Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 983 Sword Fight (2)

You don't need to know what happened.

You just need to tell me, now, if you can find that boy named Lu Qian!

Maybe you have a way to find him? If you don't have a way to find him, can you contact him? If you can't... you are really a bunch of useless trash!

The alien's voice was sharp and his words were rude.

Yinyuan was frightened when he heard this, and subconsciously glanced at Emperor Taiyi.

However, they found that Emperor Tai Zhen was standing there completely innocent, with his hands behind his back and his head slightly lowered, his eyes flickering, thinking about something thoughtfully. On the contrary, the pretty face of the white lady turned slightly dark, and she stared at this daring alien with a stern look!

Yes, from Yinyuan's point of view, this alien race looked like a giant beetle turned into a spirit, and they were clearly 'daring' to the extreme.

This is Emperor Taiyi, who is as famous as Emperor Taichu. He is one of the three emperors with the highest status, the strongest strength, and the most powerful party members in the face of Supreme Taichu Tianming. This guy, who came out of nowhere in the countryside, actually dared to use such words to Emperor Taiyi?

Don’t you really know how to write the word ‘death’?

Numerous thoughts were rolling through Yinyuan's mind, and he saw Emperor Taiyi bowing to White Snake, and said quietly: You are the master, and you have the final say. What is the specific situation of this Lu Qian, because he is the sworn brother of Young Master Yinyuan , I really didn’t do anything to him... everything was done according to your will.

Yinyuan opened his mouth wide.

His cultivation level is not very high, and his methods are not very strong... But after being in the cultivation world for so many years, he probably understands the meaning of the word 'self'.

‘My true self’?

Is the White Snake the real one?

Is Emperor Taiyi just a clone?

In other words, the White Snake is the ‘real Emperor Taiyi’?

I am so awesome that I gave the real White Snake to...

Yinyuan felt a heat in his lower abdomen, and the man's high spirit suddenly burst out... I am truly amazing... Then, Yinyuan's heart became confused - what the hell? White Snake is a great beauty, and Emperor Taiyi is a great man... Especially, Emperor Taiyi has a son, a son!

Emperor Taiyi was able to give birth to a son, which shows that he is really a man.

So, his true self...his true self...his 'self'!

Yinyuan only felt that his lower abdomen was cold, and the aura he had just been so proud suddenly froze. He looked at the white lady tremblingly, looking her up and down... Yes, she is a great beauty. He has personally verified from head to toe that she is a complete and uncompromising beauty!

So, then... could it be some kind of profound and inexplicable magical power?

Or maybe he was under some kind of illusion?

Yinyuan's heart twitched, and he was so sad and angry that he wanted to die - if the White Snake was the true form of Emperor Tai Zhen and her true body was a man, he felt that he wanted to die... His innocence, his chastity, and his status as a man What a manly thing!

All gone, gone!

Countless thoughts were swirling in Yinyuan's mind, and White Snake had already looked at the foreigner calmly: What exactly happened, please tell me carefully? Lu Qian did go to Yunchaling to act according to my wishes. Taichu My nephew has defected, we have to find out what is going on here, right?

Pursing her lips and sneering, White Snake said softly: When did Qing Emperor target Lu Ren? Where is King Chunlan? That kid won't be affected by Qing Emperor, right?

The alien's huge compound eyes were gleaming with dim light as he stared at the White Snake, with sticky saliva dripping from his complex mouthparts. He muttered in a low voice: King Chunlan? Oh, that... the 'second-generation reproductive body' of 'Emperor Tai Zhen'? He is indeed in the hands of Qing Emperor and is undergoing the second 'modulation'... Qing Emperor personally read it His memory, but nothing useful.

But since he is the biological son of Emperor Taiyi, the Lu Qian who is with him must be yours.

The foreigner said in a deep voice: You guys don't have much fighting power, but you have a lot of tricks and tricks. Therefore, Emperor Qing asked me to ask if there is any way for you to contact Lu Qian... If you can trace him The exact location would be even better.”

The White Snake glanced at Emperor Taiyi.

