Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 91: Get started

"Hurry up and write!"

Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment, making Helina next to him a little unhappy.

Ye Qingxuan was going crazy, and Jiang Fei just shook his head helplessly. She didn't know this beforehand, because the warriors who had never participated in the game like Ye Qingxuan got a weapon store on their backs.

"Excuse me, Mr. Richard, if my weapon is a set of equipment, can it be divided into several times before it can be brought in?"

Richard had just lit a special pipe at this time. He didn't answer the first time, but just took a cigarette and then spit out a cigarette ring. Then he slowly shrugged his shoulders, and the attitude was clearly saying "That's it."

Ye Qingxuan muttered with some dissatisfaction, but did what he said in accordance with the requirements, but instead of filling in the "Initial Weapons" list, he did not fill in the "sword", but "the magic weapon".

Jiang Feiran took a look at Ye Qingxuan unexpectedly, not knowing when he had this weapon. And Richard, a consultant, looked at Ye Qingxuan up and down, and smiled: "It's rare that young people of Chinese ethnicity still have masters who practice Buddhist weapons."

Ye Qingxuan's choice caused Li Daozong and Zhao Qingting to frown deeply, and fell into silence thoughtfully.

Ye Qingxuan's martial arts is of course swordsmanship, but why did he choose to drop the magic pestle? Is it to help the great monk prepare a sturdy extra weapon?

Although Ye Qingxuan knew that other people would have doubts, he did not dare to store such an artifact in a place he did not know at all, and the "magic in the world" had a powerful attacking force. Of course, it was safer to carry around.

Waiting for others to fill out the form. In addition to the flower is filled with Zen stick. The other three were swords.

"Get good things and you can go!"

After one person stuffed a box. Helena waved her hands impatiently and blasted the crowd.

"Well, now you can move freely ... Remember to store the rest of your stuff in the bank, and when you enter the **** land ten days later, do n’t bring extra weapons. Someone will check. It's not good to have unnecessary trouble sometimes ... "Mr. Li Cha left Ye Qingxuan and others at the door and left directly.

Looking at the other person's rapidly disappearing figure, Ye Qingxuan immediately yelled.

"Damn. Has his responsibility been fulfilled? Why can't he even mention important things ..."

"What's important?" Jiang Fei asked strangely, turning back.

Ye Qingxuan's expression became even more strange, saying: "Of course, how to use the" Star Shield "..." He was very strange. Isn't this consultant named Richard Li an old friend of Elder Lan? Why don't you say such a basic reminder?

"What is the use of this" Star Shield "? Listening to Elder Lan, it was probably the same way before that that led Chinese warriors into the" Wulin Holy Land ". Is n’t this normal?

It's normal! ?

Ye Qingxuan was a little dumbfounded. Did the Chinese martial arts soldiers from those circles enter the "Wulin Holy Land" so vaguely? No wonder it will become so dangerous here. The original Chinese warrior did not use the most basic guarantee at all, even the most basic "Star Shield" usage was unclear.

This Chinese warrior has undoubtedly become the hunting target of many other race warriors, because the Chinese warriors are the stupidest.

Say goodbye to Richard of Ye Qingxuan and others. Whistling, he walked into an alley. Seeing no one left or right, he flickered and penetrated through a window opened from a certain height.

Walking through the dark aisle several times from side to side, a room door creaked open, and Richard recovered his calm pace and entered the room.

"Is there another fat sheep?"

An old voice came from the dark corner, followed by an abnormal cough.

"Yes Lord."

Li Cha bowed in ritual mocking and said generally: "It is a Chinese warrior. These self-proclaimed and smart guys are no different from those wild people in the wilderness, even more deceiving. They believe in the so-called 'morality' that has been passed down since ancient times 'Thinking that being nice to them is the behavior of friends, and I don't know that it is' interests' that really promote the development of the world. "

"Well, I know these people, they stand still, pride and arrogance."

"Yes, Lord Duke. After all these years, they do n’t even know how to use Star Shield, even disdain to ask those barbarians because they look down on them. What ’s worse, they thought it was just a killing And they do n’t understand the true meaning of the existence of 'Wulin Holy Land'. They have found their own goal here, which is to use 'Lingwu God Machine Stone' to obtain a more sophisticated martial art. "

"Oh, isn't that great? I'll let my team collect these fifteen 'Star Shields'. Your reward is on the table. When it succeeds, go to the old place to get it."

