Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 139: Changeable situation

When Meng Yuanzhang and Duan Sanshi heard this, there was an instant joy on their faces. Among the brothers, if anyone enters the a priori in advance, no doubt the overall strength of the people will be greatly improved.

Meng Yuanzhang rubbed his hands in excitement and said, "This is all right, our brothers are finally in their prime."

Zhan Yu also said with some excitement: "Thank you very much. If it wasn't for Mr. Ran Ye and his brothers, I'm afraid that Zhan Yu will be a waste in my life. Mr. Ran Ye is busy refining elixir. My legs and feet are also It is inconvenient, and I would like to ask the third brother to thank him on behalf of me. In the future, Zhan Yu will have great gratitude to repay. "

Duan Sanshi said: "The younger brother will definitely tell the second brother's words to the teacher, but the second brother doesn't have to worry about it. Everyone is a family, how can they not contribute, and how can they let their family repay. This is everyone Part of the effort, not to mention the gathering of the tendons on the claws of this claw dragon, was done by several brothers ... especially the eldest brother and the seventh brother were almost buried in the belly of the beast. "

Zhan Yu haha ​​smiled and nodded, "I know, I know ... the brothers have so much morale, how can I not be moved. Hey, yes, why don't the bosses and the eighth people see the figure?"

Meng Yuan sighed and said, "Oh, don't mention it, old man, you know, since we returned from Jingnan, he hasn't seen anyone. According to Lao Qi before he left, it seems that he was lifted to one. There is a great mysterious character to learn things, and a message came back last time, saying that it is necessary to study for a long time to be successful, and I wo n’t come back to see us. There is a big brother, because the Falun Gong is fast-moving, and it ca n’t be modified now. Other exercises. So I put all my energy on the sword. Even his daughter-in-law who ordered him couldn't see him. Hehe, how about being a savage on the top of the mountain ... "

Speaking of which, everyone could not help but laugh. Regarding IWC ’s recent indulgence in the knife path, everyone was very helpless. Sometimes a few brothers met to see him. As a result, the behavior of IWC was still the same, and even the hospitality was ignored. . A few brothers who came to visit were completely set aside. Over time, the brothers stopped disturbing him, and only instructed the disciples Kunwu to take care of him.

Zhan Yu sighed and said, "It's very anxious that time is running out, but I am still healing here.

Recently, something serious happened in the court, and the Motianling rebelliously, and affected by it, Liangzhou in the northwest and Yanzhou in the northeast. In northern Jizhou, there are also signs of unrest. My father wrote. Because the three cults have the same status, they have always taken care of each other. This time, Bailian, who belongs to the Motianling, mobilized his hands, and the other two were also unwilling.

It is said that Taiping Road has been working in the southwest of Jizhou, and constantly attacked the government. The worship of fire has always been outside the territory, and its power has not been small. The regimes of several small countries near Tianshan have fallen into the hands of worship of fire, and they heard that his father said Even some people who worshiped the fire have visited their father and sought their father to join the church. It is a pity that they are too naive to think about it. My father is such a character, and he directly gave the angel who worshiped the fire. However, this move also completely offended the worship of fire, and now the forces of the "12 Flying Eagle Forts" and worship of fire have moved several times, and it seems that the war is about to start.

After my own injury stabilizes, I will return to Liangzhou to help my father as soon as possible. "

Meng Yuanzhang and Duan Sanshi also nodded to understand. At this time, such a big thing happened in the house, naturally it is necessary to go back and make a good effort. At the same time, the two also admired the "Eagle King" to the extreme, and Zhan Xiongfei had national justice in his heart. Rarely, even in the face of the hostility of the imperial court, he could clearly understand the right and wrong, and independently resisted the fire worship in the western region in the northwest border. Really the hero of the world.

Duan Sanshi said: "I don't know how the boy of Huangfu Taiming was in the court. Originally, there were correspondences before, but the last time he said where to go to work. As a result, there was no news. Worry. And the court's move was even more incomprehensible. Motianling blatantly assassinated the old emperor Huangfu Zhexin. This is obviously a face of the court in public. Motianling has a special geographical location, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is useless, you can only assign elite masters to destroy the Motianling, but the strength is obviously insufficient. In the end, you can only use Baidu martial arts assistance. However, this is too time-consuming, and the disciples of the major factions all have It is a second- and third-class role in the faction, but it is for the sake of not making trouble with the court and reluctantly sending it to the past.

