Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 978: Alive

Tea is served.

good smell.

It's not the kind of fragrance that soars to the sky and is filled with spiritual inspiration. Every pore in a person's body is spitting out spiritual inspiration from the world, and his cultivation level is constantly increasing, as if he had taken a big tonic pill.

It's the smoke of fireworks, the ordinary, plain, meaningful and elegant aroma that tea should have.

Well, even the tea fryer may not have mastered the heat well. The aroma of the tea is mixed with a faint burnt smell... Lu Qian took a sip, but suddenly thought of the stuffed crispy rice in the big iron pot. The heat was too high. , the crispy rice had a slightly burnt taste.

For Lu Qian today, this ordinary tea and ordinary spring water have no nourishing effect.

But after taking this sip of tea, my gastrointestinal peristalsis moved faster. Lu Qian's smoke ring turned red inexplicably, and he seemed to see a soft figure shrouded in the yellow light from the dusk window from the similar aroma of burnt rice.

Tea, not bad. Lu Qian held the tea cup and thanked the young novice who served the tea.

The girl in white smiled even brighter. It was a sincere smile, not a reserved or artificial one. Every muscle, every nerve, and even every pore was perfectly controlled and disguised by divine thoughts and magic power. Come out laughing. She is really smiling happily.

Being able to eat these melon cakes and drink this tea proves that you have at least met our first-level screening criteria. The girl held the tea, took a sip of it, and then sighed heavily. Tone: The craftsmanship is still not good. It seems that I am not a great genius. I don't use magic, soul, or any special means. I have learned to fry tea for several years, but the heat is always too high.

Lu Qian glanced at her: Did you make this tea? Well, the craftsmanship is not very good, but the tea is still pretty good. Good mountains, good water, good effort, good sweat, and good tea will naturally come out. As long as the tea itself is not bad, the skill of tea-frying is not that big of a problem.

The girl smiled so hard that she narrowed her eyes and nodded seriously: That's the truth. I told them, but none of them listened, so I beat them all up. They were scared, and they didn't even look at them. , what does the soup they cook, the vegetables they fry, and the rice they steam taste like?

Lu Qian looked at the girl with a happy face and repeated the question just now: So, why did you spend so much thought, effort, and effort on it? You brought me here just to be with you. Shall I say a few words?

May I ask your name and origins?

Dare I ask, who are you all?

Aboriginal? Just want to live? Lu Yi grinned, repeated the girl's reply just now, and sighed softly: What is an aboriginal? What is living? Are you all miserable and unable to survive? Haha? That’s unreasonable!”

Aborigines or something, Lu Qian didn't quite understand what it meant.

But stay alive!


Lu Qian didn't know the girl's cultivation level. After all, it would be impolite for Lu Qian to use some magical powers to spy on her when she was a big girl. She didn't reveal her aura intentionally, and Lu Qian couldn't tell what state she had reached.

However, she is obviously one of the 'leaders' mentioned by King Qiu Gui, so she must also be an emperor-level existence.

Great Emperor!

It is already the supreme existence in this dimension of space.

If King Qiu Gui hadn't used the method of condensing the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal, which was a bit dirty and shady, he had achieved it by poaching his own father... With his background and strength, he could have lived an extremely happy life.

King Qiu Gui is like this, this girl, and the 'leaders' with similar identities to her, are just trying to survive?


The girl held the teacup in both hands, took a sip, and looked out at the vast world.

The white clouds are long and there are big cranes flying.

My name is Qi Sanqi. The Qi of Emperor Taihu. The girl smiled, and the white-gold flames under her skin broke through the skin, rose up, and formed a pair of gorgeous white-gold flame wings behind her. The huge wings fluttered gently, and the girl's fair skin was suddenly covered with wisps of complex and gorgeous white-gold lines like rose branches. Her whole aura suddenly changed, from being soft and gentle just now, to becoming extremely aloof and superior. Kill with dignity.

Lu Qian's pupils condensed slightly.

She, is this the Holy Spirit family?

Moreover, Lu Sanqi? Which character of Emperor Taihu is the surname? Lu Qian asked in surprise: Are you the daughter of Emperor Taihu?

However, this name is not a serious name.

Lu Qian thought of Lingchan, who was sent to the lower world by Emperor Taihu to investigate the death of Emperor Taihu's son in the ancient city of Loulan... She was Emperor Taihu's trusted confidant and confidant. Although her name seemed to Lu Qian, it was not very special. So, at least it seems like a serious name.

And Lu Sanqi.

This is more like a number, right?

Lu Qian didn't speak, just looked at Lu Sanqi.

Lu Sanqi put away the huge fire wings on his back, calmed down his breath, picked up the teapot, and poured Lu Qian a cup of tea.

I am the daughter of Emperor Taihu. Lu Sanqi said slowly.

She is the daughter of Emperor Taihu.

‘Purely speaking from a blood perspective, she is the daughter of Emperor Taihu’… These were Lu Sanqi’s exact words.

In terms of blood, Emperor Taihu is her father. But in the harem of Emperor Taihu, there are countless beauties, and they come from all kinds of weird and intelligent ethnic groups. Their appearances are all kinds of strange, humanoid, inhuman, even silicon-based, pure energy... demons, ghosts, elves , weird... even spiritual statues, rocks, mire, etc. with some spirituality...

