Jiu Shen

Chapter 227—The Diamond Legion

Maotai is another roar, and the white half of the big flame of the Holy Fire suddenly becomes crystal clear. Then, the black and white two-color light blooms at the same time, and the strong Taiji magic field has been pulled out from the Da Yan Sheng Huolong. Their militancy seems to be on the move again.

    In the face of Da Yan Sheng Huo Long, the diamonds that were quite good in strength were a bit stunned, and the wings were open and floating in the air and refused to move forward.

    The giant man’s left-handed hammer sneaked on the diamond dragon faucet. “Stupid, what are you afraid of? What is terrible. People are not more than one head, how many more attributes are there? Are you scared like this? It’s too shameful. It is too shameful. ”

    "Hey."The diamond dragon screamed and seemed to be telling something.

    The giant Han looked up and looked at Ji Ji. "Boy, what is this Warcraft, how I have never seen it before. Hey, the ultimate double fire property is suppressed. So strange Warcraft. Extremely double fire, yes, hello, are you called Ji Dong? ”

    Ji moved a bit, how do you know my name. ”Are you really Ji Ji? ”Giant Han asked a question.

    Ji moved nodded, c husband and wife did not change the name, sit and not change the surname, it is Ji move. ”Wait a minute, wait a minute! ”As soon as he said, the giant man turned the faucet and the diamond dragon turned and flew down. Because of the influence of the Taiji magic domain, its flight is obviously slower than it came. Ji moved some inexplicably watching the diamond dragon fly back to the ground. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure from the three thousand soldiers. This is really not because of Ji Li’s eyesight. But because the figure is too obvious.

    Among the cracked dragons, a fiery red flame lion climbed out. That's right, it's climbing. Under the strong pressure of the Da Yan Sheng Huo, the flame mad lion is inevitably suppressed, and the station does not dare to stand up, only to climb out. And Ji Ji, who is sitting on the back of the flame lion, knows. It was the one who was defeated by him and was detained by the head of the Middle-earth empire.

    Seeing the appearance of Huang Liming, Ji moved his heart and understood something.

    The diamond dragon landed, and the giant man said something to Huang Liming, and also referred to Ji Ji in the air.

    The two simply exchanged a few words. The diamond dragon flew again and came to Ji moving.

    This time, the giant Han did not wave his pair of sledgehammers. Instead, he hung the sledgehammer on the sides of the diamond dragon body, clenched his fists in both hands, and bowed to Ji Ji. "Equality is under the command of the king. Teeth, I have seen a few masters."

    Sure enough, as I guessed it, Ji moved a heart. "You are equal to the king?" How many people have come to the East Wood Empire? ”

    Giant Han laughed and took off his helmet, revealing a face with a beard, and his rough face was full of admiration. "Wang didn't tell me that you still have such a powerful World of Warcraft mount, almost rushing to the Dragon King Temple." Although our Diamond Legion is part of the Middle-earth Empire, it only listens to the orders of the Lord. Wang Ye knows that you want to lead the Mori demon family to migrate, and specially sent us to come and meet. As for how to come, you will know when you go down. On the bright five elements of the Big Six, there is no enemy that our Diamond Legion can't go. ”

    Ok, I will go down with you. ”Ji moved his right hand and waved a golden light in the air to form a symbol. This is what he told Elder Tham, let the Mori demon rest in place, and wait for his news.

    The diamond dragon is in front, and after the Da Yan Sheng Huolong, the Taiji magic domain is put away and flies down.

    Still not landing, the Spike has already shouted "Brothers. Let's open a way and let the lesser see how we came. ”

    Suddenly, the 3,000 Diamond Legion Warriors quickly separated. With Maotai collecting the pressure, these cracked dragons finally got up, but none of them dared to look at Maotai and Wuliangye.

    The three majors separated from each other, and Ji moved to understand why they could suddenly and quietly appear in front of themselves.

    Behind the three thousand army is a downwardly extending soil slope. Go straight into the ground. The characteristics of Lenovo's cracking dragons can be done. Ji moved to understand that the original diamond corps turned out to be digging.

