like dried blood, and one could tell at a glance that it was not a good idea.

Especially, if you look carefully, there are actually faces of men, women, and children hidden in the Buddha's light rippling around him. These faces are also pale, stiff and numb, with their mouths open as if they are shouting, roaring, crying, wailing...

This is clearly an evil demon!

In Xilan Village, countless people saw the scene of the confrontation between Lu Qian and the tall monk clearly and clearly.

In addition, with the vibration of the tall monk's bell, and the terrifying feeling of almost pulling his soul out of his body, all the leading figures in Xilan City and Xilan Village immediately leaned towards Lu Qian without any reservation!

Buddhist monks are extremely sensitive to the inclinations of people's hearts and the fluctuations of souls in living beings.

Just like the blooming dandelion flowers, their fluff is soft and sensitive. Even if the lightest wind blows, they can produce an extremely strong and sensitive reaction.

The tall monk was a little annoyed.

He looked at Lu Qian and whispered: Unexpectedly, I can meet a 'serious', 'ancient Buddhist cultivator'... But I dare to ask senior brother, in today's world, your path has long been With a dead end, how can senior brother dare, how can he, how can he wish to continue on this 'ancient way of cultivation' which has no future?

Lu Qian looked at the tall monk with a smile.

‘Ancient Buddhist practice’?

What the hell!

‘Dead end’?

What the hell?

‘The Path of Ancient Cultivation’…

Ahem, sorry, the monk could hear every word clearly, but he didn't understand what you said.

Of course, Lu Qian could not expose his shortcomings. He looked at the other party with a gentle smile on his face and said slowly: Senior brother is so narrow-minded... so-called...

The big parrot triumphantly snatched Lu Qian's words: The so-called frog at the bottom of the well, how can he know how big the world is? Grandson, you are not your father, how can you know how powerful your father is?

Lu Qian said nothing.

The big parrot's foul mouth... really needs to be dealt with.

However, it is a big parrot that he raised from a young age and hatched from an egg himself... Well, his words sometimes make sense.

With a slight cough, Lu Qian said softly: Wrong, wrong, wrong seniority.

The big parrot tilted its head seriously and thought for a moment, then spoke again: How can a frog in a well know how vast the world is? Grandson Gray, you are not your grandfather, how can you know how powerful your grandfather is?

The tall monk's lavender face gradually turned purple-black.

He looked at Lu Qian, then at the big parrot, and sneered again and again.

The tall monk admitted that in terms of talkativeness, he really couldn't compare with Lu Qian and Big Parrot - but in today's world, among the Buddhist cultivators hanging out in this primitive wasteland, who is still talking nonsense?

If you don't agree with each other, draw your sword and do it!

The tall monk bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood and a small piece of broken tongue weighing about three coins squirted onto the bell in his hand. The bell made a low vibrating sound and swallowed his flesh and blood. Then the bell expanded rapidly and quickly turned into a small bell about a foot high in his hand.

The tall monk gave a soft drink, and the sound of blood flowing in the index finger of his right hand was heard. His slender right finger suddenly became filled with blood and swelled, turning into the thickness of a carrot. The purple-black fingers were like bell hammers, and they landed on the small clock with a 'dong' sound.

Circles visible to the naked eye, thin and dense sound wave ripples spread in all directions.

In the void, purple-red blood flashed wildly, and the world shook. There seemed to be countless large and small invisible whirlpools appearing in the void. In each vortex, a painfully twisted face emerged.

These pale faces all opened their mouths and screamed at Lu Qian: Are you here?

A scream shook the earth and the earth.

Above Xilan City, all the clouds in the sky evaporated instantly.

The giant tree transformed from the divine seed covering Xilan City had its crown shaking violently, the light of countless branches and leaves dimmed, tens of millions of large and small leaves shriveled and shrunk at the same time, and the golden-green leaves turned into dark yellow. It was like a heavy rain, falling off the branches one after another and spreading to the ground.

With just a loud roar, more than 70% of the vitality of this giant tree was deprived.

The entire underground of the huge Xilan City is supported by the huge root system of this giant tree. The vitality of the giant tree has been sucked out, and countless large and small roots have shrunk. Countless pores have appeared under the foundation of the city, and the city is shaking. Countless people in the city simultaneously screamed in terror.

Lu Qian only felt that the strange wailing sounds were like the big iron hook in the butcher's hand, hooking the dead pig hysterically towards his own soul.

Before the little bell rang, it was just fishing with a thin hook.

But at this moment, it has turned into a big iron hook for crazy plunder.

