Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 949: Tail Docking (3)

Lu Qian stood outside the pavilion.

Extremely handsome, even a bit charming, with long hair, and dozens of long and thin necklaces hung around her neck, studded with various gems, pearls, jade, tourmalines, corals, and clams. Waiting for the treasure, the young man covered most of his body like a necklace, and his body was covered with jewels. He leaned lazily on a soft couch, his body crooked, and he looked at Lu Qian sideways.

The aura of youth is very powerful, but also very weak.

He is powerful because of the turbulent Tao Yun in his body, his milky white skin is translucent, and there are countless nebula-like orifices shining inside, and the starlight is flowing, which is extremely gorgeous. Lu Qian glanced at the young man, his Tao Yun was shocked, and a number naturally appeared in his mind. This young man had opened 36,884,996 acupoints, not one more, and one more. Quite a few!

Weakness is due to the fact that this young man's cultivation was obviously the result of external initiation and forcible improvement.

The Tao Yun on his body was so powerful, but it was like the rotten flesh falling off a rotting corpse, unable to integrate closely with his own muscles and bones. How can such rotten meat exert its due power?

In other words, this young man's power is very powerful, but his soul and consciousness are extremely weak, and he cannot perfectly control this power.

Lu Qian looked at the young man's weak eyes and the two swollen, huge, black bags under his eyes, felt the empty blood in his body, and looked at his pale lips... This guy can perform at the peak of the heavenly general level. His fighting power is just a fluke, right?

A standard dandy, a typical waste among young men!

How are the soldiers I trained? The young man looked at Lu Qian with a smile. His voice was hoarse and low, weak, as if he had exhausted all his strength on some special occasion and howled at the top of his lungs all night, causing his throat to be torn. It cracked, that's why it made such a sound.

Trained soldiers? Not bad, very good! Lu Qian turned around, looked at those white arms and legs, and said with emotion: It's pleasing to the eye. They are indeed a group of good... soldiers!

It's indeed good. Not only does it look good, it's also easy to use. The young man grinned and grinned: If Master Xuanzang likes it, how about you take your fancy to who here, and take away a few of them? You're welcome, the people who came from your family before, It's all like this. These girls, take them back to warm your bed, they have a different flavor!

Lu Qian coughed slightly. It was difficult to express these words.

Look at those panting, delicate and timid ‘strongly dressed female warriors’. Their battlefield can only be on the bed, right? Send them to the battlefield? Lu Qian didn't know what the truly cruel battlefield was like in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, but he had seen the scene of the Five Military Mansion's troops plowing the courtyard and sweeping holes outside the Iron Gate Pass, on the territory of the Three Kings and One Lord... If these girls were thrown into that... In the meat grinder, I'm afraid there won't even be any dregs left.

The young monk is curious, the young master calls himself 'I am', who is he? Lu Qian clasped his hands together and stared directly at the young man.

You don't know? The young man looked at Lu Qian in surprise: You are here, and you don't know my name?

Lu Qian coughed slightly: This makes it appear that the young monk is acting carefully, isn't it? The Linghu family has undergone tremendous changes. The young monk only came to the Skull Collection to deliver a message on the orders of the senior... The young monk had never interacted with the young master's people before. We have interacted with each other before, if the young monk knew the young master's name so easily... wouldn't it mean that we were too negligent in our actions?

The young man blinked his eyes and nodded slowly: It makes some sense, is this the truth?

The young man looked at the large group of naked and beautiful girls and little girls around him. These beautiful women, big and small, just smiled, their watery eyes like poisonous snake spirits, wrapping around the young man's body tenderly. As for what the young man asked, they probably didn't hear clearly.

Lu Qian shook his head helplessly.

Well, there are people in the world who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, but the 'jun' in front of me is obviously not 'pretending to be a pig', but is actually a pig!

Are the Linghu clan, including the fallen former head of the family Linghu Ku, cooperating with such 'talents'?