    Huang Lisheng jumped from the back of the flame giant lion, and came to Jidong in a few steps. He bowed to the ceremony and said, "Equality of the king, Huang Liming, have seen the Lord." After a few years, the young masters are even more heroic. Ji moved to wave his hand and said: "No need to pay more. What are you? ”

    Huang Li Mingdao: "The commander of the Spike has not seen you. Wang Ye was afraid of misunderstanding and sent me to accompany him. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of people. I am afraid that there will be troubles through the borders between the two countries. The prince ordered the Diamond Corps to open underground passages. In this way, there is no problem crossing the border. When we enter the territory of our Middle-earth Empire, these forest monsters are truly safe. All domestic checkpoints have been received by the lord. Ready for the supply, waiting for the young master to lead the army. ”

    This grandfather thought it was thoughtful, and this time, it saved too much trouble. Ji moved in the heart, and his face could not help but reveal a smile. Jumping from the back of Da Yan Sheng Huo Long, "That would bother the two generals."

    The wolf haha ​​laughed: "No trouble, no trouble. I haven't come out to relax and relax for a long time.

    Less Master, when do you see when we leave? From here to the territory of our country, the tunnel has been opened. Enough to accommodate hundreds of people in parallel. ”

    Ji moved to think, said: "It is not too late, we will come out. First enter the territory of the Middle-earth Empire to avoid unnecessary trouble. ”

    The wolf smiled and said: "I just want to have some trouble. My brothers have not been active for a long time. Even if the extermination army of the Dongmu Empire came, it was nothing. Little master, you still don't know. Our Diamond Legion can have the title of the Big Six First Army. It consists of a total of 10,000 people. Five thousand of them are stationed at the entrance to the holy channel. By my eldest brother Shilong Song Ruilong commander. The remaining five thousand, I brought in three thousand this time. Even if the extermination regiments are all coming, there is nothing. ”

    Ji moved in the heart of a "sword general, do you say that the extermination army is wearing some cyan armor, riding a lizard dragon warrior? There is also a magician. ”

    The wolf nodded and said, "It is them. That is the ace of the Dongmu Empire. A total of 5,000 people. Fighting power is also OK. ”

    After listening to the wolf's teeth, Ji moving his eyes could not help but the cold light flashed, well, a good Dongmu empire, even sent a trump card to deal with the Sensen family. Prince Tianlu, you are really good!

    Some of the emperor looked at the Da Yan Sheng Huolong, and said: "Less master, you can be a real horse." I used to be a diamond dragon before. With your mount, our diamond corps must lose at least half of its combat power! What's its name? ”Ji moved: "His name is Da Yan Sheng Huolong. General Spike, I went to say hello to Sen.

    Let's go out. ”With the Diamond Legion's response, the next thing will be much easier. The tunnel that the cracked dragons have opened is very wide. Although there are 200,000 people in the forest, there is no effort.

    The wolf looks very rough, but it is very thoughtful. He sent a thousand Diamond Legionnaires to open the road ahead, and personally led the remaining two thousand Diamond Legionnaires to break with Ji Ji.

    Until all the enemies entered the tunnel, this was entered into the tunnel with Ji Dong.

    After two days of dark days, the group finally entered the territory of the Middle-earth Empire. On the side of the Middle-earth Empire, various supplies have already been prepared. The hard-working Mori demons had to rest for two days before they moved on again. There was a diamond army, and they went straight to the Diling Mountains.

    The Spike and Huang Lisheng led the Diamond Corps to send the Ji and the Sen demon to the outer circle of the Lingling Mountains. This is to say goodbye to Ji and go back to life. Before leaving, Spike also told Ji Dong. If there is anything wrong with Warcraft in the Terrain Mountains, please ask Ji to return to the Central Plains City to transfer troops, he will personally lead the Diamond Corps to level here.

    Ji moved himself into the mountains and went to the Suzakudong House. He had to prepare everything, so that the Mori demon would enter the Terrain Mountains.

    Everything is still in Zhuquedong.

    "Aunt Suzaku.. Seeing Suzaku, Ji moved to have the feeling of being mixed." The serious injury of the fire made his heart full of embarrassment.