Emperor Taiyi also looked over with an annoyed look.

‘Secondary modulation’… this word reminded them of some very unpleasant past experiences. For some powerful people of their status and status, their pasts can even be regarded as shameful and humiliating.

Their eyes flickered.

Emperor Tai Zhen is just the spiritual intelligence derived from this 'body derived from essence and blood'. However, this body was, after all, derived from a ray of essence and blood of the White Snake. Although he and the White Snake are two very different souls, there are indeed some strange and weird things between them. connect.

For example, there are things like 'somewhat feeling', such as 'whim', etc.

What happened? Please tell us the cause and effect in detail! Lady Bai smiled and gently held Yinyuan's arm with her two delicate white hands. She raised her little finger slightly and pointed towards Emperor Taiyi: Don’t worry, the young man of the slave family, the slave family is a real woman... He is just a drop of the slave family’s blood, a clone created by the guy called Qingdi using some unpredictable means.

With a cold smile, the white lady remembered many things from that year.

Back then, under the Qing Emperor's 'coercion'...or, in other words, 'promotion' and intimidation, in short, Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi all became the 'verification objects' of some kind of 'experiment' by the Qing Emperor.

Taichu and Taihu risked their lives and personally accepted some kind of special transformation from Qingdi.

But Emperor Tai Zhen, as a woman, has a bit of psychological obsessiveness after all, and has an instinctive resistance to some weird techniques on her body.

Therefore, she donated a drop of her life essence and blood and gave it to Qing Emperor as a 'test instrument'.

As a result, there was the male clone of the current Emperor Tai Zhen.

What's even more frightening is that this originally blank man's clone, under the Qing Emperor's modulation, as the power of this body became more and more powerful, it quickly possessed a cultivation level that was comparable to that of the White Snake, and even vaguely surpassed her. In this clone, the soul and wisdom were condensed out of thin air from the body, and it evolved into an independent individual!

The White Snake has always disliked seeing the 'Great Emperor Taiyi'.

But at this moment, facing Yinyuan, she was ready to explain everything clearly... At the same time, facing the unpredictable and terrifying Qing Emperor, she and Tai Zhan Emperor had to work together to deal with it.

Emperor Tai Zhen nodded to Yinyuan: White Snake to me is like a twin sister from the same mother, the most serious sister, so don't think too much, you shouldn't have some random thoughts. ...Well, what did Emperor Qing do? Why do we want to track down Lu Qian’s whereabouts?”

Yunchaling, what happened? Emperor Tai Zhen looked at the alien in displeasure: You came to me so abruptly and insisted on discussing things with White Snake... without even revealing a single word to me. It’s really rude, even…”

Even, 'it's too much to bully others'.

Emperor Tai Zhen didn't finish his sentence - all these years, he was the one who swaggered around the market under the name of 'Emperor Tai Zhen'. He was the real Emperor Tai Zhen, and he had always firmly recognized this fact.

But the envoy sent by the Qing Emperor had to meet the White Snake before he was willing to talk about serious things.

This undoubtedly questioned the basis of the existence of Emperor Tai Zhen in terms of legal principles, and refused to recognize the orthodoxy of his 'Emperor Tai Zang'... This made Emperor Tai Zhen 'murderous', if not a little afraid to provoke him. Qing Emperor, he even wanted to use some means to trap this alien to death.

The foreigner looked at White Snake, then at Emperor Taiyi, and roared in annoyance.

His complex and exquisite mouthparts opened, revealing pieces of strange carapace inside, strong sharp teeth, and several small tentacles with unknown auxiliary functions in the mouth. The viscous dark green bodily fluid spurted out and fell to the ground, making a loud 'chichi' sound. It was grayish yellow and turned white. The nutrients were devoured and the sand was immediately corroded to create huge holes.

You are the real trouble.

The foreign race roared in anger: There is no discipline at all, no respect for superiors and inferiors... What the Qing Emperor asks you to do, and what he asks you, you just give the most standard answer... You have to ask all the questions. Yes, do these trivial things make sense?