The young man clapped his palms gently: That's all, what you said makes sense, and you are careful and careful... Come on, give me some wine, have a drink?

The little girl Delphinium jumped into the pavilion and out of the pavilion, handing a huge, antique bronze wine baron to Lu Qian. The wine jute can hold nearly a bucket of wine. The wine inside is a bright peach blossom color, with a faint layer of blood lingering inside.

After sniffing it, the wine smelled of peach blossoms, and there was also a faint smell of blood.

Lu Qian frowned and did not take the wine cup from Delphinium's hand. Instead, he clasped his hands together and chanted to Buddha in a deep voice: My Buddha is merciful, and the young monk abides by the precepts. I won't touch this wine at all!

Lu Qian drank ordinary good wine, and he liked it quite a lot.

But this wine just has a weird aroma. It also smells like blood. Who dares to drink it? No one knows what weird habits these wild and wanton young masters have in their daily lives. Does Lu Qian dare to touch the drinks they give him?

Bullshit commandments! The young man patted the girl beside him on the thigh, shook his head and said: Another boring one... you... uh, that's all!

It was obvious that the young man wanted to have an attack, for example, let the guards from outside come in, take Lu Qian down and beat him up with a three-hundred-pound board, or something like that; or, maybe, he would pour two jars of wine into this thieves' monk who refused to drink wine as a penalty. Liquor and the like.

But luckily, this young man has not reached the extreme point of waste.

He quickly remembered what Lu Qian had said before. He frowned and said in a deep voice, Let's talk about it. You said there was something wrong within the Linghu family? What problem? In the past two years, everything was going smoothly. Really? Well, who is your master?

The head of the family has died. Lu Qian said calmly: The various clans and houses in the clan competed for the position of the head of the family, and they used some unsightly means, which made the ancestors of the clan furious, and the elders of the nine major sects joined forces to conduct a thorough investigation. Each clan and clan wants to select a few outstanding people from the clan to take over the throne of the family head.

As a result... the losses over the years were discovered. Lu Qian sighed: The elder Zong ordered that all the clan members involved be imprisoned, and the actual persons in charge of various industries were also captured... Now, the elders are investigating where these materials have gone over the years.

Lu Qian spread his hands: Your Majesty, the young monk, is Zhu Tao Weng from Room 77. Do you recognize him? The young monk is following his order to find the owner of this room and wants to ask for a countermeasure.

The young man frowned: Weng Zhutao? Oh, oh, Linghu Zhutao. He has been here too. I remember that I also sent him two teams of elite soldiers. The old guy is not young and his fighting power is not weak. , two teams of elite soldiers were killed by him for three days and two nights, and they lost their armor and were completely defeated. Tsk tsk... They are really getting stronger with age, which makes me envious!

The young man rubbed his chin vigorously, his eyes flickered, and he showed a strange smile of great fascination and admiration.

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched.

He coughed lightly: Sir, what the young monk is talking about is that there has been a huge change in the Linghu clan!

The young man was stunned: Uh, yes, there has been a huge change in the Linghu clan, so what?

Lu Qian was a little confused. He looked at the young man in astonishment and looked him up and down - could it be that this guy is stupid?

Do you know what Linghu was involved in?

Counting from the time when Loulan Pass fell into the lower realm, there has been the death of the former Heavenly King Morenzhi, the death of a beloved emperor of Emperor Taihu, the death of Linghu Wuyou, Lingchan, Tianshu Laojun, etc. The important minister responsible for investigating the case in the lower realm was attacked on the way back to the Supreme Taichu Heaven. The royal treasure of the Taichu Emperor flowed out of the heaven and fell into the hands of evil demons and rebels outside the territory. King Qi Tian acted daringly and with the help of The Emperor Taichu's royal treasure attacked and killed the Lord of Heavenly Book and Lingxuan...

