Fight for nothing else, at least for breath.

Although the data of this Shadow Decline Heart Eye Bone is very good, this shape has a slight flaw.

If I have to describe it.

It just feels like you can be blown away by a gust of wind when you go out, like a monster piled up on a string of snake bone hands.

All in all.

You still need to make two more fading to make up for the shortcomings of appearance.

And look aside.

Bai Yi is still very satisfied with the current data of the Shadow Decline and Heart Eye Bone, after all, it is also very attractive among the shadows.

And this portal cave has not yet shown any signs of collapse.

This is also indication.

Within this cave, there must be a key similar to the previous portal cave: the

heart of decline.

Bai Yi wasn't sure if his guess was accurate, but nine times out of ten, it was.

"Keep exploring."

With a wave of Bai Yi's big hand, all the shadow subordinates began to disperse, thoroughly checking the inside of this cave.


Under the concerted exploration of hundreds of shadows, the efficiency is simply not ordinarily fast.

The entire interior of the cave was explored at an extremely fast pace.


Deep in this cave, a huge strange heart was also found, just like the inside of the previous portal cave, and there was a fading heart embedded in the cave.

Seeing this, Bai Yi didn't say much nonsense, and directly let his shadow subordinates do it.

"Hands on."

Bai Yi gave the order at will, and the shadow subordinates immediately carried it out.

The size of the Shadow Decline Heart Eye Bone is too large, and a stop there directly blocks the Decline Heart.

Bai Yi waved his hand, causing him to retreat behind the battle line.

In terms of combat efficiency, it has to be the shots of many small-sized shadow subordinates, and that is a fast.


Shadow, Ninja, Half-Dragon, Black Balton, and King Shadow Naga all shot together.

For a moment, the health reduction prompts of the battle flew all over the sky.

Decay Heart HP-18758!

Fading Heart HP-21890!

Fading Heart HP-14100!

Fading Heart HP-23100!

Fading Heart HP-32250!

All the actions of the shadow subordinates seemed extremely efficient, and the amount of blood in the declining heart directly fell and fell again.

Not often.

Under the desperate counterattack of the declining heart, it still stepped into the footsteps of the same kind.

A prompt from the professional system came:

[Kill monster [Decline Heart], experience +20w1190

] [Drop (to be picked up): Decline Key Core x1]

Immediately after, there is a set of standard processes, and I see that Bai Yi directly uses the full-time skill that he is familiar with and can no longer be familiar with - [Shadow Extraction].

"Stand up."

With the export of Bai Yi.

Not far away, the fading heart that had lost all vitality, the shadow below it changed instantly.

Just see.

In the shadow below, the whole picture of the decline of the shadow gradually floated, and it was still the huge black heart.

Black heart is used to describe it.

The same.

The Shadow Decline Heartform is just like that, and has no ability to move, so he can only slowly drag himself along with his tentacles.

Bai Yi couldn't stand it directly, and ordered:

"Come here, fusion."


The Shadow Decline and Heart Eye Bone gradually floated over, slowly merging with it and becoming one.

A-level Skill - [Same Source One] Launch!

The next moment is to see the fusion of this shadow fading heart eye bone and shadow fading heart.

Shadow Decline ・ Heart Eye Bone is on top.

Shadow Decline Heart is below.

But slightly different from the previous one, this time the Shadow Decline Heart is gradually attached to the main body.

See you.

The white bone tentacle of the Shadow Decline Heart Eye Bone directly slashed into the center of the Shadow Decline Heart, and the Shadow Decline Heart gradually climbed on it and gradually fused.

Everything seems to be natural, logical.

At last.

The fusion ended in a few breaths, and the shape of the Shadow Fading Heart Eye Bone did not change much.


Above the only white bone tentacle, there was a lot more 'black flesh and blood', and the five tentacles continued to wave, occupying about one-third of the entire white bone tentacle.

At first glance, it seems quite a lot.


Bai Yi nodded, and a probe followed.

The data is immediately presented

: [Shadow Subordinates: Shadow Decline, Twin Heart Eye Bones

] [Level: Level 55

] [HP: 109w8800\109w8800

] [Comprehensive Attack Power: 38000

+] [Status: (Special Amplification Buff King Field)] [

Skills: A level [Rapid recovery], : A-level [Gray Bone Armor], A+ level [ Homologous one], B+ level [floating], B+ level [Fight hard]]

panels are still very good, and there is a large part of the improvement.

In general, it occupies many advantages of the two declining hearts, the eyes of decline, and the bones of decline, and the aggregator is even better.

The fusion of another shadow decline heart also makes the whole a little more enduring.

Although it is displayed in the form of extreme san, it is indeed a lot more pleasing to the eye.


' In

between the few breaths of the Declining Heart being killed, the entire cave began to collapse again.

It's not hard to understand.

This heart has long since integrated itself into the cave, which is filled with arterial veins of a declining heart, both at the top and around it.

This decayed heart one died.

The veins of the arteries that penetrated around the cave turned into purple muddy water, and it was strange that the cave did not collapse.


Bai Yi just spit out the word gently, and then used [Shadow Exchange] to leave the place.

Over here.

Those who are close to the portal entrance will directly start touching the portal and leave.

Some slightly further away, the Natal Shadow is a replica of the King's skill, and also uses [Shadow Swap] to replace important shadows.

This cave collapsed.

Although it came suddenly, it only killed and injured a few Shadow subordinates who did not have time to evacuate.

The rest of the Shadow's men were all evacuated safely.

And these dead and injured shadow subordinates are basically insignificant to Bai Yi.

Next stop:

- Inside the third portal cave!

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