    While he was preparing to confess to Suzaku, the red light was lit up around Ji moving. In the cheerful Fengming, a golden-red figure had already flown to Suzaku in front of Si Kongyan. The wings are open and the phoenix is ​​repeated.

    "what! fire. ”This golden red figure is a cheerful, lively fire.

    Suzaku soon saw her daughter again. She was naturally overjoyed and did not notice the change in Ji’s look. When Huo was intimate with her mother, she occasionally looked back and spit out a cute little tongue to Ji.

    Mori demon finally has a new home. In three days, more than 200,000 Mori demons have moved into the mountains. Each tribe has found an enemy suitable for its own station. As for how to improve the environment of the Terrain Mountains, Mori demon is the authority. Suzaku personally ordered that if there is that Warcraft dare to attack the Sen demon family, then it will immediately be devastated. For the Mori demon who can improve the living environment of the Lingling Mountains, the vast majority of Warcraft is extremely welcome. The mutual dependence between Mori and Warcraft will undoubtedly guarantee their continuation.

    The wind is light and the sun is high, and the sun is high in the middle of the sky. The mild climate gives people a comfortable feeling.

    On the high mountain peaks, with the tower bursting, all the elders of the Mori demon are here. They stand together and there is already a new grave on the top of the mountain. Ji moved silently in front of the new grave and went to the grave. The tomb is engraved with a line of words "The Tomb of the Demon Elder Otto Ma."Elder Odom. My commitment to you has been fulfilled. The Mori demon family has settled in the Terrain Mountains, where your family will be able to continue. You no longer have to worry about their safety. ”Tears, flashing in the eyes of every elder elder, Tam looked at the grave, walked to Ji moving, and hurriedly said: "The elders. You can rest assured. Under the leadership of the great king, we have a new home. I will inherit your legacy, no matter how difficult it is, and we will never let our people suffer. ”After a moment of sorrow, Tam turned to Ji to "the great king. If the elder Odom is in the spirit of heaven, seeing that we can settle here, it will certainly laugh at Jiuquan." Although the life of this spiritual mountain can not be compared with the forest of life. But we will definitely make this place as beautiful as the forest of life. It is you, gave a new birth to the Sen.

    You will always be our king. In the future, no matter what you need to do, the demon family will never give up. ”Another elder walked up the tray, and there were ten cyan small gourds of the same size on the tray.

    Tam Road: "The great king, you must have a lot of things to do two of us here, always your home. If you have time, come back and see your people. These ten bottles of life are the best we brew. The effectiveness is more than three times the source of ordinary life. At least 100 years old sap of old trees is used as raw material. I think they will be a bit useful for you. ”

    Ji moved without resignation, and collected ten bottles of life into his own Suzaku bracelet.

    Tham took out a blue-green leaf from his arms and handed it to the front of Jidong. The leaves were as transparent as the emerald, with emerald-like color and huge life, which was more intense than the source of life.

    "This is the token of our family. The name is the nuclear of life. The great king, you carry it with you, and it has the effect of prolonging life. If you are injured, just put it in the wound, just. Can help you heal your wounds quickly. Later, but there are instructions, if you are not convenient to come back, as long as your messenger takes this piece of life nuclear, we will do it for you. ”Ji moved his brows slightly, "I am the elder of the tower, the source of life." But the core of life is too precious, I can't. ”Tamm hurriedly said: "The great king, without you, our demon family has ceased to exist. What can be the core of this life? Anyway, you must be a man.

    Otherwise, we will look down on this long. ”Said, he was the first to squat down, a kind of Sengo elders followed by a trip. Looking at Ji moving with a firm look.

    Looking at the persistent eyes in their eyes, Ji sighed and finally took the nuclear of life. There is a turquoise thread on the core of life, and Ji Ji hangs it directly on his neck.

    The Mori demon problem has finally been resolved. Next, the more exciting Gaoshao will be presented to everyone.

    How wonderful our Maotai and Wuliangye are, and everyone will see it soon. Everyday Chinese Network

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