Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Alien beast

It was at this instant that Li Daozong's feet landed, and on the cliff next to him was a shocking [lion roar], a golden red Buddha light soared into the sky, and a flower monk was like King Kong descending, and hurried toward Bi Chuan Fall away.

The large zen stick in his hand, like a dazzling sun, patted it towards the top of Bi Zhi's head, and the shooting position turned out to be in the direction of Ye Qingxuan.

"Little Sword God" Li Daozong immediately looked dumbfounded, and said, "Isn't this crazy monk trying to pat down with Ye Qingxuan?" And at this time, the beast of the beast shook his head frantically because of the pain, how could the monk straight down from the air guarantee to accurately attack the head of the beast of the beast?

This kind of doubt not only had Li Daozong, but also "Grey Wolf" Wolf was confused, and even Xiahou Qingfeng frowned, not optimistic about the monk's attack this time.

If he misses, he is afraid to immediately fall beside Bi Yi, and with Bi Yi ’s crazy actions at this time, he is afraid that he will be brutally attacked immediately, with unpredictable consequences.

In fact, as everyone expected, with the shaking of his head and the movement of his body, the original position of the monk immediately changed from his back to his side ... Seeing everyone's speculation, To become a reality.

Just in the midst of the doubtful crowd, Ye Qingxuan suddenly pulled one of his hands with "Unbelievable" in the bottom of his hands, and volleyed in a gesture towards the flower-like monk, yanking his hand, and roaring in the air like a flower, his body With a move, the volley traversed a few feet away, and directly and accurately struck towards the top of Bi's head!

It's Ye Qingxuan's Long Qiao Crane!

It turned out that the two had long had a plan. Ye Qingxuan's advance attack was only to find out where Bi's brain was. And a flowery blow. It is the final victory. As for Bi Yuan's original vital part, it has long been extremely tightly guarded by this strange beast, and other seemingly harmless places have become unguarded places.

Sure enough, Ye Qingxuan nailed Bi Bi's cranium accurately, and below was the brain of Bi Yuan, the absolute key part. Ye Qingxuan gave a full blow. Even if the soldier in his hand was holding a magic soldier, he didn't get a full blow, so the second blow of a flower monk was bound to follow.

With a roar, the buddhist monk's large zen stick was brazenly golden-red in the light of the Buddha, and was accurately shot at the end of the "no magic in the world". In the blow of "opening up the world", "The World Is Magic" completely disappeared, and pierced into Bi Zhi's skull ...

Ruhua and Ye Qingxuan walked along with the force of the shock. Teng Shen relaxed and landed on a raised cliff next to him.

At about the same time, the strange beast roared. The six hoofs flew, and didn't even head back to the front, and lifted the dust on the ground by dozens of feet. Look at the cliff in front of you, and suddenly saw it lowered its head and hit the cliff.


Hearing a loud noise from the landslide, the mountain wall on the opposite side fell flat and was pressing on Bi Yi.

The people looked far away, and Bi Yan had been overwhelmed by the fallen cliff, half-crossed and lying on the ground, and he disappeared for a long time.

The crowd was in a state of excitement, and they hurried along Bi Bi's journey, and saw that there was blood on the way. Before walking to the cliff, he saw a half-section thick as a bucket lying beside him, with a length of seven feet. Corner, the first half of the body was crushed by stones.

Everyone was afraid that it hadn't died yet. When they saw a large stone weighing thousands of pounds being pressed on its head, as a flower monk said nothing, he went up to a large zen stick and lifted the small stone like a hut. Li Daozong and the gray wolf's eyelids jumped. A secret passage, a mighty monk.

After the dust was flying, I saw a blue light coming straight from the crack of the stone, startled everyone, thinking that the strange beast was not dead, and hurried to the distance, leaving only Xiahou Qingfeng who was unknown.

Xia Hou Qingfeng felt the crowd leaping away and could not help but ask strangely: "What's wrong? The alien beast is dead, I can't hear the sound of its heartbeat and breathing, why is it so far away?"

Everyone sighed together. It turned out that sometimes they could not see things, and it was also a kind of happiness, at least they would not be frightened.

"Grey Wolf" Wolf didn't dare to neglect, took two big stones and hit the blue light in the crack of the stone, but there was no movement at all.

Before approaching again, I looked closely and determined that the strange beast Bi Zhi had indeed died, and it was his strange eyes that shined.

It was only then that everyone was so full of joy that they shouted with joy.

This is the first great victory since Ye Qingxuan and others entered the "Wulin Holy Land", killing such a high-level alien beast, the benefits are much more than defeating a few warriors and capturing a few "crystal shields". many.

At this time, the crowd finally killed the strange beast. At this time, although the hearts were excited, the feeling of fatigue also struck.