"My lord, as you wish." Li Cha bowed back, while quietly holding the box on the table in his arms.

"One more thing ..."

Richard's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Weizhou warriors have cooperated with me, so I won't kill them, but you can't sell their news to other teams, if something goes wrong, my means, you know.

Richard was startled, but still nodded respectfully.

After Richard exited the room, the old man dubbed the "Duke" coughed a few times, and after a while, the old man asked in a loud voice, "Did the tantric lama who escaped find it?"

Another obedient voice in the dark said, "Not yet found. But now Lord Gru is leading a team of men and horses to fully track, I believe it won't be long before he can capture him and dedicate his hands to the Lord."

The old man said with a sigh of satisfaction, muttering to himself: "Unexpectedly, the group of Buddhists from the collapse of the Vedic continent to the edge of the Shenwu continent still has something that was thought to have been lost, and it was brought to ' Wulin Holy Land 'is really amazing ... "

"Gruen Gru, get that thing in your hand anyway. The value of 'Star Shield' compared with this thing is like the difference between a wool and a cow."


"So this thing still has such a powerful function?"

Xiahou Qingfeng rubbed a gray translucent crystal in his hand, a regular hexagonal crystal, two centimeters thick, rounded corners, exactly the same size as the palm of his hand. Under the sun, it was crystal clear, in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, with a piece of There is no difference in glass.

But the value of such a thing is probably worth a treasure of Jiupin, even more precious than Jiupin's treasure. If such a "crystal shield" is in the hands of a Chinese warrior, it will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced.

Ye Qingxuan did not conceal the information that Uncle Murphy had secretly accounted for, and he picked the news of "Crystal Shield" and said it completely. After all, in front of Jiang Feiran, he still has to show a generous attitude. Even if the two enemies are really calculated to die in the future, he can deny them and win a trust.

"So, we need to redeem those two exercises so that we can use this" Crystal Shield "properly?" Li Daozong, with a somber face, said for the first time.

Faced with such a serious problem, even if you hate Ye Qingxuan and others, you have to break this psychological barrier and ask things clearly.

Ye Qingxuan nodded and did not speak.

He had another calculation in his heart. [Beijing Shengong] Since there is a way to absorb the energy in the "Star Shield", there is naturally a way to store it inside, and the effort to put "Beiming Zhenqi" outside this door seems to require a " Purple Grade Martial Arts Exchange Opportunity "is also the only purple grade opportunity that I have left.

Should it be exchanged for this martial art, or should the negotiation be just the purchase of those two exercises that are only applicable to the "Star Shield"?

If you have the martial arts of the Beiming Shen Gong, you can undoubtedly pass in the vitality without [Lagerstroemia condensate], the effect is also quite strong, you can create the master of the day after tomorrow, the effect is unlimited It's more direct and faster than going through [Lagerstroemia condensate].


It seems that it is not very useful in the "Wulin Holy Land", at most it is to recharge the "crystal shield".

"Since it is a required practice, we must exchange it, but we do n’t know how much it is, where to exchange it ..." Jiang Feiran said with a little sullenness. For thousands of years as the leader of Lingyun Palace, there was no Jiang Feiran felt somewhat ashamed of figuring out such an important secret.

I really don't understand what those predecessors were doing? Jiang Feiran complained to himself, secretly vomiting his tongue. Elder Lan also asked me to respect that disgusting Richard, and I didn't expect that this elder Lan thought that Mo Ni was actually such a person. Elder Lan really believed him so much.

"I know this ..." Ye Qingxuan pointed his finger to the side of the square ~ www.readwn.com ~ a shop with books on the outside and said, "That's where ... you can exchange the desired exercises. But In fact, the first place we go is there ... we have to be rich first ... "

The crowd looked at Ye Qingxuan's hand, and there was a colorful crystal flower painted on the diamond-like substrate on the signboard there. "There is our first stop destination, 'Seven Color Flowers', uh, it is a money bank ... It's also a trading house where you can sell and buy many things ... "

"Then what are we waiting for?" Li Daozong stood up and walked towards the destination.

Zhao Qingting gave a cold whisper, but also shook his heavy cloak and followed him.

Jiang Feiran looked at the back of Li Daozong and sighed silently.

"Relax, Jiang Xianzi, if he is really in danger, we will take care of him ..." Ye Qingxuan assured Jiang Feiran sincerely, but his heart was full of doubts about "why to kill him". (To be continued ...)

ps: third.

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