Zhan Yu nodded and said slowly: "This move of the court will undoubtedly expose his weaknesses, indicating that the court is fierce and inward, and the true elites are too poor. Only in this way can those cults who have been hidden for hundreds of years boldly ... … This chaos is a major test for the court. The fourth brother is afraid of being alone in the court. Unfortunately, even if you and my brother are by his side, the assistance to him is only one person. What I really need to support is the influence of one party, so instead of us going to help him, it is better to work hard to develop strength on the periphery. Once we have the "Twelve Flying Eagles", "Kunwu faction", and "Dajiang League" The core forces have truly developed and become their backing. With the ability of the four younger brothers, they will also increase the right to speak in the court, which will have more power to influence the decision of the court. "

The crowd nodded involuntarily and agreed.

If everyone can influence the decision of the court, it will undoubtedly be able to gather strength to the maximum, so as to fight against the hidden magic gate.

Meng Yuanxi dug out his ear and said, "At this stage, our brother's biggest task should be to develop personal strength, and strive to enter all innate before the upheaval, so as to be able to survive the chaos in the future. Zeng ... "

Duan Sanshi immediately asked: "Lao Meng, how is your kid preparing? Is his skill enough?"

Meng Yuan chuckled and laughed: "Of course there is no problem. If you want to step into the innate, it is easy, but I now focus on the singular points outside the Jingjing. Mysteries and the most powerful martial arts can only be acquired after being congenital. Study, and what you have to do at this stage is not the same as you. Generally, warriors open up the twelve canons and eight classics. The focus of my teacher's gate is on the strange meridians. As for the main meridian, You can get through the second pulse of the Governor. Hey, do n’t stare at me. Although I ’m not generous with Lao Qi, it ’s not a small move, because this technique is not useful to teach you unless you practice with me. Internal power, otherwise all this will be in vain. "

Duan Sanshi was startled, and asked, "Why don't you get through the twelve seriousness? In this way, wouldn't your development potential after entering the innate world be worse than others?"

Meng Yuanzhang shook his head and said, "It's not like that, because of the characteristics of Shimen's congenital power method, we store the Qi in most of the singularity points. The normal human body has 360 singularity points, and I The division gate has grown to 1,280 acupoints, which is almost three and a half times that of a normal warrior. It is enough to develop to an extremely high level. "

Zhan Yu also nodded aside and said, "I once heard my father said that the method of stealing the holy predecessors seems to be [Five Dragons Sheng Shen Jue]. The strange points are like scales on the Shenlong. They are slammed through a one-piece film to accumulate innate innocence. The entire person has almost become a dragon, with improved body attributes.

Meng Yuanzhang nodded with a smile, and Duan Sanshi cautiously asked, "How is your current preparation? Where did you get through the Waiqi Cave?"

"80% of the Jingwei points have been completed. Hey, [Yi Jin Jing] is not covered. With the" physical exercise method ", the meridian points of the whole body are stimulated and massaged. The progress is obvious. The pulse has not yet been opened, and the twelve canons have taken the opportunity to connect three. After another half a year of work, the twelve canons, Rendu's second pulse, and the 1,280 points ... I have enough confidence to get through. "

Half a year ...

Duan Sanshi sighed quietly and said, "If Ayuan can also enter the innate in half a year, it is really reassuring. Unfortunately, I do n’t have enough time to work, and now I am even making elixir There is almost no time, so how can I think about entering innate ... "

Duan Sanshi recently ~ www.readwn.com ~ has been following the master Mr. Wan Ye to refining elixir in large quantities, especially the basic elixir of Peiyuan and strengthening. These elixir have been used in large quantities in the Kunwu faction. The physical fitness of the Kunwu faction is almost like a wild weed, and its skills have been rising steadily. However, the drugs that increase internal strength have been ordered by senior Kunwu factions. Prohibited, because almost all elixir that increases qi will form impurities in the human body, hindering the opening of the meridians. Only Peiyuan and elixir are used for external application, or they are homologous in medicine and food. They only target the body and not the meridians, so they are popular in Kunwu school.

Of course, there is no limit to the medicine that can improve the qi in Kunwu College.

Zhan Yu quickly advised: "I know the third brother is very busy, but this person's strength must not be relaxed. Are not all intermediate and low-level auxiliary elixirs formulated at this stage? If not, decentralize and select a few clever ones from those young Taoists. Teach them the alchemy, and it is not good for them to operate by themselves. "

"This method has long been thought of. My master now has four young priests on duty around the clock, who can tune in the successor at any time. However, this method is not something that can be mastered in one and a half years, but I can only be independent after eight years of study Alchemy, if only these newcomers who have not learned for more than a year do something, I really don't feel relieved ... "(To be continued ...)

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