Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 973 Yuan Fu’s reinforcements (3)

That was a strike jointly issued by the 'monsters' whose base number was trillions and whose lowest level of cultivation was at the level of heavenly soldiers.

What made Lu Qian's expression change was that these 'monsters' spawned by the green locust had incredible discipline. The attacks they jointly mobilized were more standard, more regular, and more standardized than the most elite heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven.

Attacks fell all over the sky, power was transmitted layer by layer, mana was superimposed layer by layer, and there was actually no mistake. Their Qi movements were perfectly integrated, and their movements were flawless. All their attacks, such overwhelming attacks, did not have any extra power falling on their own family members.

All the power, without any mistakes, omissions, or deviations, all hit Lu Qian solidly!

This blow is like all the 'monsters' being spawned are the limbs of a huge existence. They are ruled by the same consciousness. They are countless limbs perfectly controlled by a terrifying unified consciousness!

Group consciousness...insect swarm consciousness! Such thoughts flashed through Lu Qian's mind.

He watched the attacks falling from all over the sky and was ready to escape through the air.

In his mind, all the power of transcendence was injected into the avenue of space. The Taoist Bead shook the space in the beginning. Lu Qian's Qi was completely in tune with the surrounding void. As long as his magic power moved, he would directly tear the void apart and escape with all his strength.

Faced with the joint attack of trillions of heavenly soldiers, heavenly warriors, heavenly captains, heavenly schools, heavenly generals, star kings, and heavenly kings within a radius of tens of millions of miles... Even a real emperor, if not the old Who can come next to such ancient and terrifying existences as Black Bear and Qingdi? Who dares to... take it hard?

Lu Qian was ready to escape.

But Old Black Bear, who was confronting Qing Emperor and using all his strength to activate the Sifang Tianzhu, suddenly looked back.

He shouted softly, and the power of the Lustful Heaven surrounding the Qing Emperor suddenly dissipated. The four heavenly pillars flashed together, and all their energy enveloped Lu Qian. The Supreme Buddha Formation, the Lustful Heaven, turned into a layer of confusion. , the vast aura of lust filled the air around Lu Qian, facing the terrifying attack coming from the sky.

A fist-sized golden relic appeared in front of Lu Qian.

This relic was thrown out by the old black bear - it has pure aura, majestic Buddhist charm, and is ancient. It is a supreme relic that a real Buddhist eminent monk has gone through thousands of reincarnations and countless years of calamities to carve and polish. Relics.

Buddha-level relics!

This is definitely not the product of the old black bear himself... Just look at the overwhelming evil spirit, astonishing fighting spirit and blood energy on the old black bear, you know that this guy is sniffing the Buddhist fighting and protecting magical power, which is not the same as this relic. .

This is a relic of a certain Buddhist Buddha.

The spiritual wisdom and thoughts in this relic have been annihilated, leaving only this pure collection of mana floating in front of Lu Qian. The vast and endless Buddhist power pours out from the relics and continuously pours into the four pillars.

Lu Qian's magical power cultivation is simply incomparable to those of real Buddhas.

Compared with Buddhist treasures such as the Sifang Tianzhu, Lu Qian's little magic power is not enough - just like four pot-bellied men who want to get drunk, they need at least a few jars of old wine, and Lu Give each of them a drop...ahem!

This relic is enough for the Sifang Tianzhu to squander.

The vast aura of lust filled the world for millions of miles. Wherever it passed, all the great avenues of heaven and earth fell. All the spiritual ideas of heaven and earth were contaminated by the world of mortals. The heaven and earth were in chaos, and the world fell into the end of law...

Many of Buddhist magical powers are 'conceptual'.

And this kind of 'conceptual' magical attack is more of an 'ideal' thing.

In the heaven of lust created by the four square pillars, it is filled with the understanding of the world, the dao, the enlightenment, the transcendence and other ultimate philosophies by the great Buddhist sages... Even if you are As a mortal with no magic power, if your knowledge conforms to the ultimate analysis of those eminent monks and sages, then you can easily escape from the heaven of lust and become an 'awakened one' who has ascended to the 'other shore'.

If you can't analyze and understand the mysteries of heaven and earth in the 'Lust Heaven', then... just wallow in it!

