Jiu Shen

Chapter 491

At the same time that the black crystal collided with the ancestors of the earth dragon, the air distortion that had appeared before was once again presented. This time, it just happened to cut off the traction of the ancestors of the Earth Dragon, and blocked the body that Ji moved forward. Although it only took a moment to work, it was enough to make Ji Ji have time to adjust it and not hit the body of the ancestors who had become black.

    “Moutai, Wuliangye.”Ji moved low and sighed, and the air in front of him had split. With the call of soul connected, Da Yan Sheng Huo Long appeared directly in front of him. He did not need any language communication. He had carried the body of Ji Ji directly. And out. When it flew out, Ji moved the whole person almost lying down on the back of the Da Yan Sheng Huo.

    "fire."Ji moved on the back of the Da Yan Sheng Huo, barely raised his right hand, the golden red brilliance of the Suzaku bracelet, with a beautiful slender tail feather, the fire has appeared in the sky out of thin air. At the same time, Ji Dong has closed his eyes, and a silvery light shines out of thin air, like a big net, quietly shrouded in the black crystal-like dragon ancestors.

    The ancestors of the Earth Dragon could not think of it anyway, only three months. Ji Dong launched the impact of this all-out effort. Ji Dong has some reservations about his own strength, and the ancestors of the Earth Dragon have always known. How sharp is its judgment, and every time Ji Ji has the spare power, he naturally knows. However, it did not expect that Ji Ji had the confidence to break through in such a short period of time. Under the sudden outbreak, it made it unprepared.

    Da Yan Sheng Huo Long did not pause for a while. When Ji Ji released the silver field of fantasy, he had already writhed his body and flew. The fire floated in the air, and all the blacks on the body quietly receded. Just like the three-legged golden eagle that Ji Ji was facing, the whole body burst into the golden brilliance of Cui Wei. The extremely strong yang fire broke out on it. The next moment, there was already a very loud phoenix in the mouth of Huoer.

    The glaring golden light came out to form a golden phoenix in full energy form, and went straight to the position of the dragon's ancestors as the chest. It is the phoenix dance sun cone.

    Once upon a time, this phoenix dance sun cone also needed Ji and the fire together, and finally used by Ji Ji. Now, Fire just completed this skill in a flash. And it is obvious that this phoenix dance sun cone has reached the level of the primary super-killing technique under the utmost effort.

    Fire is the child of Suzaku, although it is now a yin and yang double fire system, but when it is used to maximize the magic of the fire, the cause of the blood will have a certain bonus. Therefore, the fire itself seems to be a balance between yin and yang, but in fact, when the skills are applied, the magical skills of the fire are still stronger. This intensity comes from the recognition of the blood of the squid in the air.

    From the beginning, Jidong was ready. His seemingly sudden move is actually well thought out. Attacking the ancestors of the dragon and flying out, all this is a bait. And the horror of the dragon of the earth, and the twisted air that blocked the attack of the ancestors of the earth dragon, was the additional skill he gained after he was promoted to the sixth. The name is the wall of the gods.

    The effect of destroying the wall of the gods is very simple. It blocks all energy in an instant. Any level of attack must generate a momentary pause within the scope of the blockade. At the same time, block all mental fluctuations.

    The original role of this god wall is that when the attacker has attacked, the enemy will not escape from the body, and the god wall will block it. Naturally, there will be a close opportunity. The defense is the opportunity that Ji Ji has previously shown to block the opponent's soul lock, making him have a chance to dodge.

    This wall of annihilation does not seem so direct as the destructive effect, but after Ji's constant exploration and simulation in the heart, he understands that the role of this wall is actually still above the gods. Although its blocking can only be a moment. However, according to the skills of awakening, this moment is absolute. In other words, even if you encounter a god-level powerhouse. It is also able to block the other party for a moment. What makes Ji Ji so ecstatic is that there is an excellent feature of the wall of the gods, that is, the way it is used. The range of use of the wall of the gods is within 50 meters of the radius around the body. It is used in a way that is driven by ideas. That is to say, when Ji Ji wants to use the wall of the gods, as long as he has a thought, a wall can be seen in any place within a radius of 50 meters. Of course, there is only one side. When this wall of the gods disappeared because of the opponent's attack, there were ten cooldowns of breathing. Then you can play it again.

