Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3219: The last world (27)

It is the human race's festival time, and there are a lot of people around, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

 Happiness and laughter were everywhere, and the fireworks in the sky were dazzling and bright.

Being beaming with joy and excitement, the fairy who had just entered the world slowly hugged her little bundle tightly.

 Looking at the Taoist priest for a moment, he said that it was too late, but that was soon—

She turned around and squeezed into the crowd, running away.

 The thin figure, in the crowded crowd, is like a nimble little carp, disappearing in the blink of an eye, extremely agile.

The Taoist priest snorted coldly, and as if he didn't care about her struggle and escape at all, he got up and chased her.

With vigorous steps and light body, he climbed up to the eaves in a few steps and moved forward quickly amidst the exclamations of everyone.

One was running on the ground, and the other was chasing after him on the eaves. The demon-seeking bell on the Taoist priest's waist kept ringing and vibrating violently.

The stupid goblin who first came into the world didn't know how to hide the demonic aura on his body, so he just ran as fast as he could into the crowd.

That Taoist priest, she could tell at a glance that the Tao was above her.

She can't fight, so she can only run.

 When she came to the human world, she didn't want to get into trouble. She just wanted to take a look, play, and hide from Jiu Ge.

 She never thought that she would be so unlucky. As soon as she arrived, before she could find a place to stay, she met a Taoist priest who was better than her.

 Damn it!

Yun Si looked back at the Taoist priest who was getting closer to her, cursed secretly, and turned into an alley in a panic.

The alley was dark and there were fewer people. She had fewer obstacles, but it also made herself more conspicuous.

The Taoist priest pursued her relentlessly, his eyes were shrewd, and he looked at her as if he were looking at a dying rabbit - he had a sure chance of winning, and he was sure to win.

 “Monster, admit defeat, you are no match for me.”

“If you are sensible, you should surrender obediently, and I can leave your body intact!”

  It’s the New Year, the new year. I never expected that God would give him such a great gift.

These monsters were brought to him and he refused to accept them. This was simply against the laws of nature. Yun Si's bare feet landed on the cold stone surface. She ran hard, panting, and avoiding the people in the alley, her body flexible.

 The sound of pursuit behind her was like a hammer hitting the ground, fast and fierce, following her closely.

Yun Si ran to the deeper alley on one side, and with a flash of red demonic light, her delicate figure suddenly disappeared, like lightning, disappearing very fast.

The Taoist priest who followed closely behind did not panic at all. He took out a blank piece of talisman paper from his sleeve, quickly drew a demon-chasing talisman, and then threw it forward.

The talisman suddenly took effect and floated in the air. After sensing it carefully, it quickly flew towards a dark place, and the Taoist priest immediately followed.

A Taoist priest who sees a demon is like a mad dog who sees a fat prey...

 Once you target her, you will not let go and must catch her.




Finally, Yun Si, who had just come to the world, was chased so tired that she collapsed behind a temple in the mountains and forests.

I didn’t care whether the ground was dirty or not, I just sat down, my feet were trembling, I was exhausted, and I was extremely thirsty.

Not far away, the Taoist priest who was still biting her was still holding the smelly talisman, looking for traces of her everywhere.

 With the shelter of the temple, she was able to take a breather and take a rest.

 But only slightly.

 Can't pant loudly even when panting. I want to drink water, but there is no water around.

 She was thirsty and her throat burned uncomfortably, but she couldn't go out at the moment.

She licked her dry lips, her breathing calmed down for a moment, and then she slowly poked her head out—

 (End of this chapter)

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