Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 69: I am a brother

When Xia Hou Qingfeng accidentally mentioned the Kunwu faction, Ye Qingxuan was shocked, and his expression became more serious than ever. m

"Why is Xiahou Gongzi so interested in me Kunwu?"

Xiahou Qingfeng sighed and stood up and said, "Brother Ye, wait a moment." After speaking, he went into the back room.

Xiahou Qingfeng, a mysterious man, made Ye Qingxuan a little confused. It was really difficult to guess what was going on. So I thought of letting things go, and Shi Shiran poured out his own drink and drank the tea. The tea in Xiahoufu should be the "mist narcissus" from Quyi Mountain. In the light, there is a kind of natural sweet pepper. The fragrance of tea in the water vapor makes people feel refreshed. Qing Xuan was just thirsty after drinking, and he drank a cup of tea. Ye Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief. He went to the window, facing the moonlight and the breeze, breathing deeply.

The wind is full of floral fragrance.

A light cloud covered the moon, the moonlight faded, and the room became darker.

Ye Qingxuan sighed softly: "No matter how beautiful the moonlight is, there are times when it is blocked-"

"Well-flowers are constantly blooming, and the moon is not full ..." In the footsteps, Xiahou Qingfeng strolled.

With a loud voice, the sound of pulling the sword out of the sheath sounded, and a sharp gengjin qi came out suddenly. Ye Qingxuan looked back unexpectedly, but the original playful expression suddenly changed after seeing Xiahou Qingfeng's sword skills. It's inexplicable!

Of course, he was not horrified by Xia Hou Qingfeng's sword, because Xia Hou Qingfeng had no reason to threaten his life. He was horrified by the sword itself, because Xia Hou Qingfeng's use of the sword was truly peerless. [Kunwu Rui Jin Sword Technique], one of the five great swords.

Xia Hou Qingfeng's sword attacked the table where the two had just sat. The sword flashed and a dragon groaned. The long sword had returned to its sheath.

A gust of evening wind blew into the room in a timely manner and took away a layer of frivolous wood chips on the table. Four beautiful regular script "Xiahou Qingfeng" appeared. Is his name.

"Xiahou ... Qing ... Feng ..." Ye Qingxuan muttered to himself, looking at the "Qing" in the middle, and a strange feeling rose in his heart. Why didn't he find it before ... "Is this the inscription of Kunwu?"

Xiahou Qingfeng smiled horribly and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I'll take you to meet someone!"

Ye Qingxuan's curiosity skyrocketed, and for the first time, this gossip that almost scratched his heart almost killed him.

I hate selling them!

Ye Qingxuan shouted endlessly.

Twilight grew stronger and the wind was still full of fragrant flowers.

Just behind the small building, in a small garden with great scenery, Xiahou Qingfeng and Ye Qingxuan met the person. To be precise, it is a grave.

There are a few words on the tombstone above. Just like what Xia Hou Qingfeng wrote to Ye Qingxuan, they are all regular script letterings with clear corners, "The Tomb of the Dumb Master". Can be seen from the handwriting. All came from Xia Hou Qingfeng's hands.

There is no name, only the title of "dumb male".

Xia Hou Qingfeng said lightly: "The dumb father is my master and a gardener who has lived in my Xiahou mansion for 60 years. When I was born, he was by my side. Because I like flowers, I often visit him. Playing in the flower cellar.

At the age of seven, I became blind and showed no signs. The family was mad, and I found many famous doctors, but it didn't cure my strange disease. Even the chief medical officer at the time, Qiu Douqi, only found that the meridians in my body had shrunk for unknown reasons. There was no way to take this vein atrophy at all, and he even predicted that I would not be sixteen.

I also thought that I would not live until I was sixteen, until I came here again, until I saw dumb ... "

Ye Qingxuan suppressed his inner excitement and asked softly, "So this dumb man secretly accepted you as an apprentice, and secretly taught you the Kunwu Ningyu Jue. With this set of exercises, Even if it does n’t cure your illness, it has a suppressing effect, so ... ”

"So I have lived for so long ..." Xiahou Qingfeng said with a smile and excuse: "I just didn't expect that the dumb saved my life, but he couldn't save his own life!"

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's confused expression, Xiahou Qingfeng explained it to himself.

It turned out that the gardener, who was called "dumb man" by the people of Xiahoufu, turned out to be one of the five great swords of the Kunwu School, "Rui Jin Jian" Yuan Daochun, the sword-bearing boy, and the nickname "Ling Yuan". When Dao Tongzi led an elite to settle in a manor in Zhongzhou, the Lingyuan Taoist did not eat because of diarrhea, so he was naturally not poisoned. He was squatting in the pit when the thief killed the Kunwu faction. He was in the toilet and escaped by dung.

It was a pity that in the later investigation of the rivers and lakes, the trace was found. After a few pursuits, he suffered severe internal injuries. The enemy naturally thought that he would die. He did not expect that he relied on his deep internal strength to heal the broken internal organs. However, since then, the ability to speak has been lost, the internal meridians have also been damaged, and the skills have been lost year by year.

