Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 82: See the poor figure

Although famous gangs inevitably have to be connected with the underworld gangs, this connection is made in private. Once it reaches the height of the court, there are some problems. Underworld gangs are forces not recognized by the court. They are connected with them. To the slightest, they are mistaken for bandits. When they are serious, they are to gather people to rebel.

In addition, Jiang Feiran's words revealed a meaning inside and outside the words, that is, today ’s incident, something that these people have planned for a long time, it is no accident that the factions in front of them calculated Lingyun Palace in advance, and arrogantly The assassination of "assurer" by Jiang Feiran's words was to push them to the opposite side of Lingyun Palace, which means that they are openly opposed to Lingyun Palace.

Now the warlords are certainly not fools. If they admit that they have long collusion with the Motianling, they may be jealous of the people in the court, especially if they offend the eunuchs of the "King of the Imperial Guard". But everything can be done.

The forces now headed by the five major gangs immediately denied them in unison.

Some even claimed to have been invited by Feng Yige to come and witness the truth.

This rhetoric brought Fengyi Pavilion to corroborate. It seems that it can prove his innocence, but I do not know how to do it, but it reveals the fact that Fengyi Pavilion is the mastermind behind the scenes.

It turned out that it was really Fengyige who organized so many gangs behind the scenes.

Su Suya glanced sharply at the speaker, scaring the person into a crowd and rushing into the crowd, knowing that she had said something wrong.

Jiang Feiran was so cold, her pupils shrank, her eyes became cold as never before, and she asked coldly, "The assassination of the" Bulwark "today. Are you planning? "

Only now face Jiang Feiran's questioning. Su Suya has not answered. Ge Yuanzhao was already frowning, and said angrily, "Bold, when are there any rules in the palace that make you dare to talk to Master Shi? Well, the younger generations in the palace have become more and more unruly these days. Lin Nanxuan's good apprentice turned his back on elders. "

Jiang Feiran didn't look back, just set his gaze on Wu Suya's face. Ignore Ge Yuanzhao's scolding at all.

Seeing Jiang Feiran's grim look like a knife, Wu Suya's face looked helpless and aggrieved, and said, "Sister Jiang must not misunderstand, things here have nothing to do with my Fengyi Pavilion. The little girl just got the news Said that because her sister acted a little too scrupulously, even the same master and many martial arts colleagues were inconspicuous. For the justice in martial arts, the big guy wanted to make a few suggestions with her sister, and advised her to be on the cliff and return to normal. I was worried that their words were too much. It hurt my sister's heart, so she came here to give a testimony. At the same time, she helped her to say a few words ... How could my sister misunderstand my painstaking efforts? Damn me! "

"Hear the news? Hum, I'm afraid it's the news spread by you Fengyige?"

"Sister, is this Dai Yunyun Palace questioning me to Fengyi Pavilion?" Su Suya's pitiful attitude suddenly changed, and Fengmu suddenly stood up, looking directly at Jiang Feiran, refused to give in.

At this time, Ge Yuanzhao's cold words sounded again and said, "Don't misunderstand the fairy, what kind of qualification does this villain have on behalf of Ling Yun Palace. She has done something wrong, and Ling Yun Palace can't bear it for her!" Then he turned to Jiang Feiran and said arrogantly: " Zombies, do n’t apologize to Xian Xianzi yet! "

Ge Yuanzhao yelled at Jiang Feiran coldly, but Jiang Feiran was still a mask of ice, but at this time he turned his head, looked at Ge Yuanzhao coldly, and asked, "So, Ge Shibo is also involved in this matter. Huh? "

Ge Yuanzhao was immediately furious and yelled: "Jack! Jiang Feiran, at this time you have no regrets. Gu Wei said that what he said now is that you have chosen to use the" busher "thing, and many martial arts colleagues now Blame it, don't you admit it? "

"Admit it?" Jiang Feiran turned his eyes blank and sneered sneerly: "They bravely assassinated the 'assistant'. At this time, Ge Shibo, you didn't maintain the authority of Lingyun Palace, but let me admit wrong to these bandits? What's wrong I'm not wrong with them! "

"Bold, the morality of the‘ bustors ’you chose is a scum of the rivers and lakes. He is not qualified!” Ge Yuanzhao screamed sharply.

"I have the right to decide, I am the special envoy of Lingyun Palace!" Jiang Feiran finally confirmed that he would not be too polite with these people. "You collude with the underworld forces and ignore the way of the rivers and lakes. Sin is unforgivable! "

"Motianling is the right way to martial arts. They are doing this just to get justice!"

