Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 956: Imperial Power (2)

Laojun Tianshu and King Qiugui face each other.

Lu Qian had a sudden attack.

The power of the Life Star Pill immersed in the whole body was originally suppressed by the Taichu Emperor's magical power. It was hidden deep in various acupoints and limbs and bones. It was released little by little, strengthening Lu Qian's physical body little by little, increasing his cultivation.

At this moment, Lu Qian resolutely activated his transcendent power, and his Buddhist power was like a flame, sweeping across his entire body in an instant. The power of the Life Star Pill is like huge gunpowder barrels, exploding with a bang, and the pure, pure, and huge power of the medicine is activated, like blazing magma and golden water, emitting high-temperature flames, and is poured into Lu Qian's unmelted and forged parts little by little. in the orifice.

Three thousand...

Six thousand...

Nine thousand...

In the Landa Buddha Fruit, it is recorded that in ancient times, there was a Supreme Being in Buddhism named Snow Mountain Phoenix. It is the innate power that was born when the world was created, sensing the two qi of yin and yang. He once swallowed the Buddha's World Honored One in one gulp!

Landa Buddha's fruit shines brightly. Lu Qian feels this trace of inheritance and feels extremely familiar inexplicably!

If his memory is correct, he was extremely familiar with this story in his previous life... It's very strange. Why is there such a Buddhist allusion recorded in Landa Buddha? Or is it that Landa Buddha and Lu Qian's previous life have some inseparable and continuous connections?

However, this is not important anymore.

The important thing is that this allusion brings about a great magical power of Buddhism that is almost like magic - the return of the Buddha Mother to Tibet!

In Lu Qian's shining holes, the fourth leaf on the small Bodhi seedling is growing rapidly. In Lu Qian's acupuncture point, the terrifying devouring force like a black hole burst out of thin air, and the power of the Life Star Pill hidden deep in the body was swept away in just one breath. The fourth leaf was completely completed in an instant, and the number of acupoints opened in Lu Qian's body directly reached three million.

I am Buddha, compassionate!

Lu Qian turned his back to the sky and took a deep breath. The void around him suddenly stirred. Behind him, a huge colorful bird shadow flashed past, a breath that was 80% to 90% similar to the big parrot, but older, more noble, more reserved, and more profound. The breath surged, and then the void around Lu Qian collapsed!

Tens of thousands of miles away, millions of warships that were not in the coverage area of ​​the great power of the Great Brahma Thunder Sound and were not destroyed by the earthquake made a crunching sound, and each warship moved forward slowly involuntarily. As soon as it moved, it was like millions of weak krill, facing the abyss of a giant whale, with no room for resistance.

Not only that, the millions of battleships that were shattered by the thunderous sound of Dafan before, as well as the hundreds of millions of private soldiers, masters of casual cultivators, etc., were shocked to pieces and annihilated, and their souls were shattered. , but the Tao Yun that makes up their physical bodies, the magic power they have gained from practicing for countless years, and those heaven and earth inspirations, etc., are now wandering around, returning to the world little by little.

At this moment, these Taoist rhymes, these inspirations, these magic powers, these tangible and intangible things all shook together, and then turned into streams of crystal light visible to the naked eye, rushing towards Lu Qian's open mouth like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

The Phoenix opened its mouth and the World Honored One entered its belly.

Even those unparalleled powers could not withstand the phoenix's breath. At this moment, Lu Qian was just showing off his magical power. It was also not something that King Qiu Gui's private army could resist, let alone those who had been suppressed and killed.

You all have sins, little monk, and I have come here to eliminate your sins. The dark golden Buddha light around Lu Qian's body became pure and transparent, and the acupoints in his body flashed rapidly, and he was constantly being pounded. The surging power of the new Buddha forced it to break open.

The golden mill of the soul rotated rapidly, and all the incoming Taoist charm, spiritual inspiration, magic power, etc. were all ground into the purest transcendent power, which was poured into Lu Qian's acupuncture points bit by bit.

The speed of opening acupoints soared.

Ten thousand...

Twenty thousand...

Thirty thousand...

In the star field around Blackpool Star, one hundred thousand stars, big and small, and trillions of creatures were killed by King Qiu Gui's private fleet. Stars were shattered into pieces by the battleships, and countless creatures were turned into dust.