    The battle between the masters, often winning or losing, decides to be able to stop the opponent from staying for a moment, or to block the opponent’s attack for a moment, which can save lives! Moreover, the moment that the wall of the gods is blocked is directed at the enemy who has been trained to be stronger than Ji. If the opponent's strength is not enough, then the duration of the wall is naturally not as simple as a moment. It can be up to three seconds long. It is invisible and invisible, completely pure change in the air. The principle of the destruction of the wall of the gods Ji Ji also explored a general, in fact, the use of Ji Li's mental power to instantly control the air, so that the air is highly compressed like his destructive attack to produce a shadowless transparent barrier. Therefore, Ji Dong attaches great importance to this skill. In order not to let the ancestors of the dragons find out, he quietly simulated the cultivation in his heart. He suddenly used it today, and as expected, he was shocked by the ancestors of the dragon.

    In fact, even Ji Ji did not know that this killing of the gods continued to cultivate, in fact, it is necessary to go to the seventh heavy, only the next skill will be produced. The reason why Ji moving can trigger the appearance of this wall of destruction is still because of the power of his soul. The conditions for the appearance of the wall of the gods are not only to cultivate to the sixth to destroy the gods. At the same time, while reaching the sixth weight, there must be the power of the holy soul to get this skill. Once the destroyer hits the seventh heavy, even if the power of the soul reaches the holy level, the wall of the gods will not appear. After all, the use of this skill depends more on the control of the power of the soul. Ji Dong is fortunate, the benefits of this skill have been fully demonstrated.

    First of all, I was shocked by the ancestors of the Earth Dragon. Later, I helped Ji Ji to temporarily block the traction force of the Dragon ancestors. In this calculation, it played a vital role.

    When Ji moved to fly out before, everything he did, at least the things that the ancestors of the earth dragon felt, were actually illusions. In his taiji demon domain, he has used the fantasy silver demon domain. It seems that the ancestors of the dragons are all urging the magic to escape. In fact, with the role of the magical silver demon domain, in a short time, Ji moving can even block the soul exploration of the ancestors of the earth dragon, he transforms all his magic power into the ultimate yin fire, through the yin and yang fire condensation array And the absorption of the elements of fire in the air by the Taiji magic domain. Forcibly boost your strength to the extreme. Exhibited a super-killing technique.

    After repairing to break into the Eight Crowns, Ji moved to use this magic technique but still nearly exhausted his magic power. This is still the effect of the magic domain and the effect of the five elements. However, he finally made this powerful blow with his own power. Of course, it is not the top level of super-killing skills combined with Dragon and Phoenix, but it also achieves the level of advanced super-killing skills.

    More powerfully, with the shackles of the powerful soul of the fantasy silver field, he simply shackled this skill into the crystal that the ancestors of the Earth Dragon saw. Until the most critical moment, the skills will be introduced, or let the ancestors of the dragons catch themselves.

    Although the ancestors of the Earth Dragon are powerful, the bombardment of this extreme magical super-killing skill is not so easy to deal with. As Ji Ji judged, it was smoothly frozen.

    Of course, the sacred peak of the ancestors of the earth dragons can give up the strength of the top super-killing skills. This big icy ice is naturally unable to trap it. It’s just a short time.

    The first second after the ancestors of the Earth Dragon were frozen, Ji Ji also summoned the Da Yan Sheng Huo Long and the Eros phoenix. In the second second, the ancestors of the Earth Dragon had already issued a crisp popping sound, and the black crystals began to show a fine crack. At this time, the phoenix fire phoenix that had been eagerly awaited by Ji Ji’s news had already sent out its phoenix dance sun cone, and went straight to the ancestors of the dragon to hit the chest.

