Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3190: who I am? (78)

Chapter 3190 Who am I? (78)

 Be careful with him, be careful with him—that's what he often said in her ears.

The obsession is so strong that this sentence even appears in her notebook - be careful and proceed with caution.

That was the handwriting of Jiu Ge, which she was extremely familiar with. Stroke by stroke, it appeared on the page she opened, allowing her to see it.

 He was reminding her, in such a concise and clear way.

 The book is very thin and light, but the content inside is extremely heavy.

The ones in front are all Yun Si's own scribblings, written at random, like a child's drawing book. They seem chaotic, but they are full of her thoughts - from ignorance to liking, to steadfastness and determination. Mind.

  This book has been opened many times. The first few pages are obviously a little old and inevitably turned over.

Turning to the latest page, it was the words Jiu Ge given to her. She read it intently for a while, then her fingers fell on the beautiful and powerful words, and she touched them, thoughtfully.

 After thinking about it, she picked up the pen and wrote in the blank space next to it—Okay, I remember.

The same beautiful and majestic characters, horizontal and vertical strokes, winding and zigzag, showing traces of the person who taught her personally.

 She subconsciously wrote the same words as his handwriting without any hesitation.

The writing material was thin and lacked a little smoothness. She subconsciously glanced at the back, but suddenly realized that there was only the last page left in the book.

With only the last page left, she reached the end. The book was filled up by her unknowingly without her realizing it.

She was a little stunned, looking at the last blank page that was left, and she couldn't react for a while.

The thin paper is as thin as cicada wings, like butterfly wings, as if it is about to fly away to the horizon with a slight flap.

Jiu Ge once said that after she finishes filling in the notebook, she can go back.

Like that free butterfly, she can go wherever she wants, she can go back to Taolin, she can go back to hell, she can go anywhere, as long as she wants.

I originally thought that this was an impossible task, or that it would take a lot of time to complete, but I never thought that time would fly by and in the blink of an eye, the task would be completed.

There is only the last page left, does that mean...she will see him soon?

Yun Si’s hand fell on the thin and soft paper, and she rubbed it gently. She felt a little confused for no reason.

 She was so confused that she couldn't react at the moment, so she didn't know how to describe her mood at this moment.

There was inexplicable nervousness, expectation, and a bit of unexplainable reluctance—she loved this journey. Although there were twists and turns, difficulties, and many thrills along the way, she still loved it.

 She became more and more immersed in it, and she liked him more and more with his different personality.

Because she was immersed in it, she still didn't realize that time passed so quickly that she didn't notice it at all.

The sudden discovery made her feel like a child awakening from a sweet dream. She was a little confused, confused and at a loss. She didn't know what to do. She just stared at the gold-edged book in front of her in a daze.

 Mixed emotions.

After a long time, she closed the book with a click and put her hand away - the book immediately disappeared from her hand without a trace.

Yun Si ran out of the room.

  Run to the kitchen, hugged the man who was wearing an apron cooking from behind, tightly - now, she felt a little insecure again.

 (End of this chapter)

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