Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 961: Hunting (2)

When the commander-in-chief and Black Bear started fighting, Lu Qian was watching from a very close distance.

It is only a dozen feet long and is completely snow-white. It is carved entirely from the roots of a strange old tree. The small flying boat is densely covered with patterns of hundreds of flowers and has a strange aroma surging all over its body. Lu Qian stood on the bow of the ship, surrounded by huge ships from heaven criss-crossing each other, like a sardine, wandering into a group of hunting giant sharks without knowing what it was capable of.

But the giant sharks walking around turned a blind eye to this little sardine, and even felt a little guilty and fearful. When many giant ships passed by this small airship, their speeds inexplicably dropped, and their trajectories drew a slight arc, trying to avoid the airship as much as possible.

Lu Qian didn't think these guys in heaven knew him.

So, did they recognize this little flying boat?

Who is that black bear? The son of the owner of Yunchaling? Lu Qian pointed at the big black bear that was being violently attacked by 108 thunder clones.

Heiyun Lord, one of the adopted sons of the old master of Yunchaling... The old master of Yunchaling has never heard of marriage. No one knows whether he has a biological son. There was once a matchmaker who was photographed by him. After eating the meat pie, no one mentioned it anymore. Next to Lu Qian, the handsome and handsome Chunlan King in a shredded golden gown answered his question with a smile.

King Chunlan, the son of Emperor Tai Zhen, and the half-brother of King Qiu Gui.

Spring orchid is an extremely precious species among flowers and is the representative of many flowers in spring. Therefore, one can imagine the status of King Chunlan among the many sons of Emperor Tai Zhen. Among the many publicly announced sons of Emperor Taiyi, he is the oldest and has the highest achievements. He is also the only son of Taiyi that everyone knows and is certain has an emperor-level cultivation level.

But on this trip, Lu Qian is the main leader and King Chunlan is the assistant!

Lu Qian was a little uncomfortable, and King Chunlan was also a little embarrassed.

However, Lu Qian has always been big-hearted, and King Chunlan seems to have a good personality, and has not shown any arrogance because of his imperial existence as his deputy. Therefore, the two of them got along well along the way.

This is the first thing. King Chunlan pointed at Lord Heiyun and commented: Yuncha Ridge is originally a place where demons dance wildly, and it is a big cancer in the world. And this Lord Heiyun is the cancer among cancers. , the bastard among bastards. A person who is rude, arrogant, and unreasonable... Under Taiyuan, the four major clans of Linghu, Dugu, Nangong, and Beitang have become quite different from Yunchaling in recent years. There was friction and I dealt with him several times.”

Is it difficult to deal with? Lu Qian asked King Chunlan curiously.

King Chunlan's face was a little ugly, and he laughed dryly: The main reason is that I can't hit him.

Can't beat it?

The sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and the thunder was deafening. The commander used his magical powers to attack Lord Heiyun fiercely. Lord Heiyun opened his arms freely and allowed the commander to beat him randomly. The clothes on his body were completely reduced to nothing, and the black hairs stood erect in the thunder. He allowed the various weapons made of thunder to smash around his body, but in the end, not even a single scar was left on his body!

The majestic Commander-in-Chief, the supreme leader of the Heavenly Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, the true confidant of Emperor Taichu, the big boss of the secret spies who monitor Zhou Tian and the world, and even the most important person in charge of the Thunder Avenue in Heaven... Although it was only a clone who took action, but there was no Being able to break through the physical defense of a mere junior like Lord Heiyun... This is indeed a bit exaggerated!

The Emperor's intention... Lu Qian looked at King Chunlan.

Lord Lu Qian's meaning now represents what my father meant. King Chunlan smiled meekly at Lu Qian: No matter what you want to do, Chunlan will cooperate with you... Don't worry, Chunlan will never do it. To hold you back, Chunlan is not that idiot like Qiu Gui who would do such a thing.

However, Mr. Heiyun is really difficult to deal with. King Chunlan sighed: No matter what my father asks Mr. Lu Qian to do, you'd better be mentally prepared.

Lu Qian looked at King Chunlan and smiled helplessly.

Damn, this is another 'good son' who seems to be very 'cooperative'... His words were gentle and docile, as if he really was very cooperative. But before anything was done, all the blame was put on Lord Heiyun's head.

Okay, very good.

All the sons of Emperor Taiyi are really good.

However, Lu Qian took a gentle breath, and the boundless power of transcendence surged up in his body, rolling up like a tsunami.