Among them, there is also Linghu Ku, who acted so boldly that he grabbed Emperor Taiyi's tiger skin and brazenly attacked and killed the commander of Tianting's Fifth Army Palace, the Great Heavenly Lord Qi Kang, at Tiemenguan; and, Taiyi like Linghu The great emperor's confidants, the Heavenly Clan, had their huge resources evaporated out of thin air, and seemed to be raising a private army, etc., etc...

This is also mixed with conjectures such as the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard may have been tainted by outsiders, the Fifth Military Mansion may have surrendered to a new master, and the power of the Heavenly Court has been invaded by others, which is horrifying to think about...

Then, in your case, it’s actually - ‘so what’?

Doesn't this matter?

Do you have a great background behind you, or are you really stupid?

Lu Qian looked at the young man with a confused expression, and the young man also looked at Lu Qian with a confused expression. The two stared at each other for a long time, and then the young man waved his hand: Well, Linghu is suffering to death? Then, wouldn't it be enough to change the head of the family who is close to me? How we did things in the past, we will continue to do so in the future. Already...

Seeing you eagerly running to the Skull Collection and seeking to meet in the most urgent secret way, I thought it was such a big deal? It turns out, it's nothing more than that!

The young man sighed: I was almost scared to death by you. Is this a trivial matter worthy of your special trip? In the past two years, I have been focusing on training soldiers and horses in the Black Mountain. Otherwise, you guys To send the signal, I have to rush from home in a hurry... Ouch!

The young man shook his head, looked at the confused Lu Qian, and suddenly smiled: Uh, by the way, what did you ask me before? What kind of gentleman am I? Scared, your master, Linghu Songtao, is also too careful. Yes. Remember, I, Peony, must remember it!

He casually took out a handful from the majestic chest of a little girl next to him, took out a Begonia mirror about a foot square, held it in front of him and looked at himself in the mirror seriously, Mr. Shaoyao murmured: Hey, I'm holding this He is unparalleledly handsome, as gorgeous as a peony...hehe, hehe, hehehe!

Lu Qian's mouth felt bitter.

Damn it!




Wouldn't it be much better if you used a nickname like 'Golden Crow', 'Jade Rabbit', 'Hanging Chan', or 'Xuan Chan'? ‘Shaoyaojun’, what the hell is this? And 'as gorgeous as peony'... Those unlucky ones from the Linghu family are cooperating with a slutty guy like you?

However, what is very strange is that according to Mr. Shaoyao, Linghu Zhutao and others seem to have a very good relationship with Mr. Shaoyao in this fortress? They seem to be in close contact? Mr. Shaoyao even gave them 'Elite Soldiers and Strong Generals' as gifts?

So, in the face of such torture, Linghu Zhutao and the others even revealed all the private matters about the boy Yuanyang they lost in a personal maid when they were a few years old... They have no reason not to tell Mr. Shaoyao 'Speak out his name and all kinds of information about him!

There is something weird here!

Did you make some kind of oath?

Or some kind of severe ban?

But whether it’s an oath or a ban, looking at Mr. Shaoyao’s ridiculous face, he doesn’t seem to be such a thoughtful person!

Coughing, coughing heavily, Lu Qian's fingers spasmed slightly, causing the thirty-six white bone relic beads to collide with each other, making a 'ding-ding' sound. He laughed dryly and said: Your Majesty's name is indeed... elegant and extraordinary in character. Then, then, little monk, little monk...

Mr. Shaoyao smiled faintly, waved his hand and said: Let's play music, then practice the troops... Two teams of elite soldiers and generals came up and practiced seriously. Which soldier general will have a battle skirt and a battle armor on his body later, that is If you don’t perform with all your heart, I will definitely punish you severely!”

Lu Qian went crazy.

Mr. Shaoyao reacted like this, behaved like this... He, Linghu Tian, ​​Tianshu Laojun and others were so cautious along the way, blocking the news, taking a detour, and using the star gate passage secretly set up by the Linghu family, dodging and dodging as if they were thieves. What exactly is the purpose of coming here?

