The yellow stone exudes the breath of earth elements, not strong, but very peculiar.

[Heart of the Earth: An essential item for turning into an Earth Knight.

Lin Moyu has also come into contact with many pure elemental gemstones.

The Heart of the Earth felt different to him.

It is not composed of pure elements, and it seems to contain some strange energy in it.

That energy, déjà vu.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly said: “It’s a little similar to the energy when I changed jobs.” ”

The Heart of the Earth can indeed help the Paladin to become an Earth Knight, and can even increase the probability of the Paladin’s career sublimation when he turns in the second turn.

With it, it is possible for the Terrans to be born again with Earth Knights.

Mu Xianxian’s big eyes glowed with surprise, “This is the heart of the earth, I heard that the earth knight is powerful.”

“Have you seen it?” Lin Moyu asked.

Mu Xianxian shook her head, “I haven’t seen it, but I’ve seen it in books.” It is said that the Earth Knight is the pinnacle of the knightly class, stronger than the Holy Light Knight and the Elemental Knight. Even the dragon knights of the dragon clan can’t compare to it. ”

The Dragon Knight is the most powerful knight class in the Dragon Clan, and there are also surprisingly few of them.

The two once collided, and the result was that the Earth Knights won the battle.

This also established the title of the Earth Knight as the strongest knight.

Lin Moyu looked into the distance, “Maybe I will have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes in the future.” ”

Book records always lack a sense of picture and are not as good as seeing them with their own eyes.

Lin Moyu also wanted to see the demeanor of the earth knight.

The canyon came to an end, and a strong heat wave rushed along with the airflow.

The scorching heat, combined with the ever-present pungent sulfur, makes the air even more turbid.

The line of sight was red and yellow, covered with a layer of yellow mist.

At the end of the canyon turned out to be a cliff.

The lava flow below seems to have truly come to the center of the earth.

Looking down, you can see that the earth is full of flowing magma.

And in the magma, there are waterways passing through.

The high temperature of the magma boils the waterways, and all the water flows is boiling.

The magnificent picture of water and magma intertwined is displayed in front of the two.

“It’s amazing.” Mu Xianxian couldn’t help but let out an exclamation again.

Lin Moyu was already surprised, this girl, the number of exclamations was too amazing.

It didn’t matter if I reminded myself, it won’t be long before it works.

Lin Moyu’s gaze was like electricity, and his powerful spirit made him sense the picture beyond his sight.

There are scattered black spots in the magma.

These black dots are the monsters hidden in them.

Magma and waterways are intertwined and flow into the distance.

As far as the eye can see, thousands of meters away, there seems to be a magma waterfall.

Obscured by yellow fog, there is no way to fully see.

With a movement in his heart, the skeleton warrior had already rushed down first.

Although it is only a nightmare-level copy, the monsters inside are not too strong for him.

Lin Moyu did not let his guard down in his heart.

If it weren’t for Mu Xianxian’s existence, now he would only have half of the materials of the Heart of the Earth at most.

The remaining materials will have to be obtained from this world of magma and boiling water.0 This belongs to the second half of the quest, and the difficulty should increase.

The Heart of the Earth must not be so easy to obtain, otherwise the Heart of the Earth held by the Terrans would not be so rare.

The skeleton warrior had just rushed below when suddenly a tentacle flew out of the magma.

The uproar rolled up the skeleton warrior and dragged it directly into the magma.

The speed was so fast, even Lin Moyu didn’t react at once.

The skeleton warrior is burned by magma, and the skeleton warrior instinctively fights back.

The large knife kept falling on the tentacles, which hurt and were wrapped tighter.

Every time the skeleton warrior goes down, he carries a huge amount of power and stirs up a pillar of fire….

The pillar of fire in the magma rose up into the sky, more than ten meters high.

The tentacles are constantly trembling, and they seem to be about to break, but they are constant.

What kind of creature the hell!

It is hidden under magma and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The tentacles wrapped desperately, firmly entangled the skeleton warrior, and dragged the skeleton warrior down.

Some skeleton warriors nearby rushed over.


