Job Change: I Was Born With A Poisonous Body, You Made Me A Nurse

Chapter 6: Is The Twin Career A Waste? Liuman Broke Out And Killed Wang Yuan!

"Even for a bastard like Wang Yuan, it might not be good to poison him..."

"After all, this is a school. Even if you leave the school, the Star Pavilion will take care of it."

Liu An was a little hesitant in his heart, but soon figured it out, he slapped his thigh, "How could I be poisoned to death? I am a nurse myself."

"I can poison him while breastfeeding him to test it!"

Thinking of this, Liu An has a good mind and looks at it with a smile.

Liu An didn't know it yet, but the situation on the playground changed again.

Because, in the rapid breathing and excited eyes of everyone.

The bright green light above his head appeared a touch of black.

As soon as this smear of black appeared, it quickly infected, blackening half of the nine-pattern totem.

This made the hearts of all teachers and directors sank, and the smiles on their faces stopped abruptly.

The heated discussions in the playground also fell silent.

Even the big guard who was protecting Liu An in the air frowned, as if he saw something very bad.

Li Desheng gritted his teeth even more, "How could this happen?"

The teacher on the side asked uncertainly, "Principal, is this... a twin professional?"

Li Desheng didn't answer, but just stared at Liu An, his face ashen, with deep unwillingness in his eyes.

And some students on the playground have already reacted, "This, two color totems?"

"What's the situation?"

"I have seen it in the books at home, it seems to be a legendary twin professional."

"Twin professional? It sounds very contrived. Could it be that you have two professions at the same time?"

"That's too perverted. He's already nine-patterned, and he still has two occupations?"

"It's not like this. Throughout the ages, there have been several twin professionals."

"In the beginning, everyone thought that twin professionals were strong, but later found out that the two professions awakened by twin professionals generally conflicted with each other."

"The two forces will cancel each other out. For example, in the ice and fire knife battle, it was barely rank three, and it didn't have any power."

"In other words, if you awaken your twin career, you are a waste person and can't use any energy."


The Heavenly Milk of Jiuwen turned out to be a waste!

This sentence hurt many teachers.

Even Li Desheng closed his eyes with sadness on his face.

Falling from heaven to hell in an instant.

At this moment, even the two eight-pattern geniuses on the stage couldn't make him happy.

Everyone felt very sorry in their hearts, and even couldn't breathe because of the heartache.

They saw a sun rise, only to see it go out and set.

This is the hope of the human race being extinguished.


Tang Shuang and Liu Man both stared at all this in a daze, their eyes were red, they couldn't believe it.

How happy and surprised they were just now, how worried and frustrated they are at the moment.

"elder brother……"

Seeing Liu An standing blankly, Liu Man shed tears in distress.

In the low and dead atmosphere, a piercing shrill laughter suddenly sounded.

"Hahahaha, Jiuwen Tianmai."

"What a nine-patterned milk, it turns out to be just a waste."

"Twin professionals, hahahaha."

"Let the big guard protect the Dao in person, you are so powerful, you are a waste person, but you let the big guard run away, delaying the big guard's big event, can you take it?"

Everyone turned to look.

It is Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuanzheng pointed at Liu An and smiled exaggeratedly.

Seems like something very happy happened.

From the moment the Nine Patterns appeared, Wang Yuan knew very well that he had lost.

Under the contract, the fact that Liu An is a nine-pattern professional has been irrevocable, and he lost the bet.

Moreover, judging from the potential shown by Liu An just now, he will not even have a chance to regain his position in the future. Liu An will look down on him like a dragon with seven stripes.

But when he was desperate, he discovered that Liu An was a twin professional and a waste.

At that moment, it was as if there was another village in the dark, and God knew how happy he was.

At this moment, he just wanted to take this opportunity of Liu An to disappoint everyone, give Liu An a big hat, and slap Liu An to death.

It's better to trap him until he leaves the school, or even beyond redemption, and everyone yells and beats him.

Then he doesn't need to fulfill any gambling contract, and even if he fulfills it, no one will dare to despise him for it.

"Hahaha, what else do you have to say now, noble twin professional?" Wang Yuan continued to mock.

But at this moment, an aura on the awakening stage suddenly fluctuated, and then disappeared into the darkness.

Liu Man held two black daggers upside down in his hands, sneaked into the shadows, and disappeared on the awakening stage.

The next moment, a pair of extremely sharp daggers appeared directly beside Wang Yuan, stabbing Wang Yuan's throat.

Those originally cute and pure almond eyes were full of evil spirits.

Wang Yuan's eyes widened, the hairs on his body stood on end, and he really felt the breath of death in an instant.

She is really going to kill me!

At this moment, because of the murderous intent, he was so nervous that he couldn't even move, let alone resist.

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