Three thousand worlds of mortals, seven emotions and six desires, happiness, anger, sadness, greed, anger and ignorance, and all kinds of confusion are enough to make you sink completely. Even if you have tremendous magic power and heaven-defying supernatural powers, if you are indulged in it, you will be swept away by the energy of the mortal world. Little by little, the spiritual light and wisdom were wiped out, and eventually they turned into pigs and dogs wallowing in the mud surrounded by flies and dogs, and were finally completely wiped out!

Therefore, Buddhist magical powers can sometimes, as Qing Locust said, really make people 'headache' and 'disgusting'!

At this moment, trillions of attacks from all over the sky came overwhelmingly. As soon as they entered the sky of lust supported by the four square pillars, this terrifying attack was so vast that it was enough to split ten thousand or one hundred thousand Lu Qian into pieces. , immediately lost its power and strength, and began to drift and wallow in the sky of lust.

In just a short breath, this round of attacks by the little demons spawned by the green locusts were completely eliminated in the sky of lust.

There was a faint light in the Lust Heaven. This round of attack was extremely powerful, and the amount of Tao Yun and spiritual intelligence it contained was terrifying... At this moment, all the energy of this wave of attacks, and all the mana consumed, were all left in the Lust Heaven. middle.

The sound of Sanskrit chants, the faint sound of evening drums and morning bells can be heard from the four sky pillars. On the four pagodas, doorways, niches, and windows are opened layer by layer. Wisps of Buddha light are surging and dancing, and unknown Buddha figures are in the Buddha light. Faintly visible.

Lu Qian blessed his soul and subconsciously activated the supreme inheritance of Landa Buddha. The golden Buddha of the soul emits immeasurable Buddha light, echoing the shadows of countless Buddhas in the world of mortals. The golden mill of the soul rotates rapidly and turns into a terrifying black hole, wildly swallowing lust. External forces rolling and floating in the sky.

Streams of light visible to the naked eye howled into the four heavenly pillars. Under the grinding and urging of the endless Buddhist restrictions of the four heavenly pillars, these little demons spawned contained all kinds of evil powers. The Taoist rhyme and magic power were forcibly refined and purified by Buddhism, and turned into pure Taoist rhymes and spiritual inspirations of heaven and earth, which poured into Lu Qian's body in a mighty manner.

Lu Qian felt his body shake, and all 480 million acupoints swelled, becoming extremely hot, and spurting out wisps of light.

Within a radius of tens of millions of miles, trillions of demons join forces to attack, and their charm, their inspiration, and the total amount of mana they consume exceed the limit of the power of a so-called great emperor by many times!

With this power, if Lu Qian finds his own 'Tao', he can completely rely on this power to forcibly condense his own 'Emperor's Seal Tao Fruit', reach the sky in one step, and step into the threshold of the Great Emperor.

Lu Qian cautiously explored the space avenue in this dimension.

A cold snort came, and in the dark, a dozen tyrannical beings looked towards Lu Qian along the 'Space Avenue'.

The heaven of lust filled the air, and the Taichu Mixed Pearl released a faint aura, blocking Lu Qian's energy, isolating his cause and effect, and cutting off the exploration of dozens of powerful figures.

Lu Qian couldn't help but grin.

On the avenue of space, there are actually more than a dozen powerful beings watching with eager eyes?

None of them can rely on the Space Avenue to condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, but they are like poisonous evil dragons entangled in a towering tree. If anyone dares to be contaminated at all, then they will attack in groups unscrupulously. !

These dozen great powers are all coveting the ‘Space Avenue’.

And they have all clearly condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit. These are more than a dozen emperors who are fighting openly and secretly for the final ownership of the 'Space Avenue'!

Can't afford to offend.

Lu Qian shook his head and secretly explored the avenue of time.

The Avenue of Time is not as lively as the Avenue of Space... Above the Avenue of Time, there are only four powerful figures entrenched... What shocked Lu Qian was that the Qi of Emperor Taichu was blatantly on the Avenue of Time!

The Great Emperor Taichu, the majestic and supreme master of the Great Heaven, was actually only one of the four powerful men competing for the final control of the Avenue of Time... Lu Qian was curious, who were the other three? What is their identity, origin, background, and strength... They competed with Emperor Taichu, but they were not surrounded and killed by the heavenly court?