Their Tao Yun, their inspiration, their magic power...as well as the fundamental source power of these more than 100,000 stars, the Tao Yun, inspiration and so on that make up these stars... were all quickly accelerated by Lu Qian's Phoenix Hidden Great Divine Power. Devouring...

Under the command of King Qiu Gui, millions of intact warships were trembling violently, making terrible creaking sounds, and were constantly approaching Lu Qian, approaching, approaching...

On the battleship, the bodies of hundreds of millions of private soldiers were trembling violently.

Their bodies were almost torn apart. The essence, mana, soul, etc. in their bodies, everything they had, flowed out uncontrollably, and then returned to their original state under the terrifying effect of the great magical power of Phoenix Guizang. Returning to the Yuan Dynasty, it transformed into the pure and strong rhyme of the great road and the inspiration of heaven and earth, pouring into Lu Qian's body like running water.

Both Tianshu Laojun and King Qiugui were frightened by the movement caused by Lu Qian's magical power.

King Qiu Gui roared at the top of his lungs: Monk, what kind of evil technique are you doing?

Tianshu Laojun is well-informed. He glanced at Lu Qian, his face twitched, and then he laughed: This kind of skill that benefits oneself at the expense of others... Well, since you are from the little old man, then That’s no problem, this is an upright magical power!”

Judging from the appearance of the Phoenix's Burial Power, it is a demonic skill that devours foreign objects and achieves one's own achievement.

Lord Tianshu has seen many such demonic techniques that harm others and benefit himself in his lifetime... He has even seen an ancient unparalleled demon that swallowed up a region of the sky in one go, taking away all the stars and everything in that region of the sky. The terrifying magical power that turns all living things and all tangible and intangible concepts into his own nourishment.

Compared to those unparalleled demons, what does Lu Qian’s little movement mean?

King Qiu Gui roared angrily, and the colorful light around him changed, suddenly turning into a shimmering and erratic colorful cloud, rushing towards Lu Qian.

Being swallowed up like this by Lu Qian, what little private fleet he had left could no longer be saved...

The Sky Book Laojun shook the fly whisk lightly in his hand, and suddenly the sky was filled with long white beards. In the sound of chichi, shimmering white threads shuttled through the void, sealing off the current world and running through the laws of the great road. , cutting off all avenues of advance, retreat, and evasion for King Qiu Gui.

King Qiu Gui bumped into countless white silk threads. This thin whisk hairspring was as thin and long as a knife. He was hit hard and his face was covered with fine cuts, and tiny traces of blood continued to flow down. .

Old ghost! King Qiu Gui roared angrily: You...how did you hurt me?

King Qiu Gui looked at Mr. Tianshu with a little shock... He had just been slapped by Lu Yi. It can also be said that Lu Yi borrowed the power of the Oriental Glazed Pillar, which was an imperial weapon. Being slapped by someone holding an imperial weapon was... not shabby.

After all, King Qiu Gui is just the Xinnen Emperor who has just condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit!

But Mr. Tianshu... the whisk in his hand looks ordinary, and does not have the earth-shattering power and overwhelming aura of the imperial soldiers... King Qiu Gui has already used the power of the great avenue, integrating himself into the great avenue, and with the help of The power of the great avenue escapes and kills him in the air... Under such circumstances, how did Mr. Tianshu force him out of the power of the great avenue?

You were restrained by the Eight Scenery Baohua Lantern... Therefore, your fundamental way is the way of the void! King Qiu Gui gritted his teeth and looked at the Lord of the Book of Heaven, and said what ordinary people could not possibly know, the root of the way of the Lord of the Book of the Book.

The old gentleman of Tianshu looked at King Qiu Gui thoughtfully, and said slowly: The little old man practices the Great Way of the Void. There are only a few people in the world who know about this matter... Well, Xiao Guizi, yours The news is very good!

King Qiu Gui smiled coldly: It's just that because the Void Avenue is a brilliant avenue between heaven and earth, and more importantly... the art of the Void is a avenue that countless great powers have dabbled in and use every day... so, no There may be anyone who can control the Void Avenue, but it is impossible for anyone to achieve the status of the Great Emperor through the Void Avenue!

Lord Tianshu nodded and agreed with King Qiu Gui's statement.

