Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3185: who I am? (73)

Chapter 3185 Who am I? (73)

The body of the person in his arms was so light, like a dead leaf without weight. He gently stroked her back, and his voice choked up at one point: "Sister..."

He called her in a low voice, but she couldn't hear him and wouldn't respond - the tremendous torture she suffered every day had already made her mentally unconscious.

 The consciousness disappeared, leaving only a body that was still lingering.

 Perhaps she should have been freed long ago, but...

Yuanyang took a deep breath: "Sister, I... found Sisi."

 He wanted to share this news with her as soon as possible, even though he knew she would not respond.

 The skinny and skinny girl in his arms had her eyes closed, quietly, as if dead, leaning weakly on his shoulders, her hands hanging down.

She was wearing a warm cotton coat. Even in this extremely warm place, she had to wear it thickly so that no wind could penetrate.

Her dry and frizzy black hair was interspersed with strands of white hair. Her face was so pale that you could clearly see the blood vessels. It became a little rosy due to the delivery of magic power - like a dead wood doll that had been smeared with rouge and watercolor. It was weird. , and shockingly beautiful.

But Yuyang didn't realize it yet, still holding her and murmuring in a low voice: "When Si Si comes back, we will leave together and go to a place where no one can find her..."

"I'm ready. When the time comes, the three of us will be together forever, and no one can separate us anymore..."

They are a family... They have gone through too many changes and the family has become fragmented. He just wants to put the family back together again.

As long as Sisi comes back, their little family will come back.

 When he settles down, he will look for his father and mother again. As long as he finds them, as long as...

 The person in his arms suddenly opened his eyes, "Uh ah—"

She opened her skinny mouth wide, like a toothless old lady, and made a long, weird hiccup sound. Her two shriveled eyes, as big as walnuts, stared blankly and dreamily ahead. direction.

 The bones were so thin that they stood out, and the sharp and thin hands were slowly raised, as if they wanted to grab something.


She whined and suddenly became very excited, waving her hands in the air.

It was like a person who was undergoing painful drug rehabilitation and suddenly saw the drug he had been dreaming about. In an instant, his body became stronger.

 Try to catch, try to get, the ultimate desire.

Yuanyang looked at her strange behavior, noticed something, and turned around suddenly——

 A gust of cold wind blew from nowhere, bringing with it a faint and strange laughter.

 Laughter rang out from all directions. For a moment, Yu Li became even more excited. She used her hands and feet to break free from Yu Yang's arms.

Yu Yang was startled, and quickly pulled the quilt, wrapped her around her, and bound her limbs.

She was extremely fragile at this moment and could no longer withstand any harm. Yuyang blocked her behind her and looked coldly at the uninvited guest who found her -

Evil energy swirled, black hair filled the sky, the temperature in the cave dropped sharply, and the night pearl dimmed, as if it was bowing its head to the incoming guest.

The human form appeared in the rolling demonic energy. It was a slender and tall vague shape, like a huge and greedy snake, with its flat triangular head hanging down, looking down at the people on the ground with eager eyes.

There are no facial features, but people can clearly feel that he is smiling, smiling with evil intentions.

 “Long time no see, uncle.”

 (End of this chapter)

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