Jiu Shen

Chapter 531, the saints are coming

The Fire Devils are naturally happy to see this happen, but the Fire King has put forward a condition. That is, to train new people. In this election ceremony, the three elders of the supreme elders did not get their hands.

    The fire demon clan, the demon king, is the one who regained the power of the commanding fire demon. He asked himself that his strength has surpassed the fire king and the fire lotus king, and naturally disagrees with the conditions proposed by the fire king. However, in the end it finally compromised. The reason is very simple. Fire King tells it that if it does not agree to continue to entangle, for the peace of the earth's world, the Fire King will unite the Fire Lotus King. The two races joined forces to fight the fireflies.

    Although the Fire Devil is proud, he also understands that it is impossible to fight against the other two strong people at the same time with his own power. In desperation, he has to bear with it.

    In a few days, the Flame Saint Religious Acting Master Selection Ceremony will be held, and the three major races are in full swing. In the view of them or other geocentric races, the selection of this agent leader will surely appear among the three strong families. The other races are at most just watching the ceremony and making fun of it.

    The mutual strength of the three major races has reached a feverish level. Now, naturally, no one is willing to relax, and the people who are secretly prepared are almost the same.

    The twenty fire devils who were patrolling suddenly stopped their steps, and their eyes glanced toward the deep fifteen-story entrance.

    Along with a low dragon, the glaring gold and black two-color fire flashed, and a huge figure had already flown out of the exit.

    The flames of the twenty fire demons were blazing at the same time, and the surrounding air instantly became sticky. The original 80-degree high temperature instantly rose to more than three hundred degrees. The strong magical fluctuations mixed with the tyrannical spirit locked straight into the sudden. The behemoth shrouded the past.

    It is a tyrannical creature that the fire devils have never seen before. From it, these average fire-fighting ninth-order fires dare to feel a sense of power that cannot be countered. Just as they collectively locked up, a faint silver light spread out from the head of the behemoth. The fire demons suddenly found that their locks were in nothingness, as if no creatures appeared at all.

    "Bold, I dare to be rude to this seat."The clear and thick voice came from the head of the behemoth. The next moment, in the midst of a loud bang, the behemoth with its nine claws has fallen to the ground, causing a violent tremor around the earth.

    At this time, the fire devils saw it clearly. The huge creature body is actually two colors, one side is white, one side is black, and there are two big heads. They have never seen this kind of creature. If it is not full of extreme yang and extreme smoldering, these fires will probably be thought to be invaded by foreign enemies.

    On the back of this huge creature, first jumped down two creatures, making these fires greatly relieved. It was two huge creatures that were six meters tall and almost exactly the same as they were. These patrolling fires are only about four meters tall. It’s a lot worse than the two guys who fell. Seeing them, a group of fires rushed to converge on their own breath, and at the same time tripped on one knee, respectfully said: "See the Lord of the Lord."

    Yes, the two huge creatures also burned gold and black flames. In the fire demon family, the height is more than five meters, it can be regarded as the fire demon command, and more than six meters, is the lord level. If the height can reach eight meters, it is the big lord. Their most powerful Fire Devil is a powerful presence of ten meters in height.

    What makes the fire demons wonder is that the flame lord and the dark lord are after landing. They didn't pay attention to them at all, but they let them go to the side and kneel down on the ground, as if they were greeted. Then, from the back of the huge creature, ten people jumped down.

    For the first person, the whole body is covered in the red armor, and the abominable armor is intrinsic. From him, there is no sense of half-magic fluctuation. Of course, the fire devils will not be stupid enough to think that this is a weak creature. Being able to calmly come to the fifteenth floor of the geocentric world, is not the strongest of the geocentric world, except for their three major races, other races must be at least the level of the lord to be able to come here temporarily.

    The nine people who followed the man were covered with a layer of red crystal rock, like a hyperthyroid. It is clearly like a fire.

    Is this the king of the eyes? However, how does the armor of this king look so weird? Moreover, it should not be led by the two lords of our Fire Devils!

    Fire, living on the twelfth floor of the Earth's heart, this race ranks 43rd in the entire geocentric world. It is a relatively strong race. The fire is very close to the Fire Spirit, because they exist in a similar way to the Fire Spirit. However, the Fire Spirit has a powerful soul, and it is possible to attach the fire element directly through the soul. However, the fire family must attach their souls to some spar to survive. Their bodies can be varied. The most popular habits of the fire-fighting people are the appearance of human beings in the outside world. This is a race that is purely spiritual.

    For the first time, the person with the armor covered with the armor waved his right hand, suddenly, the air quietly cracked a gap, the huge creatures that had previously carried them, the low roar, and the body shape flashed, it was already in the crack. The disappearance disappeared.

    The fire demons saw this scene. Can not help but secretly stunned. Mounts, you know, in the geocentric world, only the top ten ethnic patriarchs can have mounts. The patriarchs of other races, even the core elders, use the mounts, which means they are provoked to the tenth racial patriarch. This is one of the taboos in the geocentric world, and no one dares to break it. If this guy who looks like a king in front of him dares to do this, it means that he is confident enough to have enough strength. In the previous celebrations, it was not that there was no sudden outbreak of a certain race, showing strong strength to make the entire race rank upward, even the whole family migrated to a better level. Is it true that the fire broke out this time?