The Void Avenue is so important. As for any big shot with a bit of class, who wouldn’t know how to use the Void Technique? What about teleportation, what about breaking through the air, what about dimensional cutting, what about separation of small worlds, etc. This is a must-have for staying at home, traveling, practicing, and fighting!

When you reach a certain level, if you don't know how to use space techniques, then just wait for someone to pin you down on the ground and explode the hammer!

You don’t have to be proficient in void methods, but you must not have them!

In this case, no one can condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit through the Void Avenue... Not even Taichu the Great and the others... If they want to do this, they will deny the use of others on the Void Avenue. Quan', everyone will join forces to fight them!

This is causing public outrage!

Therefore, no one can achieve the status of emperor through the Void Avenue.

The old Lord of Tianshu cultivated the Void Dao. Precisely because he majored in the Void Dao, he could not be the Great Emperor. He could not, in the situation just now, remove King Qiu Gui, who had already become a Taoist, from the Dao. Forced out!

How did you do it? King Qiu Gui looked at Old Master Tianshu in confusion: Is it possible that this emperor is still a fake emperor?

Mr. Tianshu coughed lightly and looked at King Qiu Gui up and down with a strange expression: Xiao Guizi, are you so proud that... you have become stupid?

King Qiu Gui's expression changed again.

The old man of Tianshu sighed: Little old man, I majored in the way of void, because my foundation... Ahem, I don't need to tell you... I did major in the way of void, The way of the void, in today’s world, it is indeed impossible to achieve the status of the Great Emperor… Whoever dares will die.”

But how come the little old man has lived for so many years? He has been working diligently for Heaven for countless years beside the emperor... The little old man has no credit, but also hard work, right? With the power of heaven, the little old man wants to invade Isn’t it strange that there are 3578 ordinary paths that condense the Emperor’s Seal Dao Fruit?”

Mr. Tianshu said quietly: A swampy miasma trail like yours can condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit... then...

Lord Tianshu smiled brightly.

King Qiu Gui looked at Old Master Tianshu with a look of disbelief - yes, he, King Qiu Gui, was able to seize a small path to condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit in private... As long as Emperor Taichu wanted to help an important minister in heaven like Mr. Tianshu, he could help Is it difficult for him to condense a few small paths and fruits? Any questions? Isn't that normal?

But, but... King Qiu Gui's tongue was a little curled up.



For so many years, King Qiu Gui, as an emperor who was not the most favored son by Emperor Taiyi's side, was always focused on his own affairs. Occasionally he looked up at the sky, and all he saw was the overly splendid and radiant figure of Emperor Taiyi.

Therefore, in his heart, he only had Emperor Taiyi, and the two great emperors Taichu and Taihu who were as famous as him.

Apart from these three, in King Qiu Gui's knowledge, there is no one in the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven - after all, look at the powerful officials who usually show off and are arrogant and domineering in the Supreme Heaven.

They are all like the Great Heavenly Lord, people in the realm of the Great Heavenly Lord!

And is it difficult for Mahatma to cultivate?

King Qiu Gui's two precious sons, Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji, are directly at the peak of the Great Perfection of the Great Heavenly Lord. Their cultivation is even faintly better than that of the Great Heavenly Lord!

And King Qiu Gui himself has condensed 480 million acupoints, reaching the terrifying existence of the critical point of the great emperor realm!

As long as he condenses the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, he will directly cross the threshold and achieve the status of the Great Emperor!

Therefore, in the heart of King Qiu Gui, apart from the three great emperors, he is the only one in the world... And since he has ascended the throne, then... he can even stand shoulder to shoulder with the three great emperors. Who else should he be afraid of?

But he ignored that he, an unpopular emperor, could work hard and use various means to kill all his competitors on the road to seize the throne, so as to monopolize the avenue and condense the imperial seal's Dao Fruit...

So, what about those emperor's sons who are truly favored by the emperor?

What about those ministers who are really important to the emperor?

They may not be able to condense the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit of a top avenue... For example, there is probably no one in the world who has this ability to condense Dao Fruit such as time and space. But a mid-level road is fine!

There was cold sweat on King Qiu Gui's forehead.