Feeling the 110 million acupoints that have been completely opened up in the body...feeling the extremely majestic relics from two Buddha-level ancient Buddha relics that are still accumulated in various acupoints in the body and have not yet been fully absorbed. , as well as the essence of the relics of many Buddhist greats in the ancient Landa Temple...

Well, Emperor Taiyi and White Snake gave so many benefits that Lu Qian was embarrassed to work as a foreigner!

I'm afraid there's nothing interesting to see here. Lu Qian sighed quietly: Let's go directly to Yuncha Ridge. The job given by the emperor is not easy to handle.

The secret line placed by Emperor Taiyi in Heaven is still very powerful.

Immediately after Yuan Fu's defection, Emperor Tai Zhen's secret agent spread the relevant news. Even the commander-in-chief found out the cause and effect of this clue and found out everything.

Yuan Fu, the nephew of Emperor Taichu, actually colluded with a group of second-generation members of the Heavenly Court, secretly amassed gang members, formed a secret party, and plotted against evil?

This thing is very interesting.

Thinking of what King Qiu Gui had done, Emperor Taiyi determined that Yuan Fu was probably an accomplice of King Qiu Gui, and the members of their organization were definitely not just King Qiu Gui and Yuan Fu, but they were probably also mixed with others. and others.

Catch Yuan Fu, follow him to find out the other members of their organization!

Even, if possible, thoroughly investigate what Yuan Shen and the others have done over the years!

This is the task that Emperor Taiyi and White Snake gave Lu Qian - for this task, Emperor Taiyi even threw away his most valued son, King Chunlan.

Even so, Lu Qian was not sure about completing Emperor Taiyi's mission.

Lu Qian didn't know how strong the commander was, after all, they had never fought against each other... But Lu Qian knew the identity of the commander. He could almost be regarded as the sharpest and most terrifying knife that Emperor Taichu kept in the dark... ...For such a person, although he did not take action personally, he just used thunder to condense the avatar, and his power was terrifying.

Such one hundred and eight thunder clones can't break through Lord Heiyun's skin!

Yuan Fu is actually on good terms with people like Hei Yunjun - even Lord Hei Yun is very likely to be a member of Yuan Fu's secret society... Lu Qian's target is actually such a person!

Just thinking about it, Lu Qian couldn't help but feel his scalp numb!

He is just a 'poor little' who has opened 100 million acupuncture points!

Dealing with these second-generation people who have great backgrounds and hidden unfathomable potential forces behind them, Lu Qian even felt that his head was a little unstable on his neck without having an 'Emperor-level' cultivation!

However, it has reached its current limit.

Lu Qian's current soul level, his current physical strength, and all external conditions are here. Even with the personal blessings of Emperor Taiyi and White Snake, Lu Qian's current cultivation level can only reach this point!

If he goes one step further, his physical body may not be able to withstand the erosion of Dao Yun. His body may be directly 'assimilated' by Dao Yun, and his soul may be 'fascinated by Dao' and completely sink into the endless mysteries of Dao. Can't wake up either!

In that compartment, Lord Heiyun swallowed the honeycomb in his hand with a slurp.

His big honey-filled hands rubbed the black hair on his chest twice, and hissed: I'm giving you face, huh? Commander, I've given you enough face... Next, I'll give you a knife!

With a loud roar, the Santing machete in his hand suddenly swayed with countless white clouds and dragons. The silent sword light crisscrossed, countless thunders around him shattered, countless thunders disappeared, and one hundred and eight thunders The clones made of pulp were hit by a knife at the same time, and were easily split into two pieces by the knife.

Lord Heiyun's huge, slender body was like a dark cloud rising in a hurricane, sliding out of an arc with great lightness, and reaching the top of the commander's head in an instant. He roared loudly, and the Dao lines formed by the Dao rhymes on the edge of the broadsword in his hand suddenly shone brightly. The Dao rhymes of Kill the enemy and Slaughter the common people condensed in the blade light, and turned into a cold light and suddenly tore it apart. Split the void.

The Commander-in-Chief sighed softly: In this case, even if your father faces me in person, it's hard to say that I bullied a child.

Me too, I'll make you proud.

The Commander-in-Chief raised his right hand and gently pinched and twisted it with the index and middle fingers of his right hand. His fingers accurately grasped the edge of Lord Heiyun's knife, and with a 'choking' sound, the blade in Lord Heiyun's hand suddenly exploded, opening a gap the size of a human head. The commander let out a clear roar, clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched Lord Heiyun in the chest.

