Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 121: Beast War

I don't know if it was stimulated by the brainless monk, the monster in the mountain ridge suddenly became manic, the four front claws kept scratching, and a large piece of earth and rocks fell off the cliff body, but in the end he could not catch the two.

Seeing that this method was useless, the monster was anxious to ram the walls again.

The ridge was surrounded by cliffs on all sides, high and deep, and the road that could only go on one side, or a stream flowing down from the rocks, converged into the low-lying ridge, disappeared, and apparently became an underground river.

The monster is now beside the river, on the gravel beach on the shore, and the place under the small river is wet and slippery. Obviously, the monster's huge body cannot climb up, and the rest are rocks that suddenly come out. Human warriors jump up and down as if they were on the ground, but such a huge monster should never think of it.

The monster's front claws just caught up, and Juli grabbed the cliff stone, and the monster seemed to be trapped in a deep pit, and it would never come up.

At this time, due to the shouting roar of the monster, Li Daozong, Xiahou Qingfeng, and the "Grey Wolf" all rushed back to find out, but in a flash, they were overwhelmed by the monster.

"Bi Lu, tmd turned out to be Bi Lu!" Wolf, pale and frightened, shouted while backing, while yelling at Ye Qingxuan and others, "Damn, I am not telling you Ever, do n’t make too much noise, why do n’t you listen ... ”

It turns out that this monster's name is Bi Yan ...

Although Ye Qingxuan was also scared in her heart, she couldn't bear the timidity of the gray wolf, and shouted, "Less nonsense, you idiot. This monster can't come up again!"

The gray wolf exclaimed. Roared, "What do you know. This monster it will ..."


Without saying a word, everyone felt that the whole mountain seemed to tremble, and the rocks on the cliff fell straight down.

"Tmd, what the hell!"

Ye Qingxuan and others looked down at the mountain ridge, and saw the one underneath. After half a day of futility, they suddenly gave up the upward trend and turned to land. First ran to the shallow water by the river, stood back, slammed back, lowered the high ugly head, opened six legs, turned the hoof and palmed up, and hit the cliff with the forehead horn straight on the cliff go with.

There was a loud bang, and even the valley echoed.

This is the first impact that Ye Qingxuan and others felt. From the top, the dust flew. Gravel trees fell on the walls, and many stone trees fell on the monster from a height. How high it rises, the monster seems to be unconscious, and doesn't pant after hitting it. He turns over and runs towards the field, turning his head and hitting it a second time.

After being hit by it dozens of times, the people on the top of the mountain felt a slight vibration ...

At first, everyone felt that this monster was a little stupid. Do they still want to use their flesh and blood to knock the mountain down?

Who knows that it hit the madness later, hitting it one after the other, banging, and actually cracked the northern cliff into a big seam. Ye Qingxuan and others flew back in a hurry, just in an instant, just The prominent cliff stone where everyone stopped stopped crashed, and its volume was not much smaller than that of the monster.

With a bang, it fell into the mountain stream, but unfortunately it fell a bit far away, landing on the back of the monster, banging into the black water pool, beating the monster rolling, and the peak was also a little crumbling. air.

The gray wolf grunted next to each other, swallowed a spit, and said nervously, "It's too much, it's too big. The poisonous pupa is coming, and the high-level alien beast pupa is coming!"

Ruhua Monk chuckled out, "Isn't that guy here? I said you're stupid enough, can this monster with six big feet be called 蛟? It's also called 'Poison 蛟 涧', really Enough to tear ... "

The gray wolf rolled his eyes angrily and said, "This is called" Poisonous Soul ", of course because there is an extremely powerful Poisonous Soul here, do you think I'm stupid? This Bi Zhi doesn't know why. Came here, and the original owner, Poison Duck, didn't know why it didn't appear ... but there really is a Poison Duck here, and there is still a great chance of producing a high-quality top-grade crystal nucleus ... "

It's really poisonous! ?

Ye Qingxuan and others were immediately interested, and they carefully observed the movement of the monsters below.

At this time, "Grey Wolf" Wolf first introduced this Bi Bi's origin to everyone.

This amphibious monster named Bi Yan, has a head like a rhino, a single-horned horn, a long beak like a shovel, a steel tooth like a saw, and a bone tomb rises from the forehead. It has built-in claws, has a strong body and is violently abnormal. It has fine scales and black skin all over the body. It is best at attacking mountain depressions. It is almost the same as a small mountain peak.

This kind of monster has a female and a male, although generally inaccessible, but each has a fatal place. The fatality of the male is a cartilage below the jaw to the neck, which is very fragile and broken when hit; the fatality of the female is a white strip from the throat to the tail, which can be pierced by the blade.

