Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3239: The last world (47)

She warned him, as if she felt danger, she turned over and crawled into his arms, hugging him tightly, nuzzling him like a child.

 “《(Jiu Ge)》…” She murmured in a low voice.

She was unsuspecting, her sleeping face was soft and well-behaved, and her body was warm. She hugged him and didn't move.

 She relies on him quietly, which makes people feel uneasy to watch.

   …jun Jiu Ge stared at her for a long time.

 In the end, he hugged her tightly, touched her head, and patted her back as if to compromise.

Hold it back, take a deep breath, and grit your teeth a little.

 “Just one night…”

Just this night, just this once.

 There is no next time, no matter how soft-hearted or how fond you are, it won’t work.

 Absolutely not.




 “Hmm? What are you thinking about? Just talk.”

Yun Si waved her hand in front of his eyes, telling him to withdraw his thoughts, stop and look at her quietly.

Seeing him like this, Yun Si frowned and said with a serious face: "Am I really dishonest when I sleep? Did I disturb you? Did I really talk in my sleep?"

If this is true, then the problem is serious - how can she show such a side in front of the person she likes? He saw it, in case he was frightened...

Jun Jiu Ge gently curled his lips, his eyelashes drooped slightly, and said warmly: "No, it's not noisy, it's very quiet."

"It's not your problem, it's..." He paused for a moment, "It's...my problem." "You're fine, but I'm afraid of me..."

 What should he say? Said that he wanted to do many things to her, not just holding hands and hugging, but also more...

He is not an absolutely perfect saint. He will also have desires. Desires will not be eliminated. The more they are suppressed, the more severe the backlash will be.

In the past, she always pestered him and wanted to sleep with him, but he always refused because of such concerns.

She doesn't understand anything... He knows that she doesn't mean to seduce him in many of her intimate actions - they are just her unintentional actions, and he cannot and will never allow himself to take advantage of them.

but now…

Jun Jiu Ge stared at her, considered, and spoke implicitly: "I'm afraid that I won't be able to control it, and I will do something bad to you..."

"I... don't want to make you angry, and I don't want you to be afraid of alienating me, so..."

 He began to slowly try to express what was on his mind.

Open your heart little by little so that she can know what he is thinking - in this way, there will be no misunderstandings, no unnecessary misunderstandings.

Yun Si's eyes flashed, and she understood what he meant instantly.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she made a sound of understanding, pretending to be calm: "That's it... I thought you hated me and didn't want to be with me anymore."

"No." He retorted quickly, lowering his head in front of her and looking at her intently, "I want to be with you, and that has never changed, whether it is now or in the future, it will always be. "

“…” Yun Si didn’t answer, folding her arms, looking like an increasingly arrogant little kitten.

 The invisible tail flicked, she raised her white chin, raised her head, and said arrogantly, "I didn't say I wanted to be with you."

 She had not yet agreed to what he requested that day.

 For some reason, although she didn't hate him, and even liked him a little bit, she just didn't want to let go so easily.

Don't let go, but in front of him, you become more and more wanton, saying softly: "It still depends on your performance. You have to make me happy. You have to be happy every day."

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