Jiu Shen

Chapter 72—Three-Series Combination and Directional Transmission

With a bang, the huge rock facing Ji Ji’s side turned into black, even if it was rock, it was also burning in the strong sinister Ding Yu’s smoldering fire. The sight of both sides is also blocked by the huge rock.

    Ji Dong’s right hand suddenly became agile. One by one, the bottle was brushed out by his right hand. He was proficient in the bartender, his wrist was extremely powerful, and the control of the force was wonderful, even if it was thrown. Bottle size. The shape is different, but it is completely under his control.

    As soon as each bottle of wine flies out, it immediately bursts open, and the high-altitude liquor is ignited by the fire of the Bingwu Yuanyang, and a golden glow is drawn in the air. It is like a fire dragon. A total of ten bottles of spirits flew into the air, and in their intense burning, the elements of fire suddenly became strong and strong, and there was a fierce collision with the elements of the earth in the air.

    The Huang Yi people were also shocked. They did not understand what was born. They were photographed by the dazzling ten golden flames. They were again bombarded on the ground with a double fist, and a large number of rocks were shaken toward the dazzling fire dragons. Where does he know that the fire dragons are nothing but the burning of the liquor, not any magical skills, just a flash in the pan, once the liquor is burned out, it will disappear immediately. At the same time, the turbulence of the fire element in the air also allowed Ji's action to be hidden. The disordered pentathlon element could not accurately help the Huang Yi people to judge his position.

    It's now. Ji moving his body, has already rushed out, and his mind completely locked the position of the former Huang Yi people. In the side of the Huang Yiren's side, the body of Lan Baoer also climbed to the highest point. Ji Ji’s cockroach can be said to have exhausted all his strength, and she has thrown her up more than ten meters. It is the blind spot of the Huang Yi people's vision.

    "Big brother,! Bu heart behind the air. ”The black man who has been watching the battle has recovered a few points at this time, and sees the blue treasure falling from the side, the rich purple light condenses again, and immediately, loudly reminded. It is a pity that at the same time as he shouted, the rock released by the Huang Yi people accompanied the golden flames of the ten bottles of wine to disappear and violently collided together, with a strong roar.

    The shouts of the black man were suddenly covered up.

    The Huang Yi people just moved a full-scale magic technique and sealed the frontal air, but they heard the monarch."

    What the younger was saying, but because the sound of the collision of the rock in the air was not clear, the subconscious turned and looked back, but did not see anything. At this moment, a group of purple light descended from the sky and stretched out in the air.

    Not good, Huang Yi people screamed in their hearts, their hands suddenly slammed up, and they refused to use magic skills. They could only blast their magic in the most direct way.

    At the same time as he reacted, the purple light in the midair suddenly stretched out, and a dexterous turning in the air, like a big snake turned over, hardened his fists and slammed his body from behind.

    It is also a water reflection image, and it is also the last magic technique that Lan Baoer can release under his full force. With all the strength, even in the case of overdraft control this, the magic skill finally attached to the body of the yellow man, the sputum of the top of the blue treasure is suddenly returned to the original shape, regaining the two crowns and then hidden eight In the body, the body also fell from the air, rolled to the side, and fell to the faint. Whatever the outcome, she had exhausted all her power. Although the strength of the demon's body will not hurt her in this fall, there is no doubt that she has lost all combat.

    The icy and sturdy water-carrying magic surged out under the full release of the water image, and madly went to the yellow man.

    The Huang Yi people yelled, and the sound of the sun and the earth in the body exploded. Once he let his magic burst out, the water came to the ground, although the water image was a high hit skill, but the difference in magic made it still hurts the Huang Yi people without Gong Zheng.

    However, at this time, a black hand was quietly scraped, and it fell accurately on the shoulders of the yellow man. It is Ji Ji.