    The fire devils were thinking in their own minds, but their responsibilities did not dare to neglect them. The head of a flame magic stepped forward and came to the distance 20 meters before the creature wearing the red armor. The two lords of the fire around him, Shen Sheng: "Please show me the token."

    The fifteenth floor is not only the place where the three strong people live, but also the headquarters of the entire flame saint. If other races want to come here, they must have the tokens issued by the saints. Otherwise it will be regarded as an aggressor, no matter who it is. Both will bear the anger of the three strong families.

    It’s not someone else who suddenly appears on the fifteenth floor. It’s Ji Ji and his friends. It has been a full month and a half since they left the territory of the second layer of the Ravens of the Earth World. In this one and a half months, they can say that they are not stopping. I have seen too many things in the geocentric world. When they met on the 12th floor of the fire puppet clan, Ji moved after careful thinking, decided to impersonate the fire puppet clan came to participate in this celebration, thus, as far as possible to disguise the identity of the Heavenly Saints.

    A total of eleven golden tokens shined and flew out, while they were stagnant in the middle of the flame demon in the air. This hand control suddenly made the golden flame of the flame magic body beat. It is surprising that it has appeared from Ji moving to the present. Whether it was previously opened up space to take away the mount, or to throw the token in front of him, there is still no half-magic fluctuations from the body. How powerful is this to be able to do this!

    The soul of the Flame Demon has become more respectful. After checking the tokens in front of them, the respectful step back is taken: "The dear King of the Kings, there are eleven people who participated in the celebration." What?"

    Ji moved a little bit, and the soul waved out, answering the question: "Can we go?"

    "of course can."The flame demon rushed back and respected and did not dare to ask more. After all, he is not the first time he has seen such a situation. The powerful race to snatch the tokens of the weak race chiefs has long been accustomed to the geocentric world. In the words of the Fire Lord, the weak races are not qualified to come here to participate in the celebration. Even if they really come, they will not survive on the fifteenth floor of the world. Simply let everyone compete for it. The more tokens you grab, the more powerful this race is.

    For this, Huo Ling Wang feels very helpless. According to the rules of the Flame saints, although other races can not easily come to the fifteenth floor of the world, but the three strong people must not leave here easily. Therefore, the King of Fire is also powerless. The most over-the-clock celebration, one race actually took forty-three tokens to come. It’s rare to see them come to eleven people once, but it’s never a big deal. As for the two summoned by Ji Dong, they are the devils, at least on the surface, naturally, without any tokens, they can enter the fifteenth floor world.

    Before Ji Dong came here, he had already inquired about the situation here in other geocentric races. Unfortunately, he still ignored one thing, that is, the Fire Devils could not easily leave this fifteenth floor. Therefore, when they left, the fire lords responsible for the patrol immediately separated their hands and returned to the Fire Devil Castle to report.

    Far away, the three castles are already in sight. When Ji moved to the tenth floor of the earth's heart, I heard that there was a fire lotus family in the geocentric world. At that time, his emotions were almost impossible to control. The existence of the Fire Lotus family made him really see the hope of the resurrection of the flames! Heavenly saints are naturally happy for Ji. Only Chen Sizhen is very helpless to sigh in the heart, silly Ji move, in fact, I am by your side, what resurrection?

    It was because of the existence of the Fire Lotus family that Ji Dong decided to go to the Huolian Castle before he first arrived here. However, he is a bit embarrassed now. Which one is the Fire Lotus Castle?

    There are still three days, the day when the flame saints are the mainstay of the election ceremony, and the place is held in the Fire Spirit Castle. Prior to this, Ji Dong decided to go to the place of the Fire Lotus first.

    Through these days of understanding and exploration of the geocentric world, the Tiangan saints discovered that after the fifth floor of the geocentric world, the lifestyle of the geocentric creatures is somewhat similar to human beings, and also has its own society, but only according to the ranks. Different, the class distinction is extremely obvious. There are special deals in many places. There is no doubt that the fifteenth floor of the geocentric world is the highest exchange in the entire geocentric world.

    One of the purposes of the Heavenly Saints came to the heart of the world, in order to complete the conditions proposed by the Stupid Rich Business Association. If you can directly buy the 18th layer of crystal rock here, then there is no need to take risks. It is naturally easier to get out of here.

    After a brief discussion with the partners, Ji moved to take the opportunity to find a castle in the past, and then inquire about the location of the Fire Lotus Castle. Anyway, the fifteenth floor area of ​​this geocentric world is no longer large.

    The rich fire element makes Ji Ji feel refreshed as if to smash it out. Since entering the geocentric world, he has been trying hard to cultivate the control power of his holy soul. Even so, in three months, his magic power of eight crowns has evolved to eighty-four. It can be seen how much the benefits of this geocentric world for the fire department magician. However, as the world deepens into the world, Ji Dong also finds that this geocentric world is not the existence of the human world. In the human world, the ten-order beast can be said to be rare, and the same is true for the nine-crown supreme. However, in this geocentric world, the whole family of the fire lotus family is the strongest of ten or more orders. Once the geocentric world launches an attack on the ground world, I am afraid that the two continents, light and dark, may not be able to stop. Therefore, the geocentric world must not be chaotic. In case it is ruled by a certain ambition, God knows whether they will launch an attack on the ground world in the future.

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