The silver-white rose painted by Xiahou Qingfeng with a sword was in bloom—

The audience was silent.

At this moment--

Hong Tiangang waved and flew the two blade fragments from Ye Qingxuan;

Ye Qingxuan Fei flew to Xie Haichun, who was in a hurry;

Xia Hou Qingfeng gathered his sword and returned;

A big monk like a flower stands beside ...


A small wave came from the river, and the ship trembled suddenly. At the same time, there were the hearts of more than fifty masters of the Motianling. No, there are still a dozen at this time ...

And the masters of the middle sword, together with Lu Dazheng at the forefront, had become a pile of meat pieces when the hull was shaken, and they fell to the full deck ...

The **** atmosphere filled the air for a moment.

A beautiful sword, a sharp sword, a deadly sword ...

Just the Jianqi produced such a change and formed such a fierce offensive. [Kunwurui Golden Sword] does not lose one of the Five Great Swords.


"The door was too old" Hong Tiangang finally made a furious voice. Under his eyelids, an innate master of his subordinates was actually killed by joint hands. This was definitely not the result he wanted to see.

The advantage that was originally inevitable became tragic in an instant. Now even if the few boys in front of it are extinguished, they cannot explain the loss of losing the congenital master after returning.

Hong Tiangang's black pot was set back, and at this moment, he hated Ye Qingxuan and others to the extreme.

With two hands twisted, four steel needles appeared in each hand. Seeing Ye Qingxuan and Xie Haichun fighting together, they focused on Xiahou Qingfeng and the flower-like monk. Screamed. The eight steel needles were tinged with pale cyan. Suddenly shot.

In the face of Hong Tiangang's angry shot, both Xia Hou Qingfeng looked nervous, and the two stood in a row, preparing to work together to counter the shot steel needles, because the speed of these steel needles was less than 20 meters. From a distance, it is completely impossible to completely avoid it.

But as the two were about to prepare for the attack, an exclaimed cry came. A figure suddenly rushed to the line where the steel needles struck.


An astonishing scream rang out, everyone was shocked, and found that the man turned out to be Xie Haichun, who was fighting Ye Qingxuan, but at this time, under the unstable posture, he was completely incapable of facing a lightning strike like a steel needle. Had to work hard to open his body full of breath, trying to resist Hong Tiangang's attack.

But all this is undoubtedly futile.

Just as soon as he touched, Xie Haichun's defensive breath was broken like a punctured balloon, wrapped in this violent steel needle. Relentlessly penetrated Xie Haichun's body, as if being struck by a machine gun. The innate master's body was also bombarded to pieces.

Through Xie Haichun's resistance, the penetrating steel needles had completely lost their initial attack power and were easily resisted by Xiahou Qingfeng and Ruhua.

Ye Qingxuan quickly retreated and evacuated to the same front as the two.

At this time, Hong Tiangang still showed the posture when shooting the steel needle, but with an unbelievable expression on his face, looking at Xie Haichun who was killed by himself, he couldn't believe what happened at this time.

It turned out that while Xie Haichun was attacked by Xie Haichun, his two hands took the attack of two concealed weapons. The volley was in a neutral position where he could not breathe, and he slammed violently, never giving him a breather.

Although Xie Haichun is a congenital master, when all kinds of unfavorable conditions accumulate, he barely resisted Ye Qingxuan's violent bombardment. Although he had to cope with the difficulties, as long as he persisted for a while, he would inevitably take over all of Ye Qingxuan. attack.

I just didn't expect that when Xia Hou Qingfeng hit Lu Dazheng, a **** of sacrifice appeared, and Ye Qingxuan decisively seized the opportunity. One shot [Zhentian Iron Palm] disrupted Xie Haichun's pace, and then he swung with both palms. , Xie Haichun hit the fly, but the direction is exactly the line shot by the hidden weapon when Hong Tiangang shot.

All of this was a temporary change made by Ye Qingxuan after seeing the opponent's shot, and he suddenly tried his best to attack, and the one-shot effect only disrupted the opponent's center of gravity, and then used the enemy's hand to kill his opponent. dead.

Ye Qingxuan's method of wit response in the battlefield is amazing.

Hong Tiangang's eyes became emaciated, and his red eyes showed that his anger had reached the point where it could not be increased.

"you guys……"

"Everyone die--"

The furious Hong Tiangang finally broke out of his true strength, and a flash of green in his hands suddenly disappeared before everyone's eyes. For a moment, a large fluffy blue radon mass appeared in front of everyone, like a meteor shower toward Ye Qingxuansan. People shot.