    Ji moved from the side, when the water reflection image fell, he was less than three meters away from the Huang Yi people. This dark moon claw can be described as a full explosion. At this point, Ji’s mind flashed the situation when he and the cold moon completed the three-line combination technique. In this feeling, there is a clear understanding. He finally figured out why the three-line combination of attributes can be achieved. That is because when the dark moon claws attack the opponent again, it is equivalent to temporarily interrupting the opponent's defense against the magic of the water. In the water, the magical power enters the image, and the outside world's own Bing Ding fire magic bursts the fire element into the opponent's body, colliding with the invading Kwai Shui magic, and the two magical forces that cannot be fired at the same time will produce such an effect. From extreme cold to extreme heat, or in the human body b, how can we not cause heavy damage to the opponent?

    Facts have proved that Ji’s guess is completely correct. The dark moon claws slipped from the Huang Yi people, even though the Huang Yi people had already moved the stone skin surgery when the previous water landing image fell. It’s extremely hard, but how can it stop the direct hit of Ding Yu’s sinister fire?

    The dizzy two-second effect appeared, and the three-crown high-level hit magical power of the Dengshui image was completely invaded, and the Huang Yiren had a cold war.

    Ji moved even paused for a second, and after the water image disappeared, he reactivated his attack.

    The violent yang suddenly slammed out, and the magic of the Huang Yi people was powerful after all. The time was not yet two seconds. He was already awake. Although the body was extremely cold, he knew that the boy was the real threat. Set up, blocking the first fist of Ji Dong.

    Ji moving in the immediate aftermath of the powerful show, the fierce yang x yin yang collapse x fierce yang, the three skills in one go. When the huge golden pillar of fire appeared, the defense of the yellow man's arms was finally broken, and the strong golden flame instantly burned his body. At the same time, Ji moved his right leg and the left arm plucked again. It is also a dark moon.

    Lieyang three combos blasted the superposition of the Bingwu Yuanyang sacred fire to the extreme. At this time, it was the most powerful attack that Ji Ji can do now. Once all hit the yellow man, even if he has four crown strength, even if he is the magician of the yang system. In the ultimate double fire combination technology, there is no luck.

    However, at this time, a black figure suddenly between Ji and Huang Yiren, backed by Huang Yiren, black magic crazy output, failed to extinguish the Bingwu Yuanyang Shenghuo, but led the green flame all On his own body, his positive side is also suffering from the invasion of dark moon inflammation.

    The broken bodies of the bombs were scattered, and each muscle and bone marrow was swallowed by the golden and black two-color flame in the air, leaving only the ashes. The color light from the Big Peng World Warcraft nucleus also appeared again.

    "No" Huang Yi people screamed, and the seven spurs also spurted blood, even though the black man helped him block most of the attacks, but under the extreme double fire combination, there was still some flames invading him. Incorporating with the image of the blue water, it finally broke the long-lost combination of the three systems. Reinventing it.

    However, after all, the Huang Yi people did not directly lose their lives in this attack. His double fists slammed his chest, and the smoldering magical magical explosion exploded. The big mouthful of purple blood clots spewed from his mouth. Out, those are the blood frozen by the image of the water. Surprisingly, after the blood clots are ejected, they actually burn themselves and instantly smash. The air is filled with an unpleasant smell.

    "Even if it is dead, I will pull you to make a cushion back." , yellow people's fists suddenly to bang together, in the mad shout, the whole body magic is in that little concentration, the surging yellow light pulls out a burst of sound, a huge yellow beam suddenly rises from the front of the Huang body, namely Ji moves the foot, will his body completely enveloped. It can be seen that the soil under the foot of Ji moving turned into a spiral in an instant. At the expense of burning life, the powerful magic of the soil of the earth finally broke the last magical skill of the Huang Yi people. At this time, Ji Ji, the magic power has been completely overdrawn, and there is no way to avoid or resist. ||阴阳冕

    "not good."In the woods not far away, a scream of anger sounded. The blue-violet electric light drawn a terrifying rainbow across the sky, suddenly bombarded behind the yellow man. The body of the Huang Yi people became fragmented in an instant, and each piece of the body was turned into coke under the blue-violet lightning. The various attribute elements that were originally swaying in the air were all suppressed after the appearance of this blue-violet light. The power of thunder and lightning is filled in the air.