It was obvious that Mr. Shaoyao didn't take the great changes within the Linghu clan at all!

In other words, he is too confident. He firmly believes that no matter how the Linghu family changes, the final situation will be under control?


No, no, no, how could Mr. Shaoyao, who was able to collude with the Linghu family, take charge of such an important matter, and control such a large area of ​​business in this Black Mountain, be such a shallow person?

Lu Qian's nervous calculations and Mr. Shaoyao's real thoughts, calculating the steps one, two, three, four, five and so on, what should be done next... The 'elite soldiers and generals' beside them who were panting and covered in sweat just now were already They were joking and joking, and ran away in a hurry.

The other two teams of three to five hundred fully armed girls with bright and innocent smiles on their handsome little faces, like a spring outing, exuding a youthful, romantic and unrestrained atmosphere, have already run up with small steps. .

Armor, battle skirt, spear and halberd made of wooden sticks, and a small soft bow with a power of less than ten kilograms. The arrows worn are all without arrowheads. The position of the arrowhead is wrapped in soft fur and silk. A small soft ball the size of a baby's fist, with bright rouge smeared on it!

Several pink flags were waving, and several small drums one foot square were beating dong dong.

The trumpet made of exquisite conch shells was blown cheerfully, and accompanied by Mr. Shaoyao's hearty shouts, the two new teams of 'elite soldiers and generals' set up in array, stepped on the smoke clouds, and rolled up wisps of fragrance. The breeze blew, flying three feet above the ground and making a ball in the air.

Light wooden poles hit the 'enemy' on the opposite side one after another. Wherever they hit, pieces of armor, battle skirts, and the few clothes of various colors flew up and fell, revealing large areas of white flesh.

Come, come, come, Master Xuanzang, give me a seat, give me a seat... I appreciate you, look at the quality of the elite soldiers and generals that I have dedicated myself to performing over the years! Mr. Shaoyao picked up a huge wine bottle. Hu, smiled and said: What bullshit rules, when you come to my place, just follow my rules obediently!

My rules are that you are a guest when you come, drink enough wine, eat enough meat, and play to your heart's content, girl! Mr. Shaoyao laughed loudly, leaning forward and backward with laughter, tears. The water laughed.


There was an extremely sharp impact of a gold instrument, like the sound of a jade chime, or even more like the sound of a sharp sword. The sharp and thin impact sound was like a red-hot iron needle drilling into the ear, causing severe pain to the eardrum, and then followed by His soul twitched violently.

Mr. Shaoyao, who was laughing crazily, groaned, fell down from the soft couch, and rolled on the ground in a mess.

As for the team of 'elite soldiers and generals' who were performing 'crazy martial arts', they all spurted blood, and their beautiful faces became stained with blood. They screamed and fell to the ground, holding their heads and rolling over.

You bastard! Mr. Shaoyao yelled angrily: Yueji...you son of a bitch...how dare you disobey your brother?

A faint fragrance of rose flowers wafted over.

Clothes as white as snow, with black hair like a waterfall, fair skin and beauty...cough, cough, this word is inappropriate, but when Lu Qian saw this young man with a white cloud falling from the sky at his feet, he could only think of white skin The word beautiful.

In fact, although he is a young man, he has picturesque features, red lips and white teeth, and a pair of watery red phoenix eyes, which has a bit of a phoenix spicy charm... He fell from the sky on a wisp of white clouds, with wisps of starlight lingering around him, There are strange phenomena appearing one after another in the void, as if countless white moon petals are falling lightly.

The light and timeless fragrance of the rose came to my face, light and refreshing, but like a pliable cloud, completely wrapping Lu Qian. Dense and soft, like the suffocating tenderness of a beautiful woman, it wraps your body, your acupoints, and your soul...

Lu Qian snorted.

