The "Flower Fairy" would rather use the magic gate Huazong method, which is based on light work, and is very graceful and free, but it does not leave Ye Qingxuan's key point, just like the highly toxic, partial and extremely beautiful flowers. When people indulge in the beauty of flowers, they have quietly lost their lives. = Top = point = novel ===

However, after Ye Qingxuan performed several times of exhausting internal force [Seven Dragons' Palms], he felt that he could not capture the opponent ’s posture. In the long run, the gas will be consumed badly, which is not conducive to long battles. Martial arts of Xiaoyao School.

Xiaoyao sent martial arts to pay attention to light and elegant, leisurely and elegant.

Whether it is [Tianshan Liuyang Palm] or [Tianshan Folding Plum Hand], it is as elegant and beautiful as the gods. Ye Qingxuan has been in battle for a long time, and his state of mind is even more indifferent. The word "Happy" is used to the fullest.

Ning Kanzhe and Ye Qingxuan played, but saw a gray-haired handsome appearance, like a fairy, a fluttering figure, cold like the wind. They both walked away, they really looked like a pair of butterflies among flowers.

It would be better to see Ye Qingxuan being able to cope with his own triumphant martial arts, and his skillfulness and deep internal strength. A short confrontation between the two parties turned out to be a result of no match. Horrified, he also finally understood that this Ye Qingxuan could not be removed by the Holy Door for so long, and it really has something extraordinary.

In the other direction, Zhan Yu and Sun Xianzhang have already begun the war. The battle is fierce and abnormal. The space around the two is not violent enough to cut open space. The sword claws slam, the sound of brittleness is endless, and the sky is full of fire. Gorgeous. Deadly.

But compared to Ye Qingxuan. Zhan Yu's realm was lowered. Therefore, it seems a little passive in the face of the "mad" Sun Xianzheng's swordsmanship, and with the passage of time, the strategic space becomes smaller and smaller, if it continues to develop, it will inevitably lose to the opponent. But even so, the "King of Eagles" Zhan Yu's effort still surprised Sun Xianzheng. He had put all his efforts into his hands, but he still couldn't win the opponent at half past one. Could not help but increase his determination to kill Zhan Yu.

There was no time to entangle them here, and the Chu House was now in great danger.

Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu had such thoughts in their hearts at this time, but they were suffering from being trapped by the enemy and could not escape.

The sound of siege from enemies in the distance sounded again, and if this time fell into the siege again, I am afraid it will be really difficult to get rid of it.

Ye Qingxuan screamed with a loud shout, stood at his feet, changed his indeterminate body style, drew one point with both palms, and left his hand suffocating. In the sound of dragon howls, a dragon formed by radon came out. One trick "see the dragon in the wild", the "flower fairy" who slammed in the air would rather fold. The opponent was not afraid to resist the fierceness of the eighteen palms of the dragon. It was turned elsewhere.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan suddenly flicked his right hand and used a trick called "Dragon Dragon Waving His Tail", but it was Sun Xianzhang who let the tail of that suffocating Dragon move towards the attacking Zhan Yu.

The "crazy" Sun Xianzhang obviously did not expect Ye Qingxuan to be so mad, and dared to provoke himself at the same time.


The dragon's tail swept sharply over the sword body, and a strong suffocation burst out suddenly. He flew Sun Xianzhang out and jumped out more than ten feet away to stand firmly on the ground, but the right hand holding the sword shivered. Obviously, he didn't fully follow the trick, and he slightly injured the meridian of his right hand.

Taking advantage of the time when Sun Xian's Yungong healed the injury, Ye Qingxuan yelled, "Second brother, leave me alone, take a step first, and I will come later!"

Zhan Yu was about to refuse. Ye Qingxuan twirled his body, and the dragon was wrapped around him, and the Ning Zeng suddenly appeared behind him. A palm was printed on the body of the dragon, which was blocked by the dragon. At the same time, Ye Qingxuan shouted: "I have a way to escape, rest assured!"

Zhan Yu woke up with the improvement of the seven brothers. Although it is impossible to defeat the combined attack of two masters who returned to the mid-real world, there is no problem in saving their lives.

The priority now is not only for the two to escape, but also for several important figures in the Chu family residence to escape.

Zhan Yu no longer hesitated. Before Sun Xianyi scolded, a scream of an eagle shouted, his body vacated, and he glanced out more than 20 feet away, and flew towards the Chu family residence.

"Boy is looking for death!"

"Madness" Sun Xianzhang watched his prey let go, how could he not be angry, since you Ye Qingxuan was trying to die, I will send you to Xitian.

Sun Xianzhang's swordsmanship was unveiled, the stars shone, and the map was in all directions. Ye Qingxuan was immediately involved in the swordsmanship.

Ye Qingxuan laughed loudly, not only wasn't afraid, but he was fighting. In the sound of a tiger-screaming dragon, Ye Qingxuan was surrounded by a dragon guard, with blue and purple on the claws of the dragon, colorful.