The aliens stamped their feet fiercely, and the earth in a radius of thousands of miles suddenly shook, and a large part of the mountains in the distance that had been robbed of life collapsed.

He said angrily: This is why you were easily defeated by Qing Emperor and our tribe back then...

Emperor Taiyi's face twitched.

The white lady snorted coldly, glanced at her red lips, and winked at Emperor Taiyi.

Beside Emperor Tai Zhen, a ray of colorful starlight flew out, carrying a faint scent of sandalwood. A colorful Buddha palm condensed in the starlight, carrying five points of Buddhist rhyme, five points of strange Taoist rhyme, and struck hard with the palm. Hit the alien in the chest.

With a muffled sound, the thick carapace on the alien's chest shattered, and a large amount of body fluids splashed. He screamed and whined, and was blasted thousands of miles away by a palm. Emperor Taiyi grabbed his right hand out of thin air, and the foreigner who was still flying upside down in mid-air let out another chirp. His body suddenly rubbed against the air, pulling out a white flame of high temperature, flying from thousands of miles away, and was caught by Emperor Taiyi. His neck was slapped hard to the ground.

On the ground, colorful stars lingered, and the crispy barren soil suddenly became a million times stronger than diamond. The foreigner was slapped hard to the ground by Emperor Tai Zhen, and his carapace was shattered. Large amounts of dark green body fluids spurted out from the cracks, corroding the ground until it was smoking, but it could no longer corrode the slightest trace.

I ask, you answer! White Snake looked coldly at the alien who was vomiting blood: Don't tell me any nonsense... what happened back then? Haha, are you a newly hatched new body? Just rely on the strength in your blood. What do you tell me about the sporadic memory inheritance of 'that year'? Is this what you are qualified to say?

The White Snake looked at Yinyuan, smiled and said: Back then, we were clearly in a cooperative relationship... This guy actually said that we were defeated by Qing Emperor back then? We actually relied on Qing Emperor back then... Haha! This is simply inexplicable.

The foreigner looked at the white lady with great annoyance. The sharp teeth in the mouthparts rubbed against each other and the delicate deck, causing countless sparks to spray out. He hissed: I'm just here to ask about Lu Qian... You, you... you, want to rebel... ah!

With a miserable howl, the unlucky guy who still hadn't figured out the cause and effect of the incident was grabbed by his right arm by Emperor Taiyi, and forcefully pulled one of his arms down to his shoulders.

Rebellion? The white lady put her hands around Yinyuan's arms and shook her head gently: I don't like this word... Lang Jun, how should the word rebellion be used?

Yinyuan looked at Lady White, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: When I was Emperor Dayin, if there were generals in the court who secretly amassed troops and coveted the throne, or there were officials who were entrusted with the border, and they raised troops to separate the empire, or there were ignorance The common people were coerced into chaos, acting wantonly, burning, killing, looting, and shouting the slogan, 'Emperors and generals should rather have their own kind'... These are the rebellions.

I am the one who respects me. Those who are humble and try to do something to me are those who rebel.

The White Snake smiled charmingly: Mr. Lang's explanation is really wonderful... So, the Qing Emperor and I only had a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship. He was not higher than me, nor more noble than me... How can we talk about rebellion? rise?

The white lady waved her sleeves gently and said calmly: It's nonsense, nonsense. It can be seen that your head has not grown even if it has grown. What's the use of it?

She glanced at Emperor Taiyi.

Emperor Tai Zhen raised his right hand and hesitated for a moment - the meaning behind White Snake's words was clearly that she wanted to kill this alien race. But Emperor Taiyi hesitated.

Huh? White Snake looked at Emperor Taiyi.

Hmm. Emperor Taiyi smiled slightly, flicked his right index finger, and a few rays of colorful starlight suddenly lit up in the void, like arrows falling downwards, piercing the alien's head.

The alien screamed, and his body struggled violently.