There was a turbulent wave in his mind, and Lu Qian's Divine Soul Golden Buddha also rippled in circles. His heart was tingling, and the Divine Soul Golden Buddha was a little unsteady, as if it was about to be pulled out of his mind by the sound of the bell. .

The clock is good. Lu Qian started to praise: The method is wrong!

In just six words, Lu Qian directly used the thunder sound of Dafan.

In one hundred thousand acupoints, on one hundred thousand Bodhi seedlings, young leaves swayed, and each of the Great Brahma's Thunder Sound Buddha Seals simultaneously lit up with dazzling light. Every word that came out of Lu Qian's mouth was like a burst of thunder.

In the sky, a scorching Buddhist rhyme of pure Yang, supreme strength, and unparalleled dominance exploded violently. Loud and loud sounds were heard in the sky and on the ground. Among the countless people in the sky and on the ground, only Lu Qian could hear clearly what he said.

Six groups of thunder exploded, and everyone felt a huge sound vibrating around them, exploding in their minds, and exploding violently at the core of their souls.

In the sky and underground, countless people vomited blood.

As long as there are evil thoughts in the heart, the more serious the evil thoughts are, the more severe the shock to the soul and body will be.

Large amounts of black blood continued to spurt out from the mouths of these people with evil intentions, and countless people let out shrill roars.

After roaring, these people felt as if a ball of fire had been forced into their souls. This ball of fire was like a furnace, chasing down the evil thoughts in their hearts crazily and hysterically, and constantly refining them. Transform all kinds of evil thoughts that are constantly emerging in their hearts.

The body and soul are as if they are in the deep flaming hell, being subjected to endless torture and being extremely cruelly calcined all the time.

Boundless pain, unbearable pain.

But immediately someone discovered that as long as they silently visualized the image of Lu Qian rising into the sky with his feet on the white jade lotus platform, and silently recited the inexplicable name of Lu Qian's Dharma name Fahai, this kind of unbearable and almost crazy feeling The pain disappears immediately.

Reciting the name of Dharma Sea and constantly visualizing the appearance of Lu Qian will eliminate pain and make the whole body cool.

For a time, the chanting of 'Fahai, my Buddha, kindness and compassion' kept ringing from Xilan City, especially from the warships of Nanyun Village.

Both Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei fell to their knees tremblingly, glancing quickly at the tall monk from time to time, and timidly recited words of praise for Lu Qian.

On ordinary days, if Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei dared to do this, they would have been beaten to death by the tall monk.

But at this moment, how can the tall monk care about this?

As soon as Lu Qian Dafan's thunder sound came out, golden Buddha flames immediately ignited around the tall monk. In the void, in the invisible whirlpools, countless pale-white faces of men, women, and children continued to burn one after another. The shrill shouts followed by the ecstatic cheers came one after another, wisps of hot wind rolled around, and the twisted and painful faces continued to dissipate.

Only 10% of the power of Lu Qian's great Brahma thunder sound was leaked out, while the other 90% of the power hit the tall monk solidly.

The tall monk's purple-black face turned pale.

His whole body was ignited with golden fire, and black and red flames kept pouring out of his body... He was like a huge garbage dump, filled with harmful waste. After being burned by the flames, all the waste immediately turned into poisonous smoke. Wreaking havoc and spreading rapidly outward.

And the small bell, which was more than a foot high, was vibrating violently, constantly emitting circles of dark sound waves, struggling to resist the thunderous thunder of Sanskrit chants.

This little bell has great power.

Lu Qian shouted loudly with all his strength and used the supreme Buddhist power such as the Great Brahma Thunder Sound. In the circles of black sound waves emitted by the small bell, the golden Buddha flames were extinguished bit by bit, and the mighty Brahma was extinguished. Singing Thunder was constantly being chipped away layer by layer by the black sound waves.

Correspondingly, the tall monk's body shriveled up rapidly.

Xiao Zhong was frantically extracting his blood essence, his Buddhist power, and even his soul... The tall monk screamed hoarsely, his heart filled with all kinds of twisted and malicious thoughts, and these twisted and malicious thoughts The thoughts turned into black and red mist, which was continuously extracted by Xiao Zhong, turning into Xiao Zhong's power to fight back against Lu Qian.


The little bell chimed again.

The tall monk's eyebrows were split open, and a large area of ​​thick blood surged, revealing a 'Buddhist Kingdom' that made Lu Qian's hair stand on end.

When Lu Qian was in Liangyi Heaven, he saw the Buddhist kingdoms of countless Buddhas, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats.

Those Buddhist lands are all adorned with treasures, and there are treasures everywhere.