The layer of light vapor in his mind suddenly evaporated, and his soul became clearer and clearer than ever before. He said softly: Yes, why I chose the small path of swamp miasma, isn't it because similar, more powerful paths have been occupied by heaven?

In heaven, there is a special ‘cloud god’, a special ‘fog god’, and a special ‘river god’.

These priesthoods occupy powerful avenues such as 'cloud', 'fog', 'xia', 'qi', 'rainbow', 'ni', and even 'water vapor' and 'cloud steaming clouds'. These obviously powerful Dao Yun have been occupied by the Heavenly Court, and outsiders cannot touch them at all... Therefore, King Qiu Gui can only start with the 'swamp miasma' that no one has occupied, and even the Heavenly Court 'disdains to pay attention to'!

Occupied by the heaven, there are such powerful natural avenues as well as wind, rain, thunder, electricity, earthquake, volcano, sea, mulberry field and other avenues, And all the great laws derived from it.

All in all, the Heavenly Court exclusively occupies more than 40% of the great avenues of heaven and earth. When broken down, the laws of the great avenues amount to more than millions or tens of millions?

With so many great laws, isn't it only natural to extract a few from them and cultivate a group of close ministers who have the 'rank' of the Great Emperor but whose strength will not pose a threat to the Taichu Emperor?

I'm confused. King Qiu Gui laughed self-deprecatingly. He no longer looked at Lu Qian, but looked solemnly at Lord Tianshu.

So, please give me some advice! King Qiu Gui took a deep breath, and the colorful clouds around him rose. A faint poisonous rhyme surged and rolled in the clouds. The magnificent and changing blurred light suddenly illuminated the sky. , a nauseating feeling that makes the skin feel sticky and wet, as if there are small bugs constantly burrowing into the skin, arises out of thin air.

Mr. Tianshu smiled and nodded: I don't dare to give advice, just... teach me a lesson, teach me a lesson!

With a smile on his face, Mr. Tianshu shook the whisk in his hand slightly, white light flashed, and the whisk turned into a white jade ruler about a foot long, with four big characters looming on it - Respect Teachers and Value Teaching!

The little old man is not talented. He has indeed condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit. Haha, this honorable master teaches the four words, and today I just use it to teach you, little Guizi... Hehe! After slaughtering this star field, you are You can do it... But the crime is not up to me, I just want to beat you up and find out who are you little bastards!

Lord Tianshu grimaced and became extremely serious.

You can know the whole leopard by looking at its spots. What is the identity of King Qiu Gui? After some operations, he has successfully ascended to the throne. So, what is the identity of King Qiu Gui’s accomplices? What's the origin?

If they all have the status of ‘Emperor’s Son’ and they join forces to keep each other warm...if they continue to develop, will they pose a threat to the situation of the Supreme Taichu Heaven?

Don't say it's impossible!

The once supreme Taichu God... The Lord of the Book of Heaven experienced those ups and downs, that terrifying era when blood was rolling in the sky and human life was like a dream... The three great emperors of Taichu, Taiqu, and Taiyi were once , they are just three inconspicuous little ants in the vast world!

The results of it?

Three little ants went upstream, fighting for their lives... In the end, the ancient sects that had once been so famous were wiped out; the ancient Landuo temple that once suppressed one party was shattered into pieces; and how many terrifying powers that suppressed the galaxy were in today's endless world. When he went to Taichu Heaven, not even a name was left behind!

When the ants are weak, they can be easily destroyed.

But once they rise, their fate is unpredictable.

Mr. Tianshu will never underestimate King Qiu Gui, or King Qiu Gui's accomplices.

Who knows what the future holds?

Tianshu Laojun is very satisfied with his current small life. He doesn't want to have a few of today's little minions, struggling to develop in a dark corner, and finally becoming famous in one day, kicking these big shots. Into the dustbin of history.

Otherwise, would the three great emperors act like this?

Look at Tianshu Secret Pavilion, how many unlucky people have been killed?

Isn't it that Emperor Taichu wants to find out the few little ghosts hiding behind the scenes?

The ruler rose up, bringing with it a touch of mighty majesty, and struck King Qiu Gui head-on - this aura was only majestic, not powerful. It's like, when you were naughty in school when you were a child, your teacher's eyes widened and he glared at you fiercely. The pressure from 'education' came to you, forcing you to obey and not to do anything. If you don't bow your head, even the naughty and mischievous child will be obedient and bow his head to the old gentleman with a low eyebrow.