Emperor Tai Zhen's attack was so quick that the starlight flashed and disappeared into the alien's head. The colorful starlight swirled, and the huge ferocious head turned into wisps of colorful smoke, carrying with it wisps of the quiet atmosphere of the ancient pine forest in the mountains after a thunderstorm on a summer night, slowly spreading around.

Kill! Emperor Taiyi looked at White Snake: There will be trouble.

White Snake said coldly: What trouble could there be? Emperor Qing, could it be possible that someone else could come to the door...

Before he finished speaking, the giant tree that had just been hatched by the alien race shook violently. The entire tree squirmed, and the solid wood quickly turned into a pool of dark green viscous sap. Accompanied by a thick smell of vegetation with a faint smell of blood, the sap quickly collapsed inward and squirmed. The big tree disappeared, and a tree with a diameter of about three feet and a height of about ten feet appeared on the spot. Huge 'wooden egg'.

The alien body with its head exploded quickly shriveled and shrank, and the body fluids in the body, together with wisps of dark green Tao Yun visible to the naked eye, were like torrents, roaring and tearing through the air, crashing into the wooden egg.

The wooden egg vibrated slightly, and a low roar kept coming from inside.

Emperor Taiyi and Lady White both changed their expressions, moved their bodies slightly, and then stopped all movements at the same time.

On the surface of this wooden egg, wisps of thin Dao lines emerged, and the dense Dao rhyme surged. A low whistling sound came faintly from the inside of the wooden egg. Then the wooden egg cracked, and wisps of green flames came out from the cracks. Continuously flashing.

A human figure was slowly outlined in the flickering green light. At first, there was only the outline of the facial features, and soon it was the upper half of the body, and then the entire body was rapidly taking shape in the green light. From the wooden eggs, strands of viscous juice containing huge vitality spurted out loudly, continuously injected into the outline of the humanoid, and quickly transformed into various structures such as internal organs, muscles, bones and joints...

In just a dozen breaths, 'Qing Emperor' appeared in front of Emperor Tai Zhen and White Snake.

I don't know if it's the 'Qing Emperor''s 'body' that's weird, or if it's just the characteristics of his true self. At first glance, the 'Qing Emperor''s body is no different from that of a serious man, but Yin Yuan's eyes changed. Sweeping it, I almost laughed out loud - underneath this guy's body, there was actually a blank slate without any physiological organs.

Moreover, the smooth piece had no scars or traces, as if it was born as smooth as a mirror. It was born that way.

The corners of Yinyuan's mouth raised, and his face looked like a smile but not a smile.

The White Snake noticed Yinyuan's strange expression and knew exactly what kind of temper her sweetheart had. She also knew how terrifying the 'Qing Emperor' in front of her was. She calmly took two steps forward, stood between Yinyuan and the 'Qing Emperor', and sneered: What kind of thing is Lu Qian involved in, is it worth your energy to make such a trip?

Emperor Taiyi looked at the 'Qing Emperor' and said coldly: Or, is this an important descendant of yours? I killed him, and you have any objections to me? Then, go outside and have a show? I heard that you were seriously injured back then, but I wonder how much you have recovered from your injuries now?

Emperor Tai Zhen was eager to give it a try.

Colorful starlight floated around him, gradually condensing into wisps of strange sword light. The light was cold and murderous. Although there were only a few dozen rays, it gave people a powerful sense of oppression like thousands of troops arrayed on the battlefield. .

'Qing Emperor' glanced at Emperor Tai Zhen and snorted coldly.

He turned his head and ignored the pretentious Emperor Taiyi, but looked at the White Snake: The matter is actually very simple, just a small matter... Your Lu Qian was taken away by Yuan Fu's people. And The person who kidnapped Lu Ren and took care of Yuan Fu, the energy in him is very interesting... So, my interest in this matter gradually increased.

I just didn't expect that you would react so much to something that was just a casual question!

'Qing Emperor' sighed quietly and nodded heavily: It seems that our misunderstanding is a bit big... huh?

'Qing Emperor', White Lady, and Emperor Taiyi felt something, and raised their heads at the same time, looking in the direction of Linghu Yuncheng.

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