Shaking his head, Lu Qian completely gave up coveting the two avenues of time and space.

He explored the avenue of pure power.

The Avenue of Power... What is surprising is that the unparalleled Avenue of Power is like an aloof dragon, hanging high in the void, suppressing the laws of billions of avenues, crushing the void of the universe... There is not a single ray on his huge body. Qi machine is attached!

Lu Qian was shocked, surprised and happy.

The avenue of pure power, in Lu Qian’s fundamental system of cultivation, serves as the path of pure power that mediates time and space, connects time and space, uses time and space as the wheel, and itself serves as the axle, connecting the past and the future, and running through the whole process. Unexpectedly... ...No one in this dimension has reached out to Him yet?

The avenue of pure power!

Lu Qian carefully snaked a ray of spiritual thought up the avenue of power and lingered on it.

Gradually, Lu Qian figured out some of its mysteries and tasted some of its flavors - pure power is unrestrained, proud and arrogant, it can defeat all laws with one force, it is pure Prove it with force!

Power has no limits, no restraints, it must be free and it must be arbitrary!

And today's Supreme Taichu Tian... With the joint efforts of Taichu Emperor and other great emperors, and some tacit understanding, they formulated the heavenly rules and precepts for cultivation, and they set many restrictions for cultivation.

There are 480 million orifices.

Each orifice has nine scales and nine claws!

They have restricted the 'size, length and width' of practitioners, they have restricted the 'height, short, fat and thin' of practitioners. They want to use the 'rules' they have drawn up to define 'power itself'!

And the 'Path of Power' is such a violent and arrogant way!

The heavenly rules and regulations drawn up by Emperor Taichu and others are completely contrary to the avenue of power - just like a vast and overflowing river, you want to build a dam and constrain it to be as docile and obedient as a 'virgin in the boudoir'!

The avenue of power, no one covets it!

Anyone who dares to covet it will suffer backlash!

Once it backfires, all the laws and powers possessed by the coveted person, all tangible and intangible energy, laws, rules, magical powers, secrets, etc. that can act on oneself and the outside world and can be regarded as 'power', all explode within the body. A terrible backlash that all attacks itself.

The mystery is mysterious and mysterious, and only those who are inside it can understand the real mystery.

In a word, because Emperor Taichu and others formulated the cultivation rules that are now prevailing in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, they formulated the shackles of heaven and earth, and constrained all the laws of the avenue... They have completely lost the qualification to control the 'Pure Avenue of Power'!

In the beginning, the mixed pearl emits bright light.

The faint light enveloped Lu Qian's spiritual power, turning into a silent drizzle that moistened things on a spring night, winding gently and gracefully toward the lonely avenue of power hanging high in the void.

The ancient power.

The majesty of power.

The power is majestic.

The breadth of power.

Endless power, the power of freedom and arrogance, the power of omnipotence, the power of destroying the world, the power of changing the world, the power of changing the sky...even the power of blowing a particle of dust and making it dance on the tip of a needle. !

The realization of all kinds of power, the wonder of all kinds of power, flowed into Lu Qian's heart one by one.

In all the acupoints opened by Lu Qian, all the scales trembled in unison. Then, under the wash of the torrent of power, the power of these 'scales' condensed under the laws of heaven and earth of the Supreme Taichu Tianxi began to crack faintly. Signs of melting.

Later, Lu Qian felt a trace of 'power of transcendence' in the high avenue of power in the void.

The power of transcendence... is naturally also a type of power.

Moreover, it is an extremely pure and high-grade power, which can be called the supreme power that truly conforms to the core essence of the 'Avenue of Power'!



What is detachment?

Use the most powerful, the most powerful, the wildest, the most terrifying power... to break all restrictions, destroy all restraints, break free from all shackles, sweep across all directions, and shock the universe... crush all ways, shatter all laws, Let yourself transcend everything, be above all things, and achieve true great freedom, great freedom, great happiness, and great bliss!

This is the power of transcendence!

The power of transcendence in Landa Buddha's fruit... According to Lu Qian's understanding, it can be explained in this way!

When I control the supreme ‘power’!

When I have the 'power' to break everything!