Lord Heiyun, who had just allowed one hundred and eight thunder clones to slash and beat him without losing a single hair, now looked like a little chicken that had been hit by a giant in front of his face. He was vomiting blood, and the flesh and blood on his chest was everywhere. He was instantly annihilated in a ball of dazzling lightning, and his whole body trembled violently, drawing a rapid arc backwards, and flying backwards with thorns in his hands and feet.

Plasma vibrated on his chest, and a clear fist mark sunk deeply into his ribs, which were as dark as black gold. The fist mark was beating slightly like a heart. Every time it vibrated, there were countless sharp electric rays vibrating and flashing violently. The violent electric current impacted Heiyun Lord's internal organs, causing him to roar and curse in pain, and kept spitting out his mouth. Bleeding water and white foam.

In the turbulent flow of stars and stones behind Lord Heiyun, several giant men with tall hawks rushed out, grabbed Lord Heiyun with all their hands, and turned around to leave.

The old ghost is fierce, pull! A big bull-headed man stomped away. As he walked, he shouted at the top of his voice, roaring with all his strength: Zhahu, pull! Lord Heiyun is in trouble. Let's resist this old ghost. but!

Behind the star stones, a large number of strong men and women with strange and strange looks, with obvious animal characteristics on their bodies, appeared one after another, and each one set up various evil spirits, dark clouds, poisonous fog and the like, and screamed 'baiyahaha' Then, like a flood that broke a bank, it fled behind the turbulent flow of stars in a mess.

There were also warships of various materials, different sizes, and weird shapes, which could even be said to be a mess of large and small warships rushing out from behind the star stones. Controlled by various monsters and monsters, they fled like wasps exploding their nests.

The overall style of these large and small warships captures the essence of the word rabble. At first glance, Lu Qian thought that some beggar had taken out all the treasures from the bottom of his box and was here basking in the sun to remove mold!

However, the number is really large.

Under the command of the great commander, the number of heavenly warships gathered here has exceeded one million.

And there are a huge number of ships of all colors and sizes ambushed in this turbulent stream of stars and stones, numbering as many as three million!

When these ships, large and small, started to run away with the slogan The wind is tight and howling, various defensive formations were activated on each large and small warship, and all kinds of light masks were running rampantly, piece by piece. Large and small star stones were smashed into pieces, sparking countless fires and erupting with dull loud noises.

The galaxy is in chaos.

The Commander-in-Chief made a slight fist with his right hand and waved forward slightly: Strike!

The warships of the Five Military Mansion, the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, Thunder, Lightning, Wind, Rain, and even the Five Elements Fighting Department, as well as other powerful departments of the Heavenly Court rushed out one after another. Flags were waving, battle flags were swaying, horns sounded high, drums sounded low, mirrors emitted magnificent forbidden light to seal the world, and large ordnance spewed out flames that destroyed everything...

The various mobs brought by Lord Heiyun, warships of various sizes were blown up in the air.

In an average breath, hundreds of large and small warships can be blown to pieces in the air. The sky is full of heavenly military judges wearing long robes and holding jade slips flying in and out. They are constantly marking the results of the heavenly warships and providing them with Register military merit.

The commander-in-chief stepped on a cloud of thunder, surrounded by a large group of close subordinates, walked leisurely through the air, and slowly approached forward.

Behind him, more warships swarmed in, and the army from heaven was gathering here. After many generals and heavenly officials saluted the commander-in-chief, they couldn't wait to lead their fleets and join in the killing of Lord Heiyun's fleet.

Lu Qian controlled the white boat, mixed in with the fleet in heaven, and moved forward along with the battlefield.

In this way, tens of thousands of Yunchaling's large and small warships were wiped out in smoke every day, and every day a large number of Yunchaling's demons, monsters, and monks of all races were either killed or captured...

Behind the huge fleet in Heaven, caravans from various forces, large and small, appeared.

Transport ships with huge capacity opened their bellies and began to be swallowed up and captured by the heaven.

The leader of the Chamber of Commerce, who had an extremely powerful background, began to flirt and hook up with the Heavenly Court Heavenly Officials who accompanied the army... He purchased the captured Heavenly Court at the lowest possible price and occupied a larger share at the same time.

Whether it is the wreckage of the warship, various ordnance, armor, or even the corpses of those killed in Yunchaling, etc., they are all valuable!

Especially those corpses belonging to Yunchaling.

