Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 48: Dragon Blood Bath

The monster dragon and the dragon dragon did not just divide the dragon's flesh. Instead, after opening their stomachs and breaking their belly, they stripped themselves to nakedness, mixed their bodies with dragon blood, and sat cross-legged on the ground to run the exercises.

The demon dragon took out a pair of cheats, looked at it for a long time, took out several silver needles, stabbed at several extremely dangerous points on his body, and then drilled into the belly of the iron armored horned dragon. The man wrapped it in the flesh and bones of the iron horned horned dragon, and began to exercise luck in it. The situation was very strange.

"What's going on? Is it the legendary 'blood crossing'? He wouldn't have introduced dragon blood into the body for refining?" Ye Qingxuan was so horrified at this set of secret techniques that he could not help asking.

Duan Sanshi is among those who are relatively familiar with this "method of crossing the blood." After a careful observation, he slowly said, "It should be a similar method. In my opinion, it will not directly introduce itself. In the blood, after all, dragon blood is not human blood, and the substances contained in it are highly toxic to humans. However, if it is introduced into the subcutaneous and muscles to train the body, it will be more capable ... "

"Using dragon blood to smelt meridians, membranes, and muscles is an unheard of technique. It is something like the legendary magic gate blood line, but the blood line is to **** human blood, and the fairy dragon hole uses dragon blood. It's not a sorcery, it should be similar to other medicinal baths ... "Jiang Shuihan said with some envy.

Xianlong Cave is known as "the first in the world of refining the body". This is the strange method, which can be called a mouth-watering magic.

Looking at the distant Devil Dragon hiding in the belly of the dragon, and the cheat book was hidden in the clothes pile outside, Ye Qingxuan's eyes were shining. Secretly said in my heart: This magic. I must get it.

At this time, redheads helped the public. Holding the two daggers of the ancestor of the dragon, split the dragon meat, but just avoided the place where the dragon dragon practiced, the bonfire was already lit, the huge iron pot was on it, and a large piece of dragon meat was put into the pot. After stewing, a lot of dragon meat was strung and prepared for charcoal after the bonfire. Grilling again, the aroma suddenly spread out, causing everyone to starve.

"Damn, these **** will really enjoy it. The dragon meat smells so fragrant. This ghost eats the stinky monster of the bird lizard, but its meat is so fragrant. It doesn't make sense ..." As the flower monk talked, Harako almost flowed down.

"What ’s so hard to understand? The cows are still eating grass, and the beef is not grassy?" But there was a strange noise in the stomach, indicating that Meng Yuanzhang at this time was not as strong as Hua Qiang.

Others are not so good. It has been a long time since I ate a good meal. In order to attract the attention of the birds and lizards, the python meat that had been cut off before was thrown into the temporary camp of the Chihkan Gang. The flat bread is right for dry food.

At this time, in this group of people, except for the dragon ancestors, all the masters of Xianlong Cave are all bloodstains, and they are directly on the ground for luck, and it seems that everyone's skills and methods of using dragon blood are different. Blood pythons swallow dragon blood directly, while Lizi draws two blood holes in the palm of his hand, and then intrudes his hands into the dragon blood ... The use of dragon blood is so different in the same door This in turn caused curious eyes of Ye Qingxuan and others.

Ye Qingxuan is even more curious about this secret method of Xianlong Cave.

For Ye Qingxuan and the brothers around him, the current stage is the most important accumulation stage before innate, with Ye Qingxuan's golden combination of [Bei Ming Shen Gong] and [Ziwei Ninghuan Jue], The amount of true energy is not a problem for them, and with the cooperation of Yijinjing, it is only a matter of time to open the meridians.

Now the only thing left is to step into the innate and gain a better defense of the body and breath, looking for a powerful "refining technique", of course, because of the existence of [King Kong not bad body], this also Not a problem.

The real problem is the time it takes to add these several things together.

Time, or time.

For Ye Qingxuan and others who are full of enemies, the urgency has reached the point where every second counts. For any method that can save time, Ye Qingxuan and others are anxious to get it.

The "Dragon Blood Refining" recipe for the Immortal Dragon Cave refining technique is clearly one of them.

"I envy their treatment!" Meng Yuanzhang said in admiration, but he sniffed his nose and said, "But are they making such a big movement and smell, isn't it too arrogant?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded and agreed: "They are indeed arrogant, but I think they are deliberate. Use this fragrance to attract other dragons and beasts, so that they can enjoy it here."

Duan Sanshi frowned: "Are they too big?"

