Xiahou Boxin retired from the court at the most glorious time in his life, choosing Mingzhe to protect himself, and rapids to retreat, but unexpectedly came to live here in seclusion.

"Then we just go to his house to steal wine and drink?" Ye Qingxuan suddenly raised the irritation of daring to twist tigers.

"How's it? Excited ..." He laughed and said, ""

"But what can we do if we can't get in? We won't make a fortune?"

"Rest assured, I have been prepared for the elderly."

Bewildered, he took Ye Qingxuan toward the distance, and finally fell into a large house. From the rockery in this house, he opened a rockery and revealed a secret. tunnel.

"This, is this?" Ye Qingxuan said in surprise. The tunnel was apparently just dug shortly after, and the old man had already prepared.

"This is the tunnel I dug before. I only wanted to use it myself. I didn't expect your kid to be cheap this time. Remember, this tunnel was just dug out. It's a bit narrow and the air is not flowing. Your kid's internal power should not be Question? "

Ye Qingxuan weighed the distance to Xiahou Mansion and nodded firmly. "It's far away, but no problem."

"Hey, it's not far away. Xiahou Laogui's defense is very strong. The nearby houses seem to have nothing to do with it, but in fact they are already under their control. If anyone is not good for Xiahou's family, he can Think of those houses as hidden spots, and that's a big loss. "

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxuan suddenly realized that the feelings of Xia Hou Boxin also intentionally left a few loopholes, which seemed to have opportunities to take advantage of, but in fact had already laid an ambush. Waiting for the enemy to throw themselves into the net.

"Okay Ye Xiaozi. Let's go!" Bailiwu took the lead in the tunnel. And he did not forget to remind Ye Qingxuan behind him, "Remember to plug the stone!"

Ye Qingxuan also entered the tunnel with nowhere to go. When he turned around and dragged the rockery, he directly blocked the entrance of the cave.

The tunnel was dark, and the air was dull and extremely sad.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, held his breath, and walked forward as fast as he could.

After walking straight for almost two miles, Ye Qingxuan saw sweat on his forehead. The air in the tunnel is not flowing, but it is still enough for the master to sustain life. However, this small place with a bowed cat's waist cannot stand up for a long time. Breathing started to become short of breath, and the more rapid the breath was. The shortcomings of this oxygen scarcity are undoubtedly revealed.

Ye Qingxuan's physical strength was rapidly exhausted, and the feeling of fatigue doubled.

There was no time to hear the gasp of breathing behind him. Then he turned around and comforted softly: "Boy, you are coming to the place, and you insist on it. This is not the place, otherwise the old man ’s unique breathing method will be passed to you, to ensure that you have long pulses, smooth breathing, and conceal breath, even masters Can't detect you ... "

Ye Qingxuan's head was a little confused, and his eyes immediately flashed. What could not be said was the [spirit turtle latent power] that Meng Yuanzhang taught him? Thinking of this, you can adjust your breath, [Spirit Turtle Latent Breath] immediately operates your whole body, the original impetuous breath immediately becomes subdued, the whole person is like a stone in the water, there is no sound, no breath is leaked .

Immediately after seeing it, he was overjoyed and laughed and cursed: "Good boy, the old man's housekeeping skills have long been available. Ayuan's monkey has never been cheap and can't sell. What do you exchange for this? Gongfa? "

Ye Qingxuan immediately recounted the exercises that he had handed over to Meng Yuanzhang. There were red martial arts [Dog Stick Method], and red martial arts [Yi Jin Jing], and a singularity that increased six consciousness. Gongfa [Six Senses Can Break Capricorn's Basic Blessings] are all skills that are not available or extremely rare in this world, and each of them can be called a peerless divine skill.

Ye Qingxuan's retelling only heard Barry Whispering in his eyes, and looked at Ye Qingxuan up and down, saying in amazement: "I am a good boy, there is so much fun in your kid, no wonder that is better than me The disciples who are still stubborn can worship you. My old man has the heart to pull at you, which is too much cheap. "

After this, the master of heaven must continue to say, "Exercise the old man's [Spirit Turtle Latent Breeding Technique]. This thing is very useful even if you go to the martial arts holy land. At least it can hide your body and it is not easy. Was discovered. The old man's kung fu is most proud of the six skills, called the "Six Lingyin Rune Sutra", and this "spirit turtle latent power" is definitely the top priority, and it is also the only boy in Meng Yuanzhang nowadays. Martial arts that you really master. In addition to concealing breath and prolonging your pulse, going deep to the depths is also a great help to your instinct to enter the country, which can improve your innate success rate. As for other martial arts of the old man, They all need to be cultivated after they have reached the innate state. Now the monkey cub in A Yuan is only practicing the basic skills that he has built for him. The real magic is not enough to learn, but he just did n’t think his kid was going to shit. Even when you meet such a freak, his kung fu now is enough to break through the rivers and lakes even if he reaches the innate level ... "

Ye Qingxuan was suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Meng Lao Liu was performing as well as or even slightly worse than ordinary famous disciples. He even speculated that the true level of "pirate saints" was not high, which was the result of the torture of Jianghu people. It is only now known that the exercises he is learning now are all basic, and the real powerful exercises can only be practiced after entering the "pre-natural world".