    At this time, Da Yan Sheng Huo Long has been flying fast, using this second effort, with Ji Ji flying out of a hundred meters, while fully accelerating, towards his own rapid impact.

    The third second. In the sound of breaking the sound, the secluded ice on the ancestors of the Earth Dragon burst and shattered, and the scum of the smoldering fire was scattered, and at this time, the phoenix dance of the fire was coming.

    Although the ancestors of the Earth Dragon forcibly broke away from the shackles of the big secluded ice, it was a blow that concentrated all the magic power of Ji Ji. It was also a blow to the advanced super-killing technique. It was also injected with a lot of extreme yin. Fire, the body is a bit stiff at one time. At this moment, the phoenix dance sun cone hit the chest directly without a fancy.

    The timing of the arrival of the phoenix dance sun cone can be said to be just right, just in harmony with the broken secluded ice. In an instant, in the sky, the sun and the moon are co-occurring, and the black and white two-color brilliance with the appearance of the taiji magic field on the fire, hovering into a huge beam of light, directly bombarded on the ancestors of the earth dragon.

    This is not to be counted. Some of the ultimate yang fires of the phoenix dance sun cones have also penetrated into the ancestors of the earthworms. Together with the ultimate yin fire that has not been excluded from the body, it can be said that it is a domestic and diplomatic bang. .

    If it is normal, the fire will launch the phoenix dance and the cone of this level of attack, for the ancestors of the Earth Dragon. It’s hard to break the defense, let alone the temperament of the yang fire. But now it is not the same, being hit by the secluded ice, although it does not really corrode its body. But the surface defense is greatly weakened. This has caused this scene.

    The violent pain caused the ancestors of the dragon to be angry. It was in the huge roar of diplomatic diplomacy there. The ancestors of the Earth Dragon roared in the sky. The huge body madness, the most primitive soil properties broke out. Originally, the gray scales on the body that appeared to be the same as the rock were completely broken at this moment, and they were scattered, like a splatter of a mountain burst. At the same time, the eye-catching brilliant light broke out from it. In the sunshine, the seven colors were released.

    Numerous roars have been released from it, and the horrible sacred powers have eclipsed the heavens and the earth. The sun and the moon that appeared at the same time disappeared almost out of thin air almost at the next moment. The whole world seems to have become a cloud, just like the mood of the dragon ancestor at this time.

    In the huge roar, all the dust and gravel in the air have completely stopped at the next moment. At the same time, in addition to the earth elements in the air, the entire Sanhe Mountains, as well as the Sanhe Mountains. Except for the inside of the Dragon Valley, there is only one kind of earth element left in other places.

    That's right, there is only earth element left. Water, fire, wood, gold, the four elements disappeared out of nowhere.

    If all the elements disappear, it is not easy to be surprised. With the power of chaos, you can do it temporarily. However, it is not easy to make such an effect in such a wide range. What's more, between this vast world, there is still one element left. To do this, the difficulty is great, and the Dragon King can never do it.

    Magic domain, this is the power of the magic domain. In the midst of anger, the ancestors of the Earth Dragon actually used their own magic domain.

    The demon domain inherited by the dragon family's blood is the dragon's demon king's demon domain. Da Yan Sheng Huolong is not inherited to this magic domain because it inherits the mother's fire attribute. At this time, the ancestors of the dragons were obviously not the dragons. When it was sealed here, the original magic domain was already deprived. What it is now exerting is the magical domain that it has created for thousands of years. Compared to the dragon drill, the Emperor's demon domain is even worse. The name of this magic domain is called: element stripping.

    As long as the ancestors of the Earth Dragon are willing, it can strip away all the elements that they do not need or want to strip in the scope of their own control. It seems that this magic domain does not seem to be particularly powerful, and it has no offensive and defensive effects. However, don't forget that it stripped off the entire four elements and retained one. And what is the scope of it? That includes the entire Sanhe Mountains!

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