A large amount of magma and sulfurous boiling water exploded at the same time, and a large number of tentacles were extended, dragging all the nearby skeletons into the magma.

Lin Moyu looked at it in his eyes, and his heart moved.

A Lich general quickly ran over.

Sure enough, when the Lich General just ran to the edge of the magma, another tentacle stretched out and dragged it directly in.

Lin Moyu told the skeletons to stop resisting and let the tentacles drag away.

A large number of tentacles dragged the Lich General and nearly a hundred skeleton warriors, flying and moving under the magma.

The speed of the tentacles is so fast that it has exceeded a kilometer in the blink of an eye.

Lin Moyu’s mind appeared a topographic map under the magma.

Underneath the magma are winding passages that are very complex.

In the magma, there are also many monsters.

These monsters look like fish and snakes, and their body length is mostly about two meters, and they can live freely in magma.

When skeleton warriors are dragged past them, they will rush over and attack.

The attack power is very strong, Lin Moyu judged that the strength attribute should be between 50,000 and 60,000, which is stronger than those monsters that were destroyed before.

The Lich General was dragged along while casting his skills.

White light constantly appeared on itself and the skeleton warrior’s body, and the injuries it received were constantly healed.

In a short period of time, there is no danger at all.

After dozens of seconds, Lin Moyu finally saw the owner of the tentacles.

A huge flower, blooming in magma.

These savings are its 0.7 rhizome, which grows out more than its underneath, densely packed and spread throughout the magma earth.

Above it is a magma waterfall on which magma drips and wateres it.

“The boss of the plant department? A rare sight! “Let’s go!”

Lin Moyu said a word and jumped down first.

Mu Xianxian also quickly followed.

The skeleton warriors who were dragged back released skill 0 skills one after another at the moment Lin Moyu acted: Berserk Strike!

The powerful attack force burst out instantly, cutting off the tentacle branch tied to his body and soaring into the sky, rushing up tens of meters high, and suddenly a rain of flames fell.

A rain of fire fell on the earth and burned.

Falling in a sulfurous pool, stirring up a large amount of yellow smoke.

The skeleton warriors were unrestrained, and by the way, they brought the Lich General with them.

A large number of monsters in the magma pop out, and their lower bodies have tiny feet, which can move freely even if they leave the magma.

Crazy chasing skeleton warriors and Lich generals to bite.

The sharp teeth in the mouth are very sharp, and biting down can make a metal blow-like sound.

Chapter 272: The Heart of the Three Earths, there are light monsters in front

of them chasing the skeletons like crazy and biting.

Densely packed tentacle rhizomes protrude from the magma and whip at the skeletons like whips.

There are too many tentacles, thousands, and the frequency of attacks is ridiculously high.

Almost every skeleton has to withstand dozens of attacks every second.

Fortunately, the attack power is not particularly strong, and the Lich General can maintain it with all his strength.

The skeleton warriors also fought back, and the big knives danced quickly, killing the strange fish that were chasing them one by one.

[Kill level 55 earth fire fish, experience +

] [Get earth fragments]

Lin Moyu saw the information, level 55 monster.

It’s not powerful, and it’s not a star and a half worse than the monsters in the core area.

It’s just that the skeleton warriors are inevitably killing a little faster.

By the time he arrived, dozens had already been killed.

Lin Moyu lost dozens of earth fragments.

Throw a detection spell at the boss.

Lin Moyu is very interested in plant bosses.

[Earth Flower (Elite Boss)

] [Level: 56

] [Strength:] [Agility:] [Spirit

:] [Physique

:] [Skill: Whipping, Pollen, Regeneration



Characteristics: Fire attribute immunity, elemental damage reduced by 50%, physical damage reduced by 5 0]

It turned out not to be a boss, but just a boss-level monster.

The total attribute is 240,000, which is much weaker than the B0SS of the same level 04.

After all, a 55-level lord-level B0SS can reach 300,000 total attributes.

There was no need for Lin Mo to say more, Mu Xianxian had already run over in response.

Skill: Crowd Collecting!

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