Even for the disciples of the lineage of the Buddha of Bliss and Joy, there are quite a number of objects in their Buddhist kingdom that are too fragrant to behold. Their Buddhist kingdom is also beautifully built, with mountains of gold, silver trees, pavilions of seven treasures... In short, once those Buddhist kingdoms of Buddhist cultivation are released, people will all be yearning for them, wishing they could enjoy the bliss forever in those Buddhist kingdoms!

And the tall monk's brows and eyes were torn open, revealing his Buddhist kingdom!

This monk's Buddhist kingdom has actually been completely integrated with his mind and soul!

His Buddhist country... completely overturned Lu Qian's concept of the word Buddhist country...

It was a thick sea of ​​blood.

In the middle of the sea of ​​blood is a volcano.

The volcano is covered with poisonous thorns.

There are countless swords deep in the thorn bush.

In the viscous blood sea, there are all kinds of poisonous insects and poisonous snakes. Countless poisonous insects and poisonous snakes are densely packed, almost filling the surface of the blood sea.

Countless souls of men, women, and children with pale faces, their whole bodies filled with incomparable malice, twisted evil thoughts, and crazy desires, were like floating corpses floating in the sea of ​​blood, constantly letting out hoarse and miserable wails.

Venomous snakes devour limbs.

Poisonous insects burrowed into the body.

The poisonous sea of ​​blood corrodes itself all the time.

From time to time, there are waves of evil wind rolling down from the top of the volcano, randomly picking up the pale white souls and scattering them all over the volcano.

The fire burned, the thorns strangled, the sword tore...

Always bear the most brutal tortures in the world!

These souls emit all kinds of negative and evil thoughts all the time. These thoughts turn into dark, sticky, and filthy thoughts, which surge towards the statue standing on the top of the volcano. It looks exactly like the tall monk, but it is a black and red Buddha statue with three heads, six arms and a ferocious face.

This black-red Buddha statue swallowed these evil thoughts and turned them into wisps of impure Buddhist power, which poured into the body of the tall monk. It polished and molded the various acupoints in the body bit by bit, and transformed the strange acupoints one after another. , Buddha patterns and seals that constantly exude unsettling negative aura are imprinted on these acupoints.

Among the many apertures that the tall monk has opened, in each aperture, there is an undead figure wearing heavy armor and with a pale face suspended in the black-red flames.

These undead souls have completely lost their spiritual intelligence, their bodies are filled with all kinds of twisted and evil thoughts, and they are full of the instinct to destroy everything and devour everything...

They are alienated 'Buddhist Dharma protectors'. As long as the tall monk releases them from the body, they can immediately turn into an army with considerable combat power...

I am Buddha...ci... Lu Qian opened his mouth, unable to speak.

This situation simply overturned Lu Qian's understanding of the word Buddhism.

The great power of Buddhism opens up the Buddhist kingdom and protects countless believers, and those believers also offer their most pure, pure, flawless and holy faith to the great power of Buddhism that protects their families...

Therefore, the true Buddhist power is vast, the Buddha's power is magnificent, and the whole body is crystal clear and flawless, just like diamond glass, with an extraordinary and spotless immortal aura.

However, it is very difficult to maintain such pure, pure, flawless, and holy faith. Even the most devout fanatics will inevitably have emotions and desires, and they will inevitably have some scattered thoughts when they encounter certain setbacks and tribulations.

And the tall monk in front of him.

He directly turned the Buddhist country into hell... To 'extract' that kind of pure, pure, flawless, and holy belief power is obviously an extremely difficult and arduous project that takes a long time and accumulates slowly.

Then do the opposite...

The more intelligent a creature is, the more distracting thoughts it has.

The more distracting thoughts there are, the more desires there are.

The more desires we have, the more violent the external demons we attract and the internal demons we breed become.

Capturing and torturing a sufficient number of unlucky souls... Extracting all the negative auras they breed... It is difficult to build and easy to destroy. Extracting negative auras is a hundred or a thousand times easier than refining all kinds of noble and holy beliefs and thoughts, or even Ten thousand times!

The more unlucky people are kept in captivity, the more cruel the methods of torturing them, the greater the total amount of negative energy they get, and the faster their cultivation level improves.

Such behavior is the devil's method!

You have the nerve to call yourself a disciple of Buddhism? Lu Qian looked at the tall monk in surprise.

Aren't all Buddhist disciples in today's world like this? The tall monk grinned, vomiting blood, and screamed: On the contrary, you ancient Buddhist cultivators are really...ignorant, stupid, and inexplicable! But... , rare and rare!”