When I have the ‘power’ to shock everything!

When I have the 'power' to ignore all rules, all systems, all rules, and all commandments, when I can destroy you, crush you, destroy you, and completely wipe you out at will... I will naturally get 'Detachment'!

In the ancient Landa Temple, the Buddhist master who left the Landa Buddha fruit was simply overbearing to the extreme!

Absolutely domineering.

Absolutely wild.

You can even say that he is absolutely cruel and barbaric!

His transcendent power is the 'Pure Avenue of Power'!

In the great avenue of heaven and earth in this world, among the countless spiritual machines, in this high and arrogant avenue of power, there is actually a trace of the same origin and indistinguishable power of transcendence that is in Lu Qian's body today. Qi machine!

It was as if Lu Qian was walking on an unfamiliar road. Suddenly, in the middle of the road, a stone tablet appeared to guide the way. It said hello to Lu Qian with joking words - 'Hey, boy, I've been here before... just follow my path and keep going'!

Lu Qian smiled.

Green Locust screamed in disbelief, and he raised his hands high again.

The demons, big and small, swarmed from all directions, all regained their strength, and launched a second wave, a third wave... and continuous crazy attacks towards Lu Qian.

The sky of lust rotates slowly.

The sky of lust expands.

Wave after wave of attacks continued to sink into the lustful sky. Accompanied by the sound of Sanskrit chants and bursts of roar, all the attacks disappeared. They were slowly swallowed up by the four heavenly pillars, refined, and turned into pure streams. The rhyme of the great road and the inspiration of heaven and earth are constantly injected into Lu Qian's body.

Lu Qian's divine soul golden Buddha emitted boundless light, and wisps of agile divine soul power moved upward along the avenue of power and touched it.

Lu Qian could feel that there was a slight residual energy on the avenue of power.

There are still a lot of powerful people who have experienced and comprehended the avenue of power in this world... However, they don't seem to have a happy ending... Lu Qian even felt the indifferent aura of the White Snake, as plain and cold as an iceberg. Machine... She also tried it before, but with no results!

Lu Qian went further and further on the road of strength.

The Qi in his body gradually became stronger. His skin, his flesh, his blood, his tendons, and his bones began to crazily absorb the transcendent power in his body, devouring this power that could destroy everything and change everything. Powerful.

Vajra Maha and King Ming are angry... The Bodhi seedlings transformed by Lu Qian through the nine supreme supernatural powers controlled by the Landa Buddha fruit grow together... Power, power, power...

The scale model formed in Lu Qian's orifice has been shattered by the waves of energy from the avenue of power, completely melted and collapsed, and turned into the original material for Lu Qian to strengthen himself, and was gradually tamped into his body. Fill his soul.

In the void, the dragon's appearance transformed from the Great Avenue of Power turned over slightly.

As a result, in the surrounding sky, including the various avenues such as space, time, etc., the dragon shapes of the avenues transformed by the laws of the avenues, which may be long or short, thick or thin, all shook for a moment.

A series of glances, including those of the confronting Old Black Bear and Qing Emperor, glanced at the void at the same time.

The Taichu Mixed Bead emits a faint light, enveloping the power of Lu Qian's soul. Gazes passed over Lu Yi's soul clinging to the Avenue of Power, but no one noticed his presence.

There was a sneer that sounded from the far, far, unfathomable depths of the void.

That old friend is unwilling to give up again and wants to take action on this power?

Hey, back then when we signed the covenant and set the rules for today's world, we already decided that no one in today's world can master this 'ultimate way of power'... That old friend who never gives up, now , how many mouthfuls of blood did you vomit?

Several different laughters sounded from everywhere, and then slowly dissipated.

The gazes faded and disappeared quickly... Only a few powerful gazes followed the projection of the Avenue of Power and looked in the direction of Yuncha Ridge: Hey, it's so lively!

Qingdi let out a sharp scream, like an awl stabbing in all directions: Either, come over here and fight me...or, move your eyes away!

Those glances disappeared one after another.

There was a low laughter coming from far away, just like a muffled thunder in the sky at dusk in summer, rolling leisurely along the edge of Yuncha Ridge... I don't know which powerful person is using this method. , making fun of the confrontation between Old Black Bear and Qing Emperor.