Those demons that are extremely large in their original form, some of which are often thousands or tens of thousands of miles long, can carve out astonishing wealth from just one of their corpses. Bones, meat, blood, tendons...even the inherited bloodline in their bodies, etc., are all of extremely high value!

Cramped, skinned, and cut into pieces!

The commander-in-chief's actions were not hurried. After several days, the number of ships gathered here by the Heavenly Court's army has exceeded 100 million, and the Heavenly Court's army has also opened up the territory of the Heavenly Court and truly broke into the power of Yunchaling. scope.

Ahead, there is endless blue.

In the void, a floating sea appeared. The edge could not be seen at a glance, and the depth could not be discerned at a glance.

The over 100 million warships gathered here in the Heavenly Palace gathered together in a group, suspended in front of this large body of water, like a sesame seed suspended in front of a vast mountain range ten thousand miles away, extremely small.

Lu Qian stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the large water in horror.

There is no land, no stars, and no other conventional 'supporting objects'. This piece of blue water is just suspended in front of Lu Qian.

In the unfathomable deep water, two giant dark golden eyes were like two suns, floating quietly in the deep water, with a hint of joking, staring straight at the chasing Heavenly Fleet.

Ahead, the Yunchaling fleet, which had been beaten to pieces these days, had already plunged into the large water with a hint of ecstasy of escaping. Loud noises continued, and boats of various sizes landed on the water, exploding water columns into the sky. Many demons and ghosts who escaped were so excited that they took off their clothes, slapped their buttocks and thighs, and started an insulting dance towards the heavenly pursuers who suddenly stopped behind them, shouting and provoking.

The Heavenly Court's subordinates have formed military formations according to various ministries, divisions, palaces, and yamen. With the Commander-in-Chief's Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard Fleet as the core, the military formation stretches for millions of miles, and its momentum is incomparably huge.

But such a military formation... measured from beginning to end, its size is actually not as big as the pupil size of any of the two dark golden eyes in the deep water ahead!

These two huge eyes hidden deep in the water, the diameter of any one eye is a hundred times the size of the heavenly military formation!

Lu Qian's scalp felt numb.

He couldn't imagine what a huge creature it was to have such two eyes!

The eyes are so huge, so how huge can his physical body be?

With such a huge body, not to mention other magical powers, magic powers, etc., how strong can the most primitive physical power alone be? Is it possible to slap a so-called ‘Great Emperor’ to death?

Lu Qian didn't know.

Don't even want to know.

In short, when these two dark golden eyes lit up slightly in the deep water, the void was filled with a breath of primitive wildness that was suffocating. Everyone felt that the hair on their bodies stood up. It felt like you were walking in the deep mountains and forests in the middle of the night, and there was a giant beast behind you that was a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times more powerful than you. It was panting and staring at you. That feeling on the back of your neck.

With such a huge thing looming over the formation, it’s no wonder that those belonging to Yunchaling, who had been killed in the past few days and had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, actually became braver and felt that they could do it again, so they stopped the boat directly on the sea. , began to provoke trouble to the Heavenly Fleet!

Even Lord Heiyun, who was punched by the commander and severely injured, suddenly started shaking.

Swaying with his fat body, and with the thunder fist mark still flashing on his chest, Heiyun Jun stood tremblingly on the deck of a giant ship with the support of several fat and strong black bear girls.

He pointed at the Heavenly Fleet in the distance and roared: Commander...you bully the small with the big, you are not a thing!

Hey, are you the only one with an old guy in your family? My old guy has also come out... Come on, let's have a fight! Let's see if you kill him or if he devours you!

I bet an emperor's money... You can't survive three punches in Han Haisou's hands. Do you believe it or not?

Hey, do you believe it or not?

If you don't believe me, come up and beat me, beat me!

Lord Heiyun was arrogant, arrogant, and took off all his clothes, swung his butt as strong as a bison, and danced in the direction of the commander in a terrifying dance that made people want to poke their eyes out. .

In particular, his racial talent is extremely astonishing. A big, cumbersome treasure is like a gourd hammer, swaying in front of him, making a 'woooooo' sound... Its shape is really beyond description in words.

The commander-in-chief stepped on the thunder clouds and slowly rose into the sky.

Step by step, he walked towards the boundless blue water in front of him. As he walked, he murmured in a low voice: Hanhai, long time no see. How many years has it been? What was the last time we met? Oh, in the name of the Great Emperor, Chasing and killing a little nun from the Buddhist Qinglian Miaomen...and you want to save her!

