Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3203: The last world (11)

 Chapter 3203 The Last World (11)

He was so close that she could even feel his warm breath, gently and silently, as if teasing her ignorant and simple heart.

This was the first time she had been so close to someone, so close that her breath was filled with the indescribable good smell of him.

That smell seemed to have magic power - her body changed just by touching it.

Her heart beat inexplicably faster, and an unknown heat surged in her chest. She suddenly felt that she was very hot, her hands were hot, her heart was hot, her face was hot...everywhere was hot, and her mouth felt dry due to the heat.

I can’t tell what’s going on with my body. Maybe I’m poisoned, or maybe I’m too nervous and my heart is beating so hard.

She subconsciously wanted to escape and cover up, not knowing how to deal with such physical changes.

Like a frightened little rabbit, her eyes were slightly rounded and trembling, looking at him who was so close.

I don’t know when a thin blush appeared on my fair face, like a newborn peach, tender and soft.

The beautiful, clear eyes reflected him, motionless, a little dazed, as if they had seen a god.

 As white as a sheet of paper, her mind is very simple and clean - there is no evil in it. Looking at it, she looks like a naturally born lotus seed doll under the bodhi tree. She is charming, innocent and kind-hearted.

She stayed for a while before she realized what she was doing. She unconsciously stepped back and distanced herself.

  After pulling away, she noticed that the two of them had been holding hands. She immediately took them back and put them behind her back.

 “You...don’t get so close suddenly...”

 She was nervous being so close.

 As she said that, she didn't dare to look at him. She tried to calm down and looked away randomly.

Jun Jiu Ge was empty-handed and lifeless. He slightly curled his lips and made a low hum. He stood on her side, not far or near.

The distance is kept just right, neither too abrupt nor too distant.

Knowing that she would be uncomfortable with it, he did not mess around and took a step back: "Sorry, I was abrupt."

 Speak slowly and softly, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry. You can reflect and correct your mistakes when you know they are wrong.

If you grasp the degree well, it will naturally not be annoying.

He said: "It won't happen again. Please rest assured, girl, I don't mean any harm."

 “…” Yun Si looked at him.

Of course she knew he meant no harm—she just...

“…It’s okay, it was me…a little overreacted.”

As the distance increased, her nervously beating heart gradually calmed down. She took a deep breath and explained: "It's not that I hate you, but... I'm still a little used to it."

  Unable to explain the reason for her body's reaction, she could only attribute the reason to being unaccustomed.

 Because I am not used to it, I am nervous, and because I am nervous, I have a series of strange reactions.

 It can only be explained in this way.

 The simple goblin fanned himself, trying to drive away the inexplicable heat from his face, and then pretended to be calm and act like a mature adult.

“Jiu Ge”, well... the name is very nice.”

 The two of them walked together, side by side, and the distance closed unconsciously.

 She tried her best to keep a straight face, and looked like she was remembering carefully, "Jun Jiu Ge...Jun Jiu Ge..."

 Don't mention it, this name sounds good, but it sounds familiar, as if you have heard it somewhere before.

Yun Si, who often hangs out among the flowers on the other side, has no idea about the news from the six realms that little guys often talk about - it usually goes in through the left ear and out through the right ear.

 (End of this chapter)

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