The next moment, Qingdi moved.

The sky was filled with dark green light, and he and the old black bear were simultaneously submerged in the green light.

That side of the void began to fold, twist, collapse, and shatter. A small black hole with a diameter of a hundred miles appeared out of thin air and began to crazily devour everything in the outside world.

The strange appearance of the old black bear with three heads and six arms emits immeasurable light and heat, and wisps of Buddhist flames flicker. His appearance lights up extremely powerfully in the depths of the black hole that devours and annihilates everything, forcefully allowing countless creatures outside the black hole to See his presence at a glance!

Black holes swallow everything and destroy everything.

The image of the old black bear was suspended in the core of the black hole. Buddha's light surged from his body, and he pierced the void with a steel gun in his hand. Wherever he passed, the black hole was blasted with small holes that flashed rapidly and spewed out dazzling flames!

Hey, Qing Emperor, you are not as good as before! Old Black Bear's voice even floated out intermittently from the black hole, and it could be heard that he seemed to have plenty of spare energy: Or, in those days, several Buddhas took action to kill you Is the injury serious? Your injury hasn’t healed yet, right? Hey, hey! If that’s the case, then I won’t be polite today!”

The entire Yuncha Ridge was trembling.

Not only was the old black bear's lair in front of the Tianqi Peak, but also the Yuncha Mountains with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles were trembling, vibrating, and emitting wisps of magnificent, solemn, and murderous Buddha's light.

Looking down from a high altitude, the huge Yuncha Mountains, which are so many trillions of miles in diameter, the mountains are crawling, and the peaks are undulating. Such huge mountains are crawling like living creatures. Everything seems extremely slow, but everything is extremely fast...

Here at Lu Qian, before he could figure out the mystery of the Buddhist rhyme on the Avenue of Power, the entire Yuncha Ridge had already turned into a huge Buddha statue.

This Buddha statue looks up to the sky, sitting cross-legged.

The 'Poke' Tianqi Peak where the old black bear lives has suddenly moved to the position between the eyebrows of this giant Buddha. At first glance, it looks like there is a mole between the eyebrows of the Buddha statue!

The huge Buddha statue is shining with golden light and is extremely majestic.

Infinite Buddhist rhyme surges, and all the Taoist rhymes and spiritual ideas inside and outside Yuncha Ridge are contaminated by the extremely strong Buddhist rhyme.

Lu Qian seemed to be immersed in hot lava. In all directions, there were extremely thick Buddhist rhymes surging - extremely pure Buddhist rhymes that have the same origin as Landa Buddha!

Old Black Bear has such big arms.

He spent countless years and years of hard work on such a huge Yuncha Ridge, his home base, and finally turned it into a huge Buddhist treasure!

The effort and energy expended, especially the number of genius treasures expended... are simply impossible to estimate!

As long as a serious monk...refines a portable magic weapon, whether it is for attack or defense, its size will always have an extreme...such a big mountain is refined into a Buddhist treasure...this cost...

Old blind man Xiong...you are so generous! Emperor Qing couldn't help but exclaimed: They say that you are the most honest person in Supreme Taichu Heaven. For so many years, you have been huddled in Yuncha Ridge, never leaving. Even the demons and ghosts under your command, anyone who dares to step out of Yuncha Ridge will be killed by you yourself...

I didn't expect, I didn't expect... you, an honest guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes... you huddled in Yuncha Ridge and did such a big thing quietly! Qingdi shouted: Hateful, abominable, annoying... Back then, I should have killed all the remnants of the ancient Landa Temple like you, but no matter what, no matter what!

The old black bear smiled calmly: Back then, you failed to kill them all... Today... Haha!


The old black bear raised his head, his six small eyes flickering: Hey, hey hey, back then I was known as the most dishonest person in Yuncha Ridge... How many times was he punished to kneel down in the Xiangtang for stealing honey? Hey, hey hey. ……honest?

I'll be honest with you! The old black bear laughed wildly and cursed, and then the world suddenly collapsed.

The giant Buddha stretched out a Buddha's palm and struck hard at the black hole that Qingdi had transformed into.

Wherever the Buddha's palm passes, all paths, all dharma, all tangibles, all intangibles, all actions, all inactions... disappear into nothingness.

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