The tall monk hissed: Little monk, in the Blood Sea Buddha Kingdom, there is still a lack of a Dharma King to rule the country... If I can infect your soul, turn you to the 'true Buddha's way', and turn you into a Dharma King to rule the country, That’s a perfect fit.”

How can a mere mortal spirit compare to a Buddhist cultivator like you who has been trained for so long?

In the sea of ​​​​blood, waves of blood rolled, and the filthy breath rose into the sky. The terrifying evil force crazily washed away countless souls in the blood sea. Those souls screamed in unison, watching their souls crack and shatter inch by inch, and were directly swallowed by the blood sea.

Inside the tall monk's body, among the tens of thousands of acupoints, a pale-faced mutated protector wearing heavy armor opened his eyes at the same time. Their eyes were dim, flashing a faint dark red.

wisps of stinking high-temperature fire wind surged out of the tall monk's body, and a mutated guardian wearing heavy armor quietly flew out of the tall monk's body. A series of shrill, tragic wails came from the mouths of these mutated protectors. Nearly a hundred thousand mutated protectors screamed in unison. Their roars, combined with the ringing of the small bell, forcibly destroyed Lu Qian's Great Brahma Thunder Sound. Shattered!

kill him!

The tall monk pointed at Lu Qian and said coldly: Give it to me again and massacre Xilan Village!

Little monk Minghai, I would like to ask my senior brother for your guidance today...and my senior brother's support in the future! The tall monk smiled brightly. The implication behind his words was that he already regarded Lu Qian as the king of his bloody hell!

Then, give it a try! Lu Qian let out a long roar, and the Tianlong Zen Staff flew up from his chest, turned into a dark golden five-clawed Tianlong, and struck hard at the small bell.

The next moment, the sky and the earth were filled with brilliant colors.

The five uncles roared in unison, and the innate and acquired power of the five elements surged. Together with Lu Qian, the void with a radius of thousands of miles was completely enveloped in a huge five-element aura, and a powerful five-element formation was developed. Monk Minghai and his tens of thousands of mutated guardians were completely wrapped in it.

The five elements transform and create and restrain each other.

The thunder and fire from the sky roared from all directions like a tide, and along with the sound of the Great Brahma's thunder, they hit Monk Minghai fiercely.

Monk Minghai laughed strangely again and again. In his blood sea hell, countless souls were instantly annihilated and turned into majestic power injected into his body. His body, which was shriveled up by Xiao Zhong, gradually became plump and plump, constantly providing Xiao Zhong with enough strength to squander.

The small bell's light flickered and turned into a height of ten feet.

Above the small clock, wisps of black evil energy rose up and turned into countless sharp claws, clawing at the Tianlong Zen Staff that landed in the sky.

Deafening roars continued to sound, and the power of the Tianlong Zen Staff was astonishing. The claws made of black evil energy shattered in large pieces. Monk Minghai was not careful, and was gently thrown by the tail of the Tianlong Zen Staff, tearing several pieces apart. Hundreds of claws intercepted and patted his left shoulder gently.


Monk Minghai's entire left shoulder and half of his body were shattered into pieces and exploded into a ball of blood mist.

In the Blood Sea Hell, hundreds of millions of souls were annihilated together, and majestic evil power was injected into the body. Monk Minghai's shattered body healed instantly.

But it was obvious that Monk Minghai's face was twitching and he lost hundreds of millions of souls in an instant. The number of souls in his Blood Sea Hell has obviously become much thinner!

Okay, okay, okay! Monk Minghai gritted his teeth and laughed loudly: Senior brother is really good at it... This Zen staff is definitely a good treasure... It's all mine, it's all mine!

With a loud shout, Monk Minghai stamped his foot.

On the hundreds of battleships of Nanyun Village behind him, Nan Yunshuang, Nan Yunlei, and even all the elite soldiers of Nanyun Village under their command, their flesh and blood were shattered, and their souls flew up quickly, falling into him in an instant. In the bloody hell in my mind.

at the same time.

It was quite far away from Xilan Village. According to the standard warships equipped by the two villages, more than 10 billion people fell to the ground in Nanyun Village, which had a voyage of more than half a year.

After countless people fell to the ground, their bodies melted rapidly and turned into a bloody light.

Accompanied by the pitiful howls of tens of billions of souls, these souls merged with blood and rose into the sky, like lightning streams, flying straight towards Xilan Village.

Lu Qian noticed that Monk Minghai's previous stomping of his feet released evil power.

This power seems to be projected in a very far direction.

He couldn't help but shouted: What did you do?

What have you done? Monk Minghai gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Qian: The crops that could have been harvested all year round were destroyed today...hehe, but it's worth it, it's worth it, it's all worth it!

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