Especially the "grey wolf" Wolfe and Li Daozong, two of them were chased by Bi Yi, and the other was shaken by the wind and rain for a long time on the head of the strange animal, and the physical exertion was the worst.

The two brothers Ye Qingxuan and Ruhua only managed to deal a fatal blow, and their physical strength was not too much. As for Xiahou Qingfeng, he did not take any action and naturally he would not be tired.

Ye Qingxuan glanced around and said earnestly: "I say, everyone, if you have a lot of physical exertion, take a short break, and if Ruhua and I don't have too much physical exertion, we will deal with the carcass of the other animal first. The crocodile in the pond over there They have been attracted by the **** gas. They are quite good to deal with. They are afraid of attracting other strange animals. They just made it too big. Although they are claustrophobic here, they should be guarded against, so we ca n’t stay long and deal with them. Beasts, leave for a while ... "

When everyone heard it, they felt reasonable and agreed.

Li Daozong and the gray wolf are resting for a while, especially Li Daozong, who has dyed blood through his body, and at this time feels that the mixed body is hot and irresistible, so naturally he needs to sort it out.

Looking at a **** Li Daozong, Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Brother Li, a scaled beast like Bi Bi, eats poisonous herbs and herbs, and the blood has quite a lot of drug essence. The secret method of magical power, Brother Li has got the blood of Bi Yi, a rare encounter in a thousand years. If he has the strength of external strength, he might as well take the opportunity to cultivate, and the effect will be extraordinary. "

Li Daozong was stunned. He couldn't think that Ye Qingxuan would repay such kindness to himself. He thought that it was just their two brothers that saved his life at the moment of crisis. He couldn't help but have a strange emotion in his heart. He sighed and said: "Thank you ! "Then turned and walked towards the river.

Ye Qingxuan also sighed at this time. No matter what, at this time, he was the same grasshopper on the same rope as Li Daozong. It is so-called "the enemy should be solved or not knotted." It is easy to hate a person, but hate "the desire It's more difficult to divide it quickly. Maybe it was the thinking effect of believing in human nature in the peaceful era of the previous life. In the end, I feel that people in the world are not so bad as to be hopeless. Therefore, I ca n’t help but make a good impression when I meet someone who is slightly worthy of association. Talking friends are even more happy.

Just because of this thought, Ye Qingxuan's performance is innocent and naive in the eyes of many people. In the martial arts world dominated by killings, such behavior seems so decisive and not big enough.

However, from the perspective of Ye Qingxuan, the "big husband" that this world thinks is not the same thing as the "big husband" in his mind. The world thinks that "the big husband should be a murderer", and he is even more convinced that "killing one is a crime and Tu Wan is a male. If he kills nine million, he is a male and a male."

The hero and eldest husband in the eyes of the world seem to Ye Qingxuan as a butcher or a neurosis. It is hard to imagine that a warrior who just meets a man who speaks well will anger him and chop the whole family. Although in reality this kind of people are quite a lot, such as the object just shown, Li Daozong's uncle, "Generation Sword God" Li Muchan, is a butcher who can anger the whole family with one word, and is also admired by the world. However, no matter how hinted by Ye Qingxuan, he could not do such a perverted thing.

But the "big husband" in Ye Qingxuan's mind is not the case. In Ye Qingxuan's mind, there are many kinds of "big husband", one for the country and the people, one for righteousness and justice, and one for jealousy ... but no matter which one, They are not addictive.

What Ye Qingxuan admired was a life attitude of "big husband's life, when the heroes of the four seas", such as Xiao Feng in "The Eight Dragons", which is the big husband he most admires. As for Zhang Wuji's stubborn, Yang Guo's Be careful, Linghuchong's pretentious, etc. ~ www.readwn.com ~ all seem too small, even the generation of heroes "for the country and for the people" Guo Jing, in Ye Qingxuan's eyes also seems pedantic, only " Xiao Feng is the hero of Ye Qingxuan's heart.

Of course, it would be more perfect if this hero was not so desperate.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but think of his brothers who worshiped. It is strange that although these brothers have different personalities and hobbies, in their bones, almost all have the kind of grandeur and dry heart, and the deep love of the two ribs. When I recall it carefully, I find it incredible.

If you do n’t talk about others, just say that the monk who is now around is a stupid person. In fact, he is a strong man with great wisdom. If he does n’t say anything else, his understanding of martial arts shows that he is by no means stupid. Such a character, even willing to belong to his own magical soldiers, "the world is no magic", just use it in his own hands, without the slightest complaint, not even mentioning, it shows that he is a man of great arrogance . Sometimes Ye Qingxuanzhang asked himself, if he was a monk like Ruhua, he might not be able to let go of his mind and let others dominate his own magic soldier ... that is a magic soldier!

After thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan felt extraordinarily precious for his brother, and he was glad that he could get such friendship. This is the real trust that Ye Qingxuan could not get in his lifetime. (To be continued ...)

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