Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 123: Hunting cricket

Almost as soon as the giant rock fell, the two beasts on the ground had noticed the killing force that was on their heads, especially the poisonous maggot that had the advantage, and immediately raised their heads to spit out the letter and watch carefully what the attack was. Yourself.

But in such a gap, at a position less than ten meters away from the two strange beasts of poisonous urn and bi yu, a man suddenly flashed behind a big rock. It was the "grey wolf" Wolf, this innate strong The person held a dagger in each hand, regardless of the pungent smell and sour gas. Looking forward, the poisonous maggot's head had stopped swinging, and two lightning eyes were staring at the sky.

And the next Bi Bi, I ca n’t stand the poisonous gas in the mouth of the poisonous gizzard. Although the poisonous gall is exposed, but Bi Gong is obviously a little confused by the poisonous gas, the huge head can't help twisting, but he refuses to put his jaw Leaving that point.

The "grey wolf" Wolfe shot at this time, his hands shaking, "Beep" two beeps, two daggers turned into two sharp, piercing the eyes of the poisonous golem.

At that moment, all the attention of the drug lord was placed above his head. Naturally, he didn't notice the two flying knives flying from his side. Only when Wolfe shot, he heard the drug lord hissing a bitterly. Screaming, the eyes of the two poisonous knives were poisonous, and then saw the poisonous jerking his head violently, and a colorful exercise rushed into the sky under the sun.

"Grey Wolf" Wolf said secretly "bad", and quickly stomped, a [dog wolf turned], rolled sideways, three or five vertical, jumped out to be three or fifty meters away, and had time to turn back At a glance, there was already a loud bang behind him, and a great deal of smoke and dust.

It turned out that the poisonous cricket had already seen the "grey wolf" Wolfe come under Bi Bi's belly, trying to bully him into having a small life. Another heart to deal with the enemy. "Grey Wolf" Wolf was not in his heart. After being blinded by the "grey wolf" Wolfe with a dagger, he was furious and angered, and then came from Bi Bi's belly and sighted the direction of the "Grey Wolf" Wolfe station, thinking about swallowing the enemy. In the abdomen, the body surrounding the enemy was loosened for a moment, forgetting the enemy's current status.

That cricket was entangled by poisonous maggots, because he had to protect his fatal place, and put his jaw against it. Always want to wait for the poisonous **** to come over, but also to bite. The poisonous puppet was also quite obedient, only hovering in front of his big mouth, and biting the key when he wanted to serve, but he was not hooked. This last time, I desperately sprayed poison gas out of my mouth. I wanted to wait for Bi Yi to be unable to bear the poison gas alive and smoked to death, or if he lifted his head, he could go up and bite the key.

Bi Yi was hating the poisonous puppets, willing and willing. At this moment, it suddenly appeared that the poisonous pupa had untwisted automatically and had to pass under the mouth. When he refused to let it go, he opened his mouth wide and bit the poisonous maggot straight, and his biting force was amazing. At one sip, the sharp teeth immediately and deeply embedded in the body of the poisonous maggot, and there were immediately Blood and water spewed out of the mouth like a spring.

The drug lord's eyes were blind. At this time, he was bitten by the key bitterly. When he screamed and screamed, he turned around and bitten Bi Bi's neck again. The only key to Bi Bi's was under the jaw. Tender skin, I did not expect to protect it for half a day, but was finally bitten by the poisonous pupa from the side. The upper jaw of the poison pupa could not bite Bi Bi's body at all, but the fangs of the lower jaw deeply penetrated Bi Bi's neck skin. And insanely lethal venom into Bi's body.

At this moment, a huge rock the size of a house on top of his head fell down with a bang, and two strange beasts fell under the megalith at the same time.

Ye Qingxuan and Ruhua jumped away before the giant rocks landed. At this time, each weapon was watching the giant rocks that turned into a pile of gravel with vigilance, in case the strange animal attacked.

The gray wolf breathed a sigh of relief and caught up, while Li Daozong and Xia Hou Qingfeng also showed their stature, preparing to give two high-level strange beasts a final blow.

After less than a cup of tea, the rubble pile was smashed, and a small hill-like figure reappeared. In the smoke, there was a sound of "clicking".

The gray wolf hummed, his hands pushed forward, a squall wind formed, and the floating dust was blown away completely, showing the true shape inside.

Everyone looked intently and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

It turned out that the poisonous cricket had already died on the spot under the bombardment of giant rocks, and that Bichen, like the Komodo dragon, was also extremely poisoned by poison, and his life was dying, but at this juncture, it was because of the rough skin Thick but not smashed to death, and died by drug lords, where he constantly sucked drug lord blood to detoxify.

Although the poisonous flesh and bone was bitten by it, but the skin scales were tough, the cheekbones were still attached, and Bi Jue felt that the skin was still connected in his mouth. He squatted down and closed his long mouth vigorously to file and chew. Suddenly, the plasma billowed and sprang out of the poisonous wound.

"Can't let this monster detoxify successfully!" The gray wolf roared, his hands gathered, he rose, and rushed towards Bi Zhi.

