Job Change: I Was Born With A Poisonous Body, You Made Me A Nurse

Chapter 58: One Day! Did You Rise To Tenth Level?

Thinking of this, Liu An let out a long breath.

My heart is greatly at peace.

As long as you don't come to arrest him and go back to jail.

He smiled gratefully at the big guard, "The big guard was bothered."

"I didn't actually expect them to bring me here, but that's a good thing."

"I'm this, it should be considered a meritorious service, right?"

Seeing that he was still smiling and looking expectantly waiting for praise, Yun Li helplessly covered his forehead.

She grabbed Liu An by the back of the neck and lifted Liu An directly, "It seems that you still don't realize the seriousness of the problem."

"I have to teach you a lesson today."

Liu An danced and struggled, holding on to the spoils, "Wait, big guard."

"I really solved them!"

"I'm not kidding."

With the bounty of more than five million, and this pile of spoils, you can't give up anything.

If this is given up, it will be confiscated.

Has nothing to do with him.

For this reason, Liu An didn't want to hide anything, it was unnecessary.

Yun Li frowned, "I always thought you were an honest and reliable good boy, what are you doing now?"

"For these bounties, talking nonsense?"

"Even I want to lie?"

Liu An was also a little helpless, "I know this is a bit unscientific, but I can prove it by guarding."

Yun Li raised his eyebrows and really put down Liu An, "How do you prove it?"

No one believed that Liu An could prove what he said.

Instead, I felt that Liu An would definitely be embarrassed there.

Li Wenxing also found the opportunity at this time, came to the front, smiled and asked Yun Li, "Da guard, who is this?"

It was only then that Yun Li remembered that there were still many law enforcement officers waiting around.

It is estimated that Liu An's identity is confused.

She didn't hide it either. She pointed to Liu An and said directly, "This kid is a student from No. 1 Middle School. His name is Liu An."

Li Wenxing raised his eyebrows, there were so many students in No. 1 middle school, how could Da Zhenshou care so much?

The voice of Yun Li that followed made him startled.

"He awakened the nine-pattern professional totem yesterday and is a nurse."



Nine-pattern occupation! ?

This sound was like thunder, and it exploded into everyone's hearts in an instant, causing stormy waves in their hearts.

Hearing this, the surrounding law enforcement team members all exclaimed.

There was a commotion in the originally solemn team.

A pair of eyes instantly locked on Liu An.

"Nine Pattern Professionals!"

"The rumors are true, and there really are nine-pattern professionals in our Tianhe City!"

"My God, I'm still a wet nurse. How powerful is this wet nurse?"

"Wouldn't it be able to come back to life?"

"With such a genius, it will be difficult to die in the future."

"Fuck, the genius of Jiuwen, I was almost ruined by the Sun and Moon Society today, almost, it's too dangerous!"

Li Wenxing also glanced at Liu An in astonishment, his eyes lit up a little.

No wonder.

No wonder the big guard cares so much.

A genius with nine lines, that is a proper treasure of the human race, and will be the bearer of the human race in the future.

He remembered today's situation, and for a while, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Almost, almost because of his suddenness, Shuangye Guild would kill such a genius.

If something goes wrong with Liu An today, he is really to blame for his death.

"This, this... this..."

Li Wenxing stammered a little when he spoke.

Yun Li said a little speechlessly, "It's too early to be excited. His nine-pattern profession is a twin profession, but his skills can be used normally."

"So, I think that he may walk out of a path that belongs to the nine-pattern nanny and the poison method."

"At that time, the human race will not only have a nine-pattern Heavenly Milk, but also a terrifying nine-pattern poison method."

"So his importance is unimaginable, and his significance to the human race is even more important, and nothing should go wrong."

"You have all shown me clearly, next time this happens again, give priority to saving him."

The law enforcement team was stunned.

A twin career that can use skills?

Poison nanny double repair?

If this kid is really allowed to walk the path of double cultivation, and the human race has an extra nine-pattern heavenly milk and a nine-pattern poison method, what kind of scene would it be?

Just the thought of such a glorious future makes them breathless and their eyes light up.

Looking at Liu An with eyes that looked like treasures, Liu An felt a little uncomfortable.

Yun Li said, "Don't worry, the law enforcement team has a special psychologist every month to use professional props to qualify the members of the law enforcement team. They are the most solid force of the human race, and there will be no problems."

Hearing this, Liu An immediately nodded respectfully to the members of the law enforcement team.

Li Wenxing also understood everything at this time, and he said to Liu An, "Young man, you still don't know enough about the cruelty and strength of these people."

"The big guard is also for your own good. Knowing that you were brought here, she rushed over to save you in person."

"Just tell the truth, what's going on here?"

"what happened?"

"It can be considered to cooperate with our work and save us a lot of trouble."

"In case Yiyue will have any other successors, we should solve it in time."

Liu An sighed, "Alas, now that you all know it."

He unfolded his panel.

At the same time, the body runs venom.

A half-green, half-black branch suddenly appeared in the air, with nine lines flickering on it.


On the panel, the sign of rank 2 and the level of reaching level 26 made Yun Li stunned.

【Name: Liu An】

[Occupation: Nine-Stripes Resuscitator·Second Rank]

[Level: 26 (16%)]

【Physique: 223】

【Spirit: 226】

【Strength: 217】

【Agility: 218】

[Skills: Light of Hades, Hymn, Rain Curtain of Emmanuel. 】

[Equipment: None]

"Level 26?"

"Didn't you just wake up yesterday?"

Yun Li blinked and looked at the level on the panel, feeling for a while that he had read it wrong.

"I remember when you woke up yesterday, you were only level 16?"

No matter how you look at it, level 26 is clearly written on the panel.

Yun Li's expression gradually became a little shocked as he recognized the reality.

This is also outrageous.

Awakened yesterday, level 26 today?

What monster speed is this?

She stared at a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes and looked at Liu An in disbelief, "What did you do?"

"In one day, you rose to tenth level??"

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