In order to survive, he hid as a gardener in Xiahou's family and lived for decades. He finally secretly taught him this set of [Kunwu Ning] because he liked Xiahou Qingfeng and because of his poor destiny. Yu Gong], the two men's demands are almost the same, they are both resistance to the shrinking meridians.

Xiahou Qingfeng was blessed by the disaster and prolonged her life for several years, but her pseudonym Ling Yuan was seriously injured when Xiahou Qingfeng was nineteen years old.

Xia Hou Qingfeng was very sad and said, "Unfortunately, if the family teacher lives a few more years, he can see the feat of Kunwu school to revive the mountain gate. This is his lifelong wish. Before he died, his heart was full of Angered and confused, he didn't even have the strength to curse his enemies, and he didn't know who the enemies were. This inextricable knot made him painful throughout his life. Even if he passed away, he could not give up his hatred of the enemy.

Ye Qingxuan said with relief: "But it was still very good. When Uncle Lingyuan died, there was still you around, and finally he got some comfort. Does Uncle Lingyuan have any last words?"

Xiahou Qingfeng shook his head and said, "He didn't want to impose his burden on me, so he didn't leave anything like revenge, just left me a note before the illness, if possible Let me bury his remains on Mount Kunwu ... he is an orphan, and Kunwu Mountain is his home! "

"It should be so!"

Ye Qingxuan felt a little bit flustered in his heart. If he thought about the Kunwu faction that year, it would be a feud that every Kunwu disciple had penetrated into his soul. In the face of the plot that was not completely clear at that time, Ye Qingxuan felt that even if he had full strength, he didn't know to vent there.

"The dummies accepted my 14th generation disciple of the Kunwu faction, that is, the" Qing "character generation. My real name was" Chunfeng ", and I was troubled by my father for a long time before allowing me to rename it. However, my father said that the five elements in my life lacked 'wood', so my 'wind' word became the word 'maple'. Qingfeng, Qingfeng, I like the name very much. "Xiahou Qingfeng smiled towards Ye Qingxuan. On the other hand, he laughed: "According to the entrance sooner or later, it seems Brother Ye will call me a brother!"

Xia Hou Qingfeng's optimism instantly infected Ye Qingxuan who was a little sad. He laughed and called respectfully "Brother Xia Hou", then looked curiously at Xia Hou Qingfeng's eyes, shaking his hands in front of him, and said "Although it's a bit impolite to say that, I really don't feel you are blind."

Xiahou Qingfeng's expression was still very happy and calm. He slowly answered, "I'm really blind."

"I'm really blind."

Although these are just ordinary seven characters, Ye Qingxuan has never heard anything that surprised him more than these seven characters.

He stared at Xiahou Qingfeng. This is this person. He is full of love for human beings and life, and full of hope for the future. He can clearly know where the tea cup is, and can pour the tea into the tea cup. . In Ye Qingxuan's impression, no blind man can do this.

As if feeling the doubtful eyes of Ye Qingxuan, Xiahou Qingfeng nodded and said, "I was blind when I was seven years old."

Ye Qingxuan said: "But you don't look anything like that."

Xia Hou Qingfeng smiled again and said, "What kind of talent do you want?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't say. He had seen many blind people, and always thought that the blind man must be a downcast, frowning person, because the colorful world told them that there was only darkness.

Although he didn't say what was in his heart, Xiahou Qingfeng apparently understood what he meant.

Xiahou Qingfeng led Ye Qingxuan and walked towards the small building, and said with a smile: "I know you must think that blind people will never be as happy as me."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and admitted. But he suddenly thought that Xiahou Qingfeng was a blind man, he couldn't see his movement, and he wanted to speak quickly, but Xiahou Qingfeng chuckled: "Don't talk, I can feel your movement ..."

Ye Qingxuan's heart was instantly shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ asked: "How did you do that?"

"It is Fengyi Pavilion's [Xuangan Xuangan Yuanbo Gong]!" A soft female voice rang from the side.

Ye Qingxuan turned her head and looked at him. Jiang Fei appeared like a fairy on the left side of the flowers. Even though Ye Qingxuan gained the strengthened six consciousness, she didn't notice the slightest change before she spoke.

The descendants of Ling Yun Gong are indeed superior in martial arts. Perhaps her martial arts is the strongest in this "military envoy". Unfortunately, as a leader, the disciples of Lingyun Palace are not eligible to participate.

"It turned out to be this technique. No wonder Brother Xia Hou's perception is better than ordinary people. At the same time, he can see things around him as clearly as human eyes ..."

Ye Qingxuan smiled arrogantly, "But this technique should be the core secret technique of Fengyi Pavilion. Brother Xiahou must have paid a huge price for this technique?"

Xiahou Qingfeng sighed and said, "The price is that my Xiahou family must have a son to marry Feng Yige's heir."

PS: Basic three and two.

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