Everything can be harem.

Emperor Taihu also mastered many extraordinary peacemaking methods.

Or just like ordinary mortals, men and women match up and have children. Or like some ghosts, they exchange breaths and conceive a mysterious fetus... or even communicate with a ray of spiritual thought to give birth to an innate divine fetus in the soul... All kinds of strange and weird ways have created all kinds of strange and strange things for Emperor Taihu. The emperor's son and daughter.

Lu Sanqi's mother...should be of the humanoid race.

At least she has the memory of being in the womb, remembering how she felt in her mother's womb and everything she felt in her mother's womb. She clearly understood that she was born from her mother's pregnancy for hundreds of years.

But Lu Sanqi has never seen his mother.

As soon as she was born, she was picked up by the people around Taihu Emperor and sent to the Taihu Divine Pond to purify and refine her blood. Her body was processed and recast. She was instilled with extraordinary power since she was a child and allowed her to fuse with Taoism. Rhyme, improve combat power.

And in the process, Lu Sanqi's mother offended the real master of Emperor Taihu's harem, the real wife of Emperor Taihu, and they had a long way to go. From the supreme Taichu Tianyijie to an unknown junior, they followed the bloody storm and countless corpses. , the woman who finally stood at the pinnacle of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Lu Sanqi's mother died silently and for no reason.

Lu Sanqi's natural aptitude is very good, and her aptitude is in line with the set of 'casting' methods used by Emperor Taihu on his sons and daughters.

Therefore, at a young age, she has shown many extraordinary abilities, and her ranking among the sons and daughters of Emperor Taihu has been constantly rising.

Lu Sanqi was the final ‘name’ she had when she defected from Taihutian and escaped from Taihutian by feigning death.

You know, the one with the prefix '琐' is already a very high-ranking being among his children... I have a good chance of rushing into the class train with the prefix 'tai'. And once I enter the class with the prefix 'tai', I no longer need to be named 'Sanqi', I can have an upright and upright name, like a real 'living person', a serious name.

Lu Sanqi smiled, shrugged, and spread his hands.

However, I still escaped. Lu Sanqi said quietly: The details, based on the experience of fellow Taoist Lu Qian, are not difficult to understand... It is nothing more than a stupid woman who overestimates her own abilities and wants to take advantage of an evil woman. A story about revenge, but in the end, he was unable to do anything, and he narrowly escaped death several times, and had to be forced to defect.

This kind of story happens in the world of mortals, all over the world, every moment, whether in the homes of royal families or landlords and common people. These things are like wisps of dust in this world. It’s nothing.”

Lu Sanqi chuckled and said: But for those of us living in it, a particle of dust is like a big mountain. Once it falls, it can be shattered into pieces.

Lu Qian looked at Lu Sanqi: So, you are joining forces to... survive from your father's pursuit? Survive? Uh, no, no, I see fellow Taoist, and those behind you People who share the same path have a great structure and extremely clever methods, and are not such narrow-minded people... Isn't what you do just for this trivial matter?

Lu Sanqi smiled brightly: Very good, it seems that we have chosen the right person again. Fellow Taoist Lu Qian is right, the point of the matter is not that I married Emperor Taihu's wife, that The matter of revenge for the evil woman who killed my biological mother... Of course, at the beginning of the matter, I defected to Queen Taigu. In those first years, I was indeed living for this goal.

But later, I gradually discovered that compared to the real problems we faced, the life and death of that evil woman was irrelevant. We had more important and valuable things to do.

Lu Qian blinked and looked at Lu Sanqi.

More important things?

Will it save the world?

Lu Qian recalled what Qu Sanqi had said before.

The other party 'kidnapped' himself from Yunchaling, sent him to a mundane brothel, allowed him to meet King Qiu Gui, and then brought him into the small world left by the ancient Buddha.

Along the way, many details have been carefully planned and carefully arranged.

For example, when Lu Qian woke up, he was in a secular brothel... The reactions of those aloof and Lu Qian were naturally very different. In just this step, you can filter out many, many, many details.

Before meeting Lu Sanqi, Lu Qian might have been thoroughly investigated by them.

After Lu Qian woke up, during the whole process of entering here and meeting Lu Sanqi, his every move, word and deed may have been monitored and analyzed by Lu Sanqi and her companions behind her. .

So, what Lu Sanqi said before...

Lu Qian squinted his eyes, thought for a moment, and said slowly: Emperor Taiyu has countless partners... and has produced countless emperors' sons and daughters... and has given them special... cultivation since they were born.

Lu Qian said softly: This technique is extraordinary... almost inhuman!

Lu Qian looked at Lu Sanqi with bright eyes.

‘Boom’, an extremely heavy impact sounded, and the entire Lingshan shook slightly. A man eight feet tall, with a golden body that seemed to be made of gold and copper, and a breath that was majestic and hot, like the sun, fell from the sky and landed heavily outside the small pavilion where Lu Qian was.

Is this guy so smart? The burly man muttered angrily, Tsk, you pretty boy, he's so smart!

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