Job Change For All: Summoner? You Call God

78 Outrageous Shot! Exile 'Gao Tianyuan'! The Second Space Traveler! (1 More Full Order Fo

Zhao Qingdu is not calm anymore.

The sound transmission was naturally from Chen Moli. Even if he was a legendary professional, it was almost difficult to maintain his calmness in the past.

"Su Yu alone summoned five suspected god-level existences, beheaded the demon god Alan De, and forced back the army of the abyss."

A short sentence, but in the heart of Zhao Qingdu, the ninth member of the Huaxia Professional League, set off a monstrous shock.

Zhao Qingdu didn't just hear about how terrifying the Abyss army was, but witnessed it with his own eyes.


three times!

It was the first time that the abyssal army assembled. He had just been promoted to the Warrior rank and had not participated in the battle, but he felt chills all over his body just by looking at it from a distance.

that time,

Three legends fell, more than a dozen epic-level professionals were buried in the mouth of the abyss demons, and countless king-levels died.

That time, human losses were extremely heavy.

The second time the abyssal army was assembled, Zhao Qingdu had been promoted to the epic level, participated in the battle, and narrowly escaped death.

For the third time, he was already a legend-level powerhouse, sitting in the rear, and saw with his own eyes a legend-level legend in Huaxia being hacked to death by the demon god Alan De, that scene is still vivid in his mind.

At that time, Zeus, who had just been promoted to a god-level 820 professional, also participated in the battle, but he almost fell.

The army of the abyss is definitely not something that can be stopped by one person alone. Only major professional alliances around the world need to work together to resist the army of the abyss.

But if you want to persuade them to retreat, with the current strength of the human race, it is still impossible to do so.

Zhao Qing's eyes changed, from shock to disbelief, and then to horror!

He would not doubt Chen Moli's words, but it was difficult to accept this fact.

Su Yu alone not only resisted the army of the abyss, but also beheaded the forty-ninth pillar of the abyss, the demon god Alan De?

Did I hear something wrong?


I must have heard wrong!

But when Zhao Qing tried to ask again, Chen Moli had already left.

All the people present were Legend Rank powerhouses, even Chen Moli didn't dare to wait too long, if her body was exposed, it would be another trouble.


"On the sixth floor of the abyss, no army of the abyss has appeared!"

"Then go to the seventh floor of the abyss to investigate, and we must investigate clearly the movements of the abyss army."

'Trick' Mo Yadi opened his mouth, but his eyes showed a thoughtful look, as did other legendary professionals.

"Every time the abyss army gathers, it will clean up layer by layer and drive all professionals out of the abyss. This time the speed is a bit slow."

The legendary 'polar bear' of the fighting nation had thick chest hair, shook his head and stood up.

"I'll go and see for myself."

"Don't be impatient."

Zhao Qing put away his thoughts, "I don't know which demon god will lead the abyss army this time, just wait.

Hearing this, the polar bear nodded and sat back down again.

"What? Zhao Jun, are you afraid?"

Neon's only legendary professional 'Gao Tianyuan' asked indifferently as he wiped his samurai sword.

"Gao Tianyuan, do you really want to die?!"

Gao Tianyuan and Zhao Qingdu, or Huaxia's legendary quarrels, are common occurrences, and other legendary professionals are also commonplace.

But who knows,

A white robe instantly turned bright red abnormally.

next moment,

The ninth seat of the Huaxia Alliance, the 'Great Confucian' Zhao Qingdu, the former 'Scarlet Confucian Scholar' directly attacked Gao Tianyuan.

"Draw the ground as a prison!"

Zhao Qingdu's expression was cold, his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, and he stretched out his hand.

A stream of clear light rose up, turning into a cage to trap Gao Tianyuan.

"Come to the west with one sword, and slay the enemy!"


Between heaven and earth, in the west, a silver-white sword light appeared, with a height of hundreds of feet, and the sharp aura made the faces of the legendary professionals present all of a sudden change.

"Zhao Qingdu, how dare you!"

Gao Tianyuan, a neon legendary professional, changed his face drastically, his eyes revealed disbelief, and he shouted in fright, but his reaction was not slow.


The (bjcg) ghost mask on Gao Tianyuan's face peeled off a ghost, turned into a shikigami, and resisted in front of him.


Seeing quietly, the evil spirit was killed.


Gao Tianyuan waved the samurai sword with both hands, and chopped Miao Wen's sword light with ten swords.

"Killing a person in ten steps does not stop him from traveling a thousand miles.

Zhao Qingdu let out a cold snort, and his mouth turned into a ray of clear light and disappeared in place.


"Stop it all!"


The 'trick' Mo Yadi, the Miserable Monk from the Miracle Kingdom, and the polar bear from the fighting nation were all really moved to kill Zhao Qing when they saw Zhao Qing.

Zhao Qing was blocked, and the clear light fell to the ground and turned into a human form.


Unexpectedly, Zhao Qing let out a loud shout.

"Space Exile!"

The cold words sounded, and a figure dressed as a noble lady in a black complicated long dress and a polite headband appeared, with silver eyes shining.

She stretched out her right hand with a lace glove, and pointed her index finger at Gao Tianyuan.


The space within tens of meters of Gao Tianyuan was like a broken mirror, and the violent space fluctuated in the room.

The faces of the surrounding legendary powerhouses all changed drastically, and they disappeared within a range of tens of meters.

"Do not!"

Gao Tianyuan roared in horror, shikigami appeared in his body, trying to resist the turbulent flow of space.

"Space, strip!"

Chen Moli, who had an ordinary face but extremely attractive features, spoke indifferently.


Under the witness of all the legendary powerhouses, the space where Gao Tianyuan was located was stripped away from this world, and no one could even hear his roar.

"Zhao Qingdu, how dare you!"

"Is Huaxia trying to provoke a war between the human race?"

Trick Mo Yadi, the ascetic monk, and other legendary powerhouses were extremely frightened and angry. Even the polar bears of the fighting nation, Zhao Qingdu and Chen Moli in the courtyard instantly showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

"Space, backtracking.

Suddenly, a hollow voice sounded.

Gao Tianyuan, who was involved in the turbulent flow of space and was about to be exiled, the time and space around him went backwards.

Chen Moli's pupils shrank suddenly, and she spit out four words——


The spatial turbulence disappeared, and the space where Tianyuan was located returned to reality.

Except for Gao Tianyuan's pale face, it seemed that nothing had happened.

"It's interesting that Huaxia also has space walkers, I look forward to a duel with you one day.

The hollow sound disappeared, accompanied by the aura going away.

"Want to go?!"

Chen Moli took a step, entered the space and chased after her.

Zhao Qing opened his mouth and did not stop Chen Moli in the end. Even though Chen Moli was defeated, but if she wanted to save her life, even the god-level professional Zeus couldn't keep her.

It's just a pity that exposing Chen Moli failed to kill Nihong's only legendary 'Gao Tianyuan'.

PS: The first change! Ask for full order and follow-up order! Ask for flower evaluation ticket monthly ticket!.

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