Males are taller than females, but have no tails, and their mouths are shorter than females. Their courtship and fertility are extremely complicated, and the female is particularly cruel and ruthless. After each mating, the frontal bone on the grave on its head is raised with a strong head to the male's lethality, and the male is slowly killed after it is killed. Enjoy. At the same time, there was also a pregnancy in the abdomen, and it took decades to give birth to Xiao Bizhen.

Because its appetite is so scary, three or fifty beasts are not enough for it to eat. It is also stupid and can not move faster than other beasts. It can only be like a crocodile, hiding in a water pond and ambushing animals. However, after all, the income is limited, so except to seduce the male to cooperate with it and find a full meal, it is always hungry all year round.

It is extremely hungry. As long as it lies in deep water and buryes its head in the cement, it can not eat for decades. After he gave birth to Xiao Bijun, he also loved feeding very much at first. As soon as Xiao Bizhen grew up, he became very salivating. He was reluctant to eat first, and once or twice, if those little Bizhen did not leave, they would still be mothers. With the above reasons, the things in the mouth are naturally eliminated, one day at a time, and gradually extinct.

I just didn't expect this monster, which has almost become extinct in the legend, will appear here at this time.

And the legend says that the longest-growing monster of this kind is only a dozen meters long. I did not expect that today we would encounter a behemoth that was more than thirty meters long.

While listening to the introduction of the gray wolf, everyone was surprised at the origin of Bi Zhe.

The underneath Bi Bi has been active for a long time, and I want to be hungry, and directly into the river, killing the crocodile on the shore in the sun.

After a riot of chickens and flying dogs, Bi Yi has already entered the crocodile group. His shovel-like pouting mouth moved forward, and the two crocodiles could not escape, and were lifted into the air. He was picked up by Bi Bi's mouth and biting. After chewing twice, they ate the two crocodiles, stood up, raised their tails, shook two like a tiger, stretched a lazy waist, and walked to a cliff recess went.

Ye Qingxuan stood at a high place and looked into the distance. Although he knew the size of Bi Yi's body, he lacked a contrast and did not have an intuitive impression. It was not until the two crocodile with a length of seven or eight meters came out that the monster was real. Surprisingly, the small crocodile's body was only a little thicker than the monster's tail, and it was not as long as it was.

In particular, the two crocodiles did not have the ability to resist under the attack of Bi Zhi, which was even more impressive.

The monster Bi Yan apparently had some toss, and was a bit tired, but it just lay down in the recess under the cliff. In the black water deep pool that was previously bombarded by megaliths, the water waves rolled for a while, and something seemed to float up. From the natural alertness of the strange beast, Bi Min immediately became vigilant, staring frantically at the lake to see what dared to disturb his rest.

"Come here, look at that, it really comes ..." the gray wolf said slyly.

Everyone looked intently, the water surface of Heishuitan has been rolling for a long time, and suddenly a colorful whip-like thing popped out from it, but in the blink of an eye, it slammed on Bi's face and pulled it Suddenly a pumping.

Almost instantly, everyone knew that it was the poisonous pupa in the water that took Bi Bi off guard by surprise.

Although he was attacked by the enemy, Bi Bi was a famine in the end. He just shook his head and did not take his injury as a thing. Then he stared hard at the lake ...

Then there was a light of Wu Qing flashing through the water ~ www.readwn.com ~ But this time Bi Zhi had already arranged, opened his huge mouth, and when Wu Guang struck the body, he took a sip and attacked The tail of the cricket slaps in his mouth, shakes his head suddenly, and pulls out the poisonous maggot ambush in the black water pool.

Almost for a moment, Ye Qingxuan and others exclaimed again. Because of this fling, the head of the poisonous maggot almost wiped off Ye Qingxuan and others' heads, interrupted countless trees, and finally landed on On the gravel beach under the mountain stream.

This poisonous pupa is almost exactly the same as the legendary dragon, except that it has no long claws and no horns, but the venom drips down from the mouth. Every drop of venom on the gravel beach will emit a green smoke. The ground was black.

Sure enough, it is poisonous pupa. Just the acid solution that can almost melt the stones makes the scalp tingle, and it is really tingling, because it is only the time that this poisonous pupa head scratched on the head of Ye Qingxuan and others, poison gas. However, the taste of the flavor drifted a little bit, Ye Qingxuan and others felt unbearable and almost fainted on the spot.

Ye Qingxuan and others took medicine and medicine and exercised their skills together to resist the toxins that invaded the body. The two high-level beasts under the mandrills were already facing each other far away, and a strange beast battle was launched at any time. (To be continued ...)

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