Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 73: King Kong is not bad

The monk Ruhua directly rejected Xiahou Boxin's kindness, which made the scene embarrassing for a while, but Xiahou Boxin deserved to be an old churros mixed with officialdom for many years, and laughed softly: "Haha, the master is really extraordinary. I do n’t know if the master is right What interest? The old man is willing to ask for the master ... "

Ye Qingxuan winked, let Ruhua do not say anything too much, this old man is definitely not so harmless as humans and animals. If Ji Guanglan is an old fox, this guy is a lone wolf.

Just as Ruhua turned a blind eye to Ye Qingxuan's eyes, after hearing Xiahou Boxin's words, his eyes flashed immediately, and he said happily, "Hey, this is pretty much the same. The Sajia family is not interested. I heard that there is an old wine in your house. May wish to give a dozen jars to the family to moisturize their throats, no, one hundred jars, one hundred jars is enough ... "

The crowd froze at the same time, then burst into laughter.

This rammed goods!

Ye Qingxuan sighed again. However, this result has solved the embarrassing atmosphere just now, leaving Xiahou Boxin a temporary ally with a little face.

Xiahou Boxin smiled cheerfully: "It turns out that the masters are the same as the old ones. They are so good. Of course, this wine has to be delivered, but there are not as many good wines as a hundred jars. There are still altars. The old man with the gold bracelet is not easy to take it back, but I also ask the master to make it difficult and accept it ... "

"So ... Yeah!" Ruhua mumbled and put away the pair of wristbands, and looked quite reluctantly.

Ye Qingxuan cursed secretly, but the fifth child of this rammed goods also learned to sell well.

Aside, Jiang Feiran suddenly curiously said, "Well? Why didn't Brother Ye look at what treasure Xiahou senior gave you?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled indifferently, and put the box aside directly, smiling: "The kindness of Xiahou's older generation. How could the younger person refuse. The box is of course rare. Of course, the younger people only worry about opening it in public. , Ridiculous joke, so I decided to go back and open it again. Please forgive Xiahou seniors. "

The brothers Ye Qingxuan and Ruhua are really wonderful. One sees the treasure and ignores it; the other knows it is a treasure, but can bear it without looking at it, and the attitude is optional and never greedy. Except for Jiang Feiran, everyone else was astonished.

Just now, his brother Ruhua Monk has refused once in public. I never thought it was Ye Qingxuan's turn.

On the contrary, Xia Hou Boxin sighed in surprise: "Xu brothers are independent and special, and they must be peerless in the future. The old man will not only have no dissatisfaction, but also add admiration to his heart."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said with a slight smile, "The older generation is assured that Brother Xiahou is safe. Our brothers must do their best to protect him. As long as our brother does not fall, Brother Xiahou will never be harmed in the slightest."

Ye Qingxuan suddenly solemnly expressed his attitude. Everyone moved.

Obviously, Xia Hou ’s gift was not too heartfelt, but Ye Qingxuan promised so solemnly. Xia Hou Boxin, who was a little disappointed, was immediately shocked when he faced a 180-degree turn. Brother Ye really gave the old man a face, came and set a banquet, and today old man has to stay with some of them ... "

"You are really blind !?"

After two days, the monk Ruhua raised his own question for the third time in a day, and the object of questioning was naturally Xiahou Qingfeng, the third son of Xiahou's family.

"I'm really blind." This is the third time Xiahou Qingfeng answered Ruhua's same question today.

This sentence has been asked countless times, including the great monk like a flower, but when the monk like a flower asked again, he did not have the slightest impatience, and still answered with a chuckle.

"Oh, obediently, you blind man can see better than someone with my eyes ..."

Xiahou Qingfeng leaned against the railing of the ship, facing the cool Jiang Feng, said softly, "Maybe it's because I don't have the fetters of my eyes. Fate has given me a sharper sense of hearing ..."

[The Heaven and Earth Xuangan Yuanbo Gong] passed to him by Fengyi Pavilion. He has a much wider range of investigation than anyone in Fengyi Pavilion's history who practiced this technique. Based on his current internal skills, Normal people in the same period can only get a detection range of 200 meters, but Xiahou Qingfeng can reach 500 meters.

Within 500 meters, a one-foot-tall object can be easily detected by him. If it is smaller than this area, Xiahou Qingfeng will have a disorder of judgment, and it is not clear what the thing he has discovered is similar to that of ordinary people. . Only within 50 meters of the distance can we be able to detect everything with little detail and fully grasp everything around us.

However, in terms of details, it is still not the opponent of [Capricorn Luo Gong] that Ye Qingxuan knows, especially Ye Qingxuan's kung fu is centered on human ancestors and presents a circular range of detection. Qi and spirit exist at all times; it is not a wave-like exploration method like Xiahou Qingfeng's, nor does it trigger the consumption of true energy and mental power like it does.