In fact, there is no need to remind the gray wolf, but just seeing the situation in front of them, everyone has already counted in the hearts. As soon as the gray wolf moves, several people have rushed out behind him, killing the past together toward Bi Yi.

"Brother Xiahou evades for a while, watching the enemy for us!"

Before leaving for action, Ye Qingxuan did not forget to remind Xia Hou Qingfeng not to get involved easily. After all, Xia Hou Qingfeng's [Tian Di Xuan Gan Yuan Yuan Gong] is triggered, and can't always understand the changes on the battlefield. He usually fights with people, and can use his ears to make up, but at this time the size of the alien beast is too large to deal with people in the past There may be judgment errors in the hearing of the problem. Instead of letting him follow in danger, it is better to let him wait outside the opportunity to move.

Xiahou Qingfeng naturally knew that this was the right advice, not discrimination, so she nodded and jumped back to the higher cliffs to observe the beast-removing actions of several people from a higher level.

"Grey Wolf" Wolf rushed to the front of several people, knowing that Bi Zhi was poisoned at this time. Although he had certain anti-drug ability, he couldn't compete with this at least 300-year-old beast. Poisonous poison. At this moment it was going to eat the body of the poisonous pupa, and focused on finding the guts of the poisoned pupa for detoxification. Ye Qingxuan and others were not at all minded.

Until Wolf rushed into the distance, it was only ten meters away, and looked at the white fatal area between his neck and belly. Sure enough, there was a white line from the neck, and the neck-belly junction was whiter. There are round feet around.

In the battle between Shicai Biyun and the poisonous lord, I saw it clinging to his jaw. It is estimated that Bichen's body is thick and dense with scales and inaccessible. The white piece must be where it is deadly. The corpse, which virtually made its blocking blade, could not attack the white mark from the front.

When “Grey Wolf” Wolf first came down, the first time I saw this strange monster in the wild, I was quite scared, but at this time I saw this strange beast looking for detoxification and courage, regardless of the side around him. Human, but it does n’t seem to be moving very fast, the courage under my heart can't help but gradually grow, just a spin, actually winding around to the side, and pulling out two sharp daggers from his arms, trying to shoot the fatal place .

There were only six "wolf tooth" daggers in the hands of "Grey Wolf" Wolf, all of which were the eight grades of sharp weapons. It was the Gray Wolf who spent a lot of money to get it. I used it once when I was going to destroy the group on the "Bridge of Life and Death". Ye Qingxuan and others haven't arrived yet, so I don't know. I just shot the eyes of the drug poisoner and used two. The two daggers are his only weapons. Since they are going to be shot, they must be done at once.

Knowing that Bi Yi's body is strong and strong, it is difficult to be accurate when the dagger is shot too far, and it is difficult to be accurate. While Ye Qingxuan and others were jumping up and down to attract attention, he immediately slowed down the pace, and tempted to walk forward, gradually Approaching, forgetting the danger.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and others rushed to a place not far from Bi Bi and saw this huge thing. For a moment, I did not know how to start. For example, a flower monk holding a large Zen stick and going upstairs in a frantic manner. Hold it up, at this time, Bi Zhi is poisonous. As long as you stop it from detoxifying, this big monster will naturally lose its physical strength and may even be poisoned to death.

So Ye Qingxuan and Ruhua gave up the unwise move of close combat and directly lifted up the crushed stone block of the same size as the sauce tank around them.

The big stone with suffocation rushed towards Bi Yan with a nasty wind. The monster's body with its front legs raised was three stories high, and a stone the size of a sauce bowl hit it. It rang, and the bomb bounced more than ten meters away, but the monster knew that it was at a crisis, and just stared at Ye Qingxuan and others obliquely, without any action at all.

"This kind of attack is useless, you are timid, just stay here, I'll go up!" Li Daozong was extremely annoying to the general practices of Ye Qingxuan and other people's drama ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although you should be careful at this time It can be seen that the toxicity of Biyu's strange beast is gradually declining, but several people have no achievements, which is really cause for concern.

Having said this, he did not wait for Ye Qingxuan and others to reply, and flew into the leap, killing the past.

"Idiot! Don't!" Ye Qingxuan subconsciously prevented Li Daozong from taking the initiative, because he had already seen the "grey wolf" Wolf touched the other side of Bi Yi, and Bi Yi's attention was on several people Wolff was not seen at all, and at this time Li Daozong's seemingly fearless action undoubtedly added a few variables to Wolf's sneak attack.

However, Ye Qingxuan's remarks have not yet passed. Li Daozong has already jumped a distance of 30 meters. The "platinous sword" in his hand incarnates a dazzling white light and pierces the side of his neck. The place where the "platinous sword" pierced directly was the previous poison. The bite penetrated Bi Bi's neck and infused the venom. Although Li Daozong was impatient, his observation was amazing. He had long been optimistic about the key point of Bi Bi's sword. It was quite threatening to pierce his sword.

It's just that his sword ran so late.

It turned out that the "grey wolf" Wolf on the other side had already reached Bi Cheng's side less than ten meters long, and even had targeted the white mark under Bi Yi's jaw. Suddenly, two flying knives were shot, but because Li Daozong's attack made this inevitable surprise attack missed. (To be continued ...)

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