Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 130: Happiness

Everyone was trying their best to hear the wolf cheering loudly. M

Ye Qingxuan and the monk Ruhua looked at it. It turned out that Wolfe peeled the animal skin from the position of the ears of the strange animal to the position of the unicorn on the top of Bi Yi's head. The white stripes had been scratched. Difficult to see, there was a red line on each side of Bi Zhi's ears, which went straight to the rhizosphere of the unicorn above.

"Grey Wolf" Wolf jumped to the top of Bi Zhi's head and observed carefully. First, he cut the tender meat outside the red thread with a knife, and picked up one, only to see that the red thread inside the white meat was thick, and there were white lines in the middle. Take the tip of the knife and cut it along the white line in the middle of the red line, and cut it down to the position of Bierer. The front of the knife is naturally open, which is easier than the previous white sting. Then go down and follow the red line. Cut it again, but it's not difficult at all.

It turned out that the whole body, the place where the blade can enter are all those white strips, and the hinges of those white strips are all in the soft flesh of the rhizosphere of the horn, which was found by the gray wolf inadvertently, so it was solved everywhere.

It seems that all the red lines on the side of the unicorn are cut, and exactly the most delicate and tough scales on Bi Forehead's forehead are cut into a square block, then turned back to the upper half, and inserted diagonally from the skin with a knife. Leaning forward, I felt not struggling. A hissing sound, I should pick up a shuttle-like animal skin, two meters square, full of fine scales, very soft and smooth.

Wolf saw with great delight that he struck the fine scales with his eight-stroke dagger. "His", Mars was radiating, and his eight-stroke dagger turned out to be like a crayon. A section, and the fine scale itself is not damaged, but this quality is the treasure of Jiupin upwards. If this thing is made of soft armor, it can definitely counteract the direct attack of Jiupin, even the top-grade weapons of the spirit class.

Looking at such a baby. Wolfe's eyes narrowed and Harrah's was about to flow down, and he had his own heart, but after thinking about it, he spent a few days in fear and fear, just because he was staying with these novices of Chinese warriors. Only barely had some hope of living. If it is because you are greedy for a treasure, I am afraid I will immediately turn my face with these people, even if I can escape. But in the place where the crisis is killing, there is not much hope for survival. It is not worth the loss of life because of craving for treasures. It is better to be generous and wait until you are truly safe. With the original foundation you have accumulated, It was enough to live at ease.

Thinking of this, Wolf sighed. Gently stroked the smooth and cold Bi Zhipi with his hand, and yelled loudly towards Ye Qingxuan: "Hey, Ye Xiaozi, then baby--"

Seeing Ye Qingxuan looking over, Wolfe shook his hands directly and threw Bi Yipi, who was rolled into a roll. Seeing this far away from himself, I could not help feeling a little lost.

"What the **** !?" Ye Qingxuan took it for a look, and she really smiled, and said happily, "Hey, good. Good thing. You big luck wolf is a bit of luck, this time we can meet these two beasts, also It ’s all your credit. It ’s a success. I ’ll keep it first. Let ’s go back and share the loot. This leather is definitely enough for a high-end leather jacket. Old wolf rest assured, buddies do n’t pull it, if you have extra leather , I'll give you a piece of leather underwear for free ... ha ha ha ... "

Ye Qingxuan excitedly rolled the leather over there and gave it to Xia Hou Qingfeng, but Wolf was warm from the origin. Although the other party was making fun of him with words, he didn't put the words inside and out. As an outsider, it seems that he can still have a chance to participate in the loot sharing conference later. Is this kid, Ye, with no defense against his former enemy?

Although he is unwilling to admit it, Ye Qingxuan's way of treating people is always fascinating, and it is difficult for him to have a vicious personality. Even Wolf, who was once an enemy, felt this at this time. The naive youth has a good feeling for no reason.

At this time, everyone was busy. After getting the best piece of skin, the "grey wolf" Wolfe drew along the white stripe under Bi Yi's belly to the tail, separated from Ye Qingxuan and Ruhua by about ten times. Meter.

Ye Qingxuan and Ruhua lifted up from under their chins and lifted them up. They even exposed two big eyes in front of them. Ruhua held a large Zen stick in her hand and inserted it through the skin on the side of the eye with a convenient shovel. In the last lift, I only heard the sound of "his rustling". After a while, the edge skin near a big eye was lifted away, and a brilliance flashed from the seam.

If the flower monk did not hesitate, he lifted it up again and again and again, and raised the beast with one left eye, connected to the eyelids, the eye sockets, and the eye mask, and then a blue light was emitted.

Taking a closer look, Bi Zheng's eyes were exactly a teacup-sized pearl, and Jingguang rushed straight up, Lan Xia reflected.