His body swayed, and he felt a little weak all over, as if countless tiny beautiful hands were gently and tenderly grasping every muscle, nerve, and meridian in his body. Not in strength.

Lu Qian was shocked.

Such magical powers...such fragrance...this guy must be a direct descendant of Tai Chentian!

You can use your magical power in the fragrance. When you smell the fragrance, you are already imprisoned by the other party's magical power. Only those who are Taiyantian are best at this kind of magical secret method that can hurt people invisible!

Emperor Taiyi, he puts it on the bright side that the most powerful 'Tao' is 'smell'!

The Taiyi Heaven of Emperor Taiyi is the most famous place where hundreds of flowers gather in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. All the exotic flowers and plants in this world can be found in Taiyi Heaven. And the direct descendants of Emperor Taiyi are all named after flowers...such as Peony Lord, Rose Lord, etc., which are completely in line with the naming rules for the descendants of Emperor Taiyi!

As we all know, the descendants of Emperor Tai Zhen, his sons and daughters, are named King So-and-so.

Such as 'Peony King', 'Osmanthus King' and so on.

The person named Jun...should be his third generation grandchildren?

No wonder those members of the Linghu clan were involved in such a whirlpool. Haha, what the direct descendants of Emperor Taiyi did...no wonder, no wonder!

Mr. Yueji slowly landed on the ground. His hands, as white as snow, each held a golden bell the size of a fist. Just now, he struck the golden bell hard, and then he made such a sharp sound, separating Mr. Shaoyao and him. The elite soldiers and generals were completely thrown to the ground.

Lu Qian coughed lightly and saluted Yue Jijun with his hands together: Dare you ask this young master?

Yue Jijun looked at Lu Qian coldly and said calmly: Did Linghu Zhutao ask you to come?

Lu Qian nodded: Yes!

Yueji Jun snorted coldly and glanced at Shaoyao Jun: Since you know the great changes within the Linghu clan, why did you let this person lead so many subordinates to come here? This is a place where strangers can't Did you come in casually?

Don't tell me that because he gave the correct contact signal in the Skeleton Collection, he must be a good person.

Couldn't it be that Linghu Zhutao and the others were tortured and they betrayed us? Is this monk sent by some people from the Linghu clan, or even my father's enemies... as bait?

You allowed this monk to come here so smoothly. If this stronghold is exposed...

Mr. Shaoyao looked ugly and stood up twitchingly.

He shook his neck and looked at Yue Jijun angrily: You, teach me how to do things?

Yue Jijun's face turned cold. He was silent for a while and said softly: It's always not appropriate.

Mr. Shaoyao shouted sternly: Let me ask you, are you teaching me how to do things? Ah? I am the elder brother, and I am the supervisor here in Daheishan. You are just my deputy. Deputy, do you understand? Ah?

Yue Jijun said in a deep voice: I just thought...

Mr. Shaoyao interrupted Mr. Yueji and shouted sternly: I don't want you to think, I know, I thought Master Xuanzang was fine. There is no way there is anything wrong with him!

Lu Qian was silently moved in his heart - this Mr. Shaoyao is indeed a simple and honest person. When everyone met for the first time, they dared to guarantee that he would have no problem... How did such a simple and honest person live smoothly to this day? of?

Yue Jijun's face turned cold: That's enough!

The golden bell in his hand hit hard again, and the piercing chirping sound made Mr. Shaoyao scream again, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment, twitching all over.

Yue Jijun looked at Lu Qian and said in a cold voice: Come here, cut off all connections with the Skull Collection, cut off all channels over there... This stronghold cannot be left, everyone must retreat, Daheishan's All strongholds gathered, lurked, and waited for orders.

Capture this monk alive. I have something to ask him!

Following Yue Jijun's scolding, a large group of truly elite soldiers wearing heavy armor and with strict aura strode into the garden, rushing towards Lu Qian like wolves and tigers.

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