Think about the disciples that are being cultivated by all the factions in different areas.

"Building the Three Realms" is to make good disciples 'disciples, and "The Day after Tomorrow Three Realms" is to sharpen the disciples' mentality and skills. The ultimate goal of all majors is to cultivate the disciples to the "innate three realms." Get ready.

What really plays a central role in a martial art is the innate disciples. For a master, if you want to be famous, the innate realm is the real beginning.

From this point of view, even if it is better than Bei Mingyuzhuo or Li Daozong, it cannot be said that they can suppress them after entering the innate. Just like Meng Yuanzhang, these people's families have a very important innate heritage. This strength is better than The current Kunwu faction is much richer. Maybe the other party has peerless martial arts, maybe a technique that can quickly open up the entire body meridian in the innate realm, or maybe there is a peerless internal skill that can be cultivated in the innate realm ... This possibility exists, and the possibility of existence is extremely great.

After half a hour of leadership, he finally reached the place after half an hour of walking.

Barry had no time to **** with one hand, a square stone was pumped back, and then pushed aside, Ye Qingxuan's eyes were suddenly bright, and the air was clear.

He couldn't speak for a hundred miles, listened for a while, then pointed upwards, and ran out first.

Ye Qingxuan came to the entrance of the cave, and it turned out to be a half position of a well. The entrance was cleverly designed, and ordinary people would not notice it. I really did n’t understand how the "pirate saint" predecessor dug in the past. .

A soft bird's song sounded from the entrance of the cave. Ye Qingxuan knew that it was a signal beyond reach, and immediately he flew out and followed.

The shadow is a cottage on the side of the garden, surrounded by flower cellars, and various exotic flowers and grasses are extremely luxuriant. Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was full of enthusiasm, he immediately slipped over and said softly, "Don't look, what's so interesting about flowers and plants." Then he looked around and said, "This is the gardener's residence. People are very greedy, hey, they share the same hobbies as us, but the amount of alcohol is too bad. Every time I lose weight, I ca n’t sleep well. At this time, you ca n’t wake up singing here. Rest assured, let ’s hurry Do business. "

After speaking, dragging Ye Qingxuan, he sneaked in one direction.

Ye Qingxuan and Baili Wu were in stealth in Xiahou House, but Xiahou Boxin, the owner of Xiahou House, brought his eldest son, Xiahou Zhefeng, to a very important group of guests.

Xiahou Boxin, with a clumsy appearance and a tall figure, was sitting in the first seat, and his eldest son, Xiahou Zhefeng, was standing by his side. There were eight back chairs at the bottom left and six visitors.

If Ye Qingxuan is here, when Jiang Fei can be found in Lingyun Palace, he is sitting in the first chair with his right hand with a smile on his face, which is already the second respected position. Although he is a representative of the transcendental martial arts, Facing the world-famous Xiahou Boxin, he still respectfully disciples and respectfully.

And sitting first in the left hand, the first respected guest is an old man who looks more than 50 years old and has a strong appearance ~ www.readwn.com ~ But this old man who looks like a bandit, but Is wearing a suit of foreigners, and made himself look like a rich man, it is particularly nondescript.

As for the others, they all seem to be famous martial arts people. However, at this time, they all have some uncomfortable expressions. With a sullen smile, it is difficult to hide the unsightly look under their skin.

At this time, the fierce old man arched his hand toward Xiahou Boxin, with some embarrassed expression: "So Brother Xiahou insists on refusing to agree to this family relationship? Well, Wei Yue is also a party hero, so pleaded, Brother Xiahou might be too shameless, right? "

The old man, who claimed to be Wei Yue, made some remarks, and later became more and more tough. By the time of the last sentence, it was obvious that dissatisfaction was included.

But Xiahou Boxin, who was sitting in the first seat, didn't get angry, just said helplessly: "If Brother Wei comes three years earlier, with my friendship with Brother Wei, of course, this relationship can be promised, but the helpless dog has already made a marriage The daughter of the Duanjia family in Zhongzhou is dignified and behaves well, and there is nothing to be faulty. How can I come home to retreat from my old friend who has known him for many years? "(To be continued.)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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