Xiahou Qingfeng's stunt is completely aimed at the exploration of human beings, and the advantage lies in the distance;

Ye Qingxuan's method is to control the surroundings. He does not need to worry about being attacked from behind, and can clearly grasp the attacking angle of the opponent.

So for so many years, Ye Qingxuan has experienced many killings in the small war, but he has not left a scar on his body.

Ruhua looked at Xiahou Qingfeng with respect and admiration. The young man in front of him had a very calm and comfortable feeling about the unfortunate encounters on his body. This feeling was also experienced by Master that year. Feelings.

However, Xiahou Qingfeng's is slightly different. He is not a person who explores life, but he loves life.

Xia Hou Qingfeng said faintly: "Actually, it is not bad to be blind. Although I can no longer see it, I can still hear it, feel it, and sometimes even have more fun than others."

With a glow of happiness and satisfaction on his face, he slowly continued: "Have you ever heard the sound of snowflakes falling on the roof? Can you feel the beauty of the flower buds when they slowly open in spring and summer? Vitality? Do you know that the autumn and summer houshou often carried a kind of woody leaf fragrance from the distant mountains? ... "

Xiahou Qingfeng said his feelings softly, while the flower on the side was listening hard to him, as if listening to a song. Soft wonderful songs.

Xiahou Qingfeng said: "As long as you are willing to enjoy it, you will find how lovely life is. There are many pleasing pleasures in each season that will make you forget all your troubles."

Ruhua closed her eyes and suddenly felt that Jiang Feng was more moist and softer.

Xiahou Qingfeng said: "Can you live happily, the question is not whether you are a blind man? It is whether you really care about your own life? Do you really want to live happily."

Ruhua raised her head and stared at Xiahou Qingfeng's calm and happy face.

Now the expression in Ruhua's eyes is no longer an astonishing mercy, but a respect, just as he looked at his master Ningdu Zen Master as a child.

This was the most amazing scene Ye Qingxuan saw when he stepped out of the cabin. The fiery flower was so quiet beside Xia Hou Qingfeng. Listening quietly to him, without violently thrashing the other side with a Zen stick.

"This thing should be the weirdest scene I've ever seen in my life?" Ye Qingxuan rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

"Hi, Ruhua, it's time to practice." Ye Qingxuan shouted away.

For the remaining two months, it must not be wasted for anyone, especially at this time Ye Qingxuan wants to consolidate and stabilize a newly mastered magic skill. This martial art can completely save Ye Qingxuan's life at a critical moment.

It is one of the seventy-two stunts in Shaolin.

This was the martial art that Ye Qingxuan had already exchanged when he first met the monk Ruhua. He should have learned it long ago. But because there is a more important martial art to learn, it has never been cultivated. Only at the beginning level.

At that time, Ji Guanglan explained to him in detail a few points that must be done before the innate, these points completely affect his potential after entering the innate, indicating how powerful he can be and how far he can go.

If you do n’t do it before “Xian Tian Jing”, once you enter “Xian Tian Jing”, and you want to complete it, it will be more difficult.

The first is to open up the entire body meridian, which will be the basis for how much innate innocence can be stored in the future. The more meridians that are opened, the stronger the innate qi that can be stored. In Ye Qingxuan's plan, this goal can already be achieved through the [Yi Jin Jing].

The second is the importance of "protecting the body and holding breath" when entering the innate. In order to obtain extremely powerful "protection of the body", the magical skills of body protection in the day after tomorrow will be the key, especially the external body training. The more powerful the body training, the more powerful the training will be after entering the innate, Powerful "protective body hold breath".

And Ye Qingxuan's body-building technique is extremely powerful gold-level martial arts [Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong]. Thirteen layers of exercises Ye Qingxuan completely mastered the first nine of the acquired stage. However, this method is focused on tempering the bones and flesh, which can obtain great strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the training of the membrane is not enough. The sharp blade can attack the body, although it can rely on the muscles to clamp it, but it still cannot To achieve non-invasive contact, and Ye Qingxuan wants to strengthen the body's bones, flesh, and membranes, he must find a purely martial art to temper the membranes.

Therefore, the magical power of [King Kong is not bad body] of top grade orange has become Ye Qingxuan's best choice.

This outer door guard is one of the ten most difficult skills in Shaolin's 72 stunts. It is called the most defensive kung fu. After practicing this skill, if a person wears King Kong armor, his body can withstand all attacks from outside forces, can strengthen the whole body into a King Kong body, become a man who is indestructible and invaders, and can not produce a strong reaction. The power of the shock, the strength of the body, is far better than the iron stone.

This martial art is extremely difficult to practice. With the existence of "Langya Lingling Pavilion", Ye Qingxuan learned this martial arts but consumed some skill points, and deduced this "knowledge" from "beginner to first practice" to "slightly." There is little success. " Martial arts at this level will depend on their own cultivation.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Qingxuan's **** son, Gui Sheng, has also been passed down this magical skill from outside, and he is stopping training in Kunwu Mountain. (To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

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