This kind of educational power is not violence.

Your old man, unless you are extremely unlucky, you will definitely not be a rough guy like Lu Qian, who is several feet tall, broad-shouldered, and has fists as big as a carriage, to ‘educate’ you with a slap in the face!

This is etiquette.

This is law.

This is Tao.

This is the way to educate!

King Qiu Gui raised his head with a grin on his face, and his three eyes bulged, staring straight at the ruler that fell slowly and slowly. The colorful glow lingered around him, and the poison spread rapidly to the surroundings in waves.

But it's all useless.

When the ruler falls, wherever it passes, the glow is shattered and the poison is annihilated. Laojun Tianshu put his hands behind his back with a smile, controlled the ruler and struck it lightly on King Qiu Gui's forehead, until he groaned, and wisps of true fire spurted out from his seven orifices, as if his body was being crushed by a huge mountain. , he couldn't help but crawl down in the void.

The ruler hit King Qiu Gui hard on his butt.

Mr. Tianshu deliberately used great force, and the robe on King Qiu Gui was torn to pieces, exposing a large area of ​​white and tight buttocks. The beating made the flesh ripple, and King Qiu Gui moaned in pain. ’ scolded.

Come here, give it to me, give it to me, kill it! King Qiu Gui didn't care about pretentiousness. The style of the 'great emperor', the majesty of the great emperor, and so on, were all lost to the sky. He roared at the top of his lungs, struggling hard to resist the suppression and teachings of Lord Tianshu, while giving orders to his two precious sons and countless subordinates.

Lu Qian's great magical power of the Phoenix Return to Tibet is being fully activated. His cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the power of the great magical power is also increasing accordingly. The terrifying devouring power made millions of battleships scream in unison, and the vitality, blood, and cultivation of countless private soldiers were constantly leaking out.

Hearing King Qiu Gui's roar, these private soldiers seemed to be struck by lightning and suddenly woke up from the shock. They hissed and roared, formed a formation quickly, and with the help of Lu Qian's devouring power, they galloped towards Lu Qian and the Lord Tianshu as fast as a stream of light.

The sky is filled with swords, spears, swords and halberds.

Countless magical powers.

Various secret treasures and magic weapons.

There are also secret spells and witchcraft.

Many attacks were like a world-destroying flood, sweeping across in a mighty manner. Lu Qian roared loudly, and the Buddha power surged in his body, continuously injecting it into the Oriental Glazed Pillar. As a result, the azure glazed Buddha light shone in all directions, and no matter how many attacks swept across the sky, it was unable to touch a single hair on Lu Qian's body.

Landa Ancient Temple's important treasure to suppress the Buddha heavens in all directions, a majestic and imperial-level weapon... and Lu Qian, a serious Buddhist disciple who has inherited Landa Buddha's fruit inheritance, is fully urging them. How can these private soldiers be swayed at all?

The Lord of the Book of Heaven even smiled calmly with his hands behind his back, and said, If you don't teach, you won't be effective. Suddenly, from all directions, hundreds of millions of private soldiers knelt on the ground, each one of them trembling with fear, unable to move any more.

Lu Qian took advantage of the situation and took a big gulp, watching as tens of thousands of battleships collapsed and shattered into tiny particles, which were swallowed by Lu Qian in one gulp.

Drink lightly throughout your life and spread from afar.

So majestic, so domineering... Mr. Tianshu, don't go too far as a human being.

Following this soft drink, a strange-shaped weapon snaked through the air, like a poisonous snake that was refracted in the air, with lightning all over the sky, and with a 'chi-la' sound, it hit the old man of Tianshu who had his hands behind his back and was resting.

The blow came too fast and too hard.

Mr. Tianshu didn't even check, and he didn't even have time to dodge or use any defensive treasure. He was directly blasted thousands of miles away by the blow. Blood spurted out from his mouth and dyed a large area of ​​his chest and clothes red.

Hehe, here comes another one! Mr. Tianshu smiled a little embarrassedly, but his eyes were shining with excitement.

Here comes another one.

The person behind King Qiu Gui jumped out on his own initiative.

This is about getting rewarded for meritorious service!

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