Ye Qingxuan was overjoyed, and couldn't help cheering. He quickly took out the bead from his eye socket and touched it with his hand. It was as hard as a diamond. It was a brilliant wafer, shining brightly in his hands. The beads are crystal clear and exposed to the sun, and the air around the beads is reflected by the rays of light, flowing slowly like haze, making the breath breathe.

Xiahou Qingfeng and the gray wolf heard Ye Qingxuan cheering, and they all rushed over, and they were all amazed when they saw the orb.

Look at Bi Yan's brazier-sized eye mask, which turned out to be a smooth and bright white skin, and lost the reflection of the pearl beads. There was no air like crystal clearness at the beginning.

"Grey Wolf" said happily: "It is true that the legendary two beast beads are really hidden in the eyes of the strange beast. This is a rare treasure for thousands of years. For us warriors, this can prevent fire. Treasures that can improve the efficiency of enchantment are no worse than any magical soldiers. You should take them away and keep them in a safe place. Do n’t show them easily. If you pass them on, you are afraid of being a blessing to everyone. After all, Relics are rare even in the 'Wulin Holy Land' for decades.

As for this Bi Bi, its body is too large, and the poisonous pimple is also a first-class treasure, and it must be open today. Quickly take out a jewel in its right eye, and then dig out the bead, and finally dig out the nucleus in the brain of the two beasts. As soon as these most precious things are in hand, they stop today's actions. This place is sinister. Let's rest on the cliff for a while and come again tomorrow. What do you think? "

Everyone heard the words and praised them in unison.

Xiahou Qingfeng took care of the large spoils, and this oyster bead was temporarily collected by Ye Qingxuan, and then everyone worked like this, and took the other oyster bead.

After the two scorpion beads were put away, everyone worked hard again to lift up the cranium of Bi Xun, a beast from the world, and took out the "invincible world" from it. At the same time, they got the nucleus of the beast in Bi Zhan's brain. This is For the first time, Ye Qingxuan saw such a pure and clear crystal nucleus, perfect as the purest crystal, beautiful and heartbreaking.

Although everyone was full of curiosity about this brass rod, Ye Qingxuan obviously had no intention to explain, and everyone had to be curious and pretend that they didn't care about this thing.

In fact, sometimes, some things do not need to be broken. It is better for everyone to maintain the relationship with each other in a state of tacit understanding. Otherwise, once Ye Qingxuan's emotions are lifted, the rest The status of people in the team naturally declines. In the future, the right to speak and share benefits will be very passive. Since Ye Qingxuan is not picky, everyone is happy to have a master with a magic soldier in here to help.

At this time, Li Daozong finished refining the essence and blood of his body, and washed the dried up plasma in the river water. The whole person gave a light bulb-like feeling, and the skin became more delicate and obvious. "Yijianshanzhuang" also has this method of absorbing foreign objects to strengthen the membrane. It seems that the essence of this pimple does not lose any blood of dragons. Even because of its age, it eats poisons, and most of the poisons Everyone likes to eat herbs, so for a long time, Bi Yi's blood contains a lot of herbal extracts, which is definitely a rare and precious medicine.

"Unfortunately, there is no smelting furnace here, otherwise we can collect some herbs and refining extremely potent elixir." Xiahou Qingfeng sighed with regret.

Ye Qingxuan immediately looked at the monk like Ruhua, and at the same time, he had an idea in his heart. This essence of blood and blood definitely has its best use.

Everyone started again. With the help of Li Daozong, things went faster.

Ye Qingxuan and Ruhua monk took the nucleus of the poisonous pupa first. Because of the existence of "there is no magic in the world", it is not so difficult to break the poisonous pupa's brain.

The same crystal clear nucleus is in the hand, but it is smaller than Biyun's ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it is much larger than the "crystal shield" in the hands of everyone, at least one nucleus can handle Five to eight "crystal shields".

In the end, the two Ye Qingxuan picked up a large section of soft skin from the tail of the poisonous urn, made a large leather bag, and then came to the side of Bi Su's beast. Before Bi Bi was peeled off, they were all cut along the white strips along the meridian links in Bi Bi's body. Therefore, Bi Bi's own vascular system was not destroyed. After a while, a large amount of still hot Bi Bi's essence blood sprayed out.

Sure enough, it is a high-level alien beast with a different physique from normal beasts. If it was an ordinary beast and died for so long, the blood in the body would have solidified long ago ...

Everyone knew the strange actions of Ye Qingxuan and didn't ask much.

Others lifted up all the skin on Bi's upper body, but when it came to Bi's forehead, it was more troublesome than elsewhere.

Because of the unusually hard bulge, everyone once saw that Bi Yi used this place to knock down the entire mountain, so they all suspected that there was anything in it.

PS: Second.

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