    However, all this is still a late step. The khaki swirl at the foot of Ji moving is completely formed. When the blue-violet electric light tries to break the yellow beam, his body has been sucked and disappeared.

    The figure of the high dog is like the use of an instant shift. It suddenly appears in the position of the previous Ji Ji, like a short light in a book like a steel needle, and the angry eyes are swallowed. It is the disciple of the yin and yang school of Tiangan College, Lei Difu.

    In the past few days, Fury has been following Ji in the dark, and when he saw Ji Ji’s shot for the first time, he was amazed. Only then did this realize that the strength of this younger brother has reached such a degree.

    When Ji moved to face the three-crowned deer gold middle-aged man, in order to quickly win the ultimate fire, Lei Di Furui finally understood why the master and the uncle will pay so much attention to the younger brother. Although he does not know what the flames of gold and black are, but how can he not feel the fire in the air with his strength? Even his Thunder-property magic trembled. It can be seen that the ultimate double fire in the property of how to reach the degree.

    After the enemy of the Gengjin system was killed, Fury had fully confirmed that the first test Ji Ji can easily pass. Warcraft is ultimately Warcraft, no one's wisdom.

    It is easy to kill the third-order Warcraft with the strength of Ji Dong and Lan Baoer. As for the fourth-order Warcraft, they have already got the nucleus, and naturally they don't have to hunt. Even if you really want to kill, just choose a Warcraft that is restrained by a property, and then use the skills reasonably, the problem will not be too big.

    However, what did Frye did not expect was that Ji Ji was so overbearing that he did not leave at all and continued to stay and wait for the companion of the previous person. At the same time, the Lei Di is also surprised that if you change yourself, you will definitely make the same choice as Ji Ji. His admiration for Ji Ji and his likes were originally just for bartending. When he saw Ji Ji crawling back to the big tree, Lei Difu Rui’s heart had fully accepted his younger brother. Only such domineering is enough to be my child.

    Next, Lei Di Furui only wants to see what step Ji Ji can do, is an impulsive overbearing, or a calm ambush. If he decides to stay because of impulsiveness, then Fry will not easily shoot, and he must let Ji Ji get a certain teaching during the battle. This is also the purpose of the actual Gong Zheng.

    However, Ji Dong used his own actions to prove to Lei Di his strength and calmness and the strength of Fury's judgment.

    When the darkness of the Dark Lord's Demon appeared, even Frey felt tremendous pressure. Although he knows that it is not the skill that Ji Ji can introduce, but even the skills that appear after the change are terrible. Devouring the opponent's nirvana and destroying the opponent completely.

    This is the magic of the three Ji Ji movements that can be achieved by a two-crown magician. Only twenty levels!

    Lei Di was completely shocked by his little teacher. When the four-crowned Huang Yi people appeared, he was already ready to shoot. However, when he saw Ji move up, he temporarily dismissed the thought. Lei Di, who has experienced hundreds of battles in size, knows very well that only when faced with tremendous pressure and facing the crisis of life and death, the strength of the magician is the easiest to upgrade.

    Seeing that Ji's body was blown into the air, Lei Di's lightning was already on the string. However, everything that happened next made him almost shocked. The combination of Ji and Lan Baoer actually killed the last two opponents, even if the enemy of the four crowns had only the ability to defy.

    Fury's reaction is definitely not slow, but the problem is, he did not expect that the yellow man would actually abandon the last hope of survival and burn his own raw poultry to explode a skill he absolutely could not think of.

    If the skill is attack-type, Frei asks himself to intercept with the lightning-hit attack. However, the skill is from the foot of Ji, and when his attack arrives, nothing is too late.

    "Directed delivery. Could it be that the bastard sent the younger brother to him?" In the eyes of Frei, there was a strong panic, and he looked deep into the mountains.

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