"I rely on--"

More than thirty steel needles shot wildly at the three of Ye Qingxuan, and the three of them immediately rushed around. Ye Qingxuan crawled past the seven or eight steel needles until they were inevitable. The steel knife flew the last steel needle, and the steel knife in his hand was naturally broken into countless pieces, but anyhow, it saved a small life;

Xiahou Qingfeng's hearing is unparalleled, and his feet are not slow. He also avoided the incoming steel needles, but the left shoulder was still suffocated by the suffocation on a steel needle. Instantly, a large piece of flesh disappeared, directly Teared by sharp radon;

The monk Ruhua was even more tragic. At the last moment, a total of four steel needles hit the body. However, with Superman's defense, Ruhua's body did not tear the body like a steel needle exploded, but the four steel needles almost immersed into the flowery body. Fortunately, the middle needle was not the key, and the only shot was to the eyes. The steel needle was blocked by the hand like a flower, but the steel needle more than three inches long penetrated the back of the hand and stayed on the palm of the hand.

The three young men fled and hid in the cabin, temporarily avoiding Hong Tiangang's first attack.

"This **** is really **** powerful."

Ye Qingxuan cursed, peeping out of the window, and asked without hesitation: "Monk, is your dog day all right?"

With a jingle, the monk pulled out the steel needle on the palm and threw it to the place. At the same time, he said, "It doesn't matter, both tmd are minor injuries. This is the steel needle that shot into the soft ribs, which is a little obstructive. I **** it out ... "

For example, the four steel needles on the flower are distributed on the palm, right thigh, left soft rib and shoulder. Except for the steel needles in the soft rib, the steel needles in other places were pulled out by him with pain, but the soft ribs were shot too deeply. It is impossible to pull it out by hand.

"I trust, did you hurt your internal organs?" Ye Qingxuan hurriedly came to look.

"Caught in muscle. Hurry up, it's too late!"

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly covered her pinhole with her palm, and felt the steel needles in her muscles. As soon as [Qinglong Longhe] moved, she drew the steel needles out and dropped them on the ground.

This may seem simple, but it actually requires the user to have a strong control, otherwise the force can not be sucked out, but if the force is heavy, I am afraid that even the intestines will be pulled out of the body.

Get rid of the steel needle in the body, such as the flower monk grinning, and about to speak, Ye Qingxuan and Xia Hou Qingfeng almost yelled at the same time ...

Ye Qingxuan grabbed Xiahou Qingfeng and Ru Hua's arms and hurriedly said, "Go down!"

Almost at the same time, the two knew at the same time, and the three of them worked together. The sound of gurgling on top of the head continued to bang, and the cabin on the three people's heads seemed to have been shot by anti-aircraft machine guns. Shot into a horse honeycomb.

"The door was too old" Hong Tiangang's anger poured into the cabin like a meteor shower. He doesn't care where Ye Qingxuan and others are, he doesn't want to send someone to search for their specific location, he just wants to vent and shoot ... … So do n’t gather your horror on the steel needle in your hand, and attack the cabin without mercy, almost between a few breaths, hundreds of steel needles wrapped in sharp radon, even if it is Innate masters, this level of consumption can not afford over time.

After everything in Hong Tiangang's vision was broken into pieces, the stern stern had even started to seep water. Hong Tiangang finally stopped his offensive, gasping at the hull that was torn in front of him, and finally laughed wildly. .

A clipper rushed away in the distance. When the unscrupulous laughter on the boat was heard, a sorrowful scream sounded, and a pale yellow shadow flew from the clipper, along the waves rising from the river, galloping Come.

Hong Tiangang's complexion changed, but he looked at the river.

I saw a person who was as light as a man's body, and ran on the waves without falling, and after a while, he flew on the still-broken hull and looked at the cabin without any signs of life ~ ~ Murderousness rose violently, and murmured towards Hong Tiangang: "Okay, okay, Motianling dare to take the world by storm, assassinate the 'assistant'. If you let someone in Motianling live in the world, I do n’t need to This river exists! "

Hengmei's cold and e-browed figure was not someone else. It was Jiang Feiran, the descendant of Lingyun Palace who was invited by Fengyi Pavilion. When Jiang Feiran felt that the atmosphere was wrong, he was too late to stop the assassination on the side of the skyscraper. Seeing people in a boat, there is no living mouth.

With grief and anger in her heart, Jiang Feiran has decided to eradicate the Motianling at all costs, and as the special envoy of Lingyun Palace, she has the right to convene Baidao Wulin to fight against rebellion.

Just when she said this, Hong Tiangang on the opposite side even showed a look of disdain, and gave a cold glance at Jiang Feiran in the corner of her eyes, proudly saying, "Is Jiang Xianzi trying to represent the world's Baidao Wulin? It ’s not that Hong somebody looks down on you, just because the fairy can't even represent Lingyun Palace now? "

Jiang Feiran was shocked, angrily, "What do you mean?" (To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

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