"Motianling is a gangster. Everyone in the world knows that you say he is a white sect, what is the evidence? Give me the will of the court! You said he robbed you of your money and treasures, what is the evidence? Bring it to me! No, no, you are empty-mouthed, and you have no evidence. Do you think that one or two famous decent people can be run without fear when they are backers? Are you a fake hunter in my hand? Is it false? Knowing that the ship is the 'army' of Lingyun Palace, you are still killing it with your hands. When you are my Lingyun Palace, you ca n’t do it? Even if you say Ye Qingxuan is in doubt, why ca n’t you catch it and fight with you, but you have to kill it? Are your heroes silly and unsuccessful in the day? What about the Lingyun Palace disciples who are on the same boat? What about Xia Hou Qingfeng, who is also irrelevant? Is Xia Hou Qingfeng also a partner of Ye Qingxuan? Is n’t it the assassination of a 'busher' when a poisonous hand is given? "

Jiang Feiran was dying at the moment when the Motianling was not formally normal, and he was chasing after him, and he continued to ask questions like a bang, so that the gang leader present was guilty because they could clearly see Jiang Feiran's vow If she doesn't give up, if Jiang Fei isn't dead, she will not stop just because of the quarrel and the consequences.

For a while, the gang leaders who had always acted recklessly, looked at Jiang Feiran and became extremely unfriendly.

"The fairy Jiang said it is reasonable, I support you in Pohai!" Yu Pohai suddenly spoke, and the gang's murderousness on Friday and Friday was suppressed.

Needless to say, Kung Fu ’s work is innately congenial. There is a comparison of Ge Yuanzhao here, but the surrounding area is the place of the Longjiang Society. If you really turn your face completely after breaking the sea, these other masters would not dare Guaranteed to retreat. Not to mention anything else, this is not the only one who came to Pohai. The boat he is on is an elite master of the Longjiang Society. The two innate protection methods are nearby, plus more than 200 masters in the club. It is just that the strength of his family is almost the sum of the other families. This battle cannot be fought.

When speaking at the critical moment of breaking the sea, Qi Suya and Ge Yuanzhao were so angry that they were so angry that they were so angry with the Motianling group.

The sudden appearance of Yu Pohai made it extremely possible that the plan that was originally perfect, such as Wu Suya and others, would be completely defeated. The leaders of the five major gangs around him, even the people of one hundred small and medium gangs, would not dare to shoot easily. But at this time, one person took a shot, and Yu Pohai had no reason to stop it.

This person is Ge Yuanzhao.

Ge Yuanzhao's shot was a family affair in Lingyun Palace. Yu Pohai could prevent others from doing Jiang Feiran, but he was not qualified to stop Ge Yuanzhao from punishing his juniors.

Sure enough, Min Suya thinking of this point gestured Ge Yuanzhao, this old man is also a human spirit, and immediately understood the countermeasures.

Ge Yuanzhao took a long sigh and whispered to Jiang Feiran: "Since Jiang's nephew is still so obsessed, Master Xiu shot it. I want to accept your 'Bilan Sword' and Lingyun Palace Seal and return to the mountain for a reason Lin Nanxuan disciplines well! Lest you do anything to offend the fellow martial arts in the world! "

After Ge Yuanzhao said, before stepping on, he had to start.

Jiang Fei was like an enemy. He never thought that things would come to an end. It was actually his own fellow teacher, Bo Lai. The prestige of Lingyun Palace was completely lost. Today's events are probably enough to make the world's rivers and lakes make fun of it for several years.

Jiang Feiran has the heart to maintain the honor of the division, but also knows that Ge Yuanzhao has endured so many years. Once she makes a move, she will never regret it, so she has no chance of winning herself, but the magical soldier "Bilan Sword" given by her father He Lingyun Palace convened the seal of Badao Wulin, and must not fall into the hands of Ge Yuanzhao.

In particular, the seal that could issue a "kill order" cannot fall into the hands of Ge Yuanzhao. Baekdo Wulin recognizes and does not recognize people. With this thing, at least he can summon a slaughter order for a certain faction. If he falls into the hands of his Ge Yuanzhao and is secretly cultivated among the major factions, he will They gathered together, obeyed the assignment of the letter, and arbitrarily exterminated a sect that was not one of the "ten majors," even if the other party was a baidao faction.

By that time, even the head of Lingyun Palace could not stop himself, it was impossible to stop it.

It can be said that just now Jiang Feiran was so tough and confident to punish these gangs involved in the assassination of "assistants", because he had this letter in his hand, which called Bai Dao a "secret master". But if the seal had not been sent, it would be another matter.

"Do you dare!" Jiang Fei yelled angrily ~ www.readwn.com ~ hahaha, why am I afraid? Ge Yuanzhao responded with a laugh.

Not far away, Yu Pohai on the deck of the ship was so dignified that he knew that he had done enough. Now it was the housework of Lingyun Palace. If he had to intervene, he would offend Fengyi Pavilion, and at the same time Offended half of Lingyun Palace, when he broke the sea on the rivers and lakes is not so confusing.

Seeing that Ge Yuanzhao was about to start, among the crowd behind Po Hai, there was a strange rumor that was cold and whispered. It was clear that the voice was not loud, but it spread to the audience a moment.

"Ah, yeah, I said that Ge Yuanzhao hadn't grown up in the mountain nest in the past few years. I never believed it. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to prove it, but today I really guessed it. Who said that Ge Yuanzhao did not grow? Let ’s take a look, let ’s not say, this skin is growing too much. As an elder, he is a half-step virgin master, even if he shoots at an acquired girl, it is simply shameless, his skin is simply thick Than Nanshan! "(To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

Thank you brothers for your reward, plus two more chapters.

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