Jiang Shui snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "They are so arrogant, especially the ancestor of the dragon, how comfortable he is, I'm afraid in his heart, no matter what kind of strange animal, they will be killed in their hands ... ... "

The crowd did not speak, because the old dragon ancestor did have his super strength, and the iron armored horned dragon who chased away blindly by Ye Qingxuan and others was shot by him with one hand. Ye Qingxuan and others did not have this ability. .

However, if an iron horned dragon appears, they can still kill one or two with the tactics of leaving the mule.

"Maybe we should also find a single iron horned dragon to kill meat!" Ruhua muttered unwillingly.

"If you can bear the consequences like the group of people below, let's go hunt the iron armored horned dragon!" Ye Qingxuan's words caught everyone's eyes, but he turned his hands and pointed downwards.

Everyone looked in the direction and immediately understood what was the cause of Ye Qingxuan's system.

I saw that in the middle of the towering bushes, a huge cormorant's head was staring at the red cormorant on the flat ground. It was the little Tyrannosaurus that originally followed Ye Qingxuan and others.

Obviously, this horrible monster has no special ability to distinguish human beings. In its eyes, there may be no difference between Ye Qingxuan and Paolong's ancestors. They look like elephants in the eyes of human beings. One look.

So when it smelled a strange fragrance coming, when it came to check it, it took for granted that the group of dragon dragon ancestors had their own prey on the spot, and the strange smell of meat in the cauldron let its belly Become extremely hungry.

Almost when the masters of Xianlong Cave finished their exercises, when they were about to get up, next to their bushes, a roar, slammed a giant monster, and went straight to the people and cooked the iron armor horn dragon meat. When the cauldron came, several red-headed helpers were stunned by the sudden appearance of horror monsters. As a result, two people were trampled by the monsters and died, and two others were hit by the monsters, and they vomited blood and fell. At the same time, a red-haired man helped the master to hide himself, but when he passed by the other animal's eyes, he was bitten in the mouth by the opponent's extremely high reaction speed and screamed, and his half body dropped to the ground. , And the other half became the food in the mouth of Little Tyrannosaurus ...

"That's it, it's this beast who killed Jin Xunzi!" The red-headed helper who had seen this strange beast before, screamed back.

"Okay, surround me and kill it--" The old ancestor of Xiaolong snarled loudly, his mixed muscles trembled, his body sighed "buzzing", and the black and white suffocation enveloped him, among them There is even a pure black dragon, spinning around his body.

"I rely on the fact that the old ancestor of the dragon dragon has reached the peak of the" congenital realm "and has absorbed the strange animal crystal source. I am afraid that it won't take long for him to enter the" return to the virtual realm "... Meng Yuanzhang couldn't bear the shock in his heart and screamed.

Ye Qingxuan and other people's faces changed in number. I didn't expect this martial arts ancestor of the dragon to have reached such a state. According to his strength, the status of "36 days must be perfect" can be contested, but his arrogant personality, even faint. Hair, really confusing.

The evaluation of Xianlong Cave is even more mysterious in their hearts.


The tyrannical little claw dragon roared loudly in the crowd, staring firmly at the ancestors of the dragon in the crowd, and intuitively felt the power that could threaten life, although roaring out loudly, But also cautiously aimed at the ancestors of the dragon.

"Good beast, hahaha, even let the old man find the tyrannosaurus with so pure dragon blood here. Although it is a little younger, it is enough to increase the old man's skill!"

The ancestor of the Dragon Dragon laughed wildly, and looked at this young tyrannosaurus with excitement. For innate masters, it is difficult to smelt the body and open the meridians like the day after tomorrow, but with this ancestral secret Technical support, using dragon blood to temper the body, can still strengthen its supreme potential, and lay a foundation for going further in the future.

"Young men, keep the old man in the surroundings. The old man will take the life of this evil animal with his own hands, and I will continue to study for the old man.

"Get orders!"

Many masters are still scattered ~ www.readwn.com ~ keep the various routes that the little tyrannosaurus can escape, waiting for the ancestor of the dragon to kill him.

Hahaha ...

In the wild laughter, the ancestor of the dragon became a ray of light and rushed to the little Tyrannosaurus.


The Little Tyrannosaurus has the supreme majestic and proud character of a dragon-like beast. He doesn't know how to concede in the face of any attack. His huge sharp mouth bites at the flying Wuguang, a giant mouth that can almost break steel. It was appearing on the course of Wu Guang's advance. Seeing that the two would collide together.

A humming ancestor from the air came from the ancestors of the dragon, and Wuguang made a sudden turn in the air, drawing a faint arc and a loud noise. An uppercut, letting a huge mouth hit the left side of the Little Tyrannosaurus's head, a heavy bombard, the Little Tyrannosaurus was beaten a few steps to the side, banged and fell to the ground …… (To be continued ...)

ps: Basic three and two.

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