In the end, I still chopped off her head.

The Commander-in-Chief sighed: That little nun had a noble character and a kind nature. She really made people happy to see her. She was a good nun... But, she still died. Human power cannot defeat God. You What do you think?

In the unfathomably deep blue water, two dark golden eyes suddenly twitched.

On the boundless water surface, a huge wave suddenly set off. Black tornadoes rose from the ground, each one more than a thousand miles in diameter and hundreds of thousands of miles high. The black wind pillars condensed into substance, like black pythons straightening their bodies, violently colliding and rubbing between the sky and the water, making a terrifying loud noise.

A small boat slowly emerged between the sea and the sky.

On the bow of the small boat, which was no more than ten feet long, stood a skinny old man six feet tall, with his upper body exposed and a raincoat hanging around his waist.

The old man's head is very round and bright, with three thumb-sized lotus marks imprinted on it. On top of his head was a small crescent hoop made of white jade. The sun shines on the small crescent hoop. Occasionally, when the crescent moon flashes, a faint shadow of smoke rises into the sky, and the shadows of various giant creatures hovering in the sky emerge. The old man's two lean arms, wrists, elbows, and upper arms were tied with dark gold rings. The golden ring was very tight, and it was deeply inserted into the muscles. The blood vessels near the golden ring were bulging, and the muscles were slowly squirming, full of primitive and domineering brutal power.

The lean old man stood quietly on the bow of the small boat. His breathing echoed the two giant eyes in the deep water.

Gradually, the only sound left in the world was the old man's long breathing.

With every breath, there were more and more black wind pillars between the sea and the sky, and they were getting bigger and bigger. The loud noises they made when they collided with each other became more and more shocking and terrifying.

It's been many years. Han Haisou looked at the commander up and down, and sighed quietly: Hasn't everyone been living peacefully in these years?

The original intention of establishing the Heavenly Court is to bring peace to the world. The great commander said slowly: Therefore, the great emperor, together with our group of ministers, set the rules of heaven and draw up the laws of heaven, so that all things in heaven and earth can operate according to their own rules, and the relationship between heaven and earth Everything and everyone should be in their proper place... As long as everything operates according to the laws of heaven, everything will be in peace and everyone will be in peace!

But! The commander-in-chief sighed: There are always people who don't want this peace and want it to continue.

Han Haisou grinned, his skinny face twitching, and his two rows of white, broken teeth shone brightly in the sun, giving people an inexplicable and ferocious feeling as if his mouth was full of sharp knives.

For example?

Han Haisou tilted his head and looked at the commander.

For example, Mr. Heiyun behind you... is a little kid who is ignorant and will inevitably collude with gangsters and make mistakes. The commander-in-chief sighed: However, it's not a big deal. As long as he hands over Yuan Fu. come out……

Fart! Han Haisou spat thick phlegm on the sea.

What? The commander tilted his head and said in a deep voice, What did you say?

You're just pretending to be stupid, aren't you? Han Haisou said slowly, word by word: I said, you are using your mouth as a shithole and farting!

The commander took a step back, spread his hands, and said slowly: This is it, you are not ready to have a serious talk?

Han Haisou chuckled: That makes sense... Do you think I am still the same idiot as before? In other words, I am indeed very stupid and not very smart, but after so many years, even the most stupid person can't Have you learned a little smarter?

You bitch... Han Haisou was talking. From the fleet in Yunchaling behind him, a big kobold with a pair of long ears and golden hair all over his body suddenly jumped out: Master Han Hai, How can you insult our dog’s innocence out of thin air?”

You're such an idiot! Hanhaisou said in an obedient manner, and quickly changed his words, word by word, and his scolding became more and more vicious and unpleasant: When we meet, you mention the little Master Yue Jian of the Qinglian Miaomen back then. ...You don’t have a good heart, do you? You just want to anger me and risk your life?”

Haha! Han Haisou pulled the string around his waist, and the simple raincoat skirt crashed to the ground. The naked man shook his arms and legs vigorously, and blue veins bulged under his skin. , he raised his fingers vigorously towards the commander-in-chief: Don't you just want to fight? Stop talking nonsense and let's fight first!

The commander's body was filled with thick thunder.

He looked at Han Haisou and said word by word: Do you know that if you and I take action, the peace between Tianting and Yuncha Ridge will be...

Han Haisou grinned: Isn't it just fighting and killing people?

Do you think I care?

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