The eighteen palms of the dragon in the hand and the star-shifting of the dragon, with the dual-use method of the right and left to fight each other, run at the same time, "North Qiaofeng, South Murong", the two heroes in "The Eight Dragons" stunt is in At the same time, he reappeared in his hand. Suddenly, a heavy blow would smash the flying, suddenly a blue light flashed, deflected Sun Xianzhen's sword, and how well he played. At the same time, he yelled loudly, "The clown of the magic gate, speak loudly. , Pick me up and try! "

The blue-violet light in his left hand flashed, and the hand that would rather fold was borrowed in his hand, while deflected sideways, struggling to strike with his right hand, and at the same time, "Six times the dragon" slammed Sun Xian's abdomen, [Jianlong Eighteen Palms] Under the immense power, another mastery of the virtual reality master was concealed. The masterpiece of his power is that the heavenly master is here, and he does not dare to force it.

"Madness" Sun Xianzhang exclaimed, the group rolled sideways, howling to avoid!

At this moment someone fell on the beam of the room and hissed, "Where is the other?"

It is precisely this vote that Wulin Gao has the absolute top three strengths of the current Nangong family's contemporary homeowner, "Immortal Weng" Nangong Changsheng.

This old man was very unlucky when he appeared. Not only did he fail to keep his new master Huang Fu Jingming, but he was caught off guard by Ye Qingxuan and Zhan Yu in the first appearance when he returned to the rivers and lakes, and was ashamed.

At this time, relying on the highest internal force, he rushed to the helper first. He did not expect that Ye Qingxuan appeared in the upper room of the palm of his hand after a short blow. Ye Qingxuan smiled, pulled under his hand, and the dragon roared, and the dragon head rose immediately. , Hit Nangong Changsheng on the roof.


"Long Xianxian" Nangong's longevity was startled. He didn't expect that the other party's tricks had just arrived. Has the other party already calculated his position?

In the roar, I had to helplessly press down on both palms to resist the blow.

On this side, "Flower Fairy" was rather furious and was played by Ye Qingxuan. For the first time, he wanted to take advantage of Ye Qingxuan's attention when he was on Nangong Changsheng's body. In times of crisis.

However, Ye Qingxuan had already expected this. His hands were bent with a buckle. [Lang Qiao Long Crane] Shi unfolded, but instead of retracting the palm force that was struck out, he caught on the palm force, with a bang, his body was smooth. With the force of this palm strike, the whole man flew away, grabbing the tail of the dragon, and headed straight for Nangong.

Bang, bang!

Two consecutive loud bangs, the first being the sound of a slap in the air, and the second, the sound of a dragon moving the Nangong Changsheng.

Nangong Changsheng only felt an irresistible courageous attack, and the Buddha was instantly bombarded by a sledgehammer. He spit out blood and suffered a minor internal injury. His body was lifted up by a stroke. After going out more than 20 feet, I smashed through four houses and crossed two streets, causing the chicken to jump.

The laughter of Ye Qingxuanlang spread hundreds of miles, "Hahaha, Nangong is alive !? Well, against our brother, I will let you be short-lived in Nangong!"

Huh Huh-

There were many people around, and masters of all parties gathered here to surround Ye Qingxuan.

Wu Huitong shouted, "Ye Qingxuan, under the siege, you will not be arrested !?"

The men around him burst out and yelled, "Get out of hand, and let you die!"

"Ye Qingxuan, you still decide yourself!"

"Yes, lest we stain our hands ..."

Under the encirclement of Ye Qingxuan, the endless fighting spirit was stirred up. At this time, his head was also dead, and his head was also dead. But it was the first time that he realized that the battlefield can be so happy and a burst of blood surged on. Chest, could not help but whistle, and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, your group of people call justice one by one, but colluded with the magic gates, and caused chaos in the world. In the end, they turned a blind eye and didn't hear. Is it not for their own benefit? "My aunt, just a group of ignorant women, wanting to dominate the world, daydreaming?"

A drunk angered the heroes.

"Slander Wulin Zhengdao, kill him!"

"kill him!"

"Cut him up and feed the dog!"

"One person, one knife, Ling is late for him ..."



Ye Qingxuan [Lion Roar ~ ~, suddenly overwhelmed the yelling and scolding of all the people present, proud and soaring, "Ye is here, there is a kind of do not talk, come on !?"

[Sound of a Thousands of Miles] was used in the sound, and there was a rumbling sound between heaven and earth, and the momentum was extremely violent.

Ye Qingxuan's chivalry momentum suddenly suffocated the heroes. I never imagined that such a young junior would have such skill and courage. For a moment, no one would dare to take a step forward.

Ye Qingxuan was on the street at this time, and on the eaves of the surrounding houses, there were all the heroes who came here. He stood taller than Ye Qingxuan, but at this moment, the Buddha was short of him. .

There were different reactions in the crowd, either admiration, disdain, fear, or envy ... but none of them secretly admired it.

When Ye Qingxuan saw that no one was fighting, Yang laughed, and he even disdained them. He reached out and took out the wine gourd from his waist. He drank cleanly, wiped the wine stains on his mouth, and shouted, "A group of rats, you Don't do it, I'll do it! "

As soon as the voice fell, the body had risen like a dragon, and went straight to the core of Fengyi Pavilion master Hui Huitong. (To be continued ...)

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