Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3264: The last world (72)

 “I want to try it now,” she said.

 He said hello, **** her hair, and slowly turned her towards him.

He bent down, held her face, and rubbed it: "The makeup and clothes are complicated. If you want to wear them all, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time. I'm going to get some snacks to fill your stomach first, okay?"

 “But will that stain my clothes?”

Yun Si was afraid that crumbs would accidentally fall on her clothes while eating.

“It’s okay, just wash it off if it’s dirty.” He glanced at her belly.

Although he didn't say it, he knew that she should feel a little hungry at this moment.

It would be better to eat something to fill her stomach, so that she would not have an empty stomach all the time.

 “Wait a minute, I’ll get it right away.”

“…” Yun Si watched him go, clicked her tongue, and curled her lips.

I know he is good, but finally returned to this kind of life - just like before, he was by her side, caring for her, this feeling is really...

  makes people happy both physically and mentally.

 The whole heart is full, so full that it can’t even be filled.

 She was in a good mood and saw everything was good. She sat on his bed, looked around, and waited for him.

When he came back, carrying tea and snacks, she opened her arms, tilted her head, and faced him: "Are you ready? Can you wear it?"

Like a beautiful little kitten, waving its big fluffy tail and looking at him lazily, it was very endearing.

Jun Jiu Ge hummed, and then closed the door.

 The sunlight outside the house is blocked, so the light inside the house becomes darker.

 Without the warmth, the room felt a little more deserted.

 In the deserted situation, the voices of the two people sounded particularly clear, warm and natural.

 “Why do you want to close the door?” the soft female voice asked doubtfully.

  "Well...because I have to change clothes, it's not good to leave the door open."

“But aren’t we the only two here?”

 “Well...that’s not good either.” He was always conservative, conservative and traditional. He is always used to closing the door when changing clothes.

Yun Si knew his temperament and didn't say anything.

  It was quiet for a while, and then the sound of the fabric of clothes being rubbed could be heard in the room.

Yun Si asked: "Are you okay yet?"

 She seems to have...underestimated how cumbersome the new dress would be.

 “Well, it will take a while.”

  Touching her soothingly, he said warmly: "Would you like to sit down for a while?"

 “It’s okay, I’m not tired.”

She didn’t know which level she was on, and there were no mirrors around her. Yun Si opened her arms like a puppet, silently letting him control her.

“Are you going to wear a red hijab soon?” she asked hummingly.

Jun Jiu Ge asked with a low smile: "Do you want to build it?"

 “Hmm...I can try.”

 It can’t be really covered. If it is really covered, wouldn’t it mean that she is truly a bride?

Yun Si said, "These are my clothes. Do they belong to you? Do they belong to the groom and the official?"

"Yes." He said gently and gently, "It's just that... it's just done. It may be a little rough and not good-looking."

Of course he can't compare to hers. Hers - he worked on it carefully for a long time. If he was not satisfied, he would change it over and over again, just to achieve perfection.

 Finally he was able to get up and put it on her body...his hands were shaking a little.

 The palms were warm, and the cold white fingers carefully and tenderly put the last layer of dress on her.

The clothes are complicated and worn in many layers, but they are still light and do not make people feel heavy and dull.

 She stood barefoot on a soft cloth blanket. The warm and brilliant red color fell gently on her body. It was ironed and the size